The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1701: Catastrophe again

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After listening to Yu Duxiu's words in the sky, she was bitter on one side, not knowing what she was thinking, then Tai Su Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun, if I want to be detached in the future, how can I break through?". ????????·

Looking at Tai Su’s teaching ancestor, Yu Duxiu made a rough calculation, and then said: "To purify the uncleanness of the heavens and all worlds, when opening up the world of Dharma and China, specializing in the role of purification, can we get the right results."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned around and walked to the previously closed chamber: "This seat will be closed for a period of time. After we leave the customs, it will be causal."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu came to the outside world and watched Wangchen choosing a palace, but he smiled slightly: "It's good to choose any one you want. It's just a temporary stay. In the future, you will go to the dojo opened for your brother. Practice".

Na Wangchen nodded when he heard the words, randomly chose a palace, and looked at Yu Duxiu: "Senior brother is going to retreat?"

"The length is a hundred years, and the short is three to five years. It is bound to go out," Yu Duxiu said.

Yu Duxiu is in retreat, but the outside world is already surging.

The Jade Duxiu Dharma passed to the East and was introduced to the Dachen Dynasty in the Central Region, and then I saw that the Dharma spread rapidly in the Dachen Dynasty and spread to the entire Central Region, even if the supreme powers made clear orders to their own kingdom Prohibited, but it has no effect at all. Beliefs do not divide national boundaries. Numerous Buddhist preachers infiltrated the sites of various sects and continued to promote the Dharma. In just a few years, they saw the Buddha’s prosperity and once again captured a part of the Central Region. Luck.

"After all, Buddhism is a curse. There is no need to practice. As long as you chant the sutras to worship the Buddha and become a devout believer of the Buddhist school, you can not fall into reincarnation after death, enter the pure land of the spiritual mountain, and be immortal. This Buddhist doctrine has no way to attack, even the Buddha As long as the family spreads their beliefs and does not need to preach everywhere, naturally there will be countless ordinary people who are enthusiastic about immortality, come to believe in the tortoise shells in the hands of the Buddhist "Tai Yi teach ancestor". ·

Taiping Jiaozu sat opposite Taiyi Jiaozu expressionlessly: "I am not interested in the affairs of the Central Region at all. The only thing I want to do now is to **** my Huangtu fragment from the Yin Division."

That Taidou taught the ancestors: "How to contain the Buddhist school?".

"It's difficult, unless it is to publish the methods of our various practices, and then the sentient beings will practice magic power. Naturally, they will not dream of daydreaming and entrust their hope of immortality on the Buddhist school" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

"I am waiting for how precious the practice of the nine supreme sects is. How can I teach these ordinary people casually? Besides, those first-class sects have been trying to peek at the roots of my nine supreme sects. If they spread out, The rise of first-class sects has had a great impact on my nine supreme sects. "The Taiyi Sect ancestor has changed a lot.

"Maybe we can delete, delete, and reduce the exercises we waited for, and turn them into simple exercises and spread them out, so that they can only cultivate mana, but die in the three plagues, so that I won’t be so passive and kill them. It’s always bad, it hurts the heavens and hurts one’s own fortune," Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

After hearing what Tai Huang Jiaozu said, all the teaching ancestors on the scene were all looking at me and I looked at you. They didn’t say anything. They took a meaningful look at Taihuang Jiaozu. This old thing doesn’t seem to show up or leak. Thinking of being so vicious at the critical moment, I really see all beings as ants. ???????·

This matter set the tone, and the consensus of the ancestors, all kinds of simple practice methods spread all over the world instantly, impacting the Dharma.

In the territory of the snake god, the snake **** sacrificed the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand, but saw a green poisonous mist constantly floating in the air, trying to penetrate the Three Treasure Ruyi, but the Three Treasure Ruyi was enveloped in a cloud of mist, and all the poisonous mist was approaching. The poisonous mist will be immediately purified in an instant.

"Snake God".

While the snake **** was offering the Three Treasures wishful thinking, he suddenly heard a call from the void, and then the space was distorted, and the ghost master descended into the world and came to the hall of the snake god, covering the black robe.

"Why are you free to come here?" The zombie looked at the ghost master.

"This seat wants you to send troops to attack Lingshan" Guizhu said.

"Aren't you crazy?" The snake god's movements were stagnant, and then said: "The Amitabha of the Great Leiyin Temple is known as the world's number one powerhouse, and there is even the Qitian Buddha. It is a blessing to invite the heavens to not come to conquer this seat. How dare you take the initiative to send troops".

