The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1787: Look up

The three of Chaotian were eating cakes here, watching the battle over the midfield and constantly commenting. The supreme powerhouses controlled their power very well, and they controlled it perfectly. There was no leak at all, so Did not alarm the punishment guillotine in those nine days.

Yu Duxiu walked slowly to the opposite side of the teaching ancestors, looking at the Taiping ancestors with complicated eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you will be where you are now." Taiping Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of emotion. Yu Duxiu was the first person in the eternal age to be suppressed by everyone because of himself. His calculation has reached the point where he is now, and he has become a chess player in the heavens and all realms. If the ancestor of Taiping said that there was no wonder in his heart, it would be a lie.

"Yes, I also felt a little surprised. Looking at your Excellency now, I feel very complicated." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, her eyes filled with memories, as if she had returned to the time when she first entered the Peace Road, that time her little sister. And I know Xu Xian, a disciple of the rich family.

"The ancestor was like a kowtow before, and he was a Taiping man from now on."

The oath still spread out in time and space, Yu Duxiu closed his eyes, and seemed to be back in an instant when he first worshipped Taiping Taoist Temple.

"If you worship my Taiping Dao again, I am willing to share everything about the Taiping Dao with you" Taiping Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu smiled upon hearing the words: "Teaching my ancestors too underestimated me, am I the kind of person who has no principles?".

"Well, speaking of it, although I owe you something to Taipingdao, I was also good to you back then" Taipingjiao said.

"Even if there is no Taipingdao, I can grow up. It's just that you have to be more cautious." Yu Duxiu is in control of Haoxuan's good fortune. With thirty-six changes, even if you don't worship Taipingdao, you can still rise.

Seeing Yu Duxiu, the Taiping Teacher was silent for a while, and then said: "The past is like wind, grievances are hard to say, today is regarded as a break."

"It's okay to do a broken down." Yu Duxiu nodded, looking at Taiping Teacher Patriarch with divine light in her eyes, stretched out her palm, and Pangu banner was slowly held by him.

Looking at the Pangu banner in Jade Duxiu's hand, the countless monks who watched the battle from the heavens and the world all looked solemn, and even the jade ancestor shrank suddenly.

"The name of this treasure is: the chaotic flag, also known as the Pangu flag, is also called: the chaotic flag flag, which has the effect of opening the world, breaking the chaos, and destroying the world." Gently stroke the flag flag in his hand, the jade is unique. There was a touch of obsession in his eyes.

The emperor picture in the hands of the Taiping ancestor turned into a picture scroll, slowly rolled up: "This treasure is the innate spiritual treasure bred from this meticulous sacrifice, called: the emperor picture."

"You said, if the Taiping teacher and Miaoxiu fight, which one wins and which one loses?".

In the wild, at this moment, there are many demon gods whispering, their eyes are staring at the two people in the field.

"Also, of course, Miaoxiu won. Miaoxiu's chaotic flags are powerful and capable of breaking the chaos and breaking the ground. The power seems to be higher than the Taiping ancestor."

A demon **** firmly said.

"Don't forget that when the Taiping ancestors fought in the Central Territory, he used his own power to carry the attacks of the ancestors. This old fellow Taiping has always been hiding his clumsiness. Perhaps the realm is not too easy. Etc., it’s not necessarily invincible to talk about combat power alone, but a corner of this companion emperor map was stolen, and the Lingbao has flaws. I don’t know if there are all the powers of the past.”

Another demon **** spoke up.

"Stop arguing and watch the changes. The grievances, love and hatred between Taiping and Miaoxiu are hard to describe clearly. The grievances between the two sides have been entangled. It can not be said that it is hatred or hatred. Let it change." Fox God interrupted everyone's whispers.

"After all, I was a Taiping Taoist disciple back then. Today, I fought with the ancestor of the Taiping Taoist priest. I also asked my ancestors." Yu Duxiu stretched out his hand and made a polite gesture to the ancestor of the Taiping Taoist.

In the lower realm, Taiping Road, and Bixiu Peak, Tao Youming looked at the two figures competing in the void, with a touch of enthusiasm and bitterness in his eyes: "Back then, I could still fight with them. I never thought that in just a few thousand years, the other side has already Abandon yourself completely behind you, really people cannot be compared with people, people can die than people, and shop around can be thrown away."

