The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1779: Weird infernal law

When the race war is rolled up, it is such a profound sin, it is so deep that it is unforgivable. If the ancestors of the teachings have not become the supreme power, each of the proper ones will die. ΕΔ小" "" "Say Ww*W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

You have sins in your body. Don’t blame the supreme good and evil. The law of the supreme good and evil is the most weird. Reward good and punish evil. If you meet a good person, you can only catch it with your hands, because your own magical powers are basically Can't open it.

If you meet a person who has done a lot of evil and sins, the deeper the other party's sins, the more powerful your own magical powers, and the greater the harm you will do.

The supreme good and evil and the supreme punishment are a pair of iron partners. I saw the law in the hands of the supreme good and evil circulating, turning into chains around the Taidou ancestors, and only saw the chains. Passing by, countless stars were instantly locked in the void.

The killings from the outside world continued to intensify. The power of sin was divided among the jade ancestors, and the ancestor demon gods each got a share, and the rest was divided between the two killed.

"It's a bastard, the cultivator rules in the Yin Division are too weird, it's so weird to the extreme" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at his home being restrained by these two supreme powers, his expression suddenly changed wildly.

"Galactic Storm".

A violent wind rolled up, sand and gravel flowed, but I saw countless'sandstones' drifting across the sky in the gusty wind. This gravel is not ordinary sandstone, but stars, and all stars are in this storm. In the midst of a crazy collision, an unparalleled force spread out, instantly breaking the chains of the law of sin.

"Oh, it's a bit interesting, but you are not clean, but I can't blame me." The supreme good and evil man smiled coldly, but the next moment he saw the six reincarnations in his hand, his breathing turned into a pagoda with raging The flame is constantly burning.

"True monarch of sins, help me." Good and evil face the true monarch of sins in the distance.

"it is good".

The supremely sinful and powerful man was fighting with others. Hearing this, a flame of sin fell on the tower in an instant, and the blazing flames on the tower were constantly burning.

The pyramid of "good and evil is eternal" burned with the blazing fire of sin, and instantly fell into the galaxy. The flame ignited the entire galaxy in an instant. In a blink of an eye, the vast and endless galaxy was full of sinful fire.


The ancestor of Taidou immediately converged his face and revealed his true body. At this time, the flames of sin in the ancestors of the ancestor of Taidou were constantly transpiring, but it was so foolish that the ancestor of Taidou hurriedly displayed supernatural powers, and there was a gorgeous and colorful air above his head The cave appeared, but in the air cave, there were countless stars surrounded by countless stars. In an instant, a vast waterfall of galaxies fell, penetrating the body of Taidou Jiaozu, and instantly poured the flames of sin in his body. The whole thing is clean.

"No, we were restrained by these two bastards. I didn't expect the race war to explode too suddenly. There was no preparation at all. It was really a bastard. Otherwise, how could we be so embarrassed now?" Tai Dou Jiazuo faced the crowd on one side. He teaches ancestors.

At this moment, the Dragon King of the Four Seas crossed the void and descended into the Yin Si, but saw the suppression of the four Dao Faxiangs and the suppression of the ancestors: "Boldly, the Yin Si is related to the reincarnation of the heavens and the world, how can you say To be presumptuous is presumptuous".

East China Sea Dragon Lord righteous Ling Ran, instantly fought with the remaining ancestors.

In the distance, the demon gods and Buddhist powerhouses are constantly transforming the ghosts in the Yin Division. The fox **** holds the demon banner in his hand, and constantly shakes the demon banner, but it is too late to receive the response.

"Ghost Lord, where did you suppress the eternal heroic spirits of our Yin Division? Don't hurry up to hand them over" Tiger God looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes.

"Want eternal heroic spirits? It's just a dream. This is the elite of my yin division. Is it because you give it to you" The ghost master sneered again and again.

While talking, he saw the ghost master hit the fox **** to suppress him: "Eternal Reincarnation".

"Be careful, the ghost master's attack is a gathering of invincible eternal power, and you can't resist it," Tiger God greeted.

"Huh, let's look at my charm of heaven and earth." The fox **** was suddenly enchanting, and even the law that was somewhat resistant to everyone at this time suddenly became a lot more compliant, as if he was bewitched by the charm of the fox god.

