The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1824: The foundation is shaken, and the 4 seas will be destroyed

   "Brother Jinlin, why haven't you been punished with a knife?".

  Sihai Longjun screamed, and one of his arms was broken off by the penalty knife. Only the scales were intact. Is this unscientific? .

  The golden blood spilled, moisturizing the earth, and the dragons of the sea looked at Jinlin together, waiting for Jinlin's explanation.

Jinlin smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Brother, I was born to become a Taoist by leaping over the dragon gate. I was born with this ability. You must know how the day after tomorrow rebelled against the blood of the ancestors. Get the same compensation".

   "That's how it is" Donghai Longjun's eyes flashed suspiciously, but he didn't say much.

   "Big Brother, that list of gods is not broken, do you want to do it again?" A fierce light flashed in Beihai Longjun's eyes.

Donghai Longjun shook his head: "No, it's enough. Most of the demon banners will be abolished. We will abolish most of the enchanted gods list. In the future, the two sides will restrain each other. If the enchanted gods list is really ruined, this seat will feel in my heart. disturbed".

   "Big brother, we have ruined the list of the gods. Those old people of the human race are afraid that they will fight us hard." Xihai Longjun's face was full of worry.

"There is no choice, we have a covenant with the ghost master, none of this is a problem." Donghai Longjun stared at the Zhoutian Star Array with a pair of eyes: "Look carefully at the Zhoutian Star Array, if you can find it What is the flaw in it, there will be ways to restrain the human race in the future."

   Kunlun Mountains, Han Fang Dongfu, Han Fang looked at the four powerful Yin Division.

   "How do you think this Four Seas Dragon Race will end?" Han Yan did not hurry, carrying his hands on his back.

   Everyone watched the battlefield with a pair of eyes, the good and evil said: "The human race has been defeated, and we need to settle down, even if it is troublesome for the dragon race, we must regroup and wait until the opportunity comes in the future to make a break."

   Hanhang heard the words, but if the human race fails, there will be no time to trouble the Sihailong race in a short time, because the placement of hundreds of millions of beings in the race is a big problem.

   Covered with thorns and thorns, chased away the monsters, and settled down the human race. There is no one thousand years to complete. Then it will be time for the human race to find a place one by one. I hope that the Sihailong race can still laugh at that time.

   "There are no eternal enemies in the heavens and all realms, only eternal benefits." Good and evil sighed gently.

"The ghost master has already withdrawn, and the task of the Dragon Lord of the Four Seas has been completed. You rushed to the door. This is not the case. Otherwise, wouldn't the heavens and the world think that this is a woman who is good to bully?" Han Yan A pair of eyes looked at a few strong Yin Division.

   The four Yinsi powerhouses suddenly changed their expressions when they heard this, Han Yan's strength is beyond doubt, and the ranking of the heavens and the world is definitely in the front row.


The words fell, and before the four supreme powers were screened over, Han Yan slapped a palm on the fearful powerhouse, and saw that the fearful powerhouse was instantly sealed by ice, and the concealed aura blended with the great world, the world of Yang The law came back instantly.


   The fear exploded in an instant, and then the flames flew everywhere, the strong fear was directly twisted and turned back to the Yin Division.

Han Yan did not stop the fear of the strong from leaving. He was backlashed by the laws of the Yang world, and he was immortal. Even if he was the supreme strong, the ancestor dragon was killed by the laws of the Great Thousand World, let alone. The supreme powerhouse.

   "Stop walking".

Seeing the other three supreme powers about to flee, the three crystal clear chains of cold ice in Han Yan's hands snaked out, and instantly enveloped the three supreme powers. The three supreme powers are themselves weak. chicken.

   For example, good and evil, this law is a bit tasteless. In the face of evildoers, the combat power is doubled. Just like taking hormones, if you meet a good person, you can't add one finger.

  Of course, in charge of the law of good and evil, the strong of good and evil also have the ability to reduce your good deeds, or cut your merits, and bless your sins, but what is the use of this? If you want to beat the opponent, wait for the opponent to be unlucky, just wait.

   The same is true for those who are strong in punishment. Except for the ghost master, there are some tasteless laws in the Yin Division, but they are indispensable rules in the Yin Division.