It’s not just Tao Youming’s feelings like that, but Zhang Jiao and Ming Wei, who are not far away from the Master Hall of Tao Youming, have a shocked look on their faces at this time. This is really incomparable, not only incomparable, and I want to hit him to death.

People have been delayed for five thousand years and haven't cultivated, but they can still be immortal and righteous with their ancestors. What about yourself? .

"Senior Brother Miaoxiu is really amazing. A single show dominates the world. It seems that it is not only the younger generation, but even the older generation will be crushed to death by Senior Brother Miaoxiu. The demon **** and Longjun should also be suppressed by Brother Miaoxiu." Mingxu touched his chin.

"Miaoxiu has already opened up the world in the early years. It is the first person besides the unlucky ghost to create a realm of transcendence. As long as Miaoxiu's mana is reached, the realm is stable, and it can naturally break the ground and turn into transcendence." Zhang Jiao couldn't comment: " However, even if it is detached, there are strengths and weaknesses. The foundation of the teaching ancestors has been laid for millions of years. The benefits of the ancient times have been divided by the supreme strong. Although the combat power is not inferior to the teaching ancestors. , But the realm is not comparable to that of Miaoxiu. The million-year gap in heritage is not something you can chase after you want. Once the ancestors break through the barriers, they will inevitably come out of the blowout, and the cultivation base will progress rapidly, Miaoxiu If it doesn't work, I have to find the treasures of heaven and earth to increase my knowledge."

"That's better than those of us. I don't know how many times it is better than us." Ming Wei's eyes were full of envy at this time. Everyone can put the ancestors right. His realm of good fortune is not yet complete, let alone his family knows Housework, my own realm has swallowed I don't know how many treasures of heaven and earth, and the impurities are endless. In this life, I want to break through the immortal, basically I miss it.

"Don't say it, look at the confrontation between the two sides." Zhang Jiao twisted the silver-white talisman in his hand, with a touch of enthusiasm in his eyes: "When I prove the quasi-immortal status, I will completely transform the Tao fruit into innate immortality. In the face of the supremely strong, even if they can’t compete with them, they should retreat calmly.”

East China Sea Dragon Palace, the sea view of the Crystal Palace is Meilun Meihuan. At this time, Ao Le is sitting on the top of the Crystal Palace, with eyes penetrating the sea, looking at the void in the distance. His eyes are blurred. From time to time, one or two fishermen are swimming beside Ao Le. Move, peck Ao Le's body lightly.

"Jade Duxiu!" Ao Le sighed and remained silent for a long time.

"Jade Duxiu! Hongjun!" In the edge of the wilderness, the anger rose in the eyes of the nine-headed insects. It was this Jade Duxiu who suppressed his father and god, and turned himself into a dog of mourning. He hated Yu Duxiu. The head worms are all over the three rivers and five lakes, and it is difficult to wash them away.

At this time, the nine-headed worm was wearing a cloak, and his eyes looked up at the void.

Standing beside the nine-headed insect, the **** of insects looked at the anger of the nine-headed insect, and said calmly: "When you look up at others, you should remain humble."

"Mother God, that Miaoxiu is too hateful, the child can't wait to swallow it alive," Nine Heads said in pain.

The **** of insects touched the head of Nine-headed insect There was a smile in his eyes: "Don't worry, this day won't be too long. When I open up a world of millions, I will surely call this Hongjun dead without being buried. place".

Speaking of this, the insect **** looked at the void in the distance: "What's more, my mother has already sensed that there will be an innate **** who will be born again. At that time, our help will come, as long as the countless The resurrection of the innate gods, this great world will be ours sooner or later, it's just a wonderful show, death is trivial."

"The innate **** was born? There will be another inborn **** to be bred out?" Nine headed insects were surprised.

"What's so strange, when the Congenital Thunder Beast was born, it's a pity that I was a step too late. I didn't know that I was caught by that bastard, cramped and slaughtered." Insect God's eyes rose with anger, his fists clenched, although he said first The gods and the congenital beasts are not the same species, just like humans and animals, but after all, everyone is congenital at any rate, and is much closer than the natural creatures.


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