The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1686: The robbery outside the robbery! The ship capsized!

After speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva walked away, but saw the golden winged roc thief smile, a golden hoop appeared in his hand, touching the golden hoop, feeling the immortal aura on the golden hoop, the golden winged roc said: " Good baby, it is indeed a good baby. Since this seat was born in the world, I have never seen such a good baby. No wonder the monkey is reluctant to give up. If such a treasure falls in the hands of this seat, I am afraid that I will not bear it." ??

While talking, the golden-winged roc lightly put the golden hoop on his head: "I have to see what is so mysterious, that the monkey is so reluctant."

The golden hoop saw the flesh rooting, even if it was an innate god, he was unprepared, and instead took the initiative to accept the golden hoop's roots, and the golden hoop instantly took root in the primordial spirit of the golden winged roc.

After a while, the Golden Wing Roc touched the golden hoop: "There is no mystery either."

After speaking, I thought about taking down the golden hoop, but the next moment I saw the Golden Wing Roc suddenly changed color: "Oh, I can't take it down?"

The Golden Wing Roc suddenly panicked and pulled the golden hoop vigorously, but it couldn't move. The golden hoop was firmly rooted in it. Seeing the flesh rooting, it was so good.

"This is bad, who knows this treasure is so evil. I stole Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's treasure, but I have no face to meet people. How to face Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in the future" Jin Wing Dapeng touched the golden hoop on his head. Turning his eyes, he instantly turned a hat over his head, covering the golden hoop.

However, it is said that Yu Duxiu's four-member group of masters and apprentices is turning toward the middle earth. This time no one has seized the scriptures. The four masters and disciples left the Da Leiyin Temple, and Yu Duxiu passed through the Da Leiyin Temple. Blessing the innate divine water to cleanse the body, the relief is more than a bit faster.

It took only three or five days to reach the Tongtian River. I was thinking about how to cross the river, but saw the old tortoise floating out of the river: "Congratulations to the holy monk for completing his merits and obtaining the truth from Da Leiyin Temple. ".

Looking at the old tortoise, Wukong smiled and said: "You old tortoise is an honest man, you are still waiting here."

The old turtle said: "A few elders come up, I'll be the elder cross the river."

Looking at the old tortoise, Yu Duxiu's heart moved, and Wukong and Eyes all trembled. It seemed that he was in the Da Leiyin Temple. Because of the trouble with the Golden Winged Roc, everyone will I forgot to leave it behind my head.

Imagine that the scriptures in the original book were thrown into the river by the old turtle. Yu Duxiu's eyelids twitched, and Wukong's eyes flashed with gold, and he patted Yu Duxiu on the shoulder: "Master, just go up, this old turtle is nothing but For good fortune cultivation, disciples can easily surrender it."

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, looked at the old turtle, her tension in her heart let go, but here is a half-step supreme powerhouse, this old tortoise is just a monk in the realm of good fortune. .

Everyone calmly got on the tortoise's back. Everyone walked to the middle of the river, but they heard the old turtle say: "I wonder if the elder asked the Buddha when I became immortal or not?".

"Come on" Yu Duxiu's mind was tense, and the tribulations roared crazily in her eyes: "What a powerful tribulation, something is wrong, this old tortoise alone can never cause such a tribulation."

The four masters and apprentices sat on the turtle back, saying nothing, with a dull air.

But the old tortoise said angrily: "Okay, you guys actually blame me".

Wukong said coldly at this moment: "You old ghost, send us to the other side, or I will kill you now."


A strong wave was rolled up, and Yu Duxiu and Wukong were not aware of them, but they were overturned by the old turtle and caught in the river.

"Bang" a powerful wave of volatility turned away, slowly spreading from the old tortoise's body, this old tortoise turned out to be a quasi-superior powerhouse.

"The scriptures! The scriptures! Hurry up and protect the scriptures!" Yu Duxiu shouted anxiously.

"This bastard" Wukong ignored the old turtle, and started to scour the scriptures in the river in a hurry.

The old tortoise looked up to the sky and laughed, so he wanted to flee, Wu Qi was anxious: "Be bold, don't leave me."


Wukong dropped a stick on the old turtle's shell, and there was no sound. The old turtle looked calm, but flew out without any harm.

