The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1661: 2 All losers? Do not! You defeated you hurt

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? The situation is getting more and more chaotic, but it has little to do with Yu Duxiu. As long as he is not dead, even if the present and the past fall under the attack of the supreme powerhouses, Yu Duxiu can always incarnate the two at any time. Cut out from the endless river of time.

"What I want to do now is to refine the Xuanhuang Qi embryos in the body and the gathered momentum from the underworld, the endless aura between heaven and earth, and the Xuanhuang embryos formed" Yu Duxiu Yuan Shen is immersed in the Xuanhuang Qi. In the middle, it is constantly refining the embryo of Xuanhuang Qi in the body.

If there are two or three more catastrophes, one's path to heaven can be completed. Then, when oneself will soar into the sky, and will return again after five thousand years, it will inevitably cost countless powerful people in the heavens and all realms. The fierce game will start under its own dominance.

Race war, what a powerful calamity, it will be a paradise for Yu Duxiu.

Tai Yi Jiaozu and Han Yan fought decisively outside the starry sky. Tai Yi Jiaozu had never had the power of fate that was invincible. At this time, he was actually blocked by ice under the cold force of Han Yan.

I have to say that Han Yan has cultivated the law of extreme cold to an extremely high level, and freezing everything is waiting. If one day it can reach absolute zero, time can be frozen, let alone destiny and cause and effect.

As a rising star, Taiyi teaches ancestors, his strength is beyond doubt, the universe is turbulent between flips, and the extreme cold power of the cold has been resolved with fate. The stars in the starry sky are filled with frost, and it is impossible to say that fate created the extreme cold. Feng, it was the force of the extreme cold that had frozen his life.

At this time, Amitabh violently collided with Sihailongjun, and the wild land rolled up storms, and the ground pulse was shaken.




The golden blood spurted, and the hands of Sihai Longjun were broken, turning into the nourishment of the Lingshan earth, and Amitab's supreme golden body was also cut off, and the golden blood slowly dripped down the golden body.

"Idiot, people kill a thousand enemies and harm yourself 800, you kill 800 enemies and harm yourself a thousand" Amitabha looked at the fallen arm with a gloomy face, the golden body of light flowing around his body, endless thoughts gathered and accumulated instantly , After just a few breaths, I saw the power of punishment that day was wiped out by the power of sentient beings, and the golden body of Amitabha was slowly emerging.

"Amitabha, die. If you don't hand over the East Sea Spring, we will all die together. There are five people on our side. It will be you who will die in the end." Jinlin's pair of dragon claws dazzled with chaos, instantly facing Amitab's chest. Catch the past vigorously.

"Amitabha, the body has no phasing, and the arms are infinite."

Amitabha's ribs unexpectedly derive two arms again, and the divine light on these arms flowed, and the head closed towards Jinlin's hands.


The void trembled, the penalty guillotine came again, Amitabha's golden arm was cut off again, and Jinlin's arm was also cut by the penalty guillotine, and it landed on the endless earth, nourishing the endless beings of Lingshan.

"I'm here" Donghai Longjun roared, his supernatural power surged and he drew towards Amitabha.


Two arms emerged from Amitabha's ribs again, waving and hitting the dragon of the East Sea Dragon Lord.

This time two arms grew out, and Amitabha's body was thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person was thinner or smaller by a whole circle.


The sound of the falling weight sounded, and a section of Donghai Longjun's body was cut off, and Amitabha's hands were amputated again and fell on the ground.

Looking at the thinner Amitabha, Nanhai Longjun sneered: "Amitabha, I want to see how long you can hold on."

After speaking, Dragon King of the East China Sea gave way, and King Dragon of the South China Sea came up, the same action, the same penalty guillotine fell.

With the sound of landing, Amitabha's golden body shrank by a fifth.

"Hahaha, everyone is on shift, dragging this **** to death, Lingshan must be destroyed today" Jinlin screamed and rushed up first.




In this war, the dragons did not hesitate to hurt Amitabha at the cost of self-mutilation, to contain the means of Buddhism, to find a place. Such a tragic battle has never been seen in millions of years. Countless strong men are silent, afraid to speak.

