The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1624: Mass killing, attacking Tai Yi Dao

"boom". ▽◇Tomato☆novel☆net-```--

The level of realm and the level of combat power cannot deceive people.

Just like now, the cultivation base of that little monk is obviously higher than that of black and white impermanence, the seal of the aquarium enveloped down, and a wave of unmatched suction came, and the black and white impermanence faced the attack of the little monk and did not dare to divide. The heart, dealing with the power of the treasure bottle seal with all his heart, was instantly shattered by the fearless lion seal of the Ksitigarbha King, and turned into aura that drifted in the void.

"Little monk, here is my yin, you can't tolerate your presumptuousness." A ghost claw covered the sky and sun in the void filled the sky, and shrouded the sky and sun down towards the little monk. The power of reincarnation flowed and instantly enveloped the endless void. , It seems to be a palm to drive the little monk into the cycle.


The true body of Amitabha descended on the Zimu River, his boundless eyes swept across the Zimu River, his palm stretched out, and the water of the Zimu River rolled back, and was instantly contained by Na Amitabha palm, and a jade-colored bottle fell into Amitabha's hand.

Looking at the jade-colored bottle, Amitabh closed his eyes and said nothing, a transparent eye in his mind kept flickering, unparalleled divine light burst out, the void was ignited, and the past and future data were all manifested in this eye. Numerous pictures were captured by Amitabha. Tomato Novel Network-`````-`


The river water was put down by Amitabha again, but he saw Amitabha's face gloomy, his palm was pulled against the void, and the barrier was instantly penetrated, and the Yin Division was in front of his eyes.

Seeing that Amitabha was about to step into the Yin Division, a chuckle came from the void: "Amitabha, please stay."

"Tai Yi, you made a secret move before, and I didn't pursue it. Do you still want to stop me now?" Amitab stopped, letting the channel of Yin Division close, and looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu.

Taiyi teaches the ancestors of the fairy wind, and walks out of the void: "Pan Dao wants to learn from Taoists, and when we distinguish between superiors, we might as well fight the stars."

Amitabha heard the words and looked at the road to the sky, then looked at the Taiping ancestor, but smiled coldly: "Alright, look at what you old fellow has the ability to dare to stop me."




In the Great Leiyin Temple, countless innate immortal auras soared into the sky, instantly piercing the void and descending on Taiyi Dao.


"Do not stay with chickens and dogs."

"All extinct." △◇△Tomato Novel Network □---`

The quasi-superior powerhouses who suddenly came to slay the precepts, facing the disciples who were too easy to do, from good luck to ordinary labor, without leaving hands, instantly dispelling the soul.

How many quasi immortals did Yu Duxiu Daoist? .

There are still twenty, even if there is no twenty, there are seventeen or eight.

At this time, nearly twenty quasi-superior powers suddenly came, without the supreme power of Taiyi Jiaozu, who was guarded by the supreme powerhouse, the entire Taiyi Dao instantly collapsed, and countless disciples died instantly. Before it had time to resist, it was instantly exploded by everyone, completely suppressed, and fell into a disadvantage.

Sudden catastrophe instantly destroyed Tai Yi Dao’s countless years of accumulation. The Tai Yi Jiaozu in the starry sky suddenly changed color, a pair of eyes looked at the fight below, and a palm of fate was wrapped in the river of fate in an instant, and he was going to Tai Yi Dao. Suppressed away.

"Fighting with the poor monk, the Daoist dared to distract him, but he didn't put the monk in my eyes." Amitabh stretched out a palm, which seemed to be vast, covering the universe.

Yu Duxiu's performance in the birth and death of the world, the evolution and changes of the laws, has reached a very high level. At this time, the Taiyi Jiaozu facing Amitabha, suddenly found that he is still at a disadvantage when facing Amitab. The accumulation is actually not as good as this upstart. △◇△Tomato Novel Network □---`

"Amitabha, you have done too much. What's wrong with those ordinary disciples? You will be condemned by the heavens if you slaughter ordinary disciples like this. In the future, my human race will fight against recklessness and have no resistance. It is all your responsibility. "Tai Yi teaches the ancestors to bend his palms, and instantly hits against Amitabha's attack.

Amitabha smiled coldly: "You are too innocent, the disciple of the Taoist path is so innocent, isn't the Buddha on my way to be innocent? Besides, the sudden arrival of those quasi-superpowers is not arranged by this seat. Who knows that it is that guy? See if you are not pleasing to the eye, now I am secretly revenge on you

"You make way for me" Taiyi taught the ancestors of fate with a finger and came to kill Amituo Town.

Amitabha gently shook his head: "You stop me, just like I stop you, the cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unhappy."

