The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1816: Unlucky

The old jade ancestor talked to the old ancestor Zhu Ba and said, "This little baby was bullied by a spider spirit hundreds of years ago. Now I am going to avenge him. The ancestor, I hold my own identity. , You two brats are just right."

"Ancestor, I don't know what kind of fairy? How can I bother my ancestors, our brothers have covered this matter" Old ancestor Zhu Ba patted his chest and said to the holy infant.

"Just follow along."

The ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling followed the ancestor of jade all the way forward, along the road to the sky, and came to the place where the Flame Mountain was. The holy infant said: "It is the land of four thousand six hundred miles in the east. The hairy spider spirit bullied my mother all day, wounded my mother's roots, and almost killed my life. I originally planned to avenge my mother, but this spider spirit is too cunning. I am weak, but not so big. With his strength, the spider spirit dared not face me head-on, so he could only let him survive."

The old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled when he heard the words, and patted the shoulder of the holy infant and said: "Don't worry, old pig, I will definitely take down this spider spirit for you, it's a breath of evil for you."

While talking, he said to Wang Daoling: "Let's go, there is a master of jade sweeping the formation, we two will go down and meet that fairy."

Old ancestor Zhu Ba raised the nail rake in his hand and landed on the mountain. A palladium fell down. The mountain shook audibly. The old ancestor Zhu Ba was watching over him, and he was not afraid of going out. What happened, but I was afraid that it would not make a big deal.

"Who dared to be presumptuous in this place".

A man walked out slowly in the void, his voice shook the forest.

At a glance, within a hundred miles of this neighborhood, there are densely dense spider webs, and countless large and small spiders are resting on it. Obviously this is the territory of the spider family.

Seeing Zhu Ba Pao Pao and Wang Daoling's body qi machine rounded, Quasi-Supreme Qi machine trembling slightly, the strong man said: "I don't know where the two Taoists come from? Why offend this cave?".

"It turns out that this is the spider den, the old spider, you have committed a crime. Now our brother has been ordered by the little master to come and get you. If you are caught with your hands, this mountain of countless children and grandchildren can be preserved. If you dare to resist, let us brothers. Burning the fire to your countless descendants" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said, touching his round head.

Listening to the words of the ancestor Zhu Ba, the spider said: "In a big tone, I dare to say to burn my cave?".


There were countless weird laughs from all directions, and the countless spiders instantly turned their heads into human faces, and their eyes were full of mockery: "Ancestor, did this fat pig come here to be funny?".

"I'm laughing so hard, this fat pig has a big tone, but we haven't eaten enough for a few days, this fat pig came just right."

"The meat on this fat pig is delicate, and the toad essence can also be eaten."

At first glance, the sky and the earth are full of large and small spiders. Some are the size of a house, and some are only the size of a thumb. The beasts in the past are all killed by this spider, even the birds in the sky. Never want to fly over this area.

"Since I'm looking for a fault, I won't be polite to you anymore." The spider's mouth opened, and a web of spider silk flew out in an instant, entwining towards Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled, stretched out his rake to clamp the spider silk, Wang Daoling's tongue suddenly popped out, and shot at the spider.


The spider spirit showed its shape and turned into a golden spider that was ten feet tall and huge.

The spider spirit’s eight sharp claws instantly stabbed at the ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling. The ancestor Zhu Ba let out a cold snort. The golden body turned and turned into a wild boar. This wild boar is different from ordinary wild boars. The hair on the whole body is Black, it seems that every hair is a black hole vortex, constantly devouring the vitality between heaven and earth.

It’s strange to say that after the spider spirit landed on the pig’s ancestor with one leg, all of its power was removed and swallowed by the hair of the pig’s ancestor. At this time, the pig’s ancestor looked fierce and vicious. Bite towards the spider spirit.

