The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1729: Nie Yuan

In the human race, the prince Yinsi, who was looking for the trail of the white snake, sensed the aura that soared into the sky, the familiar origin from the soul, instantly took birth and death, and really saw the cultivation of Bai Suzhen in the life and death story. Ascended from innate to the realm of good fortune.

"It must be a white snake. It seems that the white snake has a good chance of reincarnation this time. The cultivation base has actually reached the realm of good fortune. I finally found you. Let's go and see what the white snake is doing?" Cheng, following the remaining vitality of the breakthrough, came to Xu Xian's mansion, and then Prince Yin Si was shocked, and a living movement to create human beings unfolded in front of Prince Yin Si.


A magic sword pierced the void, and instantly slashed at the Crown Prince Yinsi: "Who is spying in the dark".

The magic sword belongs to Bai Suzhen. The current cultivation base of the Yinsi prince is a bit embarrassing. At best, it is considered to be a perfect fortune. It is deeper and deeper than Bai Suzhen's mana. The key is to see the strength of the magical power. Bai Suzhen has the inheritance of Lichen, and this Lichen Shenguang is powerful Incomparably, instantly knocked out the unprepared Yin Division.

Looking at Xu Xian, who was still extremely enthusiastic, Bai Suzhen extinguished his pursuit of pursuit, and continued to cooperate with Xu Xian to complete the unfinished movement.

In the Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu saw clearly what happened to the prince of Yinsi, and then smiled indifferently: "If I were you, I would persuade the prince of Yinsi to persuade you, don't you know if you are not rude?".

"Yes Yes Yes".

The black and white impermanence was as amnesty, and when he heard Yu Duxiu let him go, it turned into a streamer and rushed out, and disappeared in an instant.

"Prince, how is it?" Black and white impermanence came to the Yinsi Prince.

"Where have you been?" The Crown Prince gritted his teeth.

Bai Wuchang smiled bitterly: "Our brother had been ordered by the prince to monitor Miaoxiu and found the trail of the White Snake. He had intended to stop it, but his magical powers were not as good as Miaoxiu's, and he couldn't even think of sending messages to the outside world. Watching that Xu Xian married the white snake and asked the prince to forgive him."

The prince of Yinsi sat there blankly: "What's the use of saying so much? What's the use? I'm already married, what's the use? How can I explain to the **** of insects this time? I will give people an extra son-in-law. Really,,,,, Really,,,,,".

The prince's body was trembling, not knowing what to say.

"Prince, we are in control of life and death, why not take the life of Xu Xian, hook his soul into the underworld, and no future troubles" Hei Wuchang turned his eyes and said.

"Huh? It can be considered, indeed it can be considered." The prince of Yin Si was shocked when he heard this: "It's just that Xu Xian has a great life in this life, and there are still decades of life. If you want to ecstasy, you need to reduce his life. We are about to break through, but we can't just jeopardize the merits of Qi Luck."

The black and white impermanence you look at me, I look at you, can only helplessly say: "Then go down."

"You two love Qing," Prince Yinsi with a smile: "I am waiting for good news from both of you."

The Crown Prince patted the shoulders of the two messengers.

The black and white impermanence looked at each other, and it turned into a yin wind and disappeared in an instant. In a flash, he came to Xu's house. At this time, the room had returned to quietness. Xu Xian exhausted his energy and fell asleep deeply. Bai Suzhen on one side also slept peacefully with Xu Xian.

Black and white impermanence is the supreme powerhouse, and Bai Suzhen's cultivation base is tens of thousands of miles away. Even if he swaggers into the room, Bai Suzhen is hard to find.

A chain appeared in the hand of the black impermanence, and instantly bound to Xu Xian, but the next moment he saw the light of the Buddha, the black and white impermanence was blown away by the light of the Buddha.

"Huh?" Bai Suzhen was awakened by the immeasurable Buddha light, looked at Xu Xian, and then looked at her house. She didn't find anything wrong, she continued to sleep peacefully, but suffered from the black and white impermanence.


Black and white impermanence came to the prince of Yin Si, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the prince of Yin, "Needless to say, I already knew what happened. I didn't expect Xu Xian to have such a strong body of Buddha light. Could it be this servant? Isn't it a big figure from the Buddhist school in the previous life?".

