The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 983 Journey to the Underworld (16)

Xiaodong's face turned red and he said, "Sir, my current level is too low. Let's show it to you after a while."

"Haha, that's good too!"

The performance in the venue continued, and before you knew it, it was the evening of the next day. The warm-up performance had reached its climax. As everyone expected, the pink fairy who came first among the 300 beauties appeared in a snakeskin costume!

"Pink! Pink! Pink!"

There were bursts of screams in the auditorium, and the audience stood up and shouted for the Pink Fairy!

The pink fairy had a gorgeous face and a beautiful figure. When she came on stage, her eyes were extremely sharp and her expression was slightly evil. She spat out a long snake letter to the audience as a greeting.

The slender arms were raised high, teeth and claws opened, the thin waist began to twist rhythmically, and the underworld snake started to dance!

The whole person was like a real underworld snake, showing off its beauty. The slender waist was twisted like a twist, coupled with the exaggerated expressions and slender limbs, it aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, and the whole audience stood up. As the Pink Fairy moved, she started to twist...

Seeing this, Fairy Pink became more and more excited as she danced. She threw away her snakeskin costume with a "swipe", revealing her natural skin of a ghost snake. She only had a big ghost flower on her waist and ten pairs on her chest. The catkins stand proudly upright, as red as jade, trembling and trembling with the dance of snakes...


The audience was not calm anymore, screaming loudly, dancing wildly, and there was a bit of chaos in the stands...

Su Song saw this and quickly stood up to stop it. It took a while to calm down the commotion in the stands.

This crazy snake dance gave Su Song a wake-up call, and he quickly sent people to various parts of the stage to maintain order. Otherwise, there would probably be even greater trouble in the next beauty pageant!

"Pink! Pink! Pink!"

The screams in the stands were endless and the decibels were astonishing!

Fairy Pink showed her powerful charm generously, accepted the honor she deserved as the most beautiful woman in the underworld, and announced loudly: "The beauty contest begins now!!!"


The whole audience stood up in shock and looked forward to it!

The formation dimmed, and after a while, it slowly brightened again...

Saint Master Su Song appeared in the light,

Be the center of attention!

"Everyone, the beauty pageant is divided into two parts: the prescribed action competition and the personal style display. Now, the rules of the prescribed action competition are announced: First, all contestants dress according to the regulations, appear in groups of ten, and perform the prescribed actions at the same time according to my orders, The courtside referee will give the score; secondly, respect the referee; thirdly, if there is a dispute, refer to Article 2!"

"Yeah! Yeah!! Yeah!!!"

The surrounding audience shouted like thunder to show their support!

"In the first group, ten contestants including Diaogu, Tongjian, Xunqing... please come on stage!" Su Song announced loudly.

The music started, and ten strong men lined up in a row, slowly rising from the ground. When the light turned on, ten beams of light fell on them respectively. Countless screams and cheers suddenly sounded inside and outside the stadium!


Those female fans were almost crazy. They all stared at these powerful men with their eyes fixed on them. They felt their hearts beating so fast that they were about to jump out of their chests!

In the light beam, these ten strong men were all naked and naked. Some were majestic, some were strong, and some were strong. They were all tall, with shapely beards, hair all over their bodies, bulging muscles, and whip marks. There is a ghost flower covering it!


Such an appearance immediately ignited the excitement of the female fans present. No wonder they all went crazy and wanted to rush forward. There was a commotion in the stands...

Fortunately, Su Song was well prepared and had sent team members to guard the stands and installed light curtains so that everyone could clearly see the game from their own positions.

Suddenly, the light dimmed! No one on the stage can be seen!

Although it can be seen with spiritual consciousness, the effect is naturally not as clear as when there is light.

Just listen to Su Song's announcement: "Now, please open your eyes! Ask the referee to give a score!"

The light came on and focused on the eyes of the contestants. Each pair of eyes was wide open to attract the referee's attention.

"Okay! Please close your eyes! Ask the referee to give a score!"

The contestants closed their eyes again and waited intently.

"The scoring is completed! The light is set on the nose, mouth, ears, chin, hair, beard, and the entire face... The scoring is completed!"

"Please open your mouth and rate the teeth! Okay...scoring completed!"

As soon as the light dimmed, Su Song announced: "The face scoring is over!"

This kind of competition was really unique, and Li Yun and others watched with great interest.

Almost every item here is extremely important.

For example, your hairstyle must match your face shape and temperament, otherwise it will be a failure.

The beard must also reflect your own personality, otherwise you will be lost in the crowd.

