The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1773: Too easy to come

"Brother, this Wang Daoling has the blood of the ancient golden toad. If we can grasp it and refine it, we can enter the great pill. I will wait to grow mana for tens of thousands of years." A young woman looked at Wang Daoling in the distance. Countless little stars flashed, it seemed that it was not a monster, but countless pills.

This king Daoling was hunted down because of Yu Duxiu, because Yu Duxiu pioneered the art of alchemy. Various schools and countless casual practitioners are studying the mystery of alchemy, and all kinds of magical pills have appeared. There are those that increase mana, those that increase cultivation, those that increase, and those that increase inspiration.

"His mother, the ancestor just doesn't want to attract the attention of those old things. You guys really think of ancestor me as a soft persimmon?" Wang Daoling turned his head and looked at the sects who were chasing after him. Monk, there was a fierce light in his eyes, but the next moment he saw Wang Daoling suddenly sticking out his tongue, this tongue pierced the void, the monks behind that didn’t even think that Wang Daoling was constantly fleeing, and he dared to turn his head. Come to fight back.


Wang Daoling's tongue swallowed a human monk into his mouth, and was about to chew, when suddenly he heard a terrifying coercion from the void: "You wicked animal, you dare to eat people, and you won't spit it out to me."


Wang Daoling knelt on the ground with a plop, and then repeatedly kowtows: "Daxian, it's not to blame the villain, it's all these **** who chase the little ones too hard, and the little ones fight back and ask Daxian for mercy. It's a small life."

When the wind and clouds gathered in the sky, I saw a jade-white palm stretched out in the air. The place where this palm passed was overwhelming. The monks who had survived each knelt on the ground, not possessing their bodies, and dared not raise their heads.


That King Dao Ling was like a small insect, held by the palm of his hand, and the wind and clouds filled the sky instantly, and the void returned to tranquility.

"Brother, senior, are you okay? This monster is too cruel, and it has learned to sneak attack and take advantage of others to be ruthless." The monks saw the big hand and Wang Daoling disappear, and they came to the senior.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the **** hurt his skin." The senior ran away, his eyes were full of shock, and he said after a while: "I don't know who can make the move and take this **** goblin away. Up".



Wang Daoling fell to the ground instantly, looked at Yu Duxiu dizzy, and then suddenly got up and knelt: "I have seen the great immortal, I have seen the great immortal."

Yu Duxiu looked at the toad essence and nodded: "The realm of good fortune is indeed achievable, but how can you make trouble all day long?"

The toad spirit suddenly aggrieved upon hearing the words: "Daxian, didn't you say I asked to do more bad things?".

"I!" Yu Duxiu's face twitched and did not speak, then he paused: "Now that the Central Region is in chaos, you don't want to go anymore. You can practice in this Great Wind Continent with peace of mind. When the race war is over, you will travel around the world. It's not too late."

"Race war?" The toad spirit was taken aback, and then said: "No wonder the disciples always feel that the atmosphere in the middle region is not right. The nine supreme sects began to clean up countless monsters. It turned out that the race war was about to explode."

As he was talking, Wangchen came over with Yaoqin, looking at the chubby Wang Daoling, with a pair of toad eyes, his appearance was quite funny, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Brother, who is this?".

"When this seat was set up in the Jinshan Temple in the Central Region, the little demon that was unintentionally selected was also achievable, so he gave the tactics and brought it back, and stayed and listened to it in the future." Yu Duxiu is not worried. Slowly.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the toad spirit gave Wangchen a respectful salute: "I have seen Xiangu, I have seen my grandmother."

This Wangchen's senior is an immortal. Although this Wangchen's cultivation base seems to be similar to his own, he is a senior who can't stand others. He is just a little easy to take, which is incomparable.

"This toad spirit also knows the etiquette," Wang Chen said.

Yu Duxiu glanced at the toad, "In the future, you will follow Wangchen to practice, and this seat will temporarily reside in this Dafengzhou, so you can practice here with peace of mind."

"An Xin?" Toad's eyes carefully looked at the Qi machine rising up into the sky around him. It was not a unique jade, there were three immortal Qi machines pervading the mountains, and it was strange that the Toad's essence could be at ease.

