The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1806: Invincible restraint



The white tiger had not yet approached the Bishui Dao people, it had already been transformed into an ice sculpture, and the sea beast instantly stepped forward and patted the white tiger with a paw. He didn't care if you were the heir of the tiger god, what consequences would happen after killing.


The evil air leaked from the body of the white tiger, and the evil spirit of Gengjin between the heavens and the earth madly roared towards the white tiger. The evil spirit of Gengjin was like a knife, constantly cutting the ice, and the white tiger roared up to the sky, actually shattering the cold abruptly. ice.

Bishuidao looked at Baihu expressionlessly: "A beast, he will die soon."

Daoist Bishui stretched out his palms, and the cold air in the sky turned into countless cones of ice and shot towards the white tiger.

How to fight this battle, one is holding a machine gun, the other is bare-handed, how to fight this battle? .


As soon as the white tiger took his steps, it turned into an ice lump again, shining brightly in the sun.


The ice broke open, and the genius of the rat clan drilled towards the green bamboo. The mouse was about the size of a calf, with its big mouth open, as if it were a bottomless hole, constantly devouring the surrounding ice and bite towards the green bamboo. come.

"Mu Lei".


A cyan thunderbolt drew across the void, and instantly fell on the rat spirit, and saw the rat spirit shivering and falling from the air. Although it can't use magical powers, it is a dignified and supreme power. The mouse spirit disappeared instantly when it landed, and the ice brought by the ice soul was smashed away by the mouse spirit in an instant, without the slightest obstruction.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this is the arrogance of the tiger clan." Bishui Daoist rode the sea beast and came to Baihu's side. He looked at Baihu with a pair of eyes, and he stretched out his fingers and flicked the ice, watching The dumbfounded white tiger said, "Although my supernatural powers are not as good as that of the ice monster, but dealing with you, a little monster of the realm of good fortune, is effortless. If the supreme power comes, this seat may have a little Trouble, but you stupid tiger."

There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of the Jade Water Daoist, and he was about to reach out his hand to smash the ice, when a black shadow on the ground rushed out, and the Jade Water Daoist subconsciously placed the ice soul on his chest.



The ice stretches, and the mouse spirit has not yet touched the Bishui Dao people, it has been turned into an ice sculpture, frozen in the air.

"What about the quasi-superior? I might fear you a little bit outside, but here is the battlefield of race wars, where the dragon energy has shattered all laws, so how can you be my opponent?" Bishui Daoist's eyes were a little proud , Reached out and knocked at the mouse.


I saw an inch of light from the mouse spirit's eyes, and the ice instantly shattered where Guanghua passed.

"Dangerous" was the first thought of Bishuidao people.

In the next moment, a bamboo stick was just picked up, and the rat spirit was instantly picked up by the wood green bamboo.

"This is the supernatural power of the rat race, called: Rat is short-sighted, as long as the rat race has awakened ancestral blood in the body, this supernatural power can be displayed. The only difference is that the more blood returns to the ancestor, the more powerful this supernatural power. This mouse spirit has almost returned to its ancestors." Mu Qingzhu walked over with dignified eyes, looking at the mouse spirit with a strange light in his eyes.


The mouse spirit screamed dissatisfied, his eyes glared at the wood green bamboo, and instantly jumped to the white tiger's body. The ice on the white tiger's body was instantly broken and decomposed.


Shaking the ice on his body, Bai Hu's eyes were filled with Geng Jin's fierce anger, and he looked at the mouse and said, "I have a brother."

"What a powerful ice soul, holding this ice soul, you are already invincible." Bai Hu stared at the clear water Taoist with a pair of eyes, followed by a tiger roar, and instantly the confession of gold and gold gushed out of the tiger's mouth. Wherever you go, everything in the world instantly turns into powder.

"What a great beast" the ice soul in the hands of the Bishui Daoist was lifted, and Taotao's cold gas turned into a cold wave, and instantly spread out, and everything that passed by was frozen, even the Gengjin evil spirit expelled by the white tiger was also frozen.

"Will Bai Hu just use this trick?" A mockery flashed in the eyes of the Bishui Daoist.

