The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 769 Messenger from the Spirit World

"Don't worry, sir! I'm just pretending, little slave. All the precious jade dew is reserved for you..."

Li Yun had long been accustomed to Lei Xiang's behavior and did not feel dissatisfied. He smiled and said: "Xiaoqian, Xiaomo and Xiaodong have been here for many days. Why not call them here and let them taste the colorful moth and jasper honey?" The taste of."

There were a lot of envoys coming from the spirit world this time, including the Thunder Dragon Clan, the Purple Gold Phoenix Clan, the Xitu Phoenix Clan and the Yanlong Clan. Naturally, Li Yun had to receive them one by one.

Lei Xiang said happily: "My lord, that's what you said! I'll get ready immediately, little slave."

Li Yun quickly moved Lei Qian and the others.

When the three of them saw the sumptuous food prepared by Lei Xiang, they were all so happy that their mouths watered.

"Brother Hibiki is so great!" All three of them said sincerely.

"This is the fresh food we harvested last time when you took us to conquer the ocean!" Lei Xiang said proudly.

"Conquer the Ocean World?!" The three of them were startled.

Lei Xiang told the story of the feats of the people in front of them in conquering the waters of the ocean, which shocked the three of them so much that their eyes were filled with little stars.

Unexpectedly, I missed such a good opportunity to show off my power.

And Li Yun conquered more than 300 demon clans in one fell swoop, including nearly a hundred sixth-level demon clans, and took in more than a thousand slaves in his lifetime, which sounds really shocking.

"Sir, so you have more than 4,000 slaves in your lifetime?!" Lei Qian said in shock.

"Indeed!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Wow!" The three of them exclaimed, feeling a little bad.

Lei Mo muttered: " can you take care of so many people?"

"Haha! Xiao Mo, of course I can take care of you! If you are afraid of not being favored, I am here now, so you should seize the opportunity!" Lei Xiang said with a laugh.

"I..." Lei Mo's face turned red and he looked at Li Yun.

"Don't worry! The four of you are all my favored slaves. Of course the master will take good care of you! For the other non-favored slaves, the master will send clones to take care of you!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Clone? Sir, you have a clone?!" Lei Xiang was also stunned.

"It's not refined yet, but it's getting closer!" Li Yun said.

"That's it!" The four of them suddenly realized.

Lei Mo felt relieved and quickly stayed close to Li Yun, serving him carefully.

"Sir, eat quickly!"

Lei Mo picked up a plate of fried colorful moths and brought it to Li Yun.

"Try it for yourselves, it's indeed delicious!"

Li Yun said, and ate it happily. He felt that the fried colorful moth was really crispy and delicious.

"Sir, I have found that the fried colorful moths and jasper honey are the best combination. It would be better to dip them in some honey and eat them together!" Lei Xiang said.

"Eh?! It's really like that!"

Several people couldn't help shouting in surprise when they tried it.

The Jasper Bee and the Colorful Moth are mortal enemies, but they are good partners as ingredients, which is really unexpected!

This discovery gave Li Yun a lot of inspiration, because it was very helpful in making recipes.

Some ingredients do complement each other, and after neutralizing them, they can be blended to create a better taste.

"It seems that Xiao Xiang is really talented at cooking!" Li Yun praised.

"Haha, this is all due to the master's skill in training the slave!" Lei Xiang complimented.

"Your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter!" Li Yun teased.

"Who made the master dote on the slave so much?" Lei Xiang said with a smile.

Lei Xiang's behavior made the other three people feel itchy in their hearts. This little Xiang is really too naughty!

If this continues, it is possible that Li Yun Palace will be favored by four thousand people.

Naturally, the three of them did not allow this to happen, and they quickly tried their best to curry favor with Li Yun...

Li Yun felt that he had made a mistake and quickly stepped out. It was not a good thing to be entangled by these four dragons at the same time. He made up his mind to never let them get together again.

Returning to Lingxian Peak, I continued to treat the patients. I found that these patients really came from all kinds of people. They came from multiple races, and many of them were powerful. I couldn't offend them. While treating them carefully, I scanned and searched for souls, and collected them with the attitude of studying species. Lots of information, lots of gain.

Now, Li Yun knows more about the spiritual world than these people, because he has accumulated a large amount of information, and the spiritual world already has a clearer appearance in his mind.

There is even more information in Xiaoxing Think Tank, and more detailed research has already been carried out in the spirit world.

However, the scope of the spiritual world is vast and there are so many races that it is almost impossible to understand them all. Therefore, what Li Yun and Xiaoxing have learned so far is quite limited.

Even loose immortals like Sima Kong don't actually know much about the spiritual world, because even they can't travel throughout the entire spiritual world.

Each of them is only familiar with the things within their own scope of activities, and information dissemination also needs to rely on networks like Tianji Palace.

Because Wu Gao brought more than 20,000 spread tribesmen in one go, Li Yun's understanding of the Xuanwu tribe greatly increased.

This clan of mythical beasts is really strange. Everyone's lifespan is extremely long. The longer they live, the higher their cultivation level will be. For them, it's just a matter of competing with who has the patience to live longer.

