The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1769: Buddhist retreat

"This time there are only eight ancestors of the nine great ancestors of the human race, and the rest of the supreme powers have already decided to stand by. If I, I am sure to stand on the sidelines, the Central Region is not its own territory, why go to die?" Fox God shook his head in disdain, the words fell, and continued to look at the letter, and then frowned: "Amitabhas ambiguous attitude, still hesitating."

"Fox God, didn't you say back then that the Chaotian, Fuyao, Amitabha and others of the Human Race can be prevented from participating in the war? Why is Amitabha swaying now?" Wolf God said.

Hearing the words, the fox **** clenched the letter in his hand, his eyes flickered, and his face was calm: "I will go to the human race."

"Hey, it doesn't matter what you are hanging up high, these **** are really too much. Everyone is a human race. They stand by and don't say anything, and they have to fall into the ground secretly" Taiyuan Jiaozu cursed.

"What are we going to do now?" Tai Dou Jiaozu said helplessly: "With the eight of us, even if the bones are removed, it won't be enough for the desolate monsters and gods to stuff their teeth, unless they have learned that wonderful beauty in one gas. Then naturally you can turn defeat into victory, and beat all the monsters and gods in the wild."

"Oh, what else can I do? I can only take one step at a time. Now that I have reached this point, what else can I say?" Tai Yi Jiaozu also has a headache. Even if he has mastered the avenue of destiny, he is facing such a general trend of the world. It is still crushed.

In the middle of the human race, Dafengzhou, Yu Duxiu is sitting beside Wangchen. At this time, Wangchen is playing the guzheng in his hand, and the sounds of immortals are curled and extremely beautiful.

Yu Duxiu rested her head on the blue stone, looking at the sky with a pair of eyes, and the white clouds were long and uncomfortable.

"Brother, race war, are you really not mingling?" Wangchen said.

Yu Duxiu sneered when he heard the words: "What if the race war is defeated? Ordinary people don't know how to practice. Even if they move to the border and wasteland, they still live as they should. As for those monks, who Will take care of them life and death".

"When will you comprehend Daoguo!" Yu Duxiu changed the subject, looking at Wangchen with a pair of eyes: "If you don't comprehend Daoguo anymore, brother, you have to think of some extreme ways."

"What way?" Wangchen said with wide eyes.

"If that race war breaks out, my brother will throw you into the war, so that you can understand yourself in the crisis of life and death, and you will be able to realize the fruit," Yu Duxiu said.

"Brother, shouldn't you be so cruel, right?" Wang Chen stared at Yu Duxiu with big eyes, pitifully.


Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "There is no way. It is for your own good to be brother. If you don't break through, the race war in the future may evolve to some extent. When that time, brother is afraid that you will not be able to hold you back. The ghost hasn't been suppressed yet, because my brother now has a lot of enemies, maybe someone will come to him anytime."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's complexion changed, her eyes looked at the void, and then turned to look at Wangchen: "Wangchen, brother remember that there was an ancient book that I fell into the palace at that time. Fetched".


Wangchen is so cute that he turned around and left without hesitation after listening to Yu Duxiu's words.

Yu Duxiu lay there lazily: "Come out."

Listening to Yu Duxiu’s unsalty and undiminished voice, the fox **** wore a fiery red robe and came to Yu Duxiu, with a pair of eyes looking at Yu Duxiu indifferently: "Back then, you promised me that Amitabha should not participate in the war. ".

Yu Duxiu remembered that this was not the road to the sky. At that time, the fox **** set a calamity to stir the muddy water, but was taken advantage of by himself, but panicked but made a promise.

"You came to me for this." Yu Duxiu squinted her eyes, basking in the sun: "This constellation naturally does what we say, please go back to the fox god. Amitabha still has the yin and the insect **** staring at it. Time to participate in this kind of thing."

Yu Duxiu's lazy way.

The fox **** stood aside, watching Yu Duxiu silently, and Yu Duxiu did not speak, still looking so lazy.

"That's good, Mianxia is keeping the promise." After the Fox God said coldly, he turned and left.

Seeing the fox **** leaving, Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Oh! What a trouble."

