The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1735: Reckless trip

"Oh, I should have thought that there is a long distance between Lichen Dao and the White Snake who is most likely to visit Lichen Dao Longmen. Moreover, the relationship between Lichen and Yu Duxiu is entangled, so I should have thought of it long ago. This relationship is the "Bai Wuchang Road." w.』23

"When the light of Lichen was in ancient times, it was the top supernatural power of all the heavens and all realms. It is not a stumbling thing if you are defeated by the great power of Taoist Lichen," Bai Wuchang comforted Wang Daoling.

That Wang Daoling was dying at this time, constantly running mana to hang his life, looking at Wang Daoling's half-dead look, Heiwuchang said: "Otherwise, let's go to the Yin Division to find the prince and get some spiritual things for this kid to eat, help His cultivation of mana, perfect fortune, surrender the white snake?".

"This is not a problem of magic power, but a problem of magical powers. The magical powers cannot restrain the divine light from the dust, and the deep magical power is useless." Bai Wuchang scratched his head.

Hei Wuchang said: "If you can eat some spiritual things for this kid and raise mana, it will be of some use."

After that, Heiwuchang turned and entered the Yin Division. Not long after, he held a large pile of spiritual objects in his hands and came to Wang Dao's spirit: "Boy, eat this spiritual object quickly. After eating this spiritual object, your mana It will be deeper and the power of supernatural powers will be greater. First, cultivate to perfection. As for the supernatural powers that restrain the divine light from the dust, I don’t have it, let alone that I have not waited, even the heavens and the worlds. None, so your task is a long way to go."

Looking at the countless spiritual creatures, Wang Daoling's eyes lit up. He now has no shortage of magical powers. He has the magical powers of falling treasure and money, which is enough to protect his true body. What he lacks is the spiritual things to improve his cultivation.

The king Daoling opened his mouth wide, and a bunch of spiritual things fell into his abdomen, and he began to hone his mana and improve his cultivation.

At Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu nodded: "It's also smart, knowing how to find people for benefits."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu instantly turned into aura, soaring into the sky, slammed a fist, the calamity was vertical and horizontal, and layers spread in the void. I don't know how many strong people who secretly peeped turned into powder in an instant.

On the Thirty-Three Heavens, Qiantian's expression was gloomy: "Since Xu Xian can't be collected under his hands, then just cut off a strand of true spirit and reincarnate."

While speaking, the true dragon purple air flow in Gan Tian's eyes turned, but the next moment he saw a wisp of soul of that Gan Tian being wrapped in true dragon purple air, heading towards the lower realm.


A palm suddenly stretched out from the void, grabbing a touch of the soul of the dry sky, the innate **** wind rolled up, the soul was shattered every inch, and the soul flew away.


A mouthful of golden blood spurted out, and Qiantian's eyes rolled with anger: "Miaoxiu, dare to cut my cultivation base, destroy my soul, I will never die with you."

Xihe on one side was speechless. What's the use of this sentence? It seems that your relationship with Yu Duxiu has never been better.

Xihe looked at Qiantian with a pair of eyes, and said coldly, "The matter of Hangzhou in the Lower Realm must be tricky, otherwise Miaoxiu will not guard it so rigorously."

"Calculating the time, it should be almost time, and this seat should be on the door." Yu Duxiu stood on the top floor of Jinshan Temple, looking down at the entire West Lake, her eyes peeping secretly around.

"Lady, it's not good, it's not good, this plague is really terrible, and my Baozhitang is helpless." But when Xu Xian ran back embarrassedly, "Lady, you are a master of Xinglin. You have to take care of this matter. Row".

The white lady smiled softly: "Don't worry, your husband will definitely solve this worry for your husband."

After speaking, he said to Xiaoqing on one side: "Xiaoqing, you come with me, go to Lichendongtian to visit my master and ask about the antidote. This plague seems unusual."

After hearing Bai Suzhen’s words, Xiaoqing nodded. The two of them said goodbye to Xu Xian. They turned around and left the Suzhou Mansion. They reached the Lichendong Heaven and Earth Boundary. Then Bai Suzhen said, “This is the place where my master Lishan’s mother practiced. After my master's law comes, you must not be presumptuous."