Obviously know that this is the magical power of the fox god, but the ghost lord can't get it with this punch. The strength of this blow that has gathered the reincarnation of the ancients is gradually reduced. When it comes to the front of the fox god, all the power has disappeared Eight.


The sleeves of the Fox God waved out gently, as if it were a bunch of butterflies, gorgeous and colorful, but it contained a terrifying murderous intent.


The ghost master was instantly hit by the fox **** and exploded in the air.

"Ghost Lord, hand over the fragments of the emperor picture" Taiping Jiaozu roared.

"Huangtu fragments? Don't think about it!" The ghost master smiled coldly, his body reorganized, his eyes full of cold light.

"Huangtu fragments?" The fox **** turned his eyes, looking at the Taiping ancestor, and then said to the demon gods behind him: "I know what these old guys want to do, but I actually want to take the Huangtu fragments. , And then make a breakthrough, it's a good calculation."

"Stop him".

The elephant slammed out with a punch, and the void twisted, and instantly fell on the Taiyi Jiaozu who was entangled with the six reincarnations not far away.


Taiyi taught the ancestors to explode, who would have thought that these monsters would not take advantage of the fire, but would help the ghost master and their own difficulties at this time.

"The Fire of Sin".

The law of the supremely sinful and powerful man fell on everyone. At this time, the races exploded, and countless creatures were charred. What a sin, it is so big that everyone dare not let the countless flames fall on their own homes. Body.

"It's really a bunch of bastards." Seeing the ancestors, demon gods, and the supreme powers in the underworld, they tickled their teeth with hatred.

"Heaven and Earth Resonate".

Seeing everyone fighting in the Yin Division, teaching ancestors fighting with the demon gods, and fighting with the Yin Division strong, a good Yin Division messed up, after all, the ghost master couldn't help it, and once again opened his own big killer.


The law in the Yin Division was instantly moved, and the power of countless laws descended, and instantly suppressed the supreme powerful who had smuggled in.

"This old thing likes to kill."

Looking at the ghost master, the demon gods and spirits all withdrew from the Yinsi one after another. You see me and I see you, the ancestors of the gods, their eyes are full of helplessness, they are about to retreat, but the ghost master madly rushes to the Taiping ancestor: "You are born There is a shortage of Lingbao, and I dare to come to my Yin Division. It is simply looking for death. I will leave you here today to completely integrate you with Yin Judiciary and become a member of our Yin Division."

"Taiping, you go first, this seat entangles this ghost lord" Tai Yi Jiaozu's complexion changed. If it was in the past, he would have wished Taiping Jiao ancestor to be Taoized in the Yinsi, but now it is not possible. It is a race war outside. All the hopes of the Human Race were completely gone when they started doing it.

"Bastard, get out of me." The ghost master took an eternal reincarnation, and instantly collapsed Taiyi teach ancestor, which is better than Taiyi teach ancestor facing the eternal reincarnation of the ghost master, and there is no power to resist.

"Leave it to me" The six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master are spilt with suction, and they continue to pull the Taiping ancestor.

Seeing that the opportunity was bad, Amitabha on one side instantly returned to the Lingshan Pure Land with his own big and small Bodhisattva Arhat.

"Fate is like a".

That Taiyi Jiaozu turned into a streamer to wrap the Taiping Jiaozu in an instant, and then penetrated the barrier between Yin and Yang, like a shuttle, disappearing into the void in an instant.

"The fate is like a shuttle, what a fate is like a shuttle. This blow has extraordinary magical powers. Even if I try my best, I can't trap Tai Yi Jiaozu. If I get out of the realm, I can no longer be Taoist." All the jade exclusive show in the battle were gathered in the eyes, watching the fate of Tai Yi Jiaozu like a shuttle, a gleam of light in his eyes.

The unlucky ghost on one side said: "You must not underestimate it too easily. Other people may have a lot of power and can use it for seven or eight points, but this old thing can perform at most five or six points."

The unlucky ghost’s words were full of disdain: "This guy is hiding and hiding, but it's a ugly mouse. If you have the chance, you will press him to death. It saves you jumping everywhere. It's too disturbing to look at. Chaos".

I wish you all a Happy New Year! Happy family! Official Yun Changlong! Wealth prosperous! Academic success! Hug left and right! Mengmei has it every day! Congratulations to Cai, your career is going smoothly, and to Cai's prosperity.

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