   Three holding flames exploded, and the three Yin Division powerhouses were backlashed by the laws of the world of Yang, and then fled back to Yin Division.

"Whether it is for the reckless monster tribe, or for the Sihai Dragon tribe and Yin Si, it is in the best interest of everyone to drive the Human tribe out of the Central Territory. The only thing that hurts is the Human tribe." Yu Duxiu wears He sighed: "The Human Race has been in the Central Territory for a million years, so it's time to move away. You need to know that it's not long enough, and your luck is not exhausted, and you need to leave it to future generations."

   "What you think is thoughtful and far-reaching, but it's a pity that the old folks of the human race may not understand your affection, but will blame you for your small belly, ignorance of the generality, and vainly handing over the human race's eternal foundation."

   "You created this foundation, don't you feel bad about it?" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade.

The ancestor Yu Duxiu shook his head: "My life is endless for many generations. I have been buried in time. These people will not remember me. For millions of years, the world has changed dynasties. I don’t know how many times it has changed. Forget me, this middle domain is no longer my middle domain, if that's the case, why nostalgia".

   After finishing speaking, the ancestor of Jade has long gazes, a pair of eyes looked into the distance: "Look, the star battle array will be broken."

   In the great star battle formation of the heavens, the eight human ancestors gritted their teeth, and the Taishi ancestors roared up to the sky: "Sihailong, ancestor, I swear today that if there is a chance in the future, the Sihailong must be killed without leaving a inch of grass."

   "I Tai Dou swear here, I will surely call you to extinction from all over the world in the future, subjugation of the country and species, and abandonment of blood." The anger in Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes is rising.

  The human race and the Manghuang duel, the advantage finally obtained, may be able to deal with Manghuang, and then save the middle territory, but it was forcibly destroyed by the Dragon King of the Seas. You said that the ancestor of the Human race held his breath without holding his breath.

   The most important thing is that if you take the shot, you can take it. You are participating in a race war, but no, it is for destruction. It is thankless and hurts others.

   The hatred of the eight ancestors is simply exhausting the three rivers and five lakes, and it can't be washed away.

"Hahaha, the Dragons of the Four Seas did a great job. I didn't expect these two-sided and three-sworded guys to be able to do such a great cause. The heart of this seat is extremely happy." The tiger **** roared up to the sky, and his claws hit instantly, instantly countless star fields. After annihilation, I saw thousands of stars revolving, and they were not reborn as quickly as before.

"Hahaha, God's will is so, God's will is so, your human race should let you go out of the Middle Territory" Xiangshen smiled, took a palm shot, and a star field instantly collapsed, and there is no more bastard, **** , Four Seas Dragon Clan, I will never die with you" Tai Yi Jiao Zu roared to the sky, and at this moment, Tai Yi Jiao Zu couldn't sit still, and the road of destiny in his hand was running: "Fate Judgment".


Thousands of galaxies were combined and revolved in an instant, and then the elephant **** was swept in. With the help of the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array, the power of Taiyi taught the ancestors has been strengthened by many times, and the resistance of the elephant God is strong in the heavens and stars It’s not enough to see in front of the formation. I was swept in in an instant. How powerful is the thousands of galaxies. The elephant **** was instantly crushed and turned into powder, and the golden body wanted to reorganize, but Taiyi taught the ancestors to not give the elephant a chance. I saw the star Dou revolving, and the elephant **** was divided into corpses instantly, suppressed in the thousands of star Dou.

"It's so powerful, so powerful, if it hadn't been for Sihai Longjun to shake the origins of the star gods, maybe they would have really caused these old guys to turn the table." A palpitation flashed in the Fox God's eyes: "Can't wait Now, taking advantage of this great formation to shake the foundation, a flaw appeared, and it was quickly broken open, expelling the ancestors of the human race."

Thirty-three layers of heaven, dry heaven and restless, a pair of eyes looked at the trembling star formation below, and stood up abruptly: "I can't go on like this, I can't sit and wait to die. The loach in the four seas is really a jerk. , I have broken my plan, I can’t wait to die, I have to go for a while."

After    finished speaking, Qiantian instantly turned into a true dragon purple qi, and in a flash, he appeared the Thirty-third Heavenly Lingxiao Palace, and disappeared.


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