The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1750: When the dust settles, who knows who wins and who loses

"Miaoxiu, return my East Sea treasure." In the East Sea Dragon Palace, seeing Yu Duxiu picking up the **** orb, the faces of the dragons changed instantly, their eyes were full of anger, and the East Sea Dragon King instantly crossed the boundary, wanting When he was about to descend on the scene, he saw Tai Shidao a spear suddenly shot out, and shot it towards Donghai Longjun: "This is the territory of my human race, and you worms dare to come to the wild."

Hearing this, Donghai Longjun was stunned, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. Looking at the great ancestor who stood in front of him, Donghai Longjun's voice was gloomy: "You guys, are you sure to block me?".

"This is the territory of my human race" Taishijiazuo just said lightly, seeing the East China Sea languish and losing the orb, Taishijiazuo was very happy in his heart. The more the Four Seas Dragon King suffered, the happier he was. .

"Taishi!" Donghai Longjun looked at Taishi's teaching ancestor, but there was no way at all.

"I'm also doing this for your own good. You are just taking your own humiliation when you go. Then Amitabha and Bodhi, all the people in the four seas, are defeated, not to mention Chaotian and others helping out, you It’s a dog who bites an immortal and doesn’t know good people’s hearts." The Taishi taught the ancestors to be unhurried, and the damaged Donghai Longjun could not say a word.

The troubles of the four seas were temporarily blocked, Yu Duxiu looked at the crumbling insect **** in the field, with a sneer in his eyes: "I just want to know when you did it."

"This seat is the **** of insects. All insects in the heavens and all realms are under my orders. Even the most common insects can be attached to this seat."

Now that it has been discovered, it seems stingy while covering up, the insect **** simply and generously admitted his own calculations, constantly coping with the attacks of the quasi-superior powerhouses who are going around.

Because of the fate of the Jade Duxiu, the quasi-superior powerhouses at this time seem to be a group of flames, ice layers, and thunderclouds that are constantly colliding and interweaving, and they instantly spread to the surroundings, but they are held by the Jade Duxiu three treasures. Hurt the people in Suzhou City.

Yu Duxiu drew his hand, and all the people in the world in the palm of the world rushed around, and the quasi-superior powerhouse who was constantly making waves was instantly hit by the seedlings. One by one, Yu Duxiu was slapped to pieces. Two breaths have already Taoized a quasi-superior powerhouse. If this goes on, the twenty-odd quasi-superior powerhouses are nothing more than a cup of tea, and they have been Taoized.

That Tai Yi Jiaozu had a pair of eyes always paying attention to Yu Duxiu's movements. After seeing that Yu Duxiu had transformed so many supreme powers, his eyes showed a thoughtful look: "It turns out that it can be like this."

In the wild, deep in a certain crypt, the unlucky ghost looked at the void with a pair of eyes: "My ancestor, I am so unlucky. Every time at a critical moment, I have to be interrupted. Xiu helps me, and I have to ask that Miao Xiu to help me melt my true body. This seat is going to return. Now the heavens and the world are really wonderful. There are actually great innate beasts, which are the evil animals that escaped back then. , I dared to swagger through the market like this. I didn’t find you before, but that’s fine. Now that I found you, let you **** ancestors."

As he spoke, he saw that the unlucky ghost once again had a mysterious qi mechanism escaping from his body. The gray qi mechanism leaped across the void, without giving everyone time to react, and fell directly into Bai Suzhen’s belly, even to the **** of insects. Blocking did not play a role.

"Unlucky ghost?" Tai Yi taught ancestors for a moment, the tortoise shell in his hand turned rapidly, wanting to deduct where the unlucky ghost was.

In the wild, the Fox God smiled lightly: "Unlucky ghost, every time this guy runs out to disrupt the situation, it's really terrible."

"Unlucky ghost" After the worm **** felt the unlucky ghost's energy, his body shuddered, and then he gritted his teeth and scanned the void: "Asshole, you are the old immortal, you are always black hands behind your back. You come out if you have the ability, come out. ".

Seeing that ray of the unlucky ghost's energy fell into Bai Suzhen's placenta, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled, and looked at the insect **** with a smile: "With the magical powers of this unlucky ghost, there must be variables. I Now I have to see how unlucky this snake **** is."


