The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1705: The power of heaven like a knife

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"Return my emperor map" Taiping ancestor did not show any weakness, the emperor map in his hand turned into a spear and pierced towards the ghost master.

"Buddha in the palm of the hand."

Amitabha also took the opportunity to take action, taking advantage of his illness and killing him. At this time, since the Taiping ancestor was cruelly attacking the ghost master, Amitabha had no reason not to take care of the ghost master.


The ghost lord avoided the blow of the Taiping ancestor, but was turned into powder by Amitab's blow, and the real body instantly fell apart and exploded in the air.


A black vortex formed, and the ghost master stepped out of the six reincarnations, leaving the whole body intact.

"Among the Yin Division, this seat is invincible." The ghost master had his hands on his back, dressed in a **** robe, and looked at Taiping Jiaozu and others blankly: "I have some skill."

"Is this servant always so arrogant?" Amitabha looked at Taiping Jiaozu with a pair of eyes.

"Be careful, this ghost master seems to have sealed himself after the unlucky ghost was sealed off, and seems to be cultivating a special supernatural power, waiting for the unlucky ghost to reincarnate and let the unlucky ghost return," Taiping taught the ancestor.

Amitabha nodded when he heard the words, looked at the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who was constantly transforming ghosts in the distance, then looked at the ghost master, and shook his head: "Why bother?"

"The Yin Division is the territory of this seat, and you are monks in the Yang room. You dare to break into the Yin Division without permission and disturb the order of our Yin Division. This seat will never allow it," the ghost master said coldly.

Amitabha glanced at the Taiping ancestor: "You can't make a big storm here, ghost master, please do it for yourself."

After speaking, Amitabha stepped out of the Yinsi, and the Taiping ancestor looked at the ghost master between Yin and Shenyang: "This emperor must be taken back."

Seeing Amitabha and Taiping ancestor walking away, the ghost took the initiative, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Trash, the snake **** is really trash, and even the little things that this seat has explained can't do well. It's really a bastard, and I was humiliated." .

After speaking, he turned around and turned to Yinsi, not even taking a look at the battlefield.

"What is the ghost master planning?" Yu Duxiu sat in the palace, comprehending God's will like a sword. Now the black lotus is 9th grade, Yu Duxiu is immortal, and suddenly her mind is relaxed. Stepping into the ranks of immortality, the countless powerhouses of the heavens and worlds can no longer help themselves. The big stone that has been pressing on his heart moved away. Yu Duxiu only felt that his mind was relaxed to the apex. Since the soul has never been The Tongche, the meaning of the day is like a sword, and it is like a divine help.


"Twenty percent."

"Thirty percent."


"Seven percent."

When Yu Duxiu reached 70% of her enlightenment, she suddenly opened her eyes: "The realm is still a bit low, and the remaining 30% of her enlightenment can only rely on water mills to gain time."

After pinching a finger, Yu Duxiu was surprised: "I didn't expect that hundreds of years have passed. It is true that there is no Jiazi in the mountains and I don't know the years, as if it was all yesterday."

Yu Duxiu had a general guess about the remaining 30% of heaven’s will like a sword: "The remaining 30% still needs to be slowly realized in practice. It cannot be realized by meditation. Only the unity of knowledge and action can be thoroughly understood. Eat all this providence like a knife."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly stood up and walked outside the palace, only to see Chaotian, Fuyao, and Gorefiend drinking alcohol.

"Blood Demon, you old thing is not waiting for your own blood in the Yin Division, how can you have time to come to the Yang world?" Yu Duxiu changed into a black robe at this time. The Zhoutian star robe is already for Yu Duxiu. It's a tasteless one, he's immortal and doesn't need the star robe to protect himself.

"Miaoxiu, people say that you have broken through the quasi-superior realm. I don’t believe it yet. Your current realm is not just the quasi-superior realm. I can’t see the slightest details of you.” The blood demon looked at Yu. Alone, shine in the eyes.

Yu Duxiu walked slowly in front of the three of them, slowly sitting down, but the next moment he saw one of his feet kicked out suddenly, the blood demon rolled down like a ball.

"Miaoxiu" the blood demon steadied his body, suddenly becoming angry.

