The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1618: Matchmaker proclaims, Jinlin kills heart

"Pooh". △◇△□---`

Hearing this, the Fox God spit out: "Well, you shameless monk, this kind of thing actually wants to take advantage of me. I told you to admit it, I asked you to admit it, and I will kill you today."

The fox **** picked up the willow branch and beat it three times again. He was about to continue the beat, when suddenly he saw a rainbow light rising into the sky on the lunar star, which immediately attracted the attention of all the worlds.

The fox **** threw away the willow branch in his hand and glared at Yu Duxiu: "Let's let you go today, I will go and clean up that little Pi Niang."

After speaking, the figure of the fox **** has reached the lunar star, but he saw the matchmaker's body with countless red karma threads flying around at this time, turning into a large cocoon, wrapping the matchmaker in it, and seeing the matchmaker's palm stretched out, instantly countless silk threads Normalized, rolled up like a ball of thread and turned into an illusory red hydrangea. This red hydrangea is the fruit of the matchmaker. As long as the matchmaker refines the fruit, transforms the emptiness into reality, and nourishes it with good luck , You can achieve the highest road.

"Ask what love in the world is, teach life and death," the matchmaker muttered these two words to herself, actually silly.

When the fox **** came, the matchmaker immediately recovered and ran over happily:

"Old ancestor, I finally made a great way." The matchmaker looked at the fox **** and said with joy. Fan▽□Jiaxiao☆Shuowang```--`-

But seeing the palm of the fox **** stretched out, she instantly pinched the matchmaker's ears: "You little hoof, and the face is rejoicing here, ancestors, I have been hurt by you."

"Niang Niang, Niang Niang, don't tugging, don't tugging, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death," the matchmaker kept crying.

"Hmph, if it weren't for your little hoof, how could I be so embarrassed by my ancestors?" The Fox God pulled the matchmaker's ear vigorously.

"Niangniang, you are jealous, you just want to take revenge on others." The matchmaker was also not outdone. Although she didn't dare to fight back, she didn't forgive anyone.

"You little hooves are talking nonsense, see if I won't tear your mouth" The Fox God suddenly became angry.

"Oh, mother, let go, I don’t dare anymore." The matchmaker quarreled with the fox god, and the two caught them for a while. After feeling the will of the heavens and the world, the fox **** snorted coldly. She immediately rolled up the matchmaker and returned to the territory of the fox family: "You have been miserable this time, and being so bullied by that Miaoxiu, it is extremely difficult to find this one." Fan ☆Ji novel network`

The matchmaker squeezed her hand tightly after hearing this: "Don't worry, when that Miaoxiu shows up, let's catch him back, demote him to a slave, and get out all the evil spirits."

"Master, Master, why is your old man so miserable, who is so cruel, who has been so cruel to you?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's miserable appearance, the old ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly ran over and asked for warmth, and tears would be left behind. .

"You villain, don't let me go, you don't have to be so exaggerated in acting." Yu Duxiu did not have a good spirit.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Master, I will put you down," said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"The matchmaker has proved the way" Taishi Jiaozu looked at the primitive heavenly king under him: "How are you now?"

The Primordial King dressed in black and slowly opened his eyes: "It's better than ever. As long as the child stands on this world-destroying mill, he can be immortal, and no one can kill me."

"It's weird, I didn't expect that the Great Mould still have this kind of function. Fortunately, Miaoxiu will smash you to pieces. Otherwise, how to discover the mystery of the Great Mould and completely control the Great Mould" Taishi taught the ancestor.

Hearing this, the Primordial Heavenly King was stroking the Great Moment of Destruction: "Father was a bit wrong. I suspect that Miaoxiu deliberately broke me, so that I can be completely integrated with the Great Moment of Destruction, and he is in complete control of the Great Mill. ". ``-----

"Huh?" Taishi taught ancestors for a moment.

Primordial King said: "It feels, this is a feeling. In the past, when the child was the ambassador of the world, there was always a sense of barrier. Nowadays, the command of the world is like an arm, especially when Miao Xiu looked at me. , And what was said at that time, the more I think about it, the more terrifying it feels."

"What do you mean?" Taishi taught the ancestors.

The primordial king looked at Taishijiazuo with blinking eyes: "Miaoxiu seems to be reminding me that Zulong is still alive."