Taiyi Jiaozu and Han Yan in the starry sky have stopped, both looking at the Dragon King of the Four Seas in the lower realm who has been shaved off a man's stick, and Amita who is only five or six years old.

At this time, Sihailongjun said that he had been shaved off with a human stick. It was not appropriate, but it was more miserable than a human stick. Sihailongjun’s body was full of flesh and blood holes, as if he had been bitten by a dog, his tail was gone, his limbs were gone. I don't even know where it fell.

As for Amitabha, although the whole body is complete, but the whole person has shrunk into a five or six-year-old boy.

At this time, Amitabha twisted his hands with the rosary, and looked at Sihailongjun with a pair of eyes, with a compassionate expression: "Why bother, isn't it just a spring of water?".

"Amitabha, I will ask you if you will hand over the treasure, otherwise you will be forced to complete the moon and die today and knock you back to your original shape. You are the shape of countless thought powers. If you wipe out all the thought power in your body, you I’m thinking about returning, but I don’t have ten thousand years of hard cultivation, but it’s nothing. People in the heavens and all realms don’t mind beating the water dog. If you are obliterated with mental strength, you will strangle all your believers, making you a rootless source, eternal It's impossible to return and fall into a deep sleep, but you have to think about the consequences." Jinlin's eyes are filled with murderous intent.

Amitabha looked at the Dragon King of the Four Seas with a pair of eyes, and looked at the ancestors who were eager to move, the restless demon gods, if they had a chance, these guys would not mind eradicating themselves, making these heavens and worlds one less The man of chess.

"Don't delay, otherwise the delay will change. When the time comes, even if you are calculating the Dragon King of the Four Seas, you will really kill yourself and calculate yourself because of the wolves." Looking at the people in the sky, Amitab secretly said.

"Fool, this is my spirit mountain realm, even if it is a golden body, how can it be? It is my spirit mountain beings that nourish, and it is this believer that nourishes, and the strength of this seat, you think, really Has this seat been hit hard?” As he said, he saw that the bodies of those supreme powerhouses were absorbed by countless sentient beings in the spirit mountain realm. The sentient beings in the spirit mountain realm instantly washed their marrow and cut their hair, reborn and reborn, each with a qualitative change. After changing his heels and feet, a stronger mental power fed back, that Amitabha’s golden body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, but just three or two breaths, it has returned to its original size and is still solidifying. Become stronger.

"Idiot" Amitabha looked at the Dragon King of the Four Seas with a cold His face was full of mockery: "Thank you for the blood of a few fellow Taoists. From then on, all beings in the mountain world are like dragons. Each has extraordinary talents, and my Lingshan should be the best among the heavens. After all, no continent will be conceived by the supreme power in his own flesh.

While talking, the robes behind Amituo flew up in an instant, covering the Four Seas Dragon Lord, and wanted to accept the Four Sea Dragon Lord.

"Friends, please slow down."

A long spear straddled the void, and the figure of the Taishijiao ancestor appeared in the void. The spear stood on top of the sky, obliterating everything and blocking the attack of Amitabha.

"What does Daoist fellow mean?" Amitabha said blankly.

"I have a grudge against Sihailongjun, and I am willing to do the work for you and wipe out Sihailongjun's body" Taishi Jiaozu sneered, and the spear in his hand was picked at Sihailongjun's body, wanting to completely collapse Sihailongjun's body. broken.

"Idiot, the source of strength for me is Dragon Ball. This physical body is nothing more than an appearance. I waited for the physical body to be injured, but the combat power was not diminished. Could it be that my brother was regarded as a soft persimmon?" Donghai Longjun smiled coldly.

While talking, I saw Sihai Longjun's body instantly converged, and disappeared. Only five dragon **** were left in the void, floating in the air, exuding colorful divine light.


The dragon ball of Donghai Longjun appeared purple, accompanied by endless thunder and lightning, and instantly penetrated towards the body of Taishijiao ancestor.

"Hahaha, this idiot".

The remaining dragon monarchs turned into the power of wind, water, and fire, entangled to suppress the Taishijiazuzu.

"You have been frustrated by Amitabha, how is my opponent?" Taishi Jiaozu sneered.

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