The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 79 Immortal Warrior Competition

In the Xuan Gong Club of Tianlong Academy, a bearded man looked at the bottle of wine in front of him and kept swallowing his saliva.

"You can't drink it, you can't drink it! I must clearly see how this book thief returned the book!" The man with the cheeks said harshly, resisting the temptation of the wine.

This person is Xu Rong, the president of Xuan Gong Society.

After all the classics in the academy were stolen, he stayed at the top of the Xuan Gong Club every day. From here he could overlook many rooms. If someone returned the classics, he believed he would be able to find them.

Just as he was looking down at various rooms, suddenly, a strange fragrance came. He sniffed and exclaimed in surprise: "Hey! This pot of wine..."

He found that there was an extremely alluring aroma coming from the wine bottle in front of him.

I couldn't help but pick it up and smell it vigorously. I suddenly felt that all the pores were opened at once, and my whole body felt so refreshed, as if it was floating in the air.

He immediately picked up the wine pot and filled the wine glass. The red wine was as bright as jade, exuding an aura of nobility.

Xu Rong took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass with trembling hands, half-squinted his eyes, and took a sip as if looking at a beauty.

I just felt a stream of heat going straight into my stomach and intestines, exploding instantly, and my whole body felt like a new warm bath...


Xu Rong couldn't hold it in any longer, and he drank one glass after another. It didn't take long for him to drink the entire bottle of wine.

"Good wine...good wine..."


A wave of alcohol came over and his head was dizzy. Xu Rong fell on the table with an extremely satisfied look on his face.

"That's right...that's right!"

A mysterious knife appeared out of thin air, shaving off Xu Rong's hair, beard, and eyebrows, and then disappeared in a flash.

Li Yun snickered, controlled the jade, and returned the classics room by room.

Gu Quanru, the dean of Tianlong Academy, stroked his beautiful beard, his eyes were dull, and he murmured to himself: "I left gently, just as I came gently..."

"Dean, dean!"

Li Xiaozhao walked in a hurry, but the voice arrived before the person arrived.

"You are a woman, why don't you be gentle..."

"Dean, why are you so gentle? Good news, all those classics are back!" Li Xiaozhao said happily.

"Really?!" Gu Quanru's eyes lit up and he stood up.

"Really. Come on, go check it out! There's another poem!"

The two of them immediately rushed to the literary club.

Sure enough, the display cabinets were filled with classics again, and every one of them was returned.

On the wall facing me, another poem was written.

"Ascend the Dragon Tower"

The red sun sets over the mountains,

The blue river flows into the sea.

If you want to see a thousand miles away,

Take it to the next level.

(Return to original owner.)

"If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level...good poetry, good poetry!" Gu Quanru said in surprise.

"It's a really good poem! It's so rich in connotation!" Li Xiaozhao's eyes shone with admiration.

"It seems he is an elegant thief..." Gu Quanru said.

"What kind of elegant thief? He is simply a great poet, okay?!" Li Xiaozhao retorted.

"'re not still covering for him, are you?"

"Hey, anyway, the classics are back, and I got two good poems for nothing. I think it's just right." Li Xiaozhao pouted.


Gu Quanru put down the big stone in his heart, turned around and left, muttering in his mouth: "If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level..."

Returning to the pavilion where I was, looking at the surging Tianlong River outside, rolling into the distance, I couldn't help but have new feelings about the poem.

"I stand here upstairs looking at the Tianlong River every day, why can't I write such a good poem?!"

After sighing with emotion, he turned to look at the ten high platforms in Tianlong Academy and thought to himself: "Tomorrow, the Immortal Warrior Competition will begin!"

early morning,

A red sun climbed up the treetops.

Tianlong Academy is packed with people and is already overcrowded.

The ten high platforms were filled with people from the three royal palaces. The three highnesses personally supervised the battle, and the scene was filled with the smell of battlefield smoke.

This place has become the focus of the Tianlong Empire, and everyone's eyes are focused on it.

Since the number of places is limited to only 500, each palace can only send 500 young people to compete.

These five hundred young contestants were all selected from their respective royal palaces. To be able to compete in Tianlong Academy was already an arduous battle in itself.

There are referees sitting on each stage, and these referees are personally appointed by the Holy Emperor from among the Ouchi masters.

"After many years of preparation, the result of the young people's hard work in this month will be seen..." His Highness Long Hao held his head high, his eyes bright, and full of confidence.

His Highness, Long Kui, had a gloomy face, expressionless and said nothing.

His Royal Highness Long Wen sat leisurely on his seat, sipping Xuan tea and chatting and laughing with his subordinates.

A referee on the main stage stood up, saluted the three His Highnesses, and then announced loudly:

"The rules of this Immortal Warrior Competition are as follows: Each player must compete with 500 players from the other two palaces. A total of 1,000 battles will be completed within one month, and the final ranking will be based on the total score. The same palace Those who win will be ranked according to their own ranking in the end and will not compete again. Players can apply for a break and can choose whether to play or not. The winner will get two points, the tie will get one point, and those who abstain and admit defeat will be counted as zero points. Competition Until the point is reached, the outcome will be decided by the referee on duty.”

"Now, the game officially begins!"

The competition on the ten high platforms started at the same time, and the players jumped on the stage to compete according to the number called by the referee.