The ancestor taught the ancestors in an instant, and he almost jumped up from his seat. Everyone guessed about the strength of the ancestor dragon. If the ancestor dragon is still alive, what else is everyone playing?

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say, the child felt a ray of will inheritance in the world-destroying mill, it seems to be related to the ancestor dragon, otherwise Miaoxiu would not restrain the child's world-destroying mill, and now Ao Le has captured it. The essence and blood of the ancestor dragon also restrained the child's "primitive heavenly king". Tomato Novel Network ☆-``-`

Regardless of the matchmaker proving the Tao, the Taishijiaozu stood up at this time: "The matter is big, and the matter is big, this time it is really troublesome."

"The matchmaker proved that it should have been a good thing, but why did the Fox God be so furious that he beat the Master Sanzang so hard that Amitabha didn't stop him. This must be the loss of Li Sanzang. What happened?" The fox god'craved' and abandoned words such as ``the husband and the child', and Taiyi taught ancestors suddenly stunned: "No, these Sanzang are just mortal wombs. Could it be that the fox **** has fallen asleep, and the chaos and the end can not be abandoned? ".

"What's the matter with the fox god? For millions of years, this fox spirit has always smiled, but it's not as angry as today." In the wild, the rabbit gnawed carrots ignorantly.

The wolf **** looked at him slowly: "Mage Sanzang, Fox God, these two people who have no intersection, why do they get mixed together and make Fox God so angry."

"What happened on earth?" At this time, everyone in the heavens and ten thousand realms was confused and confused.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Jinlin fiddled with a long sword with a gloomy expression, gently wiped the blade, and breathed out: "Kunlun Mountain, Amitabha".

"If I am not mistaken, the branch in Amitabha's hand is the branch of Congenital Hibiscus. Although it is blinded by Amitabha's methods, it can't hide from my eyes. It is a living Congenital Hibiscus tree." Jinlin slowly flicked the long sword: "Weird, weird, Amitabha has no foot to detect the origin. It seems that there has not been any information about him in the past, and there is no trace of him in the long river. Today, all the energy will be erased in the long river of time, which is really strange."

"If I swallow the veins of Kunlun Mountain, I can fly into the sky and turn into an ancestral dragon. Kunlun Mountain is the bone marrow of the ancestral dragon. It is much more important than a drop of blood. But this **** Sihailongjun stares at me too much. It’s so tight that I can’t spare any time to explore." Jinlin’s eyes flickered with cold light: "Ao Le."

"Dang" the long sword flashed in cold light, and instantly returned to its sheath: "Walk and see, first look at you jumping clowns."

"Master, my old pig will help you with medicine, brother Sha, hurry up and help the master" Old ancestor Zhu Ba took out the herbal medicine and said to the monk on one side.

The two held on to Yu Duxiu, and the ancestor Zhu Ba wiped Yu Duxiu with herbs, scrubbed his **** mouth and said: "It's all skin injuries, it's not a problem."

At this time Wukong turned back: "Master, never found the trace of the mob".

The corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth twitched: "Don't look for it. This person is known as a teacher, and he is one of the most famous and powerful figures in the heavens and all realms. You may not be her opponent, Wukong."

"The heavens and the world, my grandson is not an opponent, only the supremely strong" Wukong stared.

"Bah, you are a plague-stricken monkey so The world is vast and there are countless capable people. Who would dare to rant like this? You say you are invincible under your ancestors, but I know one person, you It must not be the opponent." Old ancestor Zhu Ba was on the sidelines again.

"That I am not an opponent?" Wukong refused.

"My Buddhist family has Kong Xuan Da Ming Wang Bodhisattva, the most powerful, Buddha is not his opponent, you may not be the opponent of that Da Ming King" Old Zu Ba groaned.

Wukong asked and said, "No competition, how do you know that I am not an opponent".

Speaking of this, Wukong has no bottom in his heart: "Although Tathagata's servant is despicable and speaks nothing, but there are still methods to defeat the Tathagata, this Da Ming Bodhisattva is very powerful."

"Not to mention that Da Ming Wang Bodhisattva, it is the golden winged roc around the Buddha. You two are half a catty at best, and you may not be able to win," Old Ancestor Zhu Ba continued.

Wukong asked and smiled, but didn't get angry: "When I get the chance, my grandson will have a try with him. My grandson can't be your fierce general."

Add more! After subscribing to keep up, I pushed Fox God! Roar! . (To be continued.)

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