Xiaoqing said cautiously.

"Disciple Bai Suzhen, please see the master, that millions of people in Suzhou have been infected with the plague, and I also ask the master to show me how to resolve the plague." Bai Suzhen knelt on the ground with a sincere expression.

In the cave, Li Chen frowned when he heard this. He knew this kind of thing. She was not omnipotent. With a turn of his thoughts, she had already left the Lichen Cave and turned into golden light and descended to Jinshan Temple.

"Hongjun, how to crack this plague?" Li Chen said.

Yu Duxiu frowned upon hearing the words: "This is a kind of miasma of the Yinsi. If you want to resolve it, there are two ways. The first is to wash it by direct rainfall with the congenital divine water, and the second is to look for it in the wild. A kind of flower and grass are called green fireworks. These green fireworks gather and scatter invisible, like a kind of smoke. It is not easy to find."

"You are too cruel this time, and you planted this kind of miasma. If you can't resolve it and cause trouble, it depends on how you end up." Li Chen scolded Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was speechless: "This poisonous fog is not something I can do. Although I don't do things honestly, I don't bother to use this method. If I'm not mistaken, it must have been done by the Yinsi. Just fish in troubled waters".

"You are so doing it for yourself, don't make a comeback and be calculated by someone to turn this place into a dead zone" Lichen turned and left after hearing the words.

Seeing away from the dust, Yu Duxiu shook her head, and her own power was in charge of the calamity. This so-called calamity was not worth mentioning in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and it could be swallowed by thoughts.

"This is to give merit to the white snake. When the merit of the white snake is completed, a new life can be born. The eight relics in Xu Xian's body and the eight relics of Bai Suzhen will follow the mother's womb to be refined and regain great perfection. "Achievement to the Human Fruit Status" Yu Duxiu said without hesitation.


Hearing these two words, both the white snake and the green snake trembled. What is the place? That is the cruelest survival trial ground. Although it cannot be said that good fortune walks all over the floor, there are many quasi-monsters and gods like dogs, but it is also the easiest place to meet quasi-superior power.

The white snake shrank his neck, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then rose to the sky: "If you don't have a choice, how can merit be so easy to earn".

"Ruzi can be taught."

Watching the white snake and the green snake go away, Li Chen walked out of the cave, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"Brother, look at the escape light, is it the white lady and the green snake?" The black and white impermanence who was resting looked at the two escape lights rising from Suzhou, and suddenly stood up excitedly.

"It's really the White Lady. I didn't expect that the White Lady actually left Suzhou and headed towards the wild. If we can capture the White Lady and bring it to the Insect God, I think the Insect God will not hesitate to reward." Hei Wuchang stood happily When they got up, the two brothers were about to turn into a light to catch up, but they saw the void twisted not far in front of them, and a figure in black appeared in their eyes: "Oh, let's meet again, what a coincidence. ".

"Hongjun, our brother doesn't want to meet you. Our brother has things to do. I won't play with you. Say goodbye." After Yu Duxiu was seen in black and white, he suddenly trembled, and he was about to rise to the sky and turn away~ Just an instant stopped by Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu's body turned against the chaotic air currents, reversed Yin and Yang, and the two quasi-superior powers collided randomly in the void. After all, it was impossible to escape Yu Duxiu. Show the clutches.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? My brother met you, and it was a bad luck for eight lifetimes. It's really damn, damn! I waited for my brothers to run wild and have never been restrained. What is your method" Bai Wuchang cursed.

"It's just changing the laws of the surrounding void. I reversed the Yin and Yang, and your supernatural powers were naturally restrained by me." Yu Duxiu slowly sat down, "Come on, now that I have met, don't worry about it. How about going with me? ".

"No less, no less, you are a scheming man, lest you fall into your calculations" Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Master Hongjun, which one are you going to play with, let us go quickly" Bai Wuchang said with a sad face.

Looking at the impermanence of black and white, Yu Duxiu wanted to laugh. The two brothers were too funny: "When the white snake comes back to pick up the medicine, I will let you go."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu played with her stupid cuteness carelessly, her eyes looked in the direction of Manghuang, and then she was silent. (To be continued.) (83 Chinese website)

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