The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1789: How did you bring him?

   "How can I fight this!".

Even with the immobile temperament of Taiping's ancestor, he couldn't help but start swearing at this time. This is really bullying, as if he was raised by a stepmother.

Yu Duxiu looked at Taiping Teacher Ancestor with a pair of eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched. The eyelids of the demon gods not far away also kept beating.

"The magic weapon of Taiping is flawed, otherwise it should be better," Tai Yi Jiaozu said uncertainly.

"It's terrible." Looking at the brand in the turtle shell, it is too easy to teach the ancestors to have a black line lingering on the forehead. This black line must be wiped out by some means, otherwise it will be worth it. If you fight with wild monsters in the future , No need to fight, he would be defeated inexplicably.

Looking at the Taiping ancestor, Yu Duxiu also twitched. He glanced at the old jade ancestor, and the old jade ancestor patted with an annoyed look: "Hongjun, take the opportunity to beat him up, this kid is now in bad luck, not at all. Your enemy of one unity, you quickly beat him to relieve his anger for the ancestor."

Looking at the jade ancestor’s triumphant appearance, and then at the black face of the Taiping ancestor, Yu Duxiu turned around helplessly: "Wait for you to return to normal, this seat is fighting with you, although this seat is unscrupulous. , But they are not the kind of people who fall into trouble."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu pulled the jade ancestor without any suspicion, and headed towards Dafengzhou.

A storm was extinguished.

Watching Yu Duxiu go away, the Taiping teacher in the air sighed depressed, his eyes turned to the distance, and then helplessly said: "What a bad luck! It seems that I can't do it for a while now."

"Damn! Yu Duxiu, how did you lead this hapless guy to Dafengzhou".

Originally Chaotian, Fuyao and Tai Su were drinking wine with a smug smile on their faces, but seeing that the void was distorted, Yu Duxiu led the jade ancestor in, and she was shocked. The wine in her mouth spurted out in an instant, suddenly He stood up, with a look on his face as if I didn't welcome him.

"Yo! Chaotian, Fuyao, I didn't expect you to actually play together. In the ancient times, it was not pleasing to look at each other?".

Before Yu Duxiu could speak, the old jade ancestor came to Chaotian and Fuyao with a familiar appearance, reached out and picked up a jug of wine on the desk, his face flushed, and his face was full of smiles. .

"Why did you bring this hapless guy back? This guy not only makes others unlucky, but also unlucky for myself. If you keep him, we won't have a good time." Chaotian moved to Yu Duxiu's side and pulled it. Yu Duxiu's sleeves.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when she heard the words, and didn't think so much before.

"You guys don't touch my wine" Fu Yao rolled up in the wind in his hand, instantly rolled up the flask on the table and dropped it into his own bag.

"It's really stingy." The unlucky ghost held his arms and glanced at Fu Yao with contempt, his eyes full of arrogance, as if I was very proud and dismissive.

"It was because of the bad luck of this fellow that Dao Brother Fu Yao was conspired by others" Chaotian whispered.

The jade ancestor on one side was immediately unhappy, and squinted at Gantian: "Is that on purpose? Am I not careful?"

"You are so embarrassed to say that Dao Fu Yao kindly helped you, but it was contaminated with the power of your bad luck. Otherwise, Dao Fu Yao would not delay the path for millions of years. I don’t know this reincarnation. How many times have you entered, you are embarrassed.” Pointing towards the hapless ghost’s nose, bending over to look at the hapless ghost: “And me, if it weren’t for the power of your bad luck, I could be ignorant and be mistreated. ?".

"You are asking yourself, don't think that my ancestors are suppressed and I don't know the situation outside. Who told you to get entangled with the Gorefiend" Jade Patriarch's immature face was full of disdain.

Looking at the hapless ghost, he stretched his voice to the sky and said: "Miaoxiu, if you ask this old boy to stay, we, Dafengzhou, will have to be restless in the future."

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "What should I do? This old thing is homeless, so it's on me."

