The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: Seeing inspiration, Donghai plans

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It was night, but I saw people in the village, carrying torches and lighting lanterns, standing nervously on the erected altar. On the altar were two little dolls, one boy and one boy. Women and men are thin and fat and cute.

"Brother, it's not reliable. This technique of change is the least reliable. Once the monster comes up and kills directly, you are sure to be immortal, and it is naturally fine, but my old pig has only one life. I killed it in an instant, and my old pig finally came to the west to wash away the impurities in his blood. The certificate is on the highest road. If he died here, it would be a pit," the eighth ancestor Zhu mumbled.

"Shut up, why are you talking like this today? The fairy is coming later, just tell the fairy to eat me first." The boy Wukong transformed stared at the girl transformed by Old Ancestor Pig, slightly. Said impatiently.

Hearing Wukong's scolding, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba smiled and immediately shut up.

Seeing that the time has passed, the sky is overcast with clouds, waves are suddenly rolled up in the Tongtian River, and there are patters of light rain in the sky.

Accompanied by the smell of the sea, I saw a burly fairy with a crab head landed on the shore, and came to the village with heavy steps. Everyone in the village was shivering. A pair of eyes looked at the crab spirit.

"It's just a mere crab spirit of innate realm, and I dare to come to play a trick, let's watch my old grandson play with him." Wukong said to Bajie.

The Crab Essence came to the front, and the old ancestor Zhuba shivered, crying and crying: "Great King, Great King, you should eat him first, the boy is delicious, he has more lean meat and less fat, so it doesn't taste too good to chew."

The crab spirit halted when he heard the words, and curiously looked at the daughter of Zhu Ba Pao Zuo with a rude voice: "My daughter is still fat, I like to eat daughters."

Seeing a big hand of the crab essence grabbed it towards him, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said loudly: "Great King, you can eat this monkey first."

"Monkey?" Crab Jing was taken aback.

"Bold fairy, eat my old grandson with a stick" Wukong couldn't help it, so he quickly jumped out of his figure and hit the crab spirit with a stick.


The crab spirit was effortlessly beaten to death by Wukong, the pig eight ancestor showed his figure, and smiled: "The monkey is still very capable, this fairy is vulnerable."

"You fool, too scared of death" Wukong was helpless.

"If my old pig proves that he will not destroy the aura, he will be like you, and he is not afraid of death."

"Big Brother, Second Brother, it's not OK, the master was taken away by the monster."

Just when Wu Kong was fighting with Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, he heard Sha Wujing's shout from a distance.

"not good".

The expressions of Wukong and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly changed, and they ran towards the village together, only to see Sha Wujing with a gray face, falling to the ground, and shouting anxiously.

"Junior Brother Sha, don't worry, Master was taken away by that fairy?" Wukong said.

"I can't go wrong, it is actually the prince of Donghai's inspiration. I didn't expect this servant to give up, but to take away the master again," Sha Wujing said.

Both Wukong and Zhuba Patriarch were stunned: "Inspiration? Hasn't this guy been taken back by Ao Le's daughter to take care of it again? How come out in embarrassment."

Sha Wujing said: "Brother Monkey, that's right, it's the Prince of Inspiration, I recognize him."

Wukong looked ugly after hearing the words: "The Prince of Inspiration must have escaped the suppression of the East China Sea and ran over to seek revenge. Let's go to the Tongtian River and take a look."

The Wukong and the three came to the coast of Tongtian River in a short time. They looked at the mighty Tongtian River. Wukong said helplessly: "I didn't expect something went wrong when I reached the boundary of Lingshan Land. The Prince of Inspiration was so bold and dare to come. Retaliation, this Tianhe River is boundless, how to find it?".

"Yes, this Tongtian River is too wide. If you look for it, it will not last thousands of years. I am afraid that it will be incomplete. By then, the master will be refined into a pill. I did not expect such a problem at the critical moment. Ah" Old ancestor Zhu Ba could not laugh or cry.

As he was talking, he saw the river roll, and an elderly man walked out of the river slowly.

"Where is the evildoer, report your name" Wukong shouted angrily.

The old man walked old and walked over and said: "Great sage, don't panic, don't panic, old tortoise, I sincerely bow to the Buddha. Hearing that the great sage is in trouble, I came here to help."

