The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: Robbed inexplicably and drank river water by mistake

"Master, there must be a big river in front of us. We can finally take a bath and have a good time." After walking for a while, Wukong sniffed his nose and turned his head to face Yu Duxiu in Mount Baima. ☆◇▽☆☆Tomato Novel Network-``---`

Yu Duxiu frowned when she heard the words, but saw that countless calamities crazily gathered in the void, and immediately knew that something happened.

"It has been brewing for a year, and I don’t know who set the calamity for me. No matter, soldiers will come to block it, and the water will cover it." Looking at the calamity in the void, Yu Duxiu's heart was cast a shadow, because of the gathering of calamity, It seems to be the most powerful calamity apart from the great calamity and the pursuit of the supreme powerhouse of the year.

"I have to see what you have to do to kill me." Yu Duxiu chuckled at Wu Kong and said calmly, "Since there is a river in front of me, let's take a swig."

The five masters and apprentices rushed all the way to the river, looking at the blue water and the tumbling calamities in the river, Yu Duxiu sneered: "I just don’t know what monsters are waiting for me in the river. ".

Yu Duxiu got off her horse, came to the river, took a swig with a bowl, but saw that the calamity in the river was tumbling more and more. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

The old ancestor Zhu Ba and others on one side took the bowl and drank one after another. Even the servant of Ba Jie took a bath downstream and sang songs in his mouth.

Seeing the tumbling calamity in the river, Yu Duxiu frowned: "It's strange, I'm already on the bank now. Why do I only see the calamity tumbling in the river, but no monsters roll me away."

In the mountains in the distance, the prince of Yin Si and the black and white impermanence sneered again and again.

"The man is pregnant, this monk is dead," the Yin Si Prince said.

"This time Amitabha will come, and he can't be saved. This metamorphic water is a miracle between heaven and earth. Even the supreme powerhouse would never want to save it." Bai Wuchang smashed his mouth and said: "Prince, you can't kill you. Isn’t it a bit too much to tell these guys to give birth to children?"

"Hmph, what do you know, after drinking this metamorphic water, it is not without a solution." The Crown Prince Yinsi glanced at Bai Wuchang.

"I don't know what is the solution?" Hei Wuchang asked curiously.

"One is that there are quasi-superior people who have cultivated into the innate immortal aura, and the innate immortal aura does not invade all kinds of methods, so they can naturally refine the metamorphic water in their body." Tomato△ Novel □ Net ○--```-

"Secondly, this prince is in control of the avenue of life and death. As long as he is dead, naturally there is not so much trouble," Yin Si said.

"Apart from these two methods, is there no other way?" Bai Wuchang said.

"There is a natural way. The heavens and the earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Since there is metamorphic water that can make all living beings pregnant, there are also things of mutual restraint." The prince Yin Si stopped his mouth decisively and did not continue to speak: The last time my Yin Division took action, the monks of the Baoquan Buddhist family were buried here."

The four masters and apprentices of Yu Duxiu took a bath and drank water until they crossed the river. Yu Duxiu did not find any weirdness. The calamity in the river was still tumbling, but Yu Duxiu could not find the calamity. source.

"Weird, weird, really weird" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"Master, after crossing this river, there will be people, but I have never inquired about the borders of Shihe," Wukong said.

Yu Duxiu nodded, and when she met someone on the road, the four masters and apprentices dismounted and walked over. Yu Duxiu saluted the old man, "Dare to ask the old donor, I don't know where this place is?". ☆Tomato○△ Novel Network-

The old man raised his head when he heard the words, looked at the dressing of the four masters and apprentices, and rolled his eyes: "It turns out that there are four monks, and this place is the border of the daughter country."

"Daughter Kingdom? What a strange name" Old Ancestor Zhuba was taken aback.

The old man nodded when he heard the words: "Of course it's weird, because in the entire country, there are all daughters and no men."

Wukong said on the side: "You old man don't want to blame me. Since ancient times, yin and yang have been intertwined, and everything is derived from the universe. There are only women, no men, how to reproduce offspring."

Hearing what the old man said, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt an unknown premonition in his heart. Before he could speak, the old man retorted: "You are a traveller, talking nonsense and what yin and yang are derived from, the border of the daughter country. There is a river, called the mother-child river. The women of the daughter country should not mate. If you want to conceive, you can conceive and give birth to a big fat baby by drinking the water of the river."

