The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1722: Great wisdom and prosperity, my heart ape

"Think about it, when I am consummated in the tenth life, I will attain the highest level of humanity and immortality, and now I have taken the elixir of immortality. For me, the temptation of immortality is really limited. Maybe this merit Will it be rewarded to you?" Yu Duxiu turned her head to look at the trembling old monk who was about to fall out of teeth, with a smile on her mouth.

Don’t look at this old monk as a dreadful old man who can die at any time, but this old thing has a long lifespan. Even the quasi-superior might not be able to match him. This old monk realized A Buddhism that belongs to oneself is called the Kuryong Scripture, and it cultivates the Kuryong magical powers. This magical power is extraordinary. It is withered and flourished at one year old. Yu Duxiu estimates that if he does not suffer accidents, this old thing will live without problems. .

"Really?" One of the front teeth of the old monk leaked out and was teetering in the wind. It seemed that a movement was too big, and this front tooth might fall off at any time.

Yu Duxiu frowned: "Can I tell lies? Master, you old man can't doubt my character."

The old monk turned around when he heard the words and looked at the countless disciples behind him and said: "Have you heard, if you have heard, you must find the relic and catch the snake monster."


A group of monks retired in an instant respectfully, but saw the old monk walk up to Yu Duxiu and said, "Hongjun."

"Master, say," Yu Duxiu respectfully said. After all, this old monk has lived his tenth lifetime, which is also a kind of fate.

The old monk sighed with emotion: "I think you should be in the wrong direction."

"What's the answer to this?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

Ku Rong's face was full of dusty colors: "The white snake may not be reborn as a human, maybe it is still a snake?".

"This is the Middle Territory, it is the territory of the human race. All monsters have been under the jurisdiction of the nine supreme sects. As long as the white snake's head is not broken, it will not be reborn as a monster, right?" Yu Duxiu frowned. Spin fortune is running again, silently calculating.

Ku Rong looked at Yu Duxiu, with a gleam of wisdom flashing in his eyes. This is a kind of wisdom that Yu Duxiu has never seen before, or it is called great wisdom: "It’s worth noting that you are still the person of the gods, and look up. This celestial phenomenon".

"How is the sky?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Do you see if the twenty-eight stars on that day are missing one," Ku Rong said.

"It's true" Yu Duxiu suddenly changed color, and the expression in the eyes that looked at the dry Rong changed: "The wisdom of the master is in the sky, and there is no one before or after."

"My wisdom is not as good as you. You just gave up your wisdom and began to rely on your fists with the breakthrough of your strength. You bound the Qitian Heart Ape, but have you ever thought about it? Is it bound?" Ku Rong looked at Yu Duxiu, his words were full of vicissitudes.

Yu Duxiu's movements were stagnant, and she squeezed her stupid hand for a moment. Yeah, Wukong's heart ape was restrained, but what about his heart ape? .

With the breakthrough of strength, he actually became a heart ape. If it were before, he would never make a move to tease the insect god.

"My heart ape, my heart ape".

Yu Duxiu sat cross-legged, her eyes filled with the light of wisdom.

Na Ku Rong smiled softly: "Don't worry about it, Heart Ape is not so easy to restrain, now suppressing that snake demon is the key."

"I didn't expect it to be dark under the light. No wonder the snake demon could sneak into the palace back then. It turned out to be a member of the 28 stars" Yu Duxiu said.

"May I find the snake demon?" Ku Rong said.

"That's natural, this snake demon is dead, I have to be in a causal cycle, not free, completely under my control, and forever suppressed and obliterated" Yu Duxiu sneered.

After speaking, the mountain whip flew out, and the twenty-eight stars in the void were given by Yu Duxiu. After that, Yu Duxiu revolved and converged the mountain whip, and bowed to that dry honour: "Thank you for your guidance, Master. Going poorly".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure disappeared in the void, and in a flash, he came to a bamboo forest in the world. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he flicked his finger, and saw a black lotus flying out and planting instantly. A family not far away.