"Oh, do you know about the Prince of Inspiration?" Wukong looked at the old man, only for good fortune and cultivation, but Wukong did not see it.

The old man smiled bitterly: "I am an old turtle who has practiced for tens of thousands of years in the Tongtian River. I have taken root and settled in this Tongtian River. I never thought that a fish monster came a few days ago. He called himself the inspirational prince of the East China Sea. Not to mention occupying my water mansion, but also occupying my daughter as the wife of the village. Now I heard that the great sage passed by here, the little demon knew the great sage's reputation, and asked the great sage to be the master of the little demon.

After listening to this old demon, Wukong and Old Ancestor Pig Ba, look at me, I look at you, turning from sadness to joy, staring at the old monster: "Do you know the whereabouts of the Inspired Prince?".

"The Prince of Inspiration occupied my water house, Laogui I naturally know where the Prince of Inspiration is." The old turtle smiled bitterly.

Wukong glared at Ba Jie: "Go and call Junior Brother Sha, you two will follow the old turtle into the water and scream. Last time you were ran away by the Inspired Prince. This time you must kill Inspired Prince, the evil animal."

Old Ancestor Zhuba nodded when he heard the words, turned around and ran towards the village behind him.

Not long after, seeing Sha Wujing coming, the two brothers followed the old monster and entered the Tongtian River together.

"Master Sanzang, let's meet again."

In the water mansion, the Prince of Inspiration put his arms around a seductive woman, looking at Yu Duxiu who was sitting in front of the case, his face was full of abuse.

"So it was you" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

"Yes, it's me" the Prince of Inspiration said.

"Didn't you be taken away by Princess Ao Le?" Yu Duxiu's face was full of panic.

"Hahaha, there is no immortality, how could I be willing to be suppressed by the princess Ao Le" The Prince of Inspiration laughed up to the sky: "Elder, here is the Tongtian River, boundless, even if it is the Buddha in the pure land of Lingshan, he wants to find us This is not something that can be done in a short time. When the time comes, the elders will have been refined into the elixir of longevity and entered the prince’s belly to help the prince to live forever.”

After speaking, the prince of inspiration stopped talking nonsense, and said to a group of little demon: "Bundle this monk for me, let's shave it, wait for the jejunum, we have time now, don't worry, we will find a lucky day in a few days After refining the monk into a, a crowd of small demons came up, supported Yu Duxiu, and walked outside.

Yu Duxiu was imprisoned in the Water Mansion. Not long after, when the gate of the Water Mansion was opened, the woman next to the Prince of Inspiration walked in slowly, looked around cautiously, and then whispered: "Holy monk, I am the Water Mansion. The princess, the prince of inspiration forcibly occupied my father’s water mansion and forcibly took me as a concubine. My father has already gone to inform the elder’s apprentice, and please don’t worry about it. It won’t be long before the elder’s apprentice will come. Help".

Speaking of this, the princess said: "If the elders don’t give up, follow me to the boudoir to take refuge. The Prince of Inspiration hates the holy monk. He has to kill the holy monk. I think the Prince of Inspiration has his eyebrows. I mean, it won’t take long. If the elder’s apprentice doesn’t come in time, I’m afraid that the elder will encounter accidents.”

"Amitabha, if that's the case, then thank the female bodhisattva." Yu Duxiu heard the words, and followed the woman around the countless spirits along the way, and came to a boudoir, only to see that the boudoir was tender, and the case was placed on the table. With a variety of snacks.

"The elders sit still here, these little demons will never have the guts to search the little girl's boudoir. I will go outside to deal with the Prince Inspiration," said the princess.

Yu Duxiu nodded after hearing this, "Thank you princess."

"You're welcome, my father hated the Prince of Inspiration a long time ago, and now he is about to rely on the elders and apprentices to retake the Water Mansion." After speaking, the princess turned and disappeared without a trace.

"Release this inspirational prince again. What kind of abacus is Dong Hai's calculations and what are they calculating?" Yu Duxiu frowned, and his eyes showed inexplicable colors. Even if Yu Duxiu's wisdom reaches the sky, he can't get it right now. Understand Donghae's intentions.

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