"Zimu River?" Yu Duxiu exclaimed, thinking of the calamity above the river before, but no monsters have been in trouble. Yu Duxiu's scalp exploded, and when he looked inside, he suddenly found the life fluctuations in her body. Abnormal, blood coagulation, it seems that the fetus wants to grow. Tomato○☆Novel△Net☆-`-``--`--

"Causes, quell me." Yu Duxiu's expression changed, and the power of calamity came instantaneously. He wanted to cause the origin of life to suffer calamity, but the origin of life was muddled, like chaos, infinite gathering and dispersion, there is no way at all Town kill.

"Trouble." Yu Duxiu's brain bounced, and a cold sweat was left behind.

"It's really a big world, there are no surprises, there are such strange things in the world, it is really incredible" Wukong and Na Ba Jie, Monk Sha did not even know, and they admired.

The old man said: "Several elders are guests from afar. How about resting in my hut for a day and letting the young man buy some fast food for the few to enjoy?".

"Thank you for the donor, then" Yu Duxiu bowed, and Wukong and others also clapped and praised.

"There is also a river of mothers and daughters in this world, but I don't know if there are wells for abortion." Yu Duxiu's expression remained unchanged, but a shadow rose in her heart.

After dinner, everyone was speechless. The next morning, I just ate fast food and was about to go on the road, but suddenly heard Ba Jie hum: "It hurts me, it hurts me."

Wukong said with a sneer on his face: "You idiot, do you want to **** and play slippery, don't you want to go on the road?

"Brother Monkey, it hurts me to death, my old pig has a stomachache," the old ancestor Zhu Ba wailed and rolled.

Seeing the expression of Old Master Zhu Ba, Wukong was stunned, and suddenly heard Sha Wujing on one side begin to wailing: "It hurts me, it hurts me."

"Wukong, my stomach hurts as a teacher" Yu Duxiu saw this holding his stomach, pretending to be painful.

"Master, master, how are you?" Wukong released his eight precepts and hurriedly moved in.

Yu Duxiu said: "The stomach hurts, it seems to be split."

"Hey, you little old man, did you poison my master?" Wukong flushed, but his anger rose, and he grabbed the old man.

"Don't pull, don't pull, and please let the elders calm down. I see these elders have round stomachs, as if they were pregnant in June. Could it be that some of them drank the river of the mother and daughter, so they were pregnant?" The old man His wife hurried over and grabbed Wukong's arm.

"The river water of the mother and child? The month of pregnancy? It took only a few days for my four masters and apprentices to come here. Even after drinking the river water from the mother and daughter, it should take a few months for the fetus to form in the abdomen. If you want me, when my grandson is a fool," Wukong grinned.

The old woman smiled bitterly and said: "The elder is wrong. The river is very mysterious and does not follow common sense. As long as you drink the river, it will be as short as one day or as long as one month, and the fetus in the abdomen will croak to the ground."

"Really?" Wukong let go of the old man.

"Really, take it seriously, naturally take it seriously, if the elder doesn't believe it, even if you go around and inquire, you can know the authenticity of what the old man said." The old man said.

Hearing what the old man said, Wukong immediately got angry and leaned in anxiously: "Master, what should I do with this of which, Wukong said: "Where is the river water in the son and mother? ".

"This Zimu River surrounds the daughter kingdom. As long as the elders come here, they will inevitably pass through the Zimu River," said the old man.

The old woman on one side saw the abdomen of the masters and apprentices growing up, scratching her ears and cheeks anxiously, and then said: "I'll find some stable women for your master to deliver babies."

"My masters and younger brothers are all men, how do you have a baby" Wu Kong scolded.

"If you don't live, you have to die. If you want to live, you can only put aside the abdomen and take out the child." An anxious color flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Cesarean section?" Wukong rolled his eyes: "There is really no way, I can only do this. There are countless treasures of genius and treasure in the Great Leiyin Temple in the West, even if the abdomen is aside, it is enough to make the master survive."

"My old pig is a macho man, never give birth to children, never, oh, even if it hurts me to death, I will not have children."

Add more! After subscribing to keep up, I pushed Fox God! Roar! . (To be continued.)

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