The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1784: The grievances between the first ancestor and the other ancestors

At this time, the ancestor of Jade looked at Daqian World with a pair of eyes, then turned to look at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of spirits, and pointed to the middle domain and said, "Boy, do you know where it is?"

"Zhongyu" Yu Duxiu said.

"Bah, these shameless guys are clearly the first continent that this seat was divided back then, and it's also the dojo of this seat, called Zhongzhou. These shameless old guys occupy the land of Lao Tzu. It is really unreasonable to change the name indiscriminately, and it is unreasonable. If they don't teach these guys, how can they know the prestige and prestige of the ancestor," said the ancestor of Jade.

"The next race is fighting, you go down to confuse it, it seems something is not good, right" Yu Duxiu came to the ancestor of Jade.

The jade ancestor waved his hand: "Fart race war, these guys are all respectable people, otherwise they won’t join foreign races to plot against their ancestors. Today, my ancestors will be in trouble with them. Let’s go, ancestors. Take you out to fight with those old guys, let you know what my ancestors are."

While talking, the ancestor of Jade grabbed Yu Duxiu’s sleeves, but looked at Yu Duxiu’s height, and then looked at his own height, but put on Yu Duxiu’s sleeves: "My ancestor, I Go one step first, you just follow slowly behind."

"Hahaha, ancestor, I’m back, too easy you hypocrite, Taiping you ungrateful thing, and that Taiyi, you bastard, Taidou you turtle grandson, you four bastards, ungrateful things , Back then, I dared to unite with foreign races and try to count against my ancestor me. Today, my ancestor I am reincarnated. I want to let you know why the flower is so red.” The jade ancestor stopped in the sky above the Central Territory, and his eyes scanned the human Kyushu. Yelled.

The flowers are so red that the old jade ancestors learned from Yu Duxiu, and the old jade ancestors followed Yu Duxiu for a long time.

"And Lichen, you little bitch, you dare to take the opportunity to fall into the rock, stealing my ancestor's chaotic motherhood, so I won’t talk about it. You actually stolen the ancestor’s true body, causing my ancestor to a hundred You have been unable to return for thousands of years, you all come out for me, and we have to settle this account carefully." The ancestor of Jade cursed.

The Great Thousand World was silent. After a while, he saw Taiyi teach the ancestor twisting the void and walked out: "I have seen the first Daoist."

"I have seen the first Dao Zun" Taiping Jiaozu stood beside Taiyi Jiaozu.

"I have seen the first Dao Zun" Taiyi Jiaozu came to the two.

"I have seen the first Dao Zun" Tai Dou Jiaozu also slowly stood up, and paid respect to the jade ancestor.

"Where is Lichen? Where did the little **** of Lichen go?" Old Ancestor Jade saw through the void with a pair of eyes, and instantly tore Lichen Cave Mansion.

But seeing Li Chen walked out with a wry smile: "I have seen Dao Zun."

"Tai Yi, you **** thing, ancestor, I gave you all sorts of things back then, but there was something wrong with you?" Jade ancestor looked at Tai Yi Jiao Zu and pointed at Tai Yi Jiao Zu's nose and shouted.

Tai Yi taught the ancestors to show shame and did not answer.

The jade ancestor came to Taipingjiao ancestor: "You grandson of tortoise, who repeatedly rescued you from the mouth of the demon god, who helped you avoid the killing of the demon god, I have never been sorry to you. The place?".

After hearing this, the Taiping teacher bowed his head and dreaded to raise his head.

The old jade ancestor came to Taiyi again and pointed at Taiyi's eyebrows and said: "You awkward thing, I ask you, who helped you condense the Dao fruit, understand the Dao, and prove the immortal Dao?".

The Taiyi ancestor bowed deeply to the jade ancestor, dare not say more.

"Tai Dou, you son of a bitch, who helped you win the stars and exchange battles, visit the Avenue of Stars, help you refine the stars, understand the true meaning of the stars, this is how you repay my ancestors? "The old jade ancestor scolded.

That Tai Dou Jiaozu fell to his knees with a plop, knocked his head three times, and then stood up.