If you can transform into an immortal body and go to the immortal world, you can live longer. It is simply an immortal species.

This made Li Yun envious of Wu Gao.

This guy has lived for almost a million years, but his cultivation is still in the early stage of Sanxian. Compared with Sima Kong and Yan Shi, he is just a turtle crawling. However, he is faster than the Boundary Tree. Like Fengling Realm's Boundary Tree Sanxian Fengshun, he is five million years old, but his cultivation level is only in the early Sanxian stage.

Naturally, the treatment of tens of thousands of patients cannot be accomplished overnight, so Li Yun had to make it one of his daily tasks and proceed slowly.

Suddenly, he thought that Feng Bing and Ran Zi's clones had been here for a while, so he quickly went to the ice tea corner space first.

"Sir!" Feng Bing was building a phoenix nest and said happily when he saw Li Yun come in.

"Xiao Bing, why can't I live in a palace and have to build a nest in a phoenix tree?"

"Well...actually, my little slave is more accustomed to living in the phoenix tree..." Feng Bing said with a slight blush on his face.

"I see, this is the same as Xiaoxuan's clone. This kid is sleeping naked in the tree all day long..."

"Sleeping naked?" Feng Bing was startled.

"Haha, didn't you hear the rules set by your brother Xiang?" Li Yun teased.

"What's the rule? I haven't seen him yet this time!"

"Well, that means in front of adults, if there are no outsiders, everyone will want a celestial body..."

"Is this...really?!" Feng Bing said in shock, his face turning red.

"Of course it's true! However, if he is present, you might as well do this to show respect for him! If he is not here, of course there is no need to do this!"

"Xiao Nu understands!" Feng Bing said loudly.

Li Yun took a detailed look at the recent situation in the Purple Golden Phoenix Realm and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he told Feng Bing to pay attention to Fairy Tianya's eavesdropping.

At the same time, he talked about how he would carry the small space with him from now on.

Feng Bing is very happy. It has a small space to carry around, it is safe and can continuously build a personal environment, and it can also load much more materials. It really kills three birds with one stone!

"You didn't come last time, so I'll give you this life-extending pill as a reward!"

"Life extension pill?!" Feng Bing said in surprise.

"Not bad! Swallow it quickly and absorb the power of the medicine!"

"Thank you, sir!" Feng Bing said happily.

Li Yun comforted Xiao Bingbing, and then came to Ran Zi's space. There were two Ran Zi clones here, exactly like twins.

However, Li Yun could tell which one was new as soon as he sensed it, and said with a smile: "How was the sales of the new elixir last time?"

"Sir, the number of new pills I got last time was not much, but they were all treasures. They were eaten by some of the main people in the clan first. The money was all given by the clan!"

Ran Zi clone said, taking out a space stone, which was full of low-grade spiritual crystals and medicinal materials.

"That's it! Don't worry, I can give you more this time!" Li Yun said.

"That's great!" Ran Zi said excitedly.

Li Yun put away the space stone and said with a smile: "This is the colorful moth and jasper honey made by Xiaoxiang, you can try it!"

"Wow! Thank you, sir!" The two of them responded in unison.

After tasting it, my eyes suddenly lit up and I was full of praise.

"Haha, Xiaoxiang's cooking skills have improved a lot now, you guys are in luck!"

"Haha, I heard that your Excellency has recently developed a new Taoist dish called Ice Skin Shaobing. I wonder if I can let my little slave try it?" the new Ran Zi clone laughed.

"Oh? You want to eat?"

"Of course, the Taoist dishes cooked by you must be extraordinary!"

Li Yun took out a piece of ice-skin sesame cake and said with a smile: "Since you want to eat it, then try it!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The newly arrived clone of Ran Zi took it over happily. When he saw this piece of sesame cake, he was slightly intoxicated and swallowed it in one gulp...

"Haha, you were fooled!" the original Ran Zi clone laughed.

"What?! Fooled?!" the new Ran Zi clone said in shock.

"Don't you think you're about to transform?"

"I...I...oh my god?!!!"

The newly arrived clone of Ran Zi screamed, transformed involuntarily, and lay limply on Li Yun.

"Haha, even the Sanxian will transform after eating the sesame cakes I made, let alone you?!" Li Yun said proudly.

" are so bad!"

"Haha, he instigated you to ask for this. Sir, I have no intention of giving it to you."

Li Yun had long made up his mind that the ice-skin biscuits would never be given to slaves casually, at least only those above the king level could eat them, otherwise, those with low cultivation levels would probably not be able to bear them.

Ran Zi's clone's cultivation was at the general level, so he naturally had no intention of giving it to him.

However, it was another matter for him to ask for it.

He comforted the newly arrived Ran Zi's clone and helped her get rid of the insect poison as a reward.

A few days later, Li Yun teleported the two of them and the small space back to the Xitu Phoenix Clan.

At the same time, Lei Qian, Lei Mo, Feng Bing, Huo Qingpo and others were teleported back to the small space, but Lei Dong stayed behind.

After dealing with this batch of spiritual envoys traveling between the two worlds, it was finally peaceful.

...(To be continued...)

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