"Could it be that Miaoxiu personally reincarnated, sleeping this white lady" Hei Wuchang said obscenely.

"Stupid! Today we are still talking to Yu Duxiu at Jinshan Temple, how could it be the reincarnation of Yu Duxiu" Bai Wuchang retorted.

"Huh, Miaoxiu has great magical powers, so she can't cut her avatar, and sleep this white lady" Hei Wuchang refused.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you are heard by the **** of insects, you must have cramps and skinning." Prince Yin Si interrupted the two and wandered around in place: "How can this be good? How can this be good? What is this prince? Explain to the insect god".

"Prince, it's not your fault alone, and that Gantian, if it weren't for Gantian to admit the wrong person, and delay those thousand years, how could it fall to the current situation" Hei Wuchang said.

"No matter what, please separate Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian first, and give an explanation to the **** of insects" Yin Si Prince said.

"Prince, at the wedding today, I was waiting to meet a Taoist priest at the wedding banquet, arguing that the white lady is a monster, but was beaten out by the housekeeper, maybe that Taoist priest could be used, maybe" Bai Wuchang Tao.

The prince of Yinsi nodded when he heard this: "Where is that Taoist?".

"We have to look for our brothers" Bai Wuchang said.

Seeing the black and white impermanence go away, the prince of the underworld frowned: "Hongjun has already found the trace of the white lady, why didn't he do it? The infinite Buddha light in Xuxian's body before, is it Hongjun's plan for this marriage? What role does Jun play in it".

After speaking, Prince Yinsi angrily said: "I blame that dry sky. I am confident that the so-called 28 stars can find the reincarnated body. If you click on the mystery of the broken fetus, you have just missed a major event, otherwise you will end up like this. ".

"What are you planning? The monk can't understand your layout more and more." Ku Rong didn't know when he stood beside Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu heard the words and looked at the scenery of the West Lake in the distance. The Yuanshen was immersed in the magical powers of heaven's will like a sword. Following his calculations time and time again, he constantly used the power of'Heaven's will' to fix the cause and effect of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian. , Yu Duxiu has a deeper control of God's Will like a sword.

"The eighth percent control is just around the corner, but I don't know when we can completely grasp the tenth percent of the providence like a sword. This tenth percent of the providential will be like a sword. It is simply too difficult and extremely obscure." Yu Duxiu sighed inwardly, listening to Kurong. If you do, don’t hesitate to say: "My eyes are not on a horizontal line at all."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu's palm moved, and a lotus in the lotus pond in the distance was held by Yu Duxiu, and then he looked at Ku Rong unhurriedly: "How about this lotus?".

"It looks good, but it's a pity for life" Ku Rong said.

"Your vision just stops at hue, but I'm already detached. I'm thinking that if this lotus flower is concocted, it will be a good body" Yu Duxiu patted Ku Rong's shoulder: "Master, wisdom Although important, vision is more important than wisdom. This seat does not require great wisdom. As long as the vision is sufficient, wisdom will naturally be accumulated."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned and left: "The layout of this seat has been completed, and then wait for a good show."

"That Wang Daoling has good qualifications. If he enters Buddhism, it can be accomplished." Ku Rong looked at Yu Duxiu's away back and shouted: "You must not lead Wang Daoling astray".

Yu Duxiu didn't say much, her figure melted into the darkness.

In the Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Pool, Yu Duxiu's figure appeared in the Jade Pool.

"Sister Miaoyu, calling me so hastily, what's the matter?" Yu Duxiu's face was a little dull, and she looked dull at the Miaoyu dressed in Fengguanxia.

Na Miaoyu looked at Yu Duxiu, stood up with a smile, and walked slowly to Yu Duxiu's side: "Brother, there is a problem."

"What's the trouble, I actually made Junior Sister so happy" Yu Duxiu's heart suddenly burst.

Na Miaoyu grabbed Yu Duxiu's arm, gently stuffed it into her own robe, and placed it on her soft belly: "You feel it."

Yu Duxiu suddenly changed her color, her face was colorful, and she couldn't tell whether she should cry or laugh.

After a long time, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "It's all evil fate, I can't help Taiyin." (83 Chinese website)

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