The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1756: One punch

Among those worms, I don't know when six large black holes have formed, and they are instantly suppressed by Yu Duxiu.

The group of insects cut off Yu Duxiu's sight, and cut off Yu Duxiu's perception. These people are not ordinary beasts, and it is normal for them to cut off Yu Duxiu's various senses.

"This is the six reincarnations, the ghost master is really shameless, and he secretly attacked." Looking at the approaching six reincarnations, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed cold, and his body was broken down into countless calamities, and he appeared in the group in an instant. Outside the worm.

"Ghost Lord, you old thing is not kind, at any rate, you are also a supreme powerhouse, how can you learn from those young people and sneak in secret" Yu Duxiu dressed in a black robe, looking at the ghost Lord beside the insect god, his eyes showed dissatisfaction .

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ghost master laughed, not at all ashamed, but a little complacent: "Hmph, whatever you do, as long as you can hit the enemy, it will be done."

"The ghost master wants to take this muddy water too, will you embarrass me?" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Oh, no way. Who told you to take other people’s things? This thing is not yours. You don’t want to take it randomly. You didn’t want to come. But who told you to owe other people’s things? "Here to collect debts for others" Ghost Lord said.

Looking at the ghost master, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Oh, yes, I told you so much about what to do. Anyway, Liangzi has already forged, and sooner or later we will become enemies, and talk about so many useless nonsense. , Today is about to ask the two brilliant tricks."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu pressed his palm to the insect god: "The insect **** has always attacked me, and now it's my turn to make a move."

Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm, but saw the turbulence in the void, and instantly a catastrophe surged between Yu Duxiu's fingers: "Frost Tribulation".

This outsider seemed to be nothing, but the insect **** who was at the brunt of it was terrified. In an instant, countless groups of insects flew out from all directions, swallowing Yu Duxiu from all directions.

"I hate bugs the most." Yu Duxiu flicked her finger, and the innate sacred fire was overwhelming for eight hundred miles. All the insects, no matter what the insects, were instantly reduced to ashes under the innate sacred fire.

"Innate sacred fire?" The insect **** suddenly changed his color: "Why do you have this kind of thing? Didn't the innate sacred fire disappear when it opened up the world?".

Seeing Yu Duxiu mastered the innate sacred fire, the insect **** suddenly changed its color.

In the middle of the wild, deep in a certain crypt, the old jade ancestor smiled: "It deserves to be unlucky for this group of insects, but unexpectedly met the innate sacred fire, this innate sacred fire is the nemesis of the group of insects, no matter what insect you are, how many come and die. , Even when the supreme power of the human race faces the innate sacred fire, he is very cautious and hesitant. The power of the innate sacred fire is evident."

At this time, the nine supreme ancestors of the human race looked at the Taiping ancestor, and the Taiping ancestor's complexion changed wildly: "Thousands of years ago, the innate sacred fire of Taiping Dao escaped. I thought this innate sacred fire had sneaked into the wild. Who would have thought that it would be refined by Yu Duxiu and turned into an innate fire, which is really terrifying."

After listening to the words of the Taiping Jiaozu, the faces of the Taiping Jiazuo ancestors are green, and the Taiping Jiaozu ancestors are simply too wicked. If you don't say hello to everyone in advance of such a big thing, if the innate sacred fire causes any trouble, who can afford it? .

At this moment, the **** of insects looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes flickered, and the group of insects was instantly converged, and then the group of insects turned into a long sword in his hands: "Ghost Lord, this Yu Duxiu must suppress it today Don’t do it, otherwise, there will be no way for us to live in the future. Anyone who has an extra nemesis will not be too uncomfortable.”

Hearing the words, the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "As long as you hand over the seal of the emperor, this seat can give you an explanation. As for the insect god, it has nothing to do with the old man."

The ghost master is not a fool, and instantly draws a line from the insect gods. Yu Duxiu is not easy to provoke. He hadn't made any contribution in a sneak attack before, and the ghost master already had a sense of vigilance in his heart.

