The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 766 Dominate the Ocean World

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The level of each formation is enough to withstand attacks above the commander level, and it is enough to protect itself in this lower realm, so that these demon clan teams no longer have to worry about being displaced, and can develop with peace of mind.

These monster clans were overjoyed to get such a large formation, and they were even more determined to have Li Yun die!

During the conquest of the waters of Lan'ao continent, the demon clans that Li Yun conquered were: manatee clan, sea umbrella clan, light algae clan, gun shrimp clan, swordfish clan, flying fish clan, crab clan, golden eel clan, thunder clan. Fish tribe, ice and fire fish, saury fish tribe, red-mouthed trainer, spotted bass...

As the conquest operation continued to advance, the strength of the demon team that Li Yun conquered further upgraded.

There are swordfish clan, swordfish clan, sea shark clan, giant whale clan, tiger shark clan, dolphin clan, turtle clan...

These sea tribes are all monster kings in the ocean waters. They rule an extremely wide area and have huge power.

However, under Xingyun No. 1's lightning-fast king-conquering action, the top six level monsters among them have all become Li Yun's life-long slaves, and their number has reached an astonishing number of more than 500!

As a result, the total number of slaves Li Yun has taken in his life has exceeded 4,000!

This power alone is enough to make the hearts of those who know it tremble.

The favored slaves are really happy and worried in their hearts. What they are happy about is that the power of the adults has greatly increased. What they are worried about is that with so many slaves, the pressure to compete for favors will become greater and greater in the future...

Li Yun was also beating the drum in his heart, feeling that the number of more than 4,000 slaves was indeed a bit too much.

However, if he knew that Huang Yimiao had more than 50,000 slaves and concubines, he would probably feel much better.

Xingyun No. 1 dominates the ocean world, and is invincible and invincible to those who stand in its way!

Moreover, this action was carried out in stealth condition, and was not discovered by anyone on the mainland at all. Even the Tianji Palace network in the ocean world was not aware of the astonishing changes taking place under the ocean surface.

This has something to do with the chaos on the ocean floor.

Different from the four sea areas of the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm, the underwater world of the Ocean Realm does not have Tianji Temple's outlets infiltrating into it, because it is too chaotic and has almost no stable sphere of influence, which is not conducive to the long-term establishment of outlets. Therefore, here The Tianjidian network pays more attention to the changes in the situation on land and has not penetrated into the sea.


It is understandable that Li Yun's large-scale conquest was not noticed by Tianji Palace.

Through the information provided by the demon-level teams he controlled, Li Yun spent nearly a month subduing all the remaining demon clans that had slipped through the net. In this way, all the waters of the ocean fell into Li Yun's hands.

A large-scale undersea construction operation began immediately.

Each demon clan team is building its own formation, and all the sixth-level demon beast slaves are carrying out the spirit shell breeding plan under Li Yun's instructions.

The number of Lingbei is temporarily insufficient, so of course this plan must be carried out in stages.

However, due to the activation of the coral polyp replacement plan, the demand for Lingbei has been greatly reduced, and Li Yun can now almost monitor most of the ocean waters through his spiritual consciousness.

Through the coral polyp network, he quickly discovered the location of the other two boundary trees.

These two world trees and the grass-robed woman form a triangle, and together they support the ocean world, which is really amazing.

Among them, the one in Lan'ao Continent is of the earth attribute, and the other one, like the Grass Robe Girl, is also of the water attribute. Therefore, the Ocean World is an interface dominated by the water attribute.

Li Yun now has a very good understanding of the entire ocean world.

"Sir, it's been almost two months since I left. It's time to go back! There may be many things going on!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Not bad! Just wait until the Lingbei breeds and then send someone to deliver them."

He controlled Xingyun No. 1 to flash into Tianyun, enter the realm, and head towards Dashang...

The amount of information on the Tianji Palace network has surged recently, and most of it is about the great changes that have taken place in the ocean world.

On many continents, countless incidents of sects being robbed occurred. In these incidents, not only did the resources of those sects suffer heavy losses, but even the senior sects also disappeared collectively!

The incident was so serious that it attracted the star operator.

Because, he felt that this kind of incident seemed familiar, and it was very similar to the air pirate incident on the main continent of this interface. Could it be that the air pirates had already reached the ocean? !

If this is the case, the Kong Kong Pirates' abilities have increased dramatically, because among these missing people, there are more than 40 human race gods!

Since Tianji Palace had long equated Kongkong Pirates with Li Yun, the star operator realized that Li Yun's direction of action had shifted to the ocean world. No wonder there was no trace of Li Yun in Dazhou during this period. information.

When I came to Ocean World to take a look, I realized that the matter was more serious than imagined, because in addition to the human race gods, more than 60 level 6 monsters were also missing!

The number of other missing monks and monsters is outrageous!

It can be said that the entire world of cultivation in the Ocean World has been purged, and all forces are reshuffling...

"Oh my God! This is really terrible!!!"

When Star Operator came into contact with the people of Tianji Palace in Ocean World and learned about these situations, he couldn't help but sigh.

