The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: The power of thunder kills the demons

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"What are you hoots, frizzy yelling?" Sun Chiduan was sitting on the golden platform, looking at Wukong entering the hall with his eyes, and cursed.

"Tathagata, your maternal uncle committed a crime. This servant turned into a demon in the Lingshan realm, cruelly harming the people. If your relative committed a crime, you must be punished for lax discipline." Wukong pointed to Sun Chi's nose and cursed.

Looking at the angry Goku, Sun Chi smiled. He might have dared to suppress the man with the six-character mantra blessed by the Buddha in his palm, but now Sun Chi dare not. This blasting ape is imminent, who dares to live for nothing The incident will cause a lot of troubles in the future, isn't it because of troubles.

Sun Chi's eyes turned steadily, looking at Guanshiyin Bodhisattva: "What is a good way for Bodhisattva?".

After speaking, Sun Chi said to Wukong: "Golden Winged Roc and Peacock Great Ming King Bodhisattva are brothers. This golden-winged Roc has great magical powers and boundless mana, and I can't take him."

After hearing the words, Bingqin meditated for a while, and then said: "Enlighten the Buddha, the old monarch in the Palace of Tossing can use it. That diamond can be big and small, can cover all things in the world, and it will live long. Smelted in the pill furnace of the immortal medicine, there is an immortal energy machine that can restrain the golden winged roc".

Sun Chi shook his head: "Not enough, not enough. The Golden Winged Roc has become a climate. It is so difficult to capture it. If this seat had the ability to capture the Golden Winged Roc, how could I let him slip out?"

""7 lengths" 7 winds" 7 texts" may be able to invite the Peacock King Bodhisattva to take action," Bing Qin said.

Sun Chi shook his head: "The Great King Peacock retreats to accumulate strength, and as the Buddha enlightened the Tao, it is not suitable to go out and help each other."

"Throughout my Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple, the only people who can fight the Golden Wing Roc are the Venerable" Bing Qin said.

When Sun Chi heard the words, he meditated briefly, and then said: "The seat was personally walked on. The demon country has become a climate. This time, we need to cut the grass and roots and wipe it out. I beg you to please the Bodhisattvas to light up the Bodhisattvas, all the Arhats, and the protectors. Lan, lay a net of heaven and earth, and completely remove that demon kingdom."

"Disciple Zunzhi" Avalokitesvara heard the words and acted a salute, then turned around and went out to order.

Sun Chi looked at Wukong: "This golden winged big Peng Yin and Yang two qi bursts all the laws, and it is endless. This time, the great sage needs to go to the Dust Palace, please help the old man."

Wukong nodded when he heard the words, and instantly drove the streamer into the sky. In a flash, he arrived at the 33rd Heavenly Dousiz Palace. He happened to see the frowning boy holding the black medicine pill, and Wukong quietly moved over. , Grabbed the sideburns of the boy's hair, but bluffed the boy up: "That messes up again."

"It's me, it's me, my grandson is polite, but we have met again" Wukong saluted.

"It turns out that it's you husky" Lingyu Boy's brows slowly dispersed: "What are you doing?"

Wukong stepped forward and grabbed the tray in front of the Lingyu boy, took the pill and tasted it, and then vomited it out: "Bah, where is the pill, it is clearly poison."

"I'm hitting you hen, dare to mock me." Looking at Wukong's disgusting expression, Lingyu Boy's face turned red, angrily picked up the tray and slammed towards Wukong.

"Don't smash, don't smash, my grandson is joking with you, joking" Wukong flashed away from Lingyu Boy's smashing.

"If you don't go to the west to save Master Sanzang, why do you come to Dust Palace?" Lingyu Boy stopped his movements and looked at the Great Sage curiously.

"The troublesome boy informed the old gentleman, saying that my old grandson has something important to see," Wukong said.

The boy glanced at Wukong: "The old man has been in retreat to practice alchemy, but he can't get out. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Wukong looked at Lingyu boy with a pair of eyes, and said doubtfully: "Tell you? That's fine! I have to borrow that old gentleman's King Kong to use it. A demon came out of Lingshan in the Lower Realm, called the Golden Winged Roc. Even the Buddha couldn't surrender, so he could only turn to the old man's diamond suit."

The boy smiled upon hearing this: "This is easy to say, easy to say, leave it to me, I like to join in the fun."

"You kid, can you make Laojun's King Kong suit?" Wukong didn't believe it.

"I can't make it, but the blue cow made it, and the great sage can rest assured," the boy patted his chest, vowing.