"Brother, deal with this spider spirit first. I will slaughter the spiders all over the mountains." Wang Daoling opened his mouth wide, his tongue swallowed and ejected wherever he went, and all the spiders within a hundred miles were instantly rolled up by a strange force. , Fell on Wang Daoling's tongue, and then was swallowed by Wang Daoling.

"Asshole, I fight with you."

Seeing Wang Daoling slaughter all his family's large and small doors, the spider spirit suddenly went crazy, eight legs madly stabbed towards the pig eight ancestor, and at the same time the spider spirit spouted a crystal clear web from his mouth, pig eight ancestor Unprepared, he was stuck by the wire mesh and stuck to one side.

"These two idiots" watched the battle between the two sides. The jade ancestor suddenly frowned, and a palm stretched out. This palm covered the sky and the sun. The spider spirit had no time to react, and the jade ancestor had already made a golden body. Smashed it, then grabbed it with a palm, and came to the Saint Infant: "This is the spider, how do we concoct him?".


The spider essence turns into a streamer to penetrate the void, but the jade ancestor is how cultivation is. If you change to a supreme power, you may not be able to suppress the spider essence, but the jade ancestor is not.

The holy infant said, "How about leaving it to me to watch the door?".

The ancestor of Jade scratched his head when he heard the words: "Although I can suppress this man, I can't control him. I need to ask your father for help in this matter."

After speaking, Jade Patriarch ignored Zhu Ba Pao Pao and Wang Daoling, and instantly soared into the sky, disappearing.

"It's here, I felt that there are tyrannical fluctuations here before." Several innate immortal bodies circulated in the distance, revealing traces in the void.

"There are two quasi-superior cultivators here" one cultivator.

"Which race are you from?" said the strong tiger clan.

The "six quasi-superior powers" Zhuba Patriarch and Wang Daoling secretly stunned their tongues, scolding the jade ancestor to be unreliable, and ran away by themselves, but threw everyone here.

Facing the six supreme powerhouses, and in a wild land, without the jade ancestor on one side, the aura of the pig eight ancestor and Wang Daoling was obviously not as good as before.

Don’t wait for the ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling to speak, just listen to the tiger monk: "Now that the race war breaks out, my generation should work hard to contribute to the race. You can’t do it like this, so let’s follow the ancestors. By your side, let's go to the battlefield and prepare to fight the human race to the death."

After finishing speaking, he didn't argue with Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling at all, and the four supreme powerhouses on one side got together, ‘holding on’ the two, and headed towards the battlefield.

"Big brother, I found that every time I'm with you, I don't have any benefits, and I always follow you every day." Wang Daoling cried and ran a circle, and then turned back to the race battlefield. Could it be better than this? Is it more cheating? .

"It's all the old immortal unreliable. I threw the two of us here, otherwise we would have returned to Dafengzhou safely" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba gritted his teeth and said: "Since I met this old guy, I haven't It's better."

"In the future, I must stay away from the old king. The province will be unlucky all day." Old ancestor Zhu Ba scolded, and race wars. What kind of causal karma is that is simply killing people.

The old jade ancestor took the holy baby back to Dafengzhou, but he heard the holy baby say: "You just caught the blue bear grandma, why didn't his godson blue bear catch him?".

"Where is the blue bear?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

The holy infant was silent after hearing this, and after a while, he said, "Forget it, forget It's not bad to catch this green bear grandmother, that Xiong Jing is just a small character, and he was spared. It’s okay."

"Hongjun, I have captured this grandmother Qingxiong. As for how to deal with it, take a charter." The old jade ancestor appeared in front of Yu Duxiu, holding the golden spider spirit in his hand.

Looking at the spider spirit, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and a black lotus flew out, falling directly into the immortal aura of the spider.

"Either fusion, or Taoism," Yu Duxiu said slowly.

"Is there a choice?" Seeing that Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade Stone, the spider spirit decisively chose to merge the black lotus, not dare to say more.

ps: Happy Lantern Festival, everyone, four more, everyone has a good time.


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