The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1727: West Lake Fishing

Looking at Yu Duxiu, who was in a black robe with a calm complexion, Bing Qin sighed slightly: "In fact, the white snake is also a poor man."

"Why, want to plead for the white snake?" Yu Duxiu looked at the crowds of tourists in the distance with her hands on her back.

Na Bingqin said: "Actually, you and the insect **** are not incompatible with fire and water."

"Well" Yu Duxiu said, "What about?"

"You should put the white snake on the horse, where the insect **** is, maybe you can relax the relationship, you have been a big fan in the heavens and all realms, and one less enemy is always good" Bing Qin said.

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu withdrew her hands into her sleeves and looked at Bingqin with a pair of eyes. After a while, she said: "I am immortal with the snake god, and I am immortal with the nine-headed insect. How can this hatred be resolved?".

Bingqin frowned upon hearing this: "Nine-headed insects are nine-headed insects, and snake gods are snake gods. Besides, the snake gods have been suppressed by you?".

"Who can guarantee that the insect **** will not avenge the snake **** in the future?" Yu Duxiu said.

"I don't know if the insect **** will avenge the snake god, but I know that if you really let the white snake fly into ashes, thwart the bones and raise the ashes, the insect **** will definitely be with you endlessly" Bingqin said: "In fact, the benefit is maximized, yes. You turn that white snake into the Buddhist school for my Buddhist use. As the future Zerg master, the white snake will be the power of my Buddhist school if it enters my Buddhist school. Besides, the worm will shrink the endless wasteland for millions of years. I am afraid that I have long wanted to re-emerge. If you come to hook up, maybe this insect **** will enter my Buddhism, so Buddhism has three Buddhas, and the luck is as stable as Kunlun."

Yu Duxiu was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "Finally, there is some truth to what I said. If the insect **** can enter my Buddhism, it is naturally good, but I don't know if the insect **** will avenge the snake god. ".

"The relic do you have a way to achieve Consummation?" Bingqin looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "It's not difficult for me, especially now that the situation is under my control."

"Be forgiving and be forgiving. After all, the Insect God is Dacheng's innate beast. If he goes crazy, Amitab may not be able to control the situation." Bingqin stood beside Yu Duxiu and sighed slightly.

"Speaking of that insect god, don't you have an innate chilly cicada on your body? How far has it been refined?" Yu Duxiu looked at Bingqin.

Bing Qin shook his head slightly: "It's not refining, it's just that I live in symbiosis with the congenital chill. With the growth of the congenital chill, I gradually understand the congenital mood, understand the laws of heaven and earth, and prove the immortality of life."

"The hard work of the unlucky ghost in those days was wasted. Now every family doesn't know the horror of the innate beasts. The cubs of the innate beasts all raise them. Thinking about treating them as the town's beasts, it is wishful thinking. I don't know. If the innate beast goes mad, a few people can control it. Once the innate beast bites back, this world will be another catastrophe." Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly, and his body slowly disappeared: "The overall situation has been laid out, and the cause has been determined. As for the future fate of the white snake, it depends on the situation."

There was a heavy rain from the sky, no surprise, as the Guanshiyin Bodhisattva said, the white snake and Xu Shilin met and spent a small boat together. It was really a hundred years of cultivation to travel on the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation to sleep together.

In the territory of the Insect God, the Insect God looked at the Prince of Yin with cold eyes, and the Prince of Yin smiled bitterly: "Insect God, this is really not to blame me. I blame that Gantian, who misunderstood the wrong person, so it was a thousand years of delay. The world is entangled with cause and effect. It is so difficult to find Sister White Snake."

"I don't care about it, if you can't find the white snake, let's calculate the old and new accounts together" Chong Shendao.

Listening to the unreasonable words of the insect god, the prince of the Yin Si smiled bitterly, but he was helpless. Who called it a congenital beast, ignoring the power of the law of the yin and yang realms, fighting against the daddy of the family is not good at all.

"Yes, don't worry, my nephew will do my best to find the reincarnation of Sister White Snake." Prince Yinsi smiled bitterly and retired.

"You have to keep an eye on Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu's secret calculations must be indispensable. White snakes are hard to find, but Yu Duxiu is easy to find" Chong Shendao.