Watching the destruction of his mountain gate and the continuous slaughter of the disciples in the gate, Natai Yijiaozu suddenly became anxious. The fate of the turtle shell in his hand was constantly circulating, and he directly fought Amitabah. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

"Damn" Taipingdao, Taipingjiao ancestor looked at the flames of the Taiping Taoist war, and suddenly the murderous intent rose to the sky, and the Emperor Tu was rolled up in an instant, and the Taiping Taoist suddenly came to suppress the supreme powers.




At this time, the quasi-superior powerhouses could not help themselves. They had been transformed by Yu Duxiu. Everyone could not choose their own destiny. Yu Duxiu did not ask everyone to withdraw. The one who dared to be a deserter.


The void exploded, and the quasi-superpowers who suddenly came to Taiyi Road to kill wildly joined forces to break through the void, unexpectedly directly descended on Taiping Road and began to kill on Taiping Road.

"Bastard things, it's really impossible to find death." Seeing these ants slaughter under their own eyelids, the Taiping ancestor was furious, and the endless scenery of the emperor in his hand flowed, an unparalleled power came, and the crowd was instantly regarded as the supreme power. Suck it in.


Huangtu was penetrated, and a quasi-superior man actually broke the Taipingjiao's Huangtu. The black lotus flickered in his eyes, and he shot and killed the wounded Zhang Jiao beside Taipingjiao.

"Zhuzi Dare".

Seeing the quasi-superior attacking Zhang Jiao, Taiping Jiaozu suddenly became furious, thunderous means burst out, and countless seals suddenly descended, blocking the path of the shadow.

"The means are good." The dark shadow looked at the sky full of runes and smiled coldly: "It's hard to escape."


After all, the Taiping ancestor was the supreme power. The quasi-immortal was bombarded by the ancestor **** and turned into an innate immortal aura. In dozens of breaths, the Taiping ancestor calmed the chaos, but at this time the Taiping Tao was in a mess, with countless deaths and injuries.

"Zhang Jiao, are you okay" Taiping Jiaozu hurriedly came to Zhang Jiao.

"Thank you for your concern, my disciple is fine" Zhang Jiao shook his head pale.

"Crazy and crazy, it's crazy. These **** were suppressed by me in the royal map. Let's see how I concoct them." The Taiping teacher checked Zhang Jiao up and down. Seeing that there was no big problem with Zhang Jiao, he was immediately relieved. With a sigh of relief, murderous intent flowed in his eyes, and the emperor's internal vision became stiff in the next moment: "No, the quasi-superior group is gone."

"Crazy and crazy, you are crazy" Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a palm slashed out, as if it were the hand of fate. All the objects that stood in the way of fate were instantly turned into powder. Xinghe turned back in an instant, carrying unparalleled mighty power, towards the golden body of Amitabha Suppression came.

"You can eat anything you want, but you can't talk nonsense. These are not people from my spirit mountain." Amitabhas tepid, facing the palm of Taiyi's ancestor, with both hands in the posture of a boy worshiping Buddha: "It's nothing more than that."


The starry sky vibrated, and a star field instantly turned into powder. At this time, Tai Yi Jiaozu and Amitabha fired out real fire, without leaving their hands, all living beings saw the starry sky twinkling, flickering and dimming, sometimes reversed, sometimes rotated, and mighty. Wushuang, the stars are shining, and there are frequent anomalies.


When Taiyi taught ancestors and Amituo fought, the Yuanshi Tianzun of Fangcunshan on the Lingtai could not sit still, the chaotic clock in his hand rang and instantly penetrated the Yinsi channel and stepped forward towards the Yinsi.

"Also invite fellow Taoists to stay" Taiping Jiaozu was busy dealing with the quasi immortals, and Taiyuan Jiaozu made a move.

"Taiyuan, I will meet you" Fu Yao shot, countless gusts rolled up, blowing towards the ancestor of Taiyuan Sect.

"The Five Elements Great Mill."

The ancestors of Taiyuan Sect's supernatural powers changed, and the Five Elements' Great Moment came out.

"Hmph, my **** wind is not among the five elements. You can't restrain me." Fu Yao smiled lightly, surrounded by the **** wind between his fingers, twists and turns, unexpectedly avoided the five elements, came to the heart of Taiyuan Jiaozu. A palm fell towards the chest of Taiyuan Jiaozu.

Taiyuan Jiaozu suddenly changed his color and exclaimed: "What a weird blow, it is really like the wind, unpredictable, invisible and unpredictable."

Okay, let's go to sleep. Someone asked me how many more changes there are on the road to the sky, within forty! terrible! . (To be continued.)

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