He quickly reported this information to Xingzun.

"Lord Xingzun, this is almost consistent with the last light network incident. The soul lanterns of those missing people are all fine, and they are becoming more and more prosperous. However, he arrested too many people this time, and the soul lanterns of these people The cultivation level is also extremely high, and it has completely disrupted the order of the cultivation world here..." Xing Shuanzi sighed.

Xingzun was stunned for a moment and said: "Well, he must have done this without a doubt! Not long ago, Li Yun did appear in Ocean World..."

"Oh? It turns out that Mr. Xingzun has noticed something!" Xing Shuzi suddenly said.

"No! The optical network incident was not detected by my Tianji Network, which shows that he did it secretly and quickly! As for his appearance in the Ocean World, he mainly went to the World Tree Loose Immortal to remove the World Power Red Network ..." Xingzun said.

"What?! He can actually find the World Tree Loose Immortal?!" Xing Shuanzi was stunned.

As far as he knew, ordinary people could not find the World Tree Loose Immortal at all, because there was an extremely vast space array surrounding the World Tree. If the formation could not be broken, no one could enter, and it would be impossible to see the World Tree Loose Immortal. Fairy.

"Haha, for Li Yun, breaking the Boundary Tree Space Formation is as easy as drinking water. It is not difficult to find the Boundary Tree Loose Immortal!" Xingzun said with a smile.

"This... is really incredible!" Star Operator exclaimed.

"Have you forgotten that he once broke through the folding space formation in Baishi City? He even broke such an immortal formation, so the Boundary Tree Space Formation is naturally nothing!"

"Xing Zun's words make sense!" Xing Shuzi suddenly said.

"Well, you need to carefully check how these optical network incidents are different from the past? Also, see if there is any missing information... From this, we can deduce more things about Li Yun!"

"Yes! Disciple understands!"

In accordance with Xing Zun's instructions, Xing Shuzi led the personnel of Tianji Palace here to launch a detailed investigation...

After Li Yun entered the realm, his consciousness merged with the realm leaf formation, and he soon discovered that several groups of people were waiting for him in the realm.

Among them are Lei Qian and Lei Dong, and there is another person next to him who looks very similar to Lei Qian, but much thinner; there is a clone of Feng Bing and Ran Zi; there is Huo Qingpo; there is Sima Kong's original body, Yan Shi's original body and Wugao's true body!

"Wow! How come it's so neat?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Sir, we have been in the ocean for nearly two months, which is enough for a lot of things to happen here!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right! Fortunately, the meeting place agreed with them is in the realm. Otherwise, these powerful entities will definitely be discovered by Star Lord or others in this realm."

He immediately contacted all these people and asked them to wait.

After hearing Li Yun's message, these people's moods calmed down. They had been waiting in the realm for a long or short period of time. They had not received any prompt from Li Yun, and they were feeling a little anxious.

Seeing Lei Dong appear, Li Yun felt relieved. It seemed that Lei Qian must have rescued him, and the man next to him, confirmed by Lei Xiang, was Lei Qian's younger brother Lei Mo, another elder of the Lei Dragon Clan.

Of course Huo Qingpo came to get the new elixir, and this time it was the Yanlong clan's turn. He was building his personal world in a small space while waiting for Li Yun. The small space has an extremely close connection with Tianyun, so as soon as Tianyun entered the realm, he immediately felt it.

The appearance of the three loose immortals, Sima Kong, Yan Shi and Wu Gao, is of course related to the insect poison incident.

Since it will take some time to receive them, and they can live in Tianyun for several years, Li Yun is not in a hurry and will first digest what he has gained this time in the Ocean World.

The first is to properly arrange the newcomers in the internal space to make the space world operate more rationally.

The next step is to deal with the large number of new species obtained this time.

Those who recognize the Lord recognize the Lord, those who keep the animals free, those who plant, those who plant, they are very busy...

Add the jade bees and colorful moths that have recognized their masters to the Tianyun world, and keep the others in two small spaces as fresh ingredients.

Nowadays, the species in Tianyun Ocean are extremely rich and colorful, and they are all almost blurry.

Research is necessary and the speed is quite fast. Three years have passed and the research is basically completed!

"Sir, we have met Lei Qian and the others!" Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun's consciousness moved and he moved the three of them into the small space in the tea corner.

"Sir!" Lei Dong shouted excitedly.

"Haha, Xiao Dong, you haven't suffered any grievances, have you?"

"Fortunately, with the help of the great elder, the little slave is finally out of the sea of ​​misery!" Lei Dong said with a wry smile.

Being imprisoned by his father and rescued by the great elder, he had a taste of it.

Lei Qian said from the side: "Sir, this is Xiaonu's younger brother Lei Mo. He comes to recognize you as your master!"

Lei Mo knelt on the ground with a plop and shouted loudly: "Please accept this slave!"

"Okay...okay! You made a special trip here. Your heart is commendable and your ambition is encouraging. Of course I am willing to accept you!" Li Yun said with a little excitement.

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