Don’t underestimate your teeth. If your teeth are not straight and white, there are gaps between teeth, or even one or two teeth are missing, this will have a great impact on your smile. You must find a way to make up for it. Otherwise, it will not only affect the referee’s score, but also affect your smile. It affects the brightness of the smile, and it is a pity that the appearance is lost.

Although the skin color on the face varies from person to person, if the skin is not moisturized, has dirt, spots, and lacks luster, of course it will not be radiant, it will look dull, and you will lose points.

Judging from the situation of these ten people, the bone-gripping face looks more comfortable. Therefore, whenever his score is reported, it always triggers screams outside the stadium.

Su Song quickly announced: "The next step is to score the body. The first is the condition of the body hair, which is divided into front and back. Please ask the referee to score!"

The light lit up and moved slowly on each person's body, fixing on each part of the body hair so that the judges could score them separately.

Under the light, every detail is exposed. If it is messy, it will definitely lose points.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

The stands were no longer calm. Body hair is a very masculine part. No wonder the female fans were so excited by this competition that they all screamed loudly and their faces turned pink with excitement...

The commotion caused by this competition made the stands a mess. Even the female referees who scored the scores had their faces flushed and could not control themselves.

"Next, let's compete for chest muscles!" Su Song ordered.

Every player is desperately doing chest expansion exercises to match the display of the beam.

Su Song continued to give orders: "Compete against forearm muscles, upper arm muscles, deltoid muscles, latissimus dorsi muscles, gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles, peroneal muscles..."

With each command, the players performed corresponding display movements. However, some players did not train well and had no abdominal muscles at all, only a fat belly, which immediately caused laughter!

This situation keeps happening, making the female fans in the stands excited and laughing more!

"Okay... let's compete... Butt! Players, please bend down!" Su Song announced loudly.

I saw the contestants on the stage automatically turned around, bent down, and showed off their butts!


Everyone is not calm anymore!

They all looked over, the female fans flushed with excitement, and even the male viewers felt bad!

Many people covered their eyes with their hands, but secretly opened a crack to see...

Some of these butts are pointy and skinny, while others are plump and round, resembling those of females. They make me salivate when I look at them, and the body hair is shed in strands...

Su Song deliberately asked them to display from multiple angles, even bending down lower to show more things to the audience. After seeing that they were done teasing, he said: "The scoring is over! Let's compete...whip!"


The whole audience screamed and stood up, staring intently at the light screen, while those in front were staring at the scene.

Even the few people watching the excitement in Xingyun No. 2 quickly looked around.

The light beam "swiped" and stopped at the contestant's whip, and all the ghost flowers that were covered there flew up. The contestant's whip suddenly soared, ferocious and terrifying, and the whole audience suddenly screamed. , and soon turned into a shocking scream!

Wow wow wow! ! !

Show off your glory! Show off your glory! Show off your glory!

Say important things three times!

Those female referees' hands were shaking even when they were giving scores... their faces turned extremely red!

In order to attract the attention of the referee, some players even deliberately made some big moves, which aroused endless thoughts...

"It's not good!" "It's not good!!"

"Plop! Plop!! Plop!!!"

Some female fans have almost fainted! He collapsed directly to the ground!

In such a competition, if your heart is weak, you may not be able to withstand such strong stimulation!

Xiao Xiang was trembling all over, and his whole body felt like he was about to fly!

"Sir, can our Universiade Palace also hold a competition like this?!" Xiao Xiang asked urgently.

"Not good!" Li Yun replied directly.

"Why? How exciting is this game?!"

"Haha, everyone in our Universiade Palace is outstanding, there is no need for another beauty contest!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, let them all show off their beauty!" Xiao Xiang leaned against Li Yun and shouted in a pretentious voice.

"No, such beauty can only be appreciated on a small scale, how can it be made public to the public?!" Li Yun said flatly.

"Then...aren't all the people in the underworld like this?" Xiao Xiang asked curiously.

"Haha, do you think they are willing? If it weren't for the competition for the position of the supreme Holy Master, I'm afraid no one would be willing to be asked to move around like a doll... and have to show off the various parts of their body in public. beautiful…"

"This... Sir, didn't you say that the original style of the underworld is very good? This kind of competition that directly shows the body is the best expression of this style! You see, there is no disguise, no restraint, absolutely natural, Absolutely original! Therefore, they are not unwilling, but very willing and enthusiastic!" Xiao Xiang said in a cooing voice.

"Huh? What you said makes some sense! They do seem to like to show off from the bottom of their hearts... However, for our Universiade Palace, the style is different, at most it is a small area..." Li Yun praised.

"Haha, that's right... Sir, since you said you are here to appreciate it on a small scale, then as you said, how about we compete with each other? Sir, please give the order quickly!" Xiao Xiang said with saliva on his face.

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