The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1659: Refining Huangquan

In Lingshan Pure Land, behind Amitabha’s head, the immeasurable divine light shining in all directions, the world of ten directions, in the endless void, but there are countless illusory worlds, like endless sand, constantly rotating, although it has not been solid, but there are some strong force. ??

If one day, Amitabha can consolidate all of this boundless void and sand-like world, then Amitabha's cultivation will be increased to an incredible level, and perhaps he can push the world across the world, he is the supreme powerhouse. , Can also be suppressed in one thought.

Now, what Amitabhas to do is to gather the beliefs of countless sentient beings, countless believers, countless doctrines, and condense the illusory world into entities one by one.

At this time, in the Amitabha Pure Land world, thousands of miles have been condensed into entities, and the heavens and the earth have begun to derive. Countless believers are now reincarnated in this world under the laws of Amitabha and turned into immortal Buddhist believers. , Constantly contributing to the cohesion of the world belongs to their own strength.

This is a cycle, a perfect cycle. The more believers there are, the faster the world will condense. The same principle, more and more believers will be reincarnated as immortal believers, and those immortal believers will do this again. Fang World's exhibition has contributed immense strength.

Amitabha sits in the center of the Pure Land world, the Buddha's light shines on nine heavens and ten places, and the two rivers around him are constantly flowing. It is the metamorphic water and the vanishing water.

"The yin in this world has not forgotten the love. After the death of the ghost, the reincarnation will accumulate impurities and evil spirits in the body, which will change its temperament. This will make the born baby grow up or become disabled in the future, or be violent, and endanger one party. The magic path leads to infinite killing and calamity. Today, I, Amitabha, uses great magical powers, strength, and transforms water and extinguishes water as its roots. It gathers three thousand innate divine waters and refines them into loveless water. If you reincarnated, you must drink the water of forgetfulness, thoroughly cleanse the soul, remove the memory, and see the laws of the world of Yin and Yang."

While talking, Amitabhas made a move, and the immeasurable illusory world behind his head is instantly taken by him. When Amitab stretches out his palm, the source of metamorphic water and the source of dissolving water are constantly intertwined under the mysterious force of Yin and Yang. Mixing, yin and yang merge into one, transform and coexist with each other. In addition to the metamorphic water and the extinguished water, there is also a strange stream flowing continuously between the two.

At this moment, Amitabha's power was continuously poured into the stream, and after a while, he shook his head: "Not enough."

After speaking, the first sea eye of the East China Sea was thrown into the source of metamorphic water and extinguished water, and instantly merged into the source of new life. At this time, the three thousand innate divine waters fell into the East China Sea’s No. The derivation of a spring has taken root and settled down here, but within a few breaths, the spring of the East China Sea has already begun to metamorphose. Under the training of the power of yin and yang, the first spring of the East China Sea has turned into a natural spring. , What flows out is the soulless water.

"This thing can purify all impurities, but it is also highly toxic. Whether it is a human, an animal, or an ordinary monk, as long as you drink a drop of Forgetfulness Water, your soul will be purified, completely washing away all memories of past and present lives, except Apart from the quasi-superior, all beings in the heavens have no difference between the past and the present, only the memory of this life, the past and the past are all forgotten." Amitabhas chuckled.

The forgetting here is completely washed away, as if it has never existed before, and the key is that even if there is a monk certificate in the future, there will be no Taoist fruit. As long as you drink this forgetfulness water before, it will definitely be completely lost memory.

Amitabha smiled when Wang Qing Shui was successfully practiced, but saw that Wang Qing Shui flows down the path of Ksitigarbha King's ascension along the Yin-Yang channel, penetrates through the void, and flows into the infinite shore.

East China Sea, the first spring of the East China Sea was sacrificed and turned into a natural spring, Donghai Longjun felt a sense of heart, and he spouted a violent mouthful of blood: "Amitabha, deceive people too much, return my first spring in the East China Sea." .

While talking, I saw a pair of dragon claws tearing through the void in an instant of East Sea Dragon Lord, descending directly to the pure land, and grabbing towards Amitabha's golden body.