"Yes, my nephew knows" The Yinsi prince respectfully retreated.

Black and white impermanence greeted him: "Prince, what shall we do now?".

"You two go and stare at Yu Duxiu yourself," the prince of Yin Si gritted his teeth and said: "I personally come to the Central Territory, I don't believe that I can't find a mere white snake."

After speaking, the yin prince turned into a yin wind and disappeared into the void, heading towards the middle domain.

The black and white impermanence glanced at each other, and the black impermanence said: "I'm going to suffer the eyes of Miaoxiu again."

"It's really hateful," Bai Wuchang said.

"Let's go, in fact, Miaoxiu has nothing to do, but the prince's small belly chicken intestines, caress about everything."

"You speak carefully, don't be listened to by the prince, and I will be punished as a result."

In Suzhou City, in the West Lake, Yu Duxiu dressed in black, sitting on a small boat with a fishing rod in his hand, rippling in the lake unhurriedly.

"Since the two envoys have arrived, why not show their figure" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Then Bai Wuchang said: "We watched this fish's lifespan come, so we ran over to ecstasy."

Hei Wuchang said: "Yes, yes, it's definitely not the one who came to monitor Dao Master".

Bai Wuchang pulled a corner of Heiwuchang, but saw that Heiwuchang giggled.

"Sit down," Yu Duxiu said.

The black and white impermanence sat cautiously not far from Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu looked at the fish hook and said, "You see how pitiful this fish is. If that fish can't stand the temptation and gets on the hook, it will be a dead end. One is the so-called exhaustion."

Black and white Impermanence heard the words and silenced, afraid to speak.

"As you all know, this seat is in control of Taoist means, isn't it afraid that this seat will become you?" Yu Duxiu let go of the fish hook and startled a group of small fish.

"Don’t be afraid, my brothers are a good match. They can ignore any obstacles from the heavens, reach any place, and are not subject to any restrictions. That’s why they are called ecstasy messengers. As long as your life is up, no matter where you hide, even if you hide there. In Amitabha's Lingshan Pure Land World, our brothers can also hook your soul." Bai Wuchang said.

Hei Wuchang on one side said: "I didn't expect Daoist Hongjun to be so elegant and went to the West Lake to fish."

Yu Duxiu turned her head and glanced at the black and white impermanence. These two guys are also very interesting. If they can be Taoist and put them around to do things, they will be of great use.

"I came here today to watch the excitement," Yu Duxiu said.

"Watch the excitement?" Black and white impermanence was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Yes, there is a happy event in this city today. I will go to the mansion to send the gift in person, so I got up early and went fishing in this lake, hoping to drop some dragons and grandchildren. Replenish that old person's body".

Hearing this, the black and white impermanence shrank his neck, and he fished the dragon's descendants and grandchildren. The heavens and the world are the only ones.

"I don't know who got the big wedding, but I was able to ask the Dao Master to personally celebrate it. It is a blessing for the three lives, the reincarnation of thousands of times," Bai Wuchang said.

"If you have time, you might as well follow me to visit ~ to ask for a drink." Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling.

The relics are naturally attracted to each other, as long as the white snake meets Xu Xian, the cause is settled.

"What? Sister, you want to marry that Xu Xian? You want to marry that nerd!" Xiaoqing was shocked when she heard Bai Suzhen's words.

"As long as I marry that Xu Xian, my cultivation level will be able to break through, derive the aura of good fortune, and then there will be no racial barriers. I will give birth to one or two heirs for that Xu Xian, continue the blood, and it can be regarded as a return of the kindness of the previous life. "White Snake combed her hair gently.

"But! But! That idiot Xu Xian, the whole person is stunned, the sister is like a flower like a jade, but she is suffering, since the sister wants to repay her kindness, why not give Xu Xian countless gold and silver treasures, promise Wouldn't it be better to repay the man who was prosperous and wealthy in his lifetime, taking a few more wives and concubines, and having more descendants?" Xiao Qing said dumbfounded.

Bai Suzhen's eyes flowed when she heard the words: "Xiaoqing, you don't understand, you don't understand this kind of virtue, you don't understand it, otherwise, I am puzzled, this is the best way I can think of."

Speaking of this, Bai Suzhen said: "Sister does not need to persuade anymore, my sister has decided. (83 Chinese website)

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