"This seat is called: Hongjun, the road to the sky, after you, the old immortal witness, went to the road to the sky and kicked me, this corner is regarded as retribution." Yu Duxiu's unhurried end Raise the wine glass.

"You guy's little belly chicken intestines, I didn't know that it was you on the road to the sky, but because the little monk was a bit unpleasant, so I kicked it," the blood demon said angrily.

"Really?" Yu Duxiu looked at the blood demon calmly with a pair of eyes.

"Yes--- right---" the blood demon said hesitately, muttering and walking up: "Anyway, your kid is not authentic. If you have something to say, you can't say it properly. We are all supreme and strong. We must pay attention to the skin. , Don’t understand the skin".

Looking at the blood demon, Yu Duxiu was speechless, and said to the sky: "Miaoxiu, what cultivation skills your kid is now, I can't see through your details."

"Keep free, everything should be the same" Yu Duxiu smiled softly.

"Tell me, ancestor, I am the supremely strong. If your kid is dead, it is quasi-superior. It is not enough for ancestors to press with my finger." The blood demon curled his lips.

"Really? Old ancestor can try it." Yu Duxiu gave the blood demon ancestor a playful look.

"Try and try, who is afraid of who?" The old blood demon stared at Yu Duxiu up and down, and instantly took it towards Yu Duxiu with a palm covering the sky.

"Something to watch" Yu Duxiu nodded. The palm of the blood demon actually reversed the yin and yang. There were indeed some ways. Facing Yu Duxiu, the blood demon would never release water.


Yu Duxiu pointed out a finger. This finger seemed to be the finger of the heavens, and it seemed to be a shining sword light, the will of heaven is like a sword, and all beings are lambs to be slaughtered.


The blood demon's supernatural powers seemed to be a piece of white paper, which was instantly penetrated by Yu Duxiu's finger, and then he could not let the blood demon dodge at all, and had already cut off his right arm by the root.

The blood splattered, and the blood demon looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement, and at his arm in amazement, trying to rebirth with supernatural powers, but the broken arm seemed to be nonexistent at all, without the slightest feeling.

"Rebirth of Flesh and Flesh" The blood demon urged the power of the law to be reborn, but the wound was blocked by a strange force, and the power of the blood demon could not tolerate the birth of a new arm.

"What magical power is this?"

Watching this scene, one side turned to the sky, swaying the creeps, watching the tragic situation of the blood demon in his eyes.

"The will of heaven is like a knife" Yu Duxiu said lightly: "This trick was originally reserved for the snake god, now I will experiment with you first, but I didn't expect the effect to be quite good."

"Well, what a god's will is like a knife, it hurts my ancestor to death, don't hurry up to connect the broken flesh and blood to my ancestor." The blood demon didn't have a good Yu Duxiu's finger, Something in the void seemed to spread from the blood demon's wound, and the blood demon's arm was instantly reorganized.

"A terrible move" Blood Demon's heart was lingering.

"It's just your physical body. If you use the Innate Spirit Treasure, this seat may not be able to win you." Yu Duxiu shook her head, the red line at the center of her eyebrows seemed to be alive at this time, constantly swimming fast.

In fact, Yu Duxiu’s move is similar to Dharma’s heaven and earth. The Dharma’s heaven and earth draws on the power of no one knows, but Yu Duxiu’s providence is like a sword. It is also the power of the endless laws of this vast world.

The hanging one is a bit big, so big that Yu Duxiu can't bear it. After Yu Duxiu has analyzed the providence like a knife by 70%, he has mastered part of the power of the providence, and he can't calm down immediately.

"What a powerful trick, did you comprehend yourself? It's really a talented person." Even if it is awkward, there is only one word on his face at this time.

Everyone has seen the previous confrontation. The Blood Demon definitely didn't release the water, but it was broken by Yu Duxiu's finger. It was simply against the sky.

"I heard that you are going to trouble with the snake god?" The blood demon said with a sip.

Looking at the red robe of the Gorefiend, Yu Duxiu gently warmed the drink, "Yes, the snake **** owes me, I must ask for it."

"You can count me." The blood demon looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, earnestly, not a joke.

"No, just watch it, and let you see the true power of this providence like a sword. This is not only so superficial,” Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

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