A flash of depression flashed in Bai Hu's eyes. Facing such a thing as Bing Soul, even if his supernatural powers were powerful, he couldn't use it.


The white tiger shook his body, the ice burst, the whole body's hair was filled with gold and gold, and the void continued to shatter and reorganize. As long as it was contaminated by the white tiger's hair, it would instantly be turned into sieve eyes by the gold.

But it was still useless. When the cold ice pounced on it, the white tiger was frozen again and turned into an ice lump.

"If you can't prove the supreme true body, you can't mobilize the origin of the Gengjin Qi between the heavens and the earth at all. If you can't mobilize the Gengjin Qi, how can you compete with me?" Bishui Taoist said unhurriedly.

At this time, the stick in Mu Qingzhu's hand was pointed out, and it turned into a green shadow, mixed with the aquamarine divine thunder, but it made the mouse extremely miserable.


Numerous roots rose up from the ground and quickly entangled towards the thighs of the rat spirit.


What is the most powerful thing about rat spirits? .

The teeth, the rat spirit's teeth are invincible, just bit on the root, and there are countless innate runes flowing on the roots. The rat spirit is actually flew away, and then is entangled by the countless roots.

"The mouse is short-sighted."

Feeling that the countless roots were about to break their stomachs, the mouse spirit suddenly panicked, and the mouse's eyes were short-sighted, and the countless roots were split instantly, and then jumped out in an instant.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? I just restrained Lao Tzu" the mouse spirit cursed helplessly.

"Borat, you come to deal with this ice soul, I will deal with wood green bamboo" After the white tiger over there escaped from the ice, a pair of eyes looked at the mouse spirit.


The mouse plunged into the ground in an instant, and the clear water Taoist smiled coldly, the ice soul in his hand unexpectedly dropped out and fell on the ground.


A layer of visible ice spread, and the ground instantly froze.

This ice is different from the ice before. The ice before is only relying on the aura of the ice soul, and now it is the body of the ice soul.





I only heard the underground ice slamming and the rat screaming constantly, but the rat spirit never came out.

"Ice Soul Divine Light".

The magical powers of the Bishui Daoist cannot be separated, but they can be poured into the ice avatar that is dying of his own life. The next moment he sees the sacred light bursting out of the ice avatar, and the ice is overwhelming within a hundred miles. The surging, Bai Hu hadn't waited to react, it was already frozen and turned into an ice lump.


A hundred miles away, the ground broke open, and the treasure mouse had anger in his eyes: "Bastard! What a bastard! The supernatural powers of this servant can definitely restrain 90% of the monks in the world, and the remaining half is barely self-protection, and the other half can be. Conquer it".

After speaking, the mouse spirit looked at the frozen Baihu and said: "Can your real body of the white tiger condense? If it can't be condensed, you shouldn't be on the court before, simply delaying the ancestors and me fighting."

"The white tiger is frozen!" The Fox God looked at the Tiger God who was beating the war drum.

The tiger **** was expressionless when he heard the words, he just continued to beat the drums, and the light in his eyes flowed: "It is normal to be frozen by the ice soul. Nowadays, the white tiger is using the cold air to sacrifice the white tiger's real body. If it can survive, it will naturally condense the truth. I couldn’t make it through, so I’m still alive, and the province shame me in front of the heavens and a hundred Although the words are said like this, the tiger god’s action of beating the war drum is faster. The Gengjin Qi was mobilized by the Tiger God, continuously breaking through the Dragon Qi blockade and coming towards the battlefield.

"Want to break through? What do you think of my human race?" Taiyuan Jiaozu had a sneer in his eyes, the next moment the drum in his hand was beating the bananas, the first shower came, and the sky was overwhelming. Qi was actually pushed and pushed by the five elements' vitality, and wanted to get out of the battlefield.

"This old thing" Tiger God looked at the Taiyuan Jiaozu in the distance, and smiled coldly: "The method of playing with vitality is indeed good."

Competing to control the vitality of the world, the Tiger God is indeed not an opponent, and can only be defeated.

"Humph" Taiyuan Jiaozu smiled triumphantly.


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