Looking at the boy, Wukong nodded, and instantly squeezed the boy's small face. This boy was indeed very cute.


Seeing Wu Kong out of the 33rd Heaven, Lingyu Boy stomped his feet with talent: "This Hoo Huo, next time I meet him, I have to beat him 30 times."

While talking, the Lingyu boy walked towards the Green Bull Palace.

In the lower realm, the Lingshan realm was suddenly overcast, and countless dark clouds enveloped the entire Lingshan realm.

"Your Majesty, this dark cloud came suddenly, I'm afraid it is unknown" a monster said to the Golden Wing Dapeng.

"It's okay. The monks in Lingshan are all wine and rice bags. They can't take this seat. Unless it is my brother who leaves the pass or Sun Chi visits in person, there is a little hope. It is a pity that Sun Chi has to sit in the Da Leiyin Temple and cannot move. Otherwise, I came to get me back then, just about to see what Lingshan is playing with," Jin Wing Dapeng said nonchalantly.


The dark cloud was suddenly torn apart, but there were arrays of Sanskrit sounds, three thousand arhats, and hundreds of bodhisattvas spreading a net of heaven and earth in the void, surrounding the entire Yunmeng kingdom.

"Oh, the battle is not small, I'm afraid that the entire Lingshan is already exhausted." The Golden Wing Dapeng held the wine glass and looked at the Arhat Bodhisattva in the sky without fear.

"Dapeng, turn around Lingshan quickly with this seat, and ask the Buddha for sin." The Bodhisattvas suddenly dispersed, and Sun Chi flew out while driving the golden platform.

"Why are you here? Don't you want to sit in Lingshan and be immobile?" Jin Wing Dapeng was taken aback.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on one side said: "All the demons and ghosts in the mountain realm of my spirit, all parties are rebelling against the party, gathered in one place. Today is just one pot. Except for the great trouble of my spirit mountain, Dapeng, you did a good job."

"It's a pity, you don't understand the general situation. The Sanzang came to the west, and the general situation has gathered in Lingshan, living in the Great Leiyin Temple. It is suppressed by powerful air luck. It doesn't matter if this seat leaves." Sun Chi smiled and answered the golden wings. Dapeng's doubts.


With a flash of golden light, Wukong appeared in the field, facing Sun Equator: "It's done."

Sun Chi nodded when he heard the words: "I have to trouble the Great Sage to kill the whole house of monsters, and the Golden Winged Roc will be dealt with by this seat."

"it is good".

Wukong didn't say much, he swung the golden hoop in his hand, and led a bunch of Bodhisattvas to kill.

Seeing Wukong's killing precepts, his own men couldn't intercept them. The Golden Winged Roc suddenly became furious. He wanted to rush to and be embarrassed by Wukong, but he saw Sun Chi's palms open in the Buddha country, and the six-character mantra stickers blessed on it: "Dapeng~www yet returned."

"Don't think about it" Dapeng scolded angrily, the yin and yang all over his body, offsetting the involvement of the Buddha in the palm.


A golden light flickered in the void, and the shadow of a green bull appeared in the clouds. The green bull looked for a chance and instantly turned Dapeng's head into a dizzy direction. The yin and yang were scattered, and it was instantly taken in by Sun Chi.

"Thank you for the old man's help." Sun Chi temporarily sealed the Dapeng with six-character mantra stickers and saluted the clouds.

Qing Niu nodded and turned back to Dousizong.

Looking at the demons who were constantly rebelling in the hall and the monks of the nine supreme sects, Sun Chi sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Today, with the help of the world, I am about to kill all of you and solve the future problems."

"The Buddhism won this game" Tai Yi said, Tai Yi taught the ancestor's movement to stagnate, and gently stroked the turtle shell. At this time, a layer of dust appeared on the chaotic turtle shell.

"Bodhisattva, you are good calculations. With the help of me and others, I can kill all Lingshan against the party and complete the great cause. It is really good calculation. It is just wrong to let this golden winged roc do evil again." Wukong stopped his movements. , Came to Bingqin's body.

Bingqin smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The Golden Winged Roc has great mana. Before the Buddha could not do without Da Leiyin Temple, there is really no way to surrender. It must be known that the Golden-Wing Roc established the kingdom and has the blessing of the golden dragon, and destroys all laws. If it weren’t for suppressing the golden dragon by relying on the general trend of the heavens and the world, I’m afraid that today’s matter would still not be so easy to end.”

Hearing the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wukong was stunned: "I didn't expect that there are so many bends in this, but there are so many demons here, which is also the result of Lingshan's intentional indulgence."

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