The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1795: Sever mother-daughter relations

Han Yan is not eating dry food, his eyes looked towards the void, and when he saw that Donghai Longjun wanted to reorganize his body, the power of endless ice was instantly permeated, and he suppressed the dragon ball towards Donghai Longjun, and the flesh and blood in the void was instantly Frozen, indifferent to Donghai Longjun's call.

"Han Yan! Do you really want to kill me?" Donghai Longjun angrily scolded Han Yan, with anger rising in his eyes.

"This sentence is what I want to say to you" Han Yan said unhurriedly: "I said the same thing back then, but how did you answer me?".


The North Sea Dragon Lord urged the Dragon Ball, the mantra flowed, and was unexpectedly sent three steps by Yu Duxiu's blow, but after all, it blocked Yu Duxiu's attack and gave the East Sea Dragon Lord time to prepare.

"Die for me." The chaotic air rushed in the chaotic flag banner in Yu Duxiu's hand, instantly sweeping the world, and swept across the sky toward the North Sea Dragon King.

Ao Le on the side of the "mother" instantly turned into the real body of the Ancestral Dragon, with supernatural powers surging in his hands, a monstrous river swept out in an instant, and the body of Void Middle East Sea Dragon Lord was swept by the river, and then he saw that Taotao. The water of good fortune in the big river gave birth to endless vitality, the coldness of the ice was actually dissolved, and the body of the East Sea Dragon King was actually reorganized.

"Ao Le, you really want to help your father, you can't be an enemy of me!" Looking at that Ao Le, Han Yan's eyes flickered and his eyes were splitting.

"Mother, it's not like that,,,,,," Ao Le explained quickly, but didn't know where to start.

"Needless to say, I know, you were raised by the East Sea Dragon King after all. How can I be a mother to be close to your father and king? Needless to say, since today, you and my mother and daughter will be cut off. , You are you, I am me, we have nothing to do anymore." Han Yan's expression is cold: "The hatred between races, you can't help but fish in troubled waters. Either choose the dragon clan or the flood dragon clan. How can you swing around."

Seeing that Han Yan, Ao Le's lips moved, and his eyes were full of helplessness: "Mother!"

"Don't call me mother!" Han Yan waved his hand coldly, looked at Ao Le with a pair of eyes, and looked at the scene: "Today I am giving you the last face, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the past of you and my mother and daughter. Kindness, let this old dragon king die, there will be absolutely no relationship between you and my mother and daughter in the future."

After speaking, Han Ling turned around and left, and disappeared.

"Mother" Ao Le called out and was about to catch up.


The void instantly solidified the ice, and Na Ao Le hit dizzy and dizzy: "You don't have to look for me, and you don't have to tell people that I am your mother. All our love in the past will be cut off. You will stay in the dragon clan completely. Right".

Ao Le has obtained the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon. How could the essence and blood of the Jiaolong clan in his body be the opponent of the Ancestral Dragon essence and blood, the Ancestral Dragon essence and blood in Ao Le's body swallowed the essence and blood of the Jiaolong clan completely.

"Wow" Yu Duxiu's Pangu banners converged, and looked at Donghai Longjun with no expression on his eyes, and then looked at Ao Le, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Sneakers, old dragon king, your methods are not very good. That's it".

"Hongjun! Xiu wants to make a profit, and today I will let you know how powerful my Sihailong clan is."

At this time, the Dragons of the Four Seas gathered together, Yu Duxiu and Yuanshi Tianzun stood side by side, standing in the field.

The jade ancestors in the distance fought with the demon gods in the wild, sparks and lightning along the way, all kinds of calamities were born out of thin air.

Seeing the majesty of the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu slowly condensed the Pangu banner in his hand, and looked at the four-sea dragon king with a pair of eyes: "Well, today I will let you know the power of this road."

"Black Wind Tribulation".

Jade Duxiu’s fingertips are filled with calamity, and a ray of black wind is born out of thin air at Yu Duxiu’s fingertips. The black breeze on the fingertips scrolls and grows. In a flash, he is confused for dozens of miles, and he is rolling towards the four seas. Past.

"This is the black wind, please be careful." Donghai Longjun looked at the black wind with a cautious expression. The next moment the dragon ball in the hands of Donghai Longjun burst into light, and the lightning turned into thunderclouds in the sky, and hit the black wind. together.

"Fetal transformation and deformity".

Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm and stretched out infinitely. One palm actually penetrated the black wind and the billowing thundercloud in the void. Donghai Longjun was caught off guard and was pressed by Yu Duxiu's palm on his stomach.

"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man".

Yu Duxiu personally saw the Taipingdao ancestors sitting in the back then, and there were also five declines of heaven and man in his family back then, and he is no stranger to the catastrophe of five declines.


Yu Duxiu retracted her palm, but heard Donghai Longjun's screaming: "Why? I have already proved that I am immortal? Why is there still life and five failures?"

On this day, the five decays of human beings are constantly suppressing the vitality of East Sea Dragon Lord, and constantly killing the original energy of East Sea Dragon Lord.

The reason why the supreme power is immortal is that his family has either condensed the innate spirit treasure or condensed his own supreme real body, but the five decays of human beings are extremely strange and extreme, and they continue to consume the blood of the East Sea Dragon Lord. The power of consuming that dragon ball power.

Yu Duxiu smiled contemptuously, and then slowly stretched out a palm: "The supreme power is immortal, it is not a problem to ask you to suffer."

"A Thousand Tribulations".

Yu Duxiu stretched out a punch. This punch was not directed at Donghai Longjun, but at Beihai Longjun.

"Roar~" Beihai Longjun roared, shaking the sky, and then saw the void trembling, and a flame spurted out.


The flame calamity was instantly absorbed by Yu Duxiu, and Yu Duxiu's punch was undiminished, and it instantly fell on that Beihai Longjun.

The flesh is not broken, but the calamity is growing in his body.

Donghai Longju enjoyed the treatment of the ghost master in the past, but unfortunately it did not have the power to resolve the ghost master.


Fengfeng instantly rose from the soles of the East Sea Dragon Lord, and was instantly suppressed by the East Sea Dragon Lord. At this time, the North Sea Dragon Lord actually engulfed a raging flame and burned through the void sky, wanting to turn it into powder.

"The supernatural power of the evil door" Donghai Longjun frowned, and then flew up again, the dragon ball instantly swallowed into his abdomen, constantly suppressing the calamity in his body.

"The power of the tribulation has been heard since ancient times, but I have never heard of it that can avoid the tribulation." Yu Duxiu sneered coldly and did not say much.

"Boy, you die for me".

The Dragon Lord of the East Sea sacrificed the Dragon Ball, and a thunder and lightning surged in his hand. With the blessing of the Dragon Ball, the magical power of the Dragon Lord of the East Sea actually increased thousands of times.

Seeing that magical power, Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a calamity decomposition, and then appeared in front of Nanhai Longjun: "You old thing is good at driving flames, and this seat will let you see the black water robbery."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu punched the Nanhai Longjun's chest. Nanhai Longjun's hands instantly turned into dragon claws and grabbed Yu Duxiu's chest.

Yu Duxiu's right hand grabbed Nanhai Longjun's dragon claws and drew it to one side. He took a step forward and continued to hit the open middle door of Nanhai Longjun with his right hand.


Another dragon's claw stretched out, Yu Duxiu's body shrank in an instant, and his magical powers were displayed, avoiding this A palm fell on Nanhai Longjun’s chest, and I saw that Nanhai Long Jun flew out in an instant, and the black qi flow around his body, and the black Taotao emerged in his body.

"Refining for me."

The dragon ball in Nanhai Longjun's body turned into a sun at this time, suppressing the black water in his body, preventing the black water from eroding his blood and corroding his flesh.

Yu Duxiu looked at Xihai Longjun to one side again: "Look at my congenital calamity, the calamity that broke my stomach."

Yu Duxiu fisted towards that Xihai Longjun, Xihai Longjun raised his eyebrows, and the dragon ball was directly sacrificed, chanting the mantra, and only saw the mighty sky and the mighty sky coming towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu frowned, and her punch was finally resolved by the mighty sky.

"Come again!"

Yu Duxiu didn't believe in evil, and instantly fisted again at Xihai Longjun.

"There are no treasures against the sky. Facing the Dragon Ball, you have no power to resist." Xihai Longjun sneered.


The sky was rolling, Yu Duxiu was instantly turned into powder by the thunder that day, and the **** sky flew, and then instantly turned into a reorganization, looking at the dragons on the opposite side with a gloomy face, and already understood.

I originally planned to add it, but there is something to do, I’m going to celebrate someone’s birthday, Khan, let’s talk about it later, sorry everyone.


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