The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 931 Liang Ze (2)

"Isn't this...impossible?" Liang Ze muttered.

"Why is it impossible?! Now all the slaves in the palace are used to this. When they see the adults, they all can't wait to be favored by heaven! You must know that there are more than 7,000 slaves in the palace now. Your Majesty's Time is extremely precious, and there are not many opportunities that appear in front of you. If he wants to favor you when he is happy, of course he should seize what is pleasing to his eyes and do it. This is an opportunity, understand?!" Lei Xiang said loudly.

"Brother...that's right!" Liang Ze was startled and said thoughtfully.

"Of course! Based on my experience, brother, if you want to be favored by adults, you have to be thick-skinned, move fast enough, speak sweetly enough, and have good looks... If you can get more favors from adults in the future, you must remember I remind you of these words today!" Lei Xiang said with a smile.

"Good looks? What is it?!" Liang Ze asked suspiciously.

"This is a rating of your personal charm by the Universiade Palace. It includes your hair, beard, eyes, nose, teeth, ears, facial features, voice, body shape, body hair, flesh, whip, butt... There are also moral strength, posture, special skills... In short, if these are excellent, they can naturally increase your personal charm points, that is, appearance points. Don't underestimate it. In the future, your development in the Universiade Palace will improve. It still occupies a huge weight!" Lei Xiang explained.

Liang Ze said sincerely: "Thank you, big brother! I is my appearance?"

"Of course I need to check and confirm this, big brother! Don't worry, big brother, I am experienced and will never let you lose your deserved points!"

"Thank you, big brother! I wonder, big brother... can you give me a higher rating for my appearance?" Liang Ze muttered, his face turning red.

"Haha, as long as you cooperate, big brother, when I feel happy, I will naturally make your score slightly higher. However, it cannot be too much. After all, our Universiade Palace pays attention to fair competition. Everyone's appearance is different. Everyone can more or less see that if it goes too far, I won’t be able to step down!” Lei Xiang laughed.

"This...what the eldest brother says makes sense! I wonder how the eldest brother wants the younger brother to cooperate?"

"Haha, you are still the top god of the human race, why do you even ask me this? What about cooperation... In addition to cooperating with my hand touch inspection, brother, don't you know, brother, I am from the dragon clan, and the dragon clan is the most What kind of baby do you like?" Lei Xiang said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Liang Ze finally understood who this elder brother was. He felt his blood boiling all over his body and turned extremely red. He trembled slightly. He took out a shiny stone from the spiritual ring, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, this is The piece of chalcedony that I accidentally obtained is of immeasurable value, so I give it to you as a tribute!"


Lei Xiang's eyes lit up,

He quickly took it and looked at it with pleasure. He saw that this piece of chalcedony was crystal clear and had a discernible aura. When the light shined on it, it could actually condense into shining beams of light, lighting up a large area around it, like a small sun!


Lei Xiang shouted, a little uneasy.

Unexpectedly, with such gentle pressure and guidance, such a treasure could be forced out of Liang Ze, which made him feel really surprised!

"Okay, okay! Ozawa, you are really smart and clever. This alone can increase your appearance points!" Lei Xiang praised.

"Really?!" Liang Ze was also a little surprised.

Giving this treasure was like taking a piece of his heart, but thinking that if he didn't establish a good relationship with this eldest brother in the Universiade Palace in the future, his future would be in trouble, so he took it out anyway.

However, receiving such praise from Lei Xiang made him feel that it was really worth his money.

"Of course! Let's make it clear at one point, smart and smart people are naturally more beautiful than people who are as stupid as donkeys! Even adults here will agree with my point of view! What's more, you are smart and not a miser. Dare to offer such a treasure, which shows that you are extraordinary and worthy of being the top god of the human race!" Lei Xiang continued to praise.

"Thank you, big brother! I certainly understand this truth. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. If you give a treasure you don't want to your big brother, it will be difficult to reflect your sincerity. However, this chalcedony is something that I cherish. Give it to me." Dedicating it to the elder brother can prove that the younger brother is sincere to the elder brother!" Liang Ze said proudly.

"Okay! Okay! Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you! Huh? This sentence seems to be written in a piece of calligraphy by your Excellency, right?" Lei Xiang said.

"Brother is right! There are often some very reasonable words in your poetry collection and calligraphy. I have benefited a lot from reading your calligraphy and poetry often!" Liang Ze said loudly.

Lei Xiang looked at Liang Ze, with a look of satisfaction on his face, and praised: "There are many people who like adults' calligraphy and poetry, but most people value them for the light of Dao that pervades them and their extremely high value, but you You can read the true meaning between the lines of their words and use them to guide your own behavior. This alone shows that you are unique!"

" is ridiculous!" Liang Ze said.