When Yu Duxiu's thoughts fell, he heard a scream from Bai Suzhen's abdomen, and then saw a quasi-immortal innate immortal aura that penetrated the power of the snake **** and went straight into the abdomen, although the snake **** commanded the quasi-immortal Knocked off, but it was a scream, which was absolutely uncomfortable.


The quasi-superior powerhouses were taken aback for a moment, and then overjoyed, they rushed towards Bai Suzhen's abdomen even more crazily.

"Oh, those who have gained the way will help more, those who have lost the way will not help, the **** of insects, although you are good at calculating, but you don't know. The conspiracy is just a trail, and you don't know how you cracked the power of the unlucky ghost." Yu Duxiu is not slow. Tao.

"Asshole! Asshole! Bastard" The insect **** yelled, but he had to deal with the attacks of the supreme power carefully.

Looking at the worm god, Yu Duxiu shook her head, did not say much, just waited for the results, she was in charge of the power of disaster, the unlucky ghost's previous magical power is definitely not as simple as everyone imagined.

While she was talking, she suddenly heard Bai Suzhen's cry, followed by a cry of baby.

"Born?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Born?" Twenty or so quasi-superpowers stopped their movements, and the next moment they broke through the void, heading in all directions.

"Give me all back." Yu Duxiu stretched out his big hand, and instantly the unparalleled power in the universe came in his palm, pulling the quasi-superior powers, and at the same time, in the palm of Yu Duxiu, within the universe, there were a line of innate immortality. Circulation, instantly entangled the supreme powerhouses who were about to flee, but for a few breaths, most of the quasi-superior powerhouses had been brought into the palm of the universe by Yu Duxiu.

"Run three times" Yu Duxiu frowned.

Seeing the insect **** holding the fetus in surprise, Yu Duxiu stretched out her big hand, and instantly moved the mountain and the sea. Leifeng Tower was uplifted out of thin air, and there was a force of retraction to take Bai Suzhen into it.

"Don't think about it" The insect **** stretched out his hand, and the overwhelming group of insects headed towards Leifeng Tower.

"The mighty road of cultivation, my way will prosper" Yu Duxiu's hand formed a tribulation in an instant, and it spread over countless insect swarms. In an instant, countless swarms of insects died unexpectedly and turned into an ice sculpture, lifelike.

"Huh" Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and Leifeng Tower fell. At the same time, he pointed out, and God's Will was like a and went to kill the newly born baby.

Feeling Yu Duxiu's fierce and domineering knife, the insect **** did not care about Bai Suzhen, and instantly protected the baby, and then the worms filled the sky, blocking Yu Duxiu's finger.


That Bai Suzhen had no resistance, was suppressed by Yu Duxiu, and then saw a series of talisman seals in Yu Duxiu's hand, instantly imprinted on the Leifeng Tower.

"Insect God, the dust has settled, do you want to resist to the end?" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

The insect **** looked at the baby in his arms with a look of disbelief: "Why? Why does the snake **** lose his memory?"

At this time, there was a shocking force in the fetus, but the will of the snake **** was not seen in it.

"Huh, is the power of the unlucky ghost so easy to dissolve?" Yu Duxiu's eyes sneered: "There must be something wrong before that caused the memory of the snake **** to fall into a deep sleep. It's good, but it gave me a chance. ".

A black lotus flower flickered in Yu Duxiu's eyes, with a deep smile on her mouth: "Okay, okay, that's great, the mechanism is so clever, it missed Haw's life."

After speaking, he gloated at the insect god: "The insect **** should go back to raise his grandson earlier. I don't know if the insect **** will be your grandson or your husband in the future."


Seeing Yu Duxiu's sharp teeth and sharp mouths, while talking coldly, the insect **** trembles with anger, but there is nothing to do with Yu Duxiu. A pair of eyes look at the Leifeng Tower, and the murderous flashes in his eyes : "Hongjun, you lost this round."

"Really? Do you think you won, did I lose? The days are long, and the days are long, don't be turned over by this seat, or you will cry in the future." After speaking, Yu Duxiu instantly resumed her Taoist costume. Turn around and walk into the Jinshan Temple. (To be continued.)

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