"It's okay, my Yin Division sent troops to attack the sea of ​​blood this time to punish the Ksitigarbha. You must completely punish the Ksitigarbha king. Do you think you have stolen the Three Treasures and no one knows?" The ghost master looked at the snake god. .

"What do you mean?" The snake god's expression changed: "How do you know that this seat has stolen the Three Treasure Ruyi?".

"Huh, not only I know about this, but Miaoxiu already knows about it. That Miaoxiu invited the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to go retrograde for a long time. Although you did not have the slightest flaw in this matter, you can't find any clues, but you are here. The mark left in the long river of time, but there is no way to clear it." The ghost master looked at the snake god.

"If you know what you can do, the Three Treasure Ruyi has already been in my hands, and that Miaoxiu would never want to take it back if she knew it," the snake **** sneered.

The ghost master chuckled: "You think Miaoxiu is too simple, that Miaoxiu has a very close relationship with the Buddhist school, and is even more upright, prosperous, and too suspicious. If this group of supreme powers come to the land of the snake gods together , I don’t know if the snake **** can stop it.”

The ghost master stared at the zombie with his green eyes.

Seeing the snake god’s face gloomy and uncertain, the ghost master said: "Furthermore, I told you to attack Lingshan, but it was just dragging the strength of Lingshan. I told you to drag the Qitian Buddha and buy time for my Yinsi, but didn’t tell you to be true. Conquer Lingshan, want to conquer Lingshan, I am afraid you do not have the ability."

"Holding Lingshan's forces" the snake **** gritted his teeth: "Why does the Yinsi think that he wants to mobilize troops against the Buddhist school again?"

"The Buddhism is very powerful. Now that there is a sign of the chaos in the heavens and ten thousand realms, I am about to take the opportunity to train soldiers, bury all the cannon fodder in our Yin Division, wipe out the strength of the Buddha School, and free the Yin Division. After all, the race war broke out. I know how many creatures are going to enter the Yin Division, and this matter needs to be prepared in advance." After the ghost master finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the passage: "If you can kill the Ksitigarbha and obliterate the blood sea, the Buddhist family is the only one. The situation will inevitably be broken, and the mighty luck will be equally divided by me, so you can think about it yourself."

After speaking, the ghost master disappeared in the passage between the Yin and Yang realms and disappeared.

Seeing the ghost master disappearing from the back, the snake **** is holding the Three Treasure Ruyi, his eyes flickering: "With the blessing of the Three Treasure Ruyi, even Amitabha may not be able to fight, let alone the Qitian Buddha, even if it is detached How about I will be able to meet this detached realm for a while."

After speaking, the snake **** shouted to the outside of the hall: "Nine-headed insects".

"Baby is here" Nine-headed insect ran into the hall.

"Hurry up and get some troops, prepare your horses, and conquer Lingshan for your father," the snake **** said coldly.

Nine-headed insects were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at the snake **** in surprise: "Is the father **** crazy? The Buddha is so powerful that the heavens and worlds can't be avoided. How can we hit the stone with an egg? There are two supreme powers in the Buddha. There are even more allies, we,,,,,".

"Needless to say, for the father is not a fool, so naturally it is elegant" the snake **** interrupted Nine-headed Insect's words: "just go to the soldiers, for the father I don't want to say it again."

"Yes, boy, go and order soldiers" Nine-headed insect shivered, not daring to argue, immediately turned and left.

Among the Yin Division, at this time, the Yin Division Ghost Lord conscripted immediately. The blood sea was above the blood, with the blood devil's feet on the red lotus, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva standing beside him: "Little monk, the ghost master's deployment of troops seems a bit unusual, you Quickly go to pass the Buddha, this time the ghost master is coming fiercely, there must be a fierce battle."

The little monk of the Ksitigarbha King nodded: "Do not worry, fellow Taoists, Amitabha already knew about this."

In the Pure Land of Lingshan, Amitab opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of doubts: "What kind of moths are the ghost master playing again? There is such a big movement, but no matter what, this battle is just the deity's flower blooming at the 9th level. On the day of enlightenment, this ghost master really rained in time. Before, I was still thinking about where to find enough calamity. I didn’t expect that when I was sleepy, a pillow would take the initiative to deliver it to the door.

After finishing speaking, he preached to this hole: "Order all soldiers and horses, and follow me into the Yin Division."

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