"Friends of the Daoist are looking forward, this action of this seat is to show the laws of the world and the meaning of the netherworld. Even the ghost master can't stop me, let alone you? Why should a fellow Daoist sigh lightly and point out. , Heading towards the dragon claw seal of Dragon Lord of the East China Sea, my own small world has just been perfected, is being spawned, and cannot withstand the slightest turbulence. If a war is launched in this small world, the pure land just born of this small world will inevitably collapse. , Their own fundamentals will also be shaken.

Amitabha's palm of the infinite Buddha light, the infinite sutra culture as the innate mantra, wrapped the palm of Donghai Longjun, and both sides left the pure land.

The first spring in the East China Sea is extremely important to the East China Sea. It represents the aura of the East China Sea, the endless aura, which is now being sacrificed by Amitabha and completely wiped out between the heaven and the earth. The East China Sea lost the first spring. If one day vicissitudes of life, the East China Sea will be extinct.

And this spring is endless, which is the biggest support of the Donghai Sea.

"Amitabha, give me back the first spring of the East China Sea" Donghai Longjun's face was gloomy, instantly turning into a Dharma, eyes full of murderous intent.

"Amitabha, what you did this time is too much. This is to sever the foundation of my East China Sea." Nanhai Longjun walked out of the void. If the Daoist does not give me an explanation today, we will completely tear it apart in the future. Face skin, will die for life.

"Amitabha, you have broken the foundation of the East China Sea and smashed the power of the East China Sea. You are too much" Jin Lin walked out with a face full of authority, wearing a dragon robe.

Amitabha shook his head lightly, looked at Jinlin’s angry face, and suddenly smiled: “The heavens and the world, countless beings reincarnate in life and death, and the races are entangled in endlessly. Once the memory is restored, it will be a feud of life and death. Love and hatred are entangled with cause and effect. In the future, cause and effect will turn into death, which will inevitably lead to countless calamities. When the time comes, the world will fail, and all lives will die. I can’t bear it and sacrifice the East China Sea family to complete the countless beings in the world. , As long as sentient beings drink this water forgotten love before the reincarnation, and before the supreme cultivation base, all the past events will be forgotten, completely cleared and washed away, and can no longer be restored. Then the human race will be the human race, and the demon race will be the demon. Clan, I don’t have so many ghosts, and I don’t know how much karma has been reduced. This move is recognized by the The aura of the great world of yours has gathered a lot towards my Buddhist family."

"Hmph, if you want to earn the merits of heaven and earth, why bother harming the interests of the East China Sea? I will never agree to this matter. We will not be able to complete the moon. If you don't hand over the Spring Eyes of the East China Sea today, we will never die." Long Jun and the other Four Seas Long Jun's eyes flickered with cold light.

"This is ridiculous. The first mouth of the East China Sea eye was not grabbed by this seat, but you compensated Miaoxiu back then. This seat only discovered this thing when Miaoxiu was reincarnated. Miaoxiu worshipped into my Buddhism, this thing is naturally my Buddhism treasure. My Buddhism and you have no cause and effect in the East China Sea. If you want to explain, just go to Miaoxiu. Now Miaoxiu has fallen into reincarnation again. As long as you can find Miaoxiu in the reincarnation, it's all up to you." Amitabhas started to play rogues and speaks out loud.

"Don't think we are all idiots, the Sanzang monk on the road to the sky is Yu Duxiu, really we don't know?" Chaos churned in Jin Lin's eyes.

"This is just the words of your family. I can't believe it, but is there evidence?" Amitabha said unhurriedly.

"Evidence? My Yinsi has life and death as evidence. This Sanzang is the reincarnation of Yu Duxiu." The void is twisted. The Yinsi Devil is holding life and death thin in his hands, with one palm behind him, looking at Amitabha with murderous intent: "Netherworld It’s the site of my Yinshan Mountain, Amitabha. You have repeatedly intervened in my Yinshan matter, and your hand stretched too long."

"Ghost, you dare to come to the Yang world" Amitab gently threatened, holding the rosary of the 48th Grand Aspiration.

"I am here today. It is not about the personal grievances between you and my two families, but for Donghai to testify." Ghost Cha smiled. 8

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