The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: Fight for holy water

Wukong smiled and glanced at the monk of Taiyuandao: "There is no requirement, just like the national teacher, build an altar for me." ○◇Tomato Xiaoshuowang`---`-`--`

"If this is the case, I will send someone to prepare today, and I will invite two mages to the altar to ask for rain tomorrow." The prince of Yin Si sneered, and one day was one day.

"Master, these three national masters are aggressive and seem to have come specifically towards us" Wu Kong grinned aside.

After hearing the words, Yu Duxiu twisted her rosary, constantly refining the Xuanhuang Qi in her body, and said blankly: "You have to rely on Wukong to deal with this matter."

"Master, don't worry, all this is to my grandson to ensure that there will be no burial place for those national teachers," Wu Kong said coldly.

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, he didn't say a word, which was regarded as acquiescing to Wukong's actions.

"Go, Bajie, Junior Sha, let's explore the details of those mages." Wukong said to Bajie and Drifting.

Ba Jie hesitated when he heard the words: "Brother Monkey, I think that although the three wizards have hidden their deeds and concealed their energy, they can't hide from me. These three seem to be the monks of the nine supreme sects. I’m afraid it’s not good to kill the opponent’s life.” `````-

"Not good?" Wukong was stunned when he heard the words: "What about the monks of the nine supreme sects? These monks did not report their names, so we pretended not to know each other, and we just took it by hand. These **** are just dead, where to take care of a lot."

After speaking, Wukong instantly sneaked in stealth: "You follow me".

No one noticed that a black lotus flickered in Bajie's eyes on one side, and Monk Yusha followed Wukong and went out.

The three people walked out of the palace, sneaked towards the place where the national teacher was, and entered the palace where the national teacher was. They saw that the three national teachers were burning incense and worshiping their ancestor. Yu Duxiu looked through the eyes of the ancestor Zhu Ba The corner of the statue's mouth moved slightly: "Taiyi Jiaozu, Taiyi Jiazuo, Taiyuan Jiaozu".

I was thinking about it, but saw that the three monks stood up and were busy setting up the formation in the palace. Although this formation was based on a strange formation, it opened another system. It is no longer Yu Duxiu. The strange formation of knowledge, but another system.

The light in Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed, and his mouth moved slightly. Wukong was taken aback, then the three of them glanced at each other, nodded, and slowly approached the three statues, immersed in the statues. ◇○◇`-`-```-


There was a coughing sound in the main hall, and a trace of immortality escaped. The three monks were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the statue, all of them fell to the ground with a thump: "Knock to the ancestor."

The statue of Tai Yi Jiaozu in the middle changed vaguely at this time, and it came back to life with a blank expression: "Now that the road to the sky has changed, the strength of the group of people who learn from the experience is beyond our expectations. The strength of the three of you wants Dealing with those who learn from the Scriptures is a bit self-conscious, no matter what, your quasi-immortal way is hopeful, and this seat will give you some holy water today."

"Holy water?" The three monks were all taken aback.

Taiyuan taught the ancestor on one side: "Let's talk so much about what to do, you quickly find a jar to hold holy water."

"Yes, yes, thank you for your ancestors."

"Thank you, Patriarch."

"Thank you, Patriarch."

These three monks thanked them for a while, and ran out looking for the jar happily. Although they didn't know what the holy water was, since the ancestor personally gave it, it must be a good thing. △◇△□---`

The three monks didn’t doubt him in their hearts. They only thought that the ancestor saw that he and the others were not strong enough, so he specially gave holy water to help him. Not long after, they saw the three monks holding large and small pots and running in. After leaving the hall, he fell to his knees with a thump: "Also ask the patriarch to give holy water."

"You go out for the time being, and I will call you in later, you are coming in," Tai Yi taught the ancestor in the center said.

The three monks walked out of the hall respectfully after hearing the words, closed the door, and waited outside.

"Holy water?" At this time, the prince of Yinsi, dressed in the emperor's clothes, sat in the hall, his eyes full of expression.