Li Yun saw that his number was No. 8. He didn't want to participate at first because he was a fairy, but then he thought about it. There were not many such opportunities. There were a thousand fights in total, and he had to fight about thirty games every day. , this is definitely a training for myself.

He decided to lower his cultivation level and improve his actual combat ability in the battle with his opponents.

Soon, Li Yun's first game came.

The opponent is a swordsman. At the late stage of the fourth level of Mysterious Mountain, a boy under the age of sixteen has actually reached this level. He can definitely be called a genius.

Li Yun reached the late stage of the third Xuan Ling realm.

The two of them clasped their fists and said, "I'm here to ring!" "I'm here to be Li Yun."

There was no need to speak anymore, his eyes were cold, and he thrust his sword forward.

Li Yun turned over and gave way.

The sword swept across in succession, trapping Li Yun.

Li Yun tapped his toes, took a mysterious step, raised another level in the air, and broke free.

He was startled for a moment, then waved his backhand, and several rays of cold light shot out, roaring towards Li Yun!

There was a burst of boos from the audience.

Li Yunxuan's sword tapped one of the points, and several rays of cold light flew out one after another.

Seeing that the secret attack was ineffective, Lian Xiang gave a full meal and with great sword light, he pursued Li Yun.

Li Yun smiled softly, unfolded the mysterious ladder steps, fought and then retreated.

Suddenly, there were a series of sword strikes, and the person suddenly fell from the air. Everyone was in an uproar, and they didn't understand the reason.

The referee saw it clearly and was shocked. It turned out that the cold rays of light that Li Yun knocked away just now turned around from the air and hit him continuously from behind.

"No. 8, Li Yunsheng!"

Li Yun's understated victory greatly boosted the spirit of the Three Princes' team. The young men were full of fighting spirit and fought bravely to take the lead.

Li Yun won five games in a row, applied for a break, and watched from the audience.

Suddenly, a game caught his attention, because standing on the stage was Chen Sichun from the Chen family, and his opponent was also a girl.

The two of them clasped their fists and said, "I am Chen Sichun!" "I am below Qi!"

Chen Sichun's face was indifferent, he raised his sword diagonally, leaped forward, and the sword light suddenly became bright, "Dominate the world!"

Just as Fang Qi was about to make a move, her face suddenly changed. She found that she was completely covered by the sword light in the blink of an eye, and had nowhere to dodge. She cruelly raised her sword to block it.


Everyone was surprised to find that Fang Qi's long sword had been cut off, her hair was scattered, her clothes had holes in many places, and she stood still.

One move and the battle is over.

"On the 28th, Chen Sichun wins!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" The audience suddenly shouted loudly.

Chen Gangba was excited, but he murmured in his heart: "This is not how I use my 'dominance of the world'..."

As the competition progressed, the fighting methods of a group of teenagers gradually attracted everyone's attention.

The battles of these young men are extremely simple. Just like Chen Sichun just now, every time they compete, it is always simple and clear, and they win with one move! It saves energy and is extremely chic.

" too strong?!" His Highness Long Wen was shocked.

Judging from the information Tian Guan handed over, he was surprised to find that these teenagers were all from the four major families in Tingchao City. Each of them had a cultivation level at least above the fifth level of Xuan Tong realm, and each of them was proficient in A mysterious skill, that mysterious skill is extremely exquisite and powerful, even comparable to earth-level mysterious skills!

This kind of fighting power is unmatched even in the Immortal Warrior Competition where young geniuses gather!

Hearing the strong performance of the fifty teenagers in Chaocheng, the Three Princes' team itself was shocked.

"No wonder Li Yun promised me that these fifty young men from Chaocheng will definitely be able to win fifty places!" His Highness suddenly realized this and felt so happy.

"Your Highness, these fifty young men are really amazing! Even if they fight fifty games a day, there is no problem. They can all win with one move!" Wu Zhi said in surprise.

"Exactly, their mysterious skills are almost all above the earth-level low-level mysterious skills. If they were to use them suddenly, I would be a little confused..." Ye Guang sighed.

Victories came one after another, and everyone in the Three Princes' Mansion was stunned! The cheers grew louder and louder.

The four masters of Chaocheng were all beaming and waving and cheering!

His Highness and His Highness the Fifth Royal Highness looked more and more depressed, their faces so gloomy that they could make water boil out of their eyes.

"Hehe, under my special training, it would be weird if he didn't do this!" Li Yun secretly laughed in his heart.

His own game is not showy and unrevealing. Anyway, it is to hone his combat skills. After training, he can win easily.

"Master, Yang Qian's attitude is similar to yours. It seems that he also wants to have a good time and doesn't want to expose the true nature of Xian Miao too early."

"Yes, it's a rare opportunity."

"Master, have you noticed that Yang Qian's current cultivation level is at the fifth level of Qi Refining, and his skills seem to be extremely pure."

"I can see it, but I am very curious about how he concealed his Tiandushan Kung Fu in front of the Qingyuan Sect." Li Yun stared at Yang Qian's figure thoughtfully.

"Well...his father is in the middle stage of the Golden Core. There must be a way to help him deceive the immortal masters who come to select him. Should we reveal this information to Wuyouzi?" Xiaoxing pondered.

"No need. The plans of the father and son must be huge, and maybe even the people in the Qingyuan Sect are not aware of it. Therefore, as long as we always pay attention to his actions in the Qingyuan Sect, there may be unexpected gains..."

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