Yu Duxiu nodded when he heard the words: "The ghost lord is not confused, but if I am the ghost lord, I'd better retreat early. This seal of the emperor is not something anyone can get, and I want to grab food in my hand. I really want to see if your Excellency has such a skill."

Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ghost master smiled softly: "That's the truth, but since it has been entrusted by others, it is naturally a matter of loyalty."

"The ghost master attacked me with a sneak attack, so why don't you taste the magical power of this seat, the taste of the magic fist of myriad tribulations."

While talking, I saw Yu Duxiu lightly punching towards the ghost master with a weak punch. This punch pierced the void, and instantly came to the ghost master.


The five innate ghosts turned in the hands of the ghost master, facing Yu Duxiu's attack and did not dodge.


The innate five ghosts screamed, and instantly collapsed, submerged in the ghost master's five fingers, and refused to come out no matter how they were summoned.


The real fire of the sun exploded from the body of the ghost master, and the ghost master immediately used his magical powers to suppress it. The real fire of the sun here was just suppressed, but on the other side, there were once more innate golden sword auras in the body of the ghost. He wanted to smash the corpse of the ghost master into thousands of pieces, so that the ghost master immediately used his supernatural powers, suppressing the countless innate golden sword qi.

These two calamities were suppressed, only to see an inexplicable extra seed in the ghost main body, began to absorb the origin of the ghost master, and continued to blossom and bear fruit.

"Don't worry, I won this Ten Thousand Tribulations Divine Fist. It will take ten thousand calamities before the power of this Divine Fist can be resolved." Seeing the ghost master constantly suppressing and destroying the powerful force in the body, Yu Duo Xiu unhurriedly forced away towards the ghost master.

"Six reincarnations, give me suppression." The ghost master seals his hands with both hands, and actually wants to use six reincarnations to suppress all the calamities in his body.

But it has to be said that the power of reincarnation is indeed a golden oil, and the calamity of Yu Duxiu's penetration into the main body of the ghost is indeed suppressed, but then? .

Could it have been mobilizing the power of the six reincarnations to suppress the calamity in the body? Don't rest? Stop fighting with people? .

"Eat me another hundred death fists" Yu Duxiu's hands surged, and once again went to the ghost master.

"Miaoxiu, don't want to be presumptuous, and eat this sword." A golden magic sword in the hands of the insect **** slashed towards Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu's eyes were sneered, and the stars in his hand flowed: "Star track ".


When the two sides collided, the insect god’s sword did not cut off Yu Duxiu’s skin, but seeing the power of the ancient star trajectory in Yu Duxiu’s hand heading towards the insect god, the magic sword trembled, and all the power was swallowed by the insects. Do nothing.

"What a weird supernatural power" Yu Duxiu frowned, pinched an innate divine fire in her hand, and walked toward the insect god.


The sword in the hands of the insect **** was endless, a set of swordsmanship attacked Yu Duxiu's body, avoiding the innate sacred fire.

This is indeed a good way to avoid the innate sacred fire. Yu Duxiu dared not try to pierce his body with a sword called the insect god. The insect god’s magic sword is composed of countless insects. If it pierces his body, There will be countless insects rushing out, eating all the organs in one's body.

Although he is immortal now, Yu Duxiu definitely does not have such a hobby.


Yu Duxiu evaded the insect **** in an instant, and came to the ghost master, and an innate divine fire patted the ghost master's body.

The power of the six reincarnations of the divine light in the "six reincarnation" ghost body is In an instant, the power of the two reincarnations superimposed, and a force of involvement came, and Yu Duxiu's palm was lifted by the force of reincarnation.

This Divine Fist of Ten Thousand Tribulations is the most disgusting person. The supreme power is immortal, but if you are immortal and let the Ten Thousand Tribulations explode in your body, you will endure the smell of death ten thousand times, ten thousand deaths, even if you are The supreme strong will also go crazy, if you keep suppressing, the calamity will accumulate more and more intense, you can only find an opportunity to release it, and then die once by yourself.

This is like compression. It was supposed to die 10,000 times, but now that it is suppressed, it is done a thousand or a hundred deaths, but even so, it is disgusting enough.

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