The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1800: Wang Daoling and the pig 8 ancestor

"Qingyun is a good thing!"

Without answering Chaotian and the others, Yu Duxiu just said something inexplicably, and then looked towards the battlefield with a pair of eyes.

The war has just begun, and the most tragic fight has already begun.


A corpse fell by Wang Daoling's side, making Wang Daoling clever, his pale belly trembled slightly, and there was an urge to turn over immediately.

However, after looking at the countless monsters around him that had red eyes, Wang Daoling decisively gave up his choice and still lay there on his own.




The ordinary little demon stepped on Wang Daoling, Wang Daoling didn't feel it, but the monks of the giant elephant clan stepped on it and couldn't bear it.


Especially when the opponent exerted force, Wang Daoling was directly stepped on and rolled his eyes, and the muscles on his belly slid subconsciously, removing the soles of the giant elephant's feet.

"Huh?" The giant elephant turned his head, watched its soles slide away, glanced at Wang Daoling, did not say anything, and continued to charge towards the gate of the city.

"Let the arrow go."

"Let the arrow go."

Countless arrow rains are like locusts that cover the sky and the sun, coming over the sky and the earth, bluffing that countless monsters have picked up the tortoise monks one after another, blocking the vital parts of their home.

"Asshole, I didn't attack the city, why did you shoot me?"

Wang Daoling’s belly is facing upwards, and the snow-white belly is full of blood flowing with various arrows. Fortunately, Wang Daoling is an ancient golden toad. This ordinary arrow just pierced Wang Daoling’s skin and didn’t actually shoot into it. Wang Daoling's body.

It’s not that Wang Daoling wants to go to the front line, but that he can’t even drink the soup at the back. The dead monster beast has either been trampled on to flesh, or it has been eaten by the monster beast on the front line. There was no choice at all for him, and Wang Daoling could only come to the front line.

No matter the arrow was stuck in his body, Wang Daoling's gaze flickered: "Is my body too big? I attract too many targets? If it is smaller, it should be more concealed."

That Wang Daoling took advantage of other monsters not paying attention, and instantly shrank, turning into the size of a thumb, and shuttled among the corpses.

Changing the size is not the magical power of every monster beast, but the unique blessing of those monster beasts with high bloodlines.

Wang Daoling wandered among the corpses and was not afraid of being trampled on. All the monster beasts stepped on the corpse and walked in the crevices of the corpse. The problem was not big.

That Wang Daoling wandered through the battlefield, devouring corpses from time to time. Suddenly Wang Daoling's eyes lit up, and the corpse of a pig demon not far away looked very good.

"Good fellow, the blood rebirth is 70 or 80, if I swallow him, blood rebirth 70% will not be a problem" Wang Daoling cautiously came to the pig demon, taking advantage of the group of demon not paying attention, instantly opened his mouth. One, swallowed toward the pig demon's arm, and held the pig demon's arm in his mouth.

At this time, the ancestor Zhu Ba was stunned, looked at the little toad spirit, raised his palm fiercely, and patted the toad spirit that was biting him in his mouth: "Could this fellow discover his own existence? ".

"Fuck! Alive?" That Wang Daoling was so scared that he was so scared that he instantly released Old Ancestor Zhu Ba's arm and jumped far away. The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes. Looking at the surrounding battlefield, the next moment they all smiled together, the old ancestor Zhu said: "I didn't expect that there would be a guy who fished in troubled water like my old pig in the battlefield."

"Brother Dao is rational and courteous. It is a rude brother. Seeing that Brother Dao is fat and strong, he is undoubtedly the strong man of my monster clan." Wang Daoling approached and bowed to Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba squinted his eyes and looked at the toad, and then smiled and said: "It is reasonable and reasonable, the virtuous brother is also in my generation, you are not afraid that the demon **** will spot you and shoot you to death?".