The relationship between Yu Duxiu and the Fox God is a bit awkward. In the past, Yu Duxiu did something wrong in his daughter country, but a few days ago, because of the snake god, he turned his face with the wild monsters. Now Yu Duxiu is a little confused. .

"No matter what you do, no matter who it is, as long as it threatens my path, I will never show mercy." A black lotus flickered in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"Amitabha, I have a vast Buddhist school, and save all sentient beings in the world, regardless of race. Moreover, the Pure Land of the Great Leiyin Temple is not within Kyushu, and I have to accompany all Taoists. My Buddhist school emphasizes the equality of all beings, human races and demons. Clan is no different in the eyes of this seat. This kind of clan war, but you can't participate in it." Amitabha's voice is steady and spread throughout the world, which is regarded as an announcement to the world.

"Sure enough!" The Fox God, who had not returned to the wild, had a pause, his eyes looked in the direction of Lingshan, and a complex and difficult smell flashed in his eyes.

"Daoist Amitabha, is this?" When Tai Yi Jiaozu heard Amitabh withdraw from the war, he suddenly felt in his heart.

"I have no choice, and I am helpless. If there is a race war, the insect **** and the Yinsi ghost master are staring at me? When the demon **** is added, my spirit mountain will only be destroyed overnight." Amituo cried and laughed again and again.

After listening to Amitabha’s explanation, everyone is hard to say anything. Amitabhas really tell the truth. Can everyone still say, “Lingshan will be destroyed, and you and I will protect Kyushu together.” If you say this, Amitab will surely turn his face in an instant, and then both sides A big shot, and before the monster clan calls, the two sides have done one first.

"The Nine Provinces of Human Race are over, there is no hope at all." In the East China Sea, Dragon Kings of the Four Seas gathered together at this time.

"What do you say now" Nanhai Longjundao.

"Ao Le has gone to Kunlun Mountain, let's see what Han Fang said" Donghai Longjun said with his eyes closed.

Kunlun Mountains.

"Mother!" Ao Le walked into the hall, shivering instantly, at this time, the whole hall was full of frost.

"You girl, how come you have time to come to me today?" Han Hanshuang opened his eyes, and saw Han Hanshuang slowly close, and leaned towards Han Wei.

"Mother! My child is here today, there is one thing I want to discuss with my mother" Ao Le said.

"What's the matter? You girl, just say it if you have something, and you're still playing careful with your mother." Han Yan nodded Ao Le's head.

Na Ao Le said: "My father said, can the Sihailong Palace and the Jiaolong clan temporarily give up their grievances and enter the middle territory, and share a piece of the wild among the world's heroes"

"Don't talk to me about your father's heartbreaker" Han Yan's face was full of frost.

Ao Le heard the words and looked at Han Yan cautiously: "Mother, this is a reshuffle once in a million years. It is also the opportunity for the rise of my Sihailong and Jiaolong clan. If my mother gives up this opportunity, she can only wait for a hundred. Ten thousand years later."

"Do you think it is such a simple matter to raise troops to participate in a race war? Human race has a list of gods, and demon races have demon flags. Even if you try your best, as long as you recuperate for a while, you can return to prosperity and preserve the strength of the race to the greatest extent. What about the Dragon Clan? If in the race war, if you die, you are dead, it means the weakness of the Dragon Clan is completely erased from the heavens and the world."

After hearing what Han Fang said, Ao Le was silent for a while, and then said: "Mother, it is better to think about it. You must know that the opportunity is not easy, so Miaoxiu, Chaotian and other supreme powers will stop. , This is the best opportunity."

After listening to Ao Le's words Han Yan slowly closed his eyes, did not say much, and said after a while: "I will consider this matter for a while before talking."

"Okay, mother must consider it carefully" Ao Le said with a smile.

"Brother, if Human Race has fallen, where shall we go?" Wangchen looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu had a smile in her eyes: "Brother I have already thought about it. If the Central Territory falls, my brother will go to the outer chaos and open up a layer of outer heaven. If they fight for life and death, they will not affect me. Brother, but I'm too lazy to fight with them. I have been running around for more than 5,000 years, so I should rest."

"I have said this in just over five thousand years. If we have lived for a million years, shouldn't we find a place to bury ourselves?".


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