The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1636: Aftermath

The old jade ancestor was thinking about how to benefit from Yu Duxiu, but at this time Wukong met Amitabha: "Buddha, where is my master?".

Amitabha heard that a pair of eyes shot at the heavens and pretended to observe. In fact, he had a feeling with Yu Duxiu in his heart. After a while, he said: "It turned out to be a bottomless pit, where the peach trees were stolen back then."

Thinking of this, he said to Wukong: "I have something to do, your master still needs you to find it yourself."

After speaking, Amitabha disappeared into the void.

Wukong was stunned when he heard the words, wishing that Amitabha would be cut to death with a stick, but he didn't dare to actually do it. He looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with his eyes. He didn't see the Yuanshi Tianzun, and his figure disappeared into the void instantly.

There was a big fight, and no one knew what happened. In short, the fox god, the fox Meizi suffered a big loss, and it seemed that he had been tricked.

Looking at the charming and pretty woman not far away, Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly. He didn't expect, but really didn't expect that someone would come out to disrupt the situation at this moment. If it wasn't for this little squirrel to pull himself out for death at a critical moment, no Knowing what would happen at that time, Yu Duxiu guessed in her heart that the greatest possibility was that she was slapped to death by the fox god, and there was no place to bury her.

"Little girl Yu Yong, I have seen Xiang Gong." The woman with a beautiful figure and beautiful face paid respect to Yu Duxiu.

Looking at this stone cave, Yu Duxiu showed a sense of familiarity. Back then, she stole the congenital flat peach tree here and put the blame on the world, but she never thought that she would return here again today.

Looking at the squirrel spirit in front of me, after thousands of years of cultivation, he has transformed into a human form, has taken off the demon fetus, and has extremely pure mana, with countless spiritual grass blessings. It is difficult for the squirrel spirit to cultivate slowly, but it is already It is the pinnacle of good fortune realm, only one door away from the quasi-immortal, the difference is only to comprehend the condensed Dao fruit that belongs to oneself.

"Amitabha Buddha, poor monk Sanzang, saw a female benefactor" Yu Duxiu was not trapped. At this time, she stood up and bowed to Yu Yong.

When Yu Yong looked at Yu Duxiu, he suddenly chuckled. Who would have thought that the famous and famous one would be reborn as a monk, but even so, he liked it very much in his heart.

"You friend, you don’t recognize them anymore. When you died, they cried for a long time at your grave. Now there is still your clothing mound outside the cave. If it weren’t for me to enter the house for the dead, it’s a sense , I’m afraid I don’t know that you have been reincarnated and turned into a monk.” Yuyong came over, grabbed Yu Duxiu’s arms after a pair, and his eyes were full of tenderness: “What’s good out there, in the world, I’m deceiving and calculating. , Where is my bottomless pit, happy and free, you are originally an unfettered temper, and you went to the western sky to get the Laoshizi scripture. How about being a happy couple with me in this cave?".

"Amitabha Buddha, the female donor, if you are not married between men and women, never do this, never do this." Yu Duxiu wanted to shake her palms, but found that the other party had already displayed magical powers. If she didn't want to expose her, she could only let the other party. Hold on.

"You monk, I risked my life and death in the hands of the demon **** to rescue you, how do you want to repay me?" Yuyong's eyes flickered, he covered his mouth and chuckled, his eyes full of abuse.

"Amitabha, the poor monk has no money, but he doesn't know how to repay the female donor" Yu Duxiu said.

"Why don't you marry me, how about being a happy couple in this cave?" Yu Yongyu's face approached, and you fragrant bursts.

"No, no".

Yu Duxiu stepped back, staggered, and fell to the ground, avoiding Yu Yong's closeness.

"You monk, you don’t know much about it. If an ordinary person talked to me, I would have killed him. But when I saw you, I just couldn’t get angry." The monk's clothes have changed, and we will have a big banquet in a while, and I will get married with the holy monk."

"Ku Ye" looked at the beautiful maid rushing from left to right, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled bitterly. I never thought that the peach blossoms and luck in the past few days really made my head big. I did not expect that the little squirrel was so courageous that he actually fell into trouble and wanted to take possession of it. It's cheap by yourself.