"Xiangu! Xiangu! The little one will follow you and wait for you in the future." Toad spirit rushed to Wangchen's side, with a flattering smile on his face.

Wangchen nodded when he saw it: "Well, I'll help you find a place to settle down. The brother said that he wants to go to the chaos to open up the world and establish a Beppu. This is just a temporary residence."

"Yes, yes, everything small depends on Xiangu," Toad Jing said respectfully.

"It's just a mere toad, if there is something worthy of your attention, you actually brought it back" Fu Yao came to Yu Duxiu.

"Don't underestimate this toad, this toad has supernatural powers, and it is called the treasure money. I have long heard of the name of the treasure money. Now I bring this toad back. I will see the power of the treasure money in the future. "Yu Duxiu said slowly.

"Oh, the magical powers you can see in your eyes must be extraordinary." Fu Yao's eyes flickered.

As he was talking, suddenly saw the void twisted, Tai Yi Jiaozu's figure appeared in Dafengzhou, slowly came to the Yuntai, and stopped beside Yu Duxiu and Fuyao.


Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu for a while before he let out a long breath.

Yu Duxiu stood there, seemingly not aware of the arrival of Taiyi Jiaozu, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance with a pair of eyes.

"I already felt that you were extraordinary back then. I didn't expect you to grow to such a level. I really didn't misunderstand you at the beginning." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu with bright eyes.

"Oh! That's what the ancestors of the reeducation through labor had chosen," Yu Duxiu said.

"Miaoxiu, you really don't think about it. If you surrender the Middle Territory, my human race's millions of years of hard work will turn into flowing water." Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes are full of regret.

"The way of heaven is mighty, the rise and fall are impermanent, the human race has been prosperous for millions of years, and the extremes of things must be reversed, why bother? Wouldn't it be better to let the middle domain out?" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Taiyi taught the ancestors with a wry smile: "You don't know how terrible the monsters and gods are, in the wild borderland for millions of years. Compared with me, the monsters and gods will not fall behind. Isn’t it necessary to completely suppress our wait, and my human race will no longer have room to stand up in the future.”

"The difference between the teaching ancestors' remarks is that he regards this seat as a child. It must be understood that the monsters are not monolithic. As long as they occupy the middle territory of the human race, there will be many internal contradictions at that With the accumulation of long-cherished wishes for thousands of years, our human race can naturally replace the demon race again and occupy the middle domain."

Tai Yi Jiaozu moved his lips, and a long river of fate flashed in his eyes: "Millions of years are too long, and no one knows what changes will happen."

"After all, you are also a member of the Human Race. The Human Race is your root and your hometown. How do you stand by and watch the human race suffer a catastrophe?" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

"I want to refine a treasure." Yu Duxiu turned her head and looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu without hesitation.

"Oh?" Tai Yi taught ancestors for a moment.

"This thing is called the Demon Locking Tower. As long as this seat is successfully refined, the countless monsters will no longer be able to dominate. When the time comes, the demon gods of the heavens and all realms will have to retreat. , Will also be trapped in it, and will never escape."

"Trap the demon god? How could it be possible" Tai Yi Jiaozu didn't believe it.

"The snake **** has been suppressed by me." Yu Duxiu looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu unhurriedly: "The Explosive Ape was also transformed by me. Do you think it's impossible?".

"This?" Tai Yi Jiaozu hesitated when he heard the words: "If the lock demon tower can restrain the demon clan, this seat is willing to contribute a piece of strength, I don't know if this seat can contribute."

Seeing Taiyi teaches the ancestor, Yu Duxiu was silent for a while, and then said: "The refining of this lock demon tower, the various restrictions of this seat are about to be deduced, but the materials for the sacrifice are lacking. The most difficult thing to find is the Kaitian Bronze. If you are interested, you can tell the whereabouts of the Kaitian Bronze."

ps: Happy Chinese New Year, everyone, happy family and all the best, congratulations on the new year, everything goes well in the new year, cute girls have it every day, wow ha ha ha.

Updated: Chinese New Year eight o'clock, twelve o'clock, six in the evening, ten o'clock at night.

New Year: early morning, 8 o'clock in the morning, 12 noon, and 8 o'clock in the evening. 8

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