"This old tortoise, such a powerful shell." Wukong's eyes flickered with golden eyes: "My grandson knows you, you are the prime minister of the East China Sea. I didn't expect you to do it yourself."

The old turtle hummed and sneered, and instantly rolled up a torrent of waves in the river, making it impossible for Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Sha Wujing to collect the scriptures, but let the scriptures float in the water.

"Dinghai Shenzhen" Wukong's golden hoop was thrown away, and it instantly grew bigger and fell into the river water, turning into Dinghai Shenzhen, the water was suddenly unhappy, and the wind was calm.

"This!" Seeing this scene, Prime Minister Turtle suddenly changed his color, and he secretly cried out in his heart: "Long Jun, it is really a cycle of cause and effect. Retribution is unhappy. You are hurting the old minister."

Why are you? .

Back then, the golden cudgel of the explosive ape fell in the East China Sea and turned into the **** of Dinghai. In the future, there will be blessings and worship by the aquarium, which naturally has a certain power endowed by heaven and earth to suppress water waves.

Originally, this old tortoise only had to roll the scriptures with a wave and destroy the scriptures, and this road to heaven would be a failure. At the critical moment, he did not expect that Dinghai Shenzhen would actually become Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Good calculation" Yu Duxiu and Zhudui Scripture climbed the mountain embarrassedly.

"Quickly, take advantage of this scripture writing is not blurred, quickly dry it," Yu Duxiu said.

At this time, the old tortoise confronted Wukong, and the two entangled again and fought together.

Without the golden cudgel, Wukong’s strength was greatly weakened, but with his fist, you came and went and hit the old turtle’s shell, but the turtle shell was not shaken at all. It was still strong and not warm. The fire blocked Wukong's attack.

Lingshan, at this time, the group of Buddhas in the Great Leiyin Temple paled in horror. The road to learning the scriptures really couldn't relax for a moment. The powerhouses of the heavens and the world were all staring at this piece of fat.

"Dharma Protector Jialan, go to Tongtian River, set up the situation, and send the monks back to the Central Territory" Sun Chidao said.

In the Pure Land of Lingshan, Amituo's face was green: "It's so deep, I didn't notice any clues about you, this time it's a little bit like this time."

"Hahaha, if this road of learning is broken, part of the luck will be attributed to this seat, and this seat is expected to break through the supreme realm." The old tortoise laughed up to the sky ~ as long as it can break through the supreme realm, let alone To offend the Buddhism is to offend the recklessness and human race together, and this old tortoise is still doing it.

Too Yi Dao, Tai Yi teaches that the light in the eyes of the ancestor at this time, and the tortoise shell in his hand swayed: "This is a ray of life. As long as you can seize the ray of life, even if you can't contain the general trend of the Buddhist school, you can still share a cup soup".

After speaking, I saw a drop of red blood dripping from the hand of Taiyi Jiaozu into the tortoise shell.

"Be careful, don't let the scriptures stick to the bluestone and can't be taken down." Wukong suddenly reminded him of the tragedy on the way to learn the scriptures in his previous life.

Wukong stared at Old Turtle with a pair of eyes: "What is your method to hide the golden eyes of my old grandson."

"Without him, old tortoise, my secret technique is unparalleled in the world, and part of my strength lies in this tortoise shell. As long as I hide the power in this tortoise shell and only reveal the power of the flesh, that is, the power of the realm of good fortune, you will naturally notice Not in the realm of this seat, gave this seat a chance."

While talking, the old tortoise allowed Wukong to hit his tortoise shell with a punch, and flew out with the help of his strength, and curled up Yu Duxiu's neck with one palm: "Bao Yuan, I If it's you, stop obediently, otherwise, once the monk dies, the road to heaven will completely collapse and there will be no remedy."

"If I were you, I would obediently put down the Buddhist monks, otherwise you would never get out of the spirit mountain realm." The golden light lingered in the void, after all, Sun Chi couldn't sit still in the Great Leiyin Temple. Staring at the old tortoise steadily, I can't wait to cut him a thousand times.

A good way to learn from the past was messed up by this old guy, but fortunately, the big mistake has not been made, and there is still room for recovery. 8

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