As he was talking, the ancestor Tai Su looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and said with curiosity: "You have been in contact with the jade ancestor for so long, and there is no bad luck. How did you do it?".

"I was born to be the nemesis of this old boy" Yu Duxiu put her arms around the shoulders of the unlucky ghost, with an expression of her own son, but was pushed away by the unlucky ghost angrily: "You kid don't hold me like this, I tell You, I don't like this, you kid stay away from me".

The hapless ghost walked directly to the seat, with Erlang's legs tilted, and the little master looked like you were determined by you. He could not help but walk up to the sky and said to Yu Duxiu: "Miaoxiu, your kid has to take it out. A solution, otherwise the bad luck on this servant will be so bad that the sentient beings in Dafengzhou will be ruined by this kid."

"Everyone is an ancient person, and there is no deep hatred, can we not tolerate it?" Yu Duxiu reluctantly looked at the sky, and Fu Yao was determined to have him without me, and I do not have him, Yu Duxiu whispered Said: "This old boy's cultivation base is unfathomable. He is the number one person in the heavens and all realms. The cultivation base has reached the extreme, even the state of deprivation. If you can get some guidance, I don’t know how to go less. How many detours".

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Na Chaotian, Fu Yao suddenly turned his eyes, then abandoned Yu Duxiu and came to the ancestor of Jade.

"My ancestor, this wine was brewed when my ancestor was suppressed a million years ago. Now there are millions of fires. My ancestor may wish to **** wine." Chaotian took out a pot of wine and put it On the case table in front of the ancestor of Jade.

On one side, the skyward took out the same delicacy from the windsock, and landed on the table: "The ancestors can feel free to **** Dafengzhou specialties."

"That's, that's right, what the kid said in Da Feng Zhou Yu Duxiu doesn't count, our brother has the final say, even if this kid doesn't let your old man stay, our brother will never agree" Chaotian's face is not so thick .

"I ------" Yu Duxiu was speechless for a moment. It was obvious that your brothers didn't want this unlucky ghost to stay. What matters to me? .

"Hey hey, I said you two, you can't be like this,,,,,,".

"Shut up, stop talking, the ancestors will stay here in the future, and our brothers will talk to the ancestors in the future, and you don't need to spend more ink on them." Looking at Yu Duxiu, she scolded.

"What is this and what?" Yu Duxiu looked at the three people in front of him speechlessly.

On one side, Taisu covered his mouth and chuckled quietly, just looking at the scene in the field funny.

Yu Duxiu laughed here, and the four ancestors were about to cry when they gathered together.

"What to do?" Looking at the emperor's picture in his hand, the Taiping ancestor was helpless. In this situation, let alone participating in a race war, it may not be safe to evacuate even if you This unlucky law is good for life. It is so powerful that it has solidified to the essence, and it is impossible to do it in a short time if you want to obliterate it." Tai Yi taught the ancestor with a wry smile, the tortoise shell in his hand was constantly rotating, and a handful of copper coins kept hitting in the tortoise shell.

"If those monsters come to the door now, we won't have any defensive power," Tai Dou Jiaozu said helplessly.

"Not necessarily! Those monsters may not dare to kill the door, the unlucky guy did not understand the intention. If the unlucky ghost kills the door, then the unlucky will not be us, but them," Tai Yi taught the ancestor.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, the Taiping ancestor said: "You are better, but the emperor picture of this seat is broken. You can suppress bad luck, even if you don’t have the power to fight, you can protect yourself. , I’m afraid I can’t do it by self-protection. Why is it so unlucky? It’s really unreasonable. Our brothers have been practicing hard for millions of years. Now it’s just a breakthrough hope. That old thing has been sealed by a million. In 2017, the cultivation base was still rushing upwards, whether we were suppressed or the old guy was suppressed".

"No way, who told him that he was the leader in the last countless calamities? The luck of the entire world of war has gathered on him, and there is nothing we can do." Tai Yi Jiaozu's teeth are about to be broken, double The flames in the eyes rose: "No matter what, we must figure out a way to restrain bad luck."

(Dantian thoughts——).


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