After doing all this, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "Waiting for a thousand years, waiting for a thousand years, you still have to wipe out the memory of this snake monster, otherwise it’s not easy to have a memory snake. At the mercy".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu scanned the surrounding mountains with a pair of eyes, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Toad Jing".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm and took in a toad in the distance. It was just an ordinary toad. A little bit of innate spirits in Yu Duxiu's hand escaped and fell on the toad's mouth. Then, a black lotus was planted: "Give you ten days to cultivate mana and supernatural powers, and then help me to get rid of the white snake."

Yu Duxiu's figure is chaotic, and the toad is ignorant, unable to see Yu Duxiu's figure.

After passing on the magical power of the toad, Yu Duxiu disappeared, and instantly turned against the chaos, covering a radius of tens of miles, completely concealing this area from the world.

The toad gained a spiritual object, and it was easy to practice. It only took a few hours to activate the spiritual intelligence, and then cultivated mana, operated the magical powers, and went to the distance according to a certain kind of consciousness in his mind.

In a certain bamboo forest, a white snake twisted its body lazily, basking in the sun lazily: "It's a pity, the power of reincarnation is too powerful, even if the memory is preserved, but the cultivation base is not left. The vulgar body is the most ordinary mortal womb. It is so difficult to cultivate mana."

"It's all to blame for that Miaoxiu, who actually chased and killed someone, and if there is a chance in the future, she will have to smash her corpse into thousands of pieces to avenge the father," the white snake said bitterly.

As he was talking, he heard a toad cry resounding throughout the bamboo forest. The snake demon was taken aback: "A loud cry."

After the words fell, I saw a baby-head-sized toad popped out of the bamboo forest. Looking at the toad, the white snake's eyes lit up: "This toad mortal fetus actually swallowed the innate spiritual thing. It is simply a violent thing. If I can Killing it and devouring it, wouldn't it be possible to wash the hair and cut the marrow? I don't know how many years of hard work have been saved.

Not waiting for the white snake to finish thinking about it, but the toad had turned into an afterimage and rushed over, and instantly bit the white snake's seven inches.

White Snake! .


Among the Yin Division, the Yin Division Prince squirted out black blood suddenly, and opened his eyes Regardless of his injuries, he said in a panic: "It's not good, it's not good, the white snake reincarnated It was an accident, and was bitten to death by a toad that had just become a fine."

"I was bitten to death by a toad?" The ghost master twitched his face: "How do you explain this to the insect god? Didn't you send someone to look after it in secret?"

"My boy is afraid of being found by Na Miaoxiu, but he is self-defeating, so, so..." Prince Yin Si wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said.

"Don't worry about so many, this is a second reincarnation, quickly intercept the white snake's soul, set a restriction, and must not make the white snake lose the memory, otherwise the insect **** will be crazy" the ghost master said.

"Yes, yes, I will look for it," the prince Yinsi responded, and walked out of the hall, looking at the boundless Yinsi, and took out the life and death thin film, but smiled bitterly: "The life and death thin projection can only protect the white snake once, before Death, the thin projection of life and death has broken, it is really damn, that **** toad, the yin is so big, you tell me where to find the whereabouts of the white snake."

After speaking, the prince of Yinsi said: "Come here, quickly block all levels of Samsara, and look for the soul of the white snake. All souls will not be able to reincarnate for the time being. This seat must go to the insect **** and bear the anger of the insect god."

Speaking of this, the corner of the prince's mouth twitched, and a dignified quasi-superior who was reincarnated was actually bitten to death by a mortal toad with a slight climate. It was a huge scandal.

This mundane monster, everyone didn't bother to take a look, but he didn't expect it to be broken. This time, it was really indistinguishable.

In any case, since the prince of Yinsi had miscalculated, he was going to go to the insect **** and give an explanation. The two sides thought of a compromise solution to solve the matter.

"It was bitten to death by a toad." Yu Duxiu looked at the white snake's body and shook her head. (To be continued.)

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