"No! Brother, I sincerely praise you! You deserve to be the number one god of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Brother, I think your future in the Universiade Palace is bright. Of course, now, you still have to start from the bottom. Let big brother check you carefully first..."

Lei Xiang drooled, stretched out his dragon claws, groped up and down to check, his saliva almost flowed onto Liang Ze's yellow body hair...

Liang Ze's touch made him itchy all over, his breathing was heavy, his fever changed, and he felt bad all over!

"Haha, not bad, I really feel pity for you! The adults will definitely like you!" Lei Xiang praised.

"Is what brother said true...?!"

"Of course, your male body is extremely outstanding, and the effect after transformation should be very good! But..."

"But what?!" Liang Ze asked anxiously.

"Well, your Dao power cultivation still needs to be improved. And your hair, beard and body hair are all black and yellow now. If you can get the hair removal and marrow cleansing from Lord Jade Dew, the earth spirit roots can be tempered and the purity will be improved. You can turn your black hair, black beard, and black hair into yellow hair, yellow beard, and yellow hair, and the overall appearance will be improved to a higher level! In addition, you should pay more attention to your personal image. If your beard is too messy, you need to trim it more. It is best to use spiritual fluid for your eyes. Cleaning can improve eyesight, but teeth are uneven and not white. I need to think of a solution. The skin on my body is not moist enough, but it should change after the transformation... The whip is strong enough, but the excess skin in front needs to be cut off. So as not to hide dirt... Well, the butt is round enough, but not curvy enough. This is related to the fact that you sit for a long time while refining elixirs. If you can practice more yellow-level footwork, your legs will naturally get enough exercise, and the butt will be You can do it now!" Lei Xiang commented.

Liang Ze's heart beat wildly when he heard this. Unexpectedly, Lei Xiang's eyesight was so powerful that he could pick out some of the shortcomings of his body. If he could improve according to what he said, his personal charm would definitely improve a lot. The grade is undoubtedly high!

"Thank you for your advice, brother!" Liang Ze thanked him sincerely.

"Haha, brother, I am very optimistic about you, that's why I have said so much to you! Okay, now lie down on the jade platform and let it control you on its own."

"yes, Sir!"

Liang Ze no longer looked as shy as when he first came in. He climbed onto the jade platform very cooperatively, and various data information was read by the beam.

After completing it, I automatically received a set of red fairy robes, a batch of rewards, a small space, and a Universiade card. I couldn't help but be extremely excited!

Just one of these things was worth an unknown amount more than the piece of chalcedony I had. At this moment, I couldn't help but blush a little when I thought of my reluctance to give up the chalcedony.

The financial resources and heroic spirit shown to him by the Universiade Palace were definitely beyond his imagination before.

"These are the rules and etiquette of the Universiade Palace. Go back and practice them carefully!"

Lei Xiang said, and several light groups popped up and merged into Liang Ze's mind.

"Yes! Brother!" Liang Ze responded quickly.

"Okay, go out and call Xiaodai in!" Lei Xiang said with narrowed eyes.


Liang Ze responded, stepped out of the inspection space, and called Fairy Andai in.

When I thought of Lei Xiang's style, I couldn't help but sweat for Fairy Andai. She shook her head secretly and didn't say anything to the others. She sensed it and flew excitedly to her own small space...

One day passed, and the eight great Zhou gods completed their respective palace inspections. All of them had some ambergris smell on their bodies, and their faces were extremely red. However, after the inspection, everyone received good advice on improving their personal charm. , and there were also high-level items such as immortal robes, small spaces, Taoist fruits and delicacies, each of which made them stunned and completely shocked!

So much so that even the addiction to being struck by thunder can be ignored, and everyone is immersed in extreme excitement.

However, although they also assisted in the selection of the Immortal Attendant this time, their contribution was not large, so they could only be regarded as newcomers joining and fighting from the bottom.

With Wang Yi's reminder, after implanting the Universiade Card, they all couldn't wait to go to the Mission Hall to receive the mission, and of course this mission was tailor-made for them to recruit an army of immortal servants.

This is a lucrative job, and it is their advantage. As long as it is completed, there will be generous rewards. This has been proved by Wang Yi and Xiong Bing.

These people seemed to have had enough chicken blood, and they were going back to Dazhou that day.

However, since Wang Yi had to sleep with you tonight, they decided to wait until he had finished sleeping before returning together so that they could inquire about the details of Wang Yi's sleeping arrangements on the way...

Several people gathered in Liang Ze's small space and chatted about their feelings during the day.

"Brother Liang, I just heard my eldest brother praising you for your courage and good looks. I wonder how Brother Liang got his favor?" Fairy An Dai said with a sweet smile.

"This... I am just cooperating with Big Brother's inspection." Liang Ze said with a slightly red face.

"It's that simple?"

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