"Oh! Brother Dao don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, I'm here to clean up the battlefield for everyone, don't talk nonsense, brother Dao, you can eat casually, but you can't talk nonsense, it will kill you" Wang Dao Ling shook his head repeatedly: "Brother Dao is not afraid that the demon **** will thwart you?".

"Ah,,,,, hahaha, like my fellow brothers, I specially clean up the corpses for the fellows," said Zhu Ba.

"It's really a member of my generation, or let's clean the battlefield together?" Wang Daoling looked at the ancestor of the pig and smiled.

"Well, we brothers, if we find any accidents during the cleaning of the battlefield later, we can solve the problem." The ancestor Zhu Ba clapped his hands and agreed.

The ancestor Zhu Ba and Wang Daoling, these two best products, are really close together. When Yu Duxiu conquered Wang Daoling in the middle of the year, she also thought about how to combine these two wretched guys. Get together, what scene will there be, now it is really fate like a knife, two people actually get together.

"Brother Dao, let's go over there now." Wang Daoling lay in the ears of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba. At this time, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was hiding in the mountains. He frowned when he looked at the rushing army of monsters. .

"There is no choice, only you and I can work together" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said.

"How to cooperate?" Wang Daoling said.

The ancestor Zhu Ba spoke softly, and Wang Daoling was immediately shocked: "Brother Dao is really a member of my generation. This is a fantastic idea. The younger brother can't match even if he is shooting a horse. He deserves to be a talent of the pig clan. Jun".

The old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled: "Each, each other, virtuous brother is not bad."

"Then I'll take a step first" Wang Daoling smiled, jumped off the pig eight ancestor, then turned into the herd, and fell into the tide.

"Seven percent blood? It's him." Wang Daoling looked at a mouse spirit, his eyes lit up, and he took a bite at the rat spirit that was running, then turned around and fled instantly.

The mouse was bitten by someone, and he was immediately unhappy, but he didn't think much, and continued to move forward, but before the mouse was running a few steps, his tail was bitten again. The tail was bitten off abruptly.


The mouse spirit ignored the demon god's instructions, turned around and went against the trend of the monster beasts, and chased the toad spirit.

Running against the tide of monsters and beasts, it is easy to be trampled to death by the tide of scattered monsters, but the rat spirits are not afraid. go.

I saw the toad skewer in front of him. After avoiding his pursuit, he actually bit a wild boar. The wild boar was surrounded by iron bones, and sparks splashed all over the body. The toad didn't get any advantage and continued to run forward. go with.

The wild boar was bitten for nothing, and was unhappy, turned around and chased the toad.

"Damn, you stop for me" the wild boar spirit looked at the toad spirit in front of him and scolded angrily.

However, here is the tide of monsters, boar spirits are large, and it is as difficult as the sky to chase the toads.

Fortunately, the mouse spirit chased up at this time, and the aura spread out unscrupulously, opening a way, and chasing the toad spirit.

The wild boar spirit followed, chasing for a while, and seeing the mouse spirit on the same road as him, the wild boar spirit said: "Brother Dao was also bitten by the toad?"

The mouse spirit gritted his teeth and felt the wild boar spirit's gaze fall on his tail, and his anger rose to the sky: "I must catch him and tear him up."

"Let's catch up together and smash this toad essence into ten thousand pieces" the wild boar essence angrily rebuked.

The wild boar spirit and the mouse spirit share the same hatred, and they chased the toad spirit together. In an instant, they left the large army and came to the mountains, drilling into a hidden to escape, this time See where you flee." The mouse took the lead and blocked the Taniguchi.


The wild boar spirit followed closely, and a nail rake smashed down, instantly bursting the brains of the unsuspecting rat spirit.

"Hahaha, perfect" Toad Jing turned around and his eyes were full of triumph.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba laughed loudly: "Brother Xian, this is your prey, eat it quickly."

The Toad Essence was not polite, and he stepped forward and swallowed the mouse essence into his abdomen, then looked at the wild boar essence: "Brother, it is your turn."


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