"I saw that my brother was pale, his body was weak, his vitality was decayed, and he was obviously injured by the fox Meizi and lost his blood. It's a pity that my cultivation level is limited. It is no longer suitable to escape in the hands of the demon god. , I want to avenge you, but I can’t do it.” At this point, Yuyong said to the maid on the side: “Go cook a pot of Jiubao porridge, and nourish the blood for your brother.”

Terran, the nine supreme ancestors looked at each other.

"Since the beginning of the world, I have never found that the Fox God has been so angry. This Fox Meizi always smiles and groans. Even if he is bullied, he is never angry. Have you ever seen the Fox God be so angry? I don't know what happened to the Fox God." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the long river of fate with a pair of eyes, but there was no hint.

The eyes of the Taipingjiao ancestor on one side flickered: "Isn't you old guy doing calculations?".

Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a wry smile: "I want to calculate, but I couldn't detect the trace of the fox **** in time. What about calculating?".

"If it weren't for you, it would be the other side of the world," Taiyi taught ancestors.

The ancestors of the human race looked at each other: "It's not the human race, that's the four seas, and I don't know what the four seas have done that caused the fox **** to be so angry."

"Why is it the Four Seas, instead of the monsters themselves making calculations, the monsters are now bigger than the fox gods, why is it not that the monsters are rebelling in their dens" questioned Tai Dou Jiaozu.

"It's not impossible. It's just that the monsters are the brainless people. They have always advocated fist and bowels. Based on their scheming, it is basically impossible to calculate the fox god. I think the dragon has the most. It may be" Taishi taught the ancestors.

The hatred between the Taishijiao ancestor and the dragon clan was not so big, and he had always wanted to repay the enmity of the sect that was almost wiped out that year, but he suffered from no chance.

"There is no handle to this matter, except for the original power of the big wind beast, there are no traces left. It is not easy to do this step," Taiyi taught ancestors.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, where Jinlin sits with no expression on his face and drinks, Donghai Dragon Jun said: "Why is the Fox God so angry? Since this seat has preached, we have never seen the Fox God so angry."

Jinlin frowned upon hearing this: "It must be the Fox God who has suffered a big loss, and it is an unprecedented loss. It is also possible that the Fox God has been calculated by someone and is extremely angry in secret, maybe."

The figure of Beihai Longjun came out of the void: "Part of the origin of the big wind beast that I suppressed in Beihai has been stolen."

"Part of the origin of the Gale Beast that I suppressed by Xihai has also been stolen." Xihai Longjun walked in the void, his expression gloomy.

"The same goes for the South China Sea. Part of the origin of the West Gale is missing."

Donghai Longjun and Jinlin suddenly changed their Then Donghai Longjun's figure disappeared into the void, and he walked out of the void after a while, with an ugly expression: "Good means, really good means, I don’t know. I didn't even notice who used the method secretly."

"Damn" Xihai Longjun's eyes burst into flames: "It is rare to steal the original power of the Gale Beast without disturbing us."

"I went to the human race Kyushu for a walk, and killed the Gale Beast in the unlucky ghost town, and crushed its body to suppress all parties in the world. The origin of the Gale Beast from all over the world was stolen. I don't know what happened to the origin of Human Repression." Donghai Longjun Station He got up and said, "Go and pass on Xi Dafeng. Ask Xi Dafeng if he knows this matter. Perhaps we can see some clues from Xi Dafeng."

"Hurry up and find out. If the problem lies in the whole world, I will be troubled in the future. There will be no peace in the whole world. I will have a vengeance with the fox god. I don't know why the fox **** is so angry. "After speaking, Donghai Longjun's figure disappeared into the void, and he had already gone to the Kyushu of Human Race.

In the wild, all the demon gods looked at each other at this time. You look at me and I look at you, neither of them knows what to say.

"How many years hasn't seen the Fox God be angry? It seems like this is the first time I have seen this anger." Tiger God scratched his head. To be continued. Enable new URL

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