The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 748 Star Lord

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"Haha, it's impossible for those three flying boats alone to create such a terrifying space rift!" Xingzun laughed.

"This... Xingzun's words make sense. The airship should have been flying at full speed last time and did not have such an effect!" Tianya agreed.

Xingzun said: "So, according to my estimation, Li Yun should still have a super flying boat on hand. Maybe this boat has not been built for a long time, and even he cannot fully control it, which is why he created such a trap!"


Fairy Tianya and Xingsuanzi exclaimed, their eyes gleaming.

They admired Xingzun greatly. His analysis of this matter was as if they had seen it with their own eyes, and the accuracy rate was almost 100%!

"Xingzun, so Li Yun has made further upgrades to his flying boat?!" Fairy Tianya said excitedly.

"Not bad! It seems that the result of this transformation is extremely terrible, beyond my imagination. I also want to see what such a spaceship looks like..." Xingzun sighed.

"Yes! I really can't bear it anymore!" Fairy Tianya agreed.

Xing Zun calmed down and said: "As for the dice throwing issue you and Xing Shuzi mentioned, this matter involves the secret of heaven, so there is no need to say more!"

"What?! Secret?!" The two of them were stunned.

"Yes, when the heavenly secret encounters obstacles when it reaches a certain point and moment, some special situations will naturally occur. Unless the fortune teller is willing to pay the price of his life and dedicate his life to the way of heaven, further predictions will be possible! "Xingzun said in a deep voice.

"Shouyuan? How much lifespan?!" Xing Shuanzi asked quickly.

"It's impossible to say for sure! It might be a bottomless pit... So, it's not something you can try easily, otherwise, you might end up sacrificing yourself and still not get the results you want!"

The two of them were shocked when they heard it. If it was true as Xingzun said, then almost no one would be willing to try it.

Although it is common for fortune tellers to gamble their lives to predict fortunes, such things are very rare after all. If the stakes are not high, no fortune teller would easily bet on his life.

"Xing Zun, so it is difficult for him to calculate Li Yun's hexagram?" Xing Shuzi asked curiously.

"Exactly. However, this is only for now. Maybe the heavens allow it, and then we can naturally do the divination!"

"Oh? When will that be?"

"Of course this is not something we can speculate on!"

"Disciple understands! Thank you Xing Zun!" Xing Shuan said respectfully.

This remote call is finally over.

Tianya and Xing Suanzi looked at each other, and they could see the extremely shocked look in each other's eyes. In their minds, Li Yun's image had been elevated to a position that was almost invisible, and it was also covered with a coat of clothing. A veil of mystery.

How to continue to track such a mysterious person is an extremely realistic problem before them...

The message about the remote call came, and Li Yun read it attentively.

"Xiao Xing, do you think what Xing Zun said is reasonable?" Li Yun asked.

"It makes perfect sense!" Xiaoxing responded.


"Because he did not speculate at all, but analyzed from the perspective of divination, which can be said to be extremely professional. It can also be seen that he has a great respect for the way of heaven, which reflects the mind and heart of a stargazer. Modesty." Xiaoxing spoke highly of Xingzun.

Li Yun nodded and agreed: "That's right. Once he makes a conjecture, his thoughts and actions will most likely be affected by the conjecture, and he will unknowingly move in the direction of the conjecture, which may lead to a very different ending! "

As a fortune teller, the most important thing is to get yourself out of the situation and look at and analyze problems from an objective perspective. Only in this way can you make the most accurate fortune telling and predictions.

Instead of thinking about the problem with preconceived ideas from the beginning, the conclusions drawn may be irrelevant to the facts.

Once you have a preconception about anything, it is easy to find a lot of suspected evidence that can be proved. However, these suspected evidence may be just a joke when you understand the truth.

Xingzun's attitude towards doing things gave Li Yun a great tip. It can be said that just this passage has benefited Li Yun a lot.

Thinking of Xingzun's inference about the previous flying boat incident, Li Yun was shocked again. Unexpectedly, Xingzun could actually deduce that he had a new high-end flying boat on hand!

This kind of inference ability surprised Li Yun.

It can be said that Xingzun only showed a few hands, which is enough to prove his status as the most wise man in the spiritual world!

The existence of a character like Xing Zun is definitely a thrill for Li Yun.

If he can't play with anything else, but with wisdom, Li Yun has absolute self-confidence.

He quickly worked with Xiao Xing to analyze his own strengths and weaknesses compared to Xing Zun.

Judging from the current situation, Xingzun's advantage is that in addition to his high brain development, he also has the huge network of Tianji Palace. Moreover, he has been immersed in Xuanling Continent for countless years and has experienced a lot. Guang has accumulated countless experiences and lessons, and these are of course also a manifestation of intelligence.

As the saying goes, even if you have never eaten pork, you have also seen pigs running away. People like Xingzun have walked much longer bridges than Li Yun!

Therefore, although his brain development is not as high as that of Li Yun, he can rely on these advantages to temporarily lead Li Yun.

However, as a rising star, Li Jian certainly has his own advantages, which are his super high brain development, extremely strong learning ability, all the wisdom from the previous universe, and his personal abilities are growing rapidly. He has already paved the way for land and sea in this world. Two networks, and the ability to use the boundary leaf formation, and the most important thing is to hide in the dark!

Xingzun did not realize that some of his actions had already fallen into Li Yun's eyes, and Li Yun's eyes had been locked on him, which of course would lead to his own passivity.

"Sir, it is impossible for Tianji Palace to follow us, because the current situation in this world is that we are following them. However, we still need to pay attention to one thing!" Xiaoxing said.

"Which point?"

"Xing Zun can borrow the Jieye Formation, which shows that he has a deep understanding of the Jieye Tree. This is extremely strange!"

Li Yun praised: "That's right! It is impossible for Xingzun to have so much vitality and Tao Yun meaning in me, and his spiritual consciousness most is about the same as mine. In addition, the spiritual roots on his body cannot have nine spiritual roots like mine. He is How do you borrow the Jieye Formation?"

"Sir, I have a theory about this!"

"Why don't you tell me and listen!"

"Fairy Tianya owns a world tree space, and the world tree in it is one million years old! Tianya is the first disciple of Xing Zun. She can have such a precious space, I am afraid it was given by Xing Zun. That is to say, if Xingzun can give her a world tree of this level, then he may have a better and more powerful world tree on hand!"

"It makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"Maybe there is an extremely powerful world tree in the star realm where Xing Zun is located, and this world tree is Xing Zun's real treasure!" Xiao Xing said proudly.

Li Yun praised: "Well said! If Xingzun can use the Jieye Formation like me, I really don't believe it! However, if this Boundary Tree helps Xingzun use the Jieye Formation, it would be extremely It's possible! After all, as a special race, the Boundary Tree also has a relationship of superiority and inferiority. If his Boundary Tree is of a very high level, he may command other Boundary Trees to be used by him!"

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! This is exactly what I want to say. Nine times out of ten, it is this noble world tree that is helping Xing Zun. Otherwise, with his Tianji Palