The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1809: Donghai Dragon King and Ao Le

"Why, what a why" Donghai Longjun retracted his palm, looked at Ao Le, was silent for a long time, and then said: "Why? Because of race! The reason for being a father is the luck and plundering of my dragon clan. This is the resources of the entire dragon clan. When I become the first person of the dragon clan, it is necessary to fight for the living space for my clan members, instead of surviving and living in the shadow of the dragon clan."

"I have four supreme powers in the four seas. Why should I live under the rule of the dragon family? My dragon family is the overlord of the four seas." Donghai Longjun's voice is firm: "I did not do anything wrong. Our brother is a little bit taller, it's just a realization of the dimensional way, so what? Just because of her high cultivation base and high realm, will my dragon clan be crushed by the flood dragon clan?".

"Never, I am not only your father, I am also the leader of the Sihailong clan. She is not only your mother, but also the leader of the Jiaolong clan. We all have our own responsibilities and we have our mission. "We must have a reason and responsibility to make our race a better life." Donghai Longjun's voice is firm and sonorous.

"Then you started on your mother, right?" Ao Le's eyes slipped with tears, and his pigtails seemed to lose their vitality at this time, hanging down on both sides of his head.

"Yes, what can you do with a high level? What can you do with a high cultivation base? This is a world of strength. The strength of combat power is the key to victory or defeat." Donghai Longjun said blankly: "But your mother really Unexpectedly, I actually cultivated the Frost Road into the Frost Ice Dimension. Her strength is unfathomable. I have to say that your mother is definitely a genius. If it weren't for being suppressed by our four brothers, your mother was afraid it would be early. I'm detached and catch up with the first teacher."

Ao Le was speechless, but stared at Donghai Longjun blankly.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed slightly: "Our dragons are different from the human races, and we are not the same as the wild beasts. Whether they are ancestors or demon gods, they are all hypocrites. Once they are detached, they will not take the life and death of their own race into consideration , But we are different. The countless dragon races are my relatives, and the countless dragon races are my colleagues. Therefore, I have worked together for millions of years to make profits between the wild and human race."

"This is not the reason why you suppressed my mother, nor the reason why you killed my mother." Ao Le stared at Donghai Longjun with a pair of eyes.

Donghai Longjun was slightly startled when he heard this: "race? What is race? Do you think race is a joke? What do you think of race wars?".

Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le with a solemn gaze: "You must remember that once the race war starts, it is an endless situation. Unless one party takes the initiative to retreat, I loved your mother very much, more than you imagined. I love your mother even more, but when my millions of fellow dragon clan shed blood in the East China Sea, and the dragon clan is divided into life and death, when I and your mother each have their own missions and fight each other on the battlefield for the race, you can feel For the pain in my father's heart?, can you?".

"One or two times may be able to stay, but a thousand times? It has been numb, the affection is being worn away a little bit. When one of us must fall down to end the race war, we should How to choose? Race! Countless colleagues are right behind us. If you win, you can enjoy the whole world. If you lose, you will be suppressed and turned into slaves. You will become a subordinate of the Jiaolong clan. Tell me, how should I choose." excitement.

Ao Le lowered his head, hugged his head, and buried his head between his legs.

"It's not just me, it's you. As the princess of the East China Sea, I enjoy the richest resources in the East China Sea. You also have your mission, and you also have your responsibilities. Don’t forget, all your resources for cultivation are It was your tribesmen who saved it from their own mouths. The blessings of aura that you enjoy are made by countless tribesmen who sacrificed themselves and contributed. You have the responsibility to contribute everything to your race." Donghai Dragon Monarch sounded thunderous.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, you go, I don't listen" Ao Le cried.

"Go? You have to understand some things." Donghai Longjun instantly grabbed Ao Le's shoulder, and even Ao Le struggled, it was difficult to break free.


In the place where the two worlds of men and monsters are at war, the figures of Donghai Longjun and Ao Le appear in the void.


The intestines of a wolf demon had already flowed out, but he still insisted on rushing towards the front human heaven soldier.


A general with his legs severed at the root, with a big knife in his hand, slashed into the tiger's throat at the last moment before he died.

"Let's see! This is a race war, there is no mercy, only you live and die, for resources, for luck, for the race to survive in the heavens and the world" Donghai Longjun's voice was unprecedentedly cold.

The battlefield of the two worlds of shemales was bloody, with corpses all over the place, piled up into mountains, but no one cared about those corpses. The two sides were crazy at this time, and they fought together, dying and bloody, and vowing to never stop.

"If you don't want my countless fellows in the East China Sea to fight like this, you should work hard to cultivate. Only if you can prove the golden body of the Ancestral Dragon, can my dragon race have the power of transcendence and be qualified to become the heavens and the world. The overlord of the East China Sea Dragon Jundao.

Ao Le stared blankly at the battlefield below. After a long time, he came back to his senses when he heard a sharp roar: "I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!".

"Don't be self-willed, starting today, if your cultivation base does not break through the supremacy, you are not allowed to come out" Donghai Longjun grabbed Ao Le and instantly returned to the East China Sea, then threw Na Ao Le back to the room and said to the guard: "I'm optimistic about the princess, if the princess's bloodline does not reach 90%, the princess is not allowed to come out."

80% of the blood return to the ancestors is quasi-superior, and 90% is the quasi-superior peak, half-step supreme being.


Looking at Donghai Longjun's gloomy face, the guard suddenly trembled.

"Let me out, let me out, I won't forgive you, I will hate you forever" Ao Le scolded in the room, trying to break out, but was blocked by light curtains and bounced back instantly.

"If you can become the leader of my dragon clan and lead my dragon clan to prosper, then you will hate me for a lifetime." Donghai Longjun paused and disappeared in an instant.

Donghai Longjun walked into the Crystal Palace with a gloomy expression. Xihai Longjun sighed: "Big Brother, Ao Le is still a young child, and he is still a child. Don't worry about children."

"It's not young, he's already married" Donghai Longjun took a deep breath and sat on his crystal seat.

"Brother, we are really sorry for what happened back then" Nanhai Longjundao.

"Needless to say, as the leader of the dragon clan, I will never see the dragon clan's decline. My dragon clan will surely rise and become the number one overlord of the heavens and the world." Donghai Dragon Lord stretched out his palm and interrupted Nanhai Dragon Lord. Words.

"Now the race war has begun, but I guess that the old, weak, sick, and disabled human races will not last long. This race war is far from the cruelty of the ancient times. When the monsters occupy the middle area, after millions of years, nothing The strong must be like a blowout, turning into the real number one race of the heavens and the realm. At that time, the chaos had just begun. If Ao Le did not hurry up to practice, he would be figured out what to do in the future." The voice is majestic.

"Oh, maybe Hongjun shouldn’t be sucked up back then. In fact, it’s okay to recruit Hongjun to be my son-in-law. Has become the number one power in the heavens and all My dragon has risen," Beihai Longjun mumbled.

"Nonsense, who knew Hongjun would go to the point where he is today" Nanhai Longjun glared at Beihai Longjun.

"It's not the same. Even if Hongjun is an adult, he is a foreigner after all. How can he be safe and secure from Ao Le's family" Donghai Longjun sighed softly, "You guys are free, go and persuade Ao Lena Child, race wars, once they fail, they will not be able to stand up for a million years."

"Brother, what should I do about Yinsi?" Beihai Longjun said.

Donghai Longjun heard this for a long time before he slowly said: "Send troops."

The manuscript was sent wrong yesterday, Khan, today is a chapter, wait for the editor to adjust the order of the updated chapters for me.


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