After speaking, the jade ancestor turned around and came to Li Chen: "You little bitch, who thought you were lonely and helpless, took you in, and you stole it when I was in the most crisis. What happened to the motherhood of chaos? The real body of the ancestor did you dare to sit? It will definitely make you frightened, and you will never be transcended, and you will never be able to prove the immortal way for a million years."

When Wangchen heard the words, he respectfully saluted the jade ancestor, and then smiled bitterly: "The disciple knew it was wrong. After stealing Dao Zun’s treasure, the disciple was infected with Dao Zun’s energy, but it was a series of calamities. After a million years of sinking in China, he was liberated."

Looking at the ancestors who were scolded like grandchildren, the rest of the ancestors in the distance watched quietly. The ancestors are in order, the jade is in front, the four headed by Yi Taiyi are behind, and the other five ancestors are behind. .

Yu Duxiu was stunned while watching. Back then, he was still wondering where Lichen's mother spirit came from. He didn't expect it to be stolen from the unlucky ghost, and finally took advantage of him.

"You bastards, you actually meet inside and outside, eating inside and out, you're secretly thinking of Lao Tzu, if it weren't for Lao Tzu, I would not be able to reincarnate now." The old jade ancestor thought about the overwhelming force of bad luck, and suddenly shivered.

"Since the ancestor has returned from the reincarnation, this Central Continent will naturally return to the ancestor's control" Tai Yi taught the ancestor hastily said.

"I, my ancestor, my cultivation base has surpassed your imagination. It's just a mere luck, what use do I want for my ancestors?" After speaking, he looked at the bad luck on my body and said, "No matter how much qi Luck will also be wiped out by this bad luck. That luck is good for you, but for my old man, it is deadly. Do you want to repeat the old tricks and kill my ancestors? Isn’t it? It’s bad luck to ask Lao Tzu to have luck and blessings?".

"You said! Old ancestor, have I ever treated you badly?" Old ancestor Jade scolded.

The teaching ancestors shook their heads, and the jade ancestor said again: "Is there a place I can't stand you?".

The ancestors still shook their heads.

"Then why do you fit the inside out and count against the ancestor?" The Jade ancestor rebuked.

Seeing that jade ancestor's face was full of blush with excitement, Yu Duxiu looked funny.

"Too Yi, you said, why did you count against the ancestors back then!".

The ancestor of Jade pointed at Tai Yi Jiaozu with his fingers, and his eyes were angry.

"Ancestor, the bad luck in your old man is really too great. Not only the monsters and the ghost masters cannot bear it, but even our brothers cannot bear it. It was because I said a word to you back then. It is contaminated with the power of bad luck, and the cultivation base cannot be broken through for a whole 170,000 years. Every critical moment is always interrupted by various accidents. It is hard to wait until the bad luck dissipates. I did not expect your old man to come back again. I have contracted the power of calamity again, which has caused me not to be detached for a million years." Tai Yi taught the ancestor's words full of sadness.

"Ancestor, I was too close to you. When fighting with the fox god, there were always accidents at critical moments. Either the Lingbao suddenly lost control, or the mana stagnated, or the natural disasters would come and be caused by the reckless desolation. The demon **** is beating like a grandson.” The Taiping ancestor was crying: “My Huangtu can be solidified in hundreds of years, but it is because of contact with you that it was accidentally contaminated with bad luck. He was bullied by that Chaotian for more than 100,000 years."

That Taidou taught the ancestors: "Ancestor, the bad luck on you is so Not only bad luck for the enemy, but also bad luck for our own family. My state government just opened up. Within a year, human beings almost died, not all because of your bad luck."

Then Taiyi taught the ancestor: "Old ancestor, you still said to point me. If you weren’t walking around with me every day, I was stained with the power of bad luck and blinded my spiritual intelligence. I could end up like that. Unable to comprehend".

Listening to the accusations of the people, Yu Duxiu’s stomach hurts while laughing in the distance. No wonder everyone is cautious when talking about bad luck, for fear of being accidentally known by the power of bad luck. Bless yourself.

Not only Yu Duxiu was laughing, but the ancestors who watched the excitement were also laughing, and the demon gods who were born after the wildness were also laughing.

But Fox God, Donghai Longjun and others twitched the corners of their mouths. You have never experienced that era, you will never think of how terrifying it is.


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