"Prince, this is the holy water bestowed by the ancestor." The judge on one side showed greedy eyes.

"Later, let's go to share a piece of the pie too" Prince Yin Si sneered: "We are a cooperative relationship. This benefit should also be reserved for us. The things given by the ancestors must be extraordinary."

Seeing the three monsters out of the main hall, the clay statues were distorted. Wukong, Bajie, and Monk Sha came out, smiling and holding up the jars, turning around and walking to the corner, sighing. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

Then Wukong covered his nose and said, "This smell is too big, and you need to use magical powers to cover up the smell."

"Leave this to me, my old pig will go with you."

But seeing the black lotus in the eyes of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, turning against the chaos, instantly reversed the yin and yang, the pot that was originally smelly, at this time, was actually fragrant.

"Bajie, there are two sons" Wukong glanced at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba in surprise, full of admiration.

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba laughed, but saw Wu Kong calling out to the outside: "Come in."


The door was knocked open, and the three monks staggered in and hugged the three jars, thanking them for a great deal of gratitude: "Thank you, ancestor, ancestor."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you drink this holy water, and you will have the power to defeat the Buddhist monk," said the ancestor Zhu Ba in the clay sculpture.

The three monks did not hesitate when they heard the words, and when they raised the jar, they gulped wildly, not daring to miss a drop.

With a sneer at the corner of Wu Kong's mouth, he suddenly saw the ghostly spirit in the void, and the "Holy Water" in the jar was missing.

"Prince, why does this holy water smell like urine, like pig urine?" The judge grimaced and wanted to vomit, but he was reluctant and swallowed with difficulty.

The black and white impermanence on one side said: "It seems to be the smell of monkey urine."

"Huh?" Yinshan Devil smashed his mouth, but he suddenly vomited out the next moment: "What's this smell?"

The three of them looked at each other, and they all felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

Monkey urine, pig urine, and another smell of urine.


The three of them vomited violently, vomiting constantly, as if even the liver and gallbladder were thrown out.

The prince of the Yinsi noticed the smell, because Yu Duxiu secretly dispelled the rebellious spirit at this time, and the three monks were blushing and killed in the direction of the hall: "Bastard, return my holy water."

Under the anger, the few people actually didn't notice that the smell in their mouths had become fishy.

"Wait, you are being tricked. This is not holy water, but leftover water from the night." Seeing that the three monks were going to be mad, the prince of Yinsi hurriedly drank, and then began to vomit again, constantly vomiting Tea water gargle to wash the stomach.

The three human monks were taken aback when they heard the words, and then smashed their mouths, feeling the stench in their mouths, and then looked at the vomiting Yinsi group of four, and immediately began to vomit.

"Asshole, I dare to play a trick on me, I have to tell this monk to keep his life." The monk who was too Yidao got up and went to go to Wukong and others to settle the prince of Yinsi caught these few The proud son of heaven: "For the time being, hold back, the monk would like you to go desperately and beat you to death with a stick, so as to avoid trouble. The stick of the explosive ape is not the supreme strong and can't stop it. If you go, you can only die. If you have the intention, you will set up as many calamities as possible, delaying the progress of learning the scriptures, and taking the luck of the road to the sky when you fall, and all the places are not recovered."

The three of them all looked ugly when they heard the words, but then saw the Taiyuan Taoist monk said: "Okay, I ask for rain tomorrow, and this seat will be divided into one and let them know how good I am."

After speaking, the three of them turned around and came to the hall, only to see that the hall had been smashed to pieces, the clay sculpture of the supreme strong man had been destroyed, and the monk's eyes were red: "Improper The Son of Man, if you don't be the Son of Man, and if you don't be the Son of Man, you must let him see me and wait for it."

"Bastard, bastard" The real fire of the sun in the eyes of the monk was angered.

In the main hall, Yu Duxiu listened to the narration of the three apprentices, and a little light flashed in his eyes, and said angrily: "Hmph, deserve it, the wicked have their own wickedness, these people dare to set me up, they should also be called He knows that I am waiting very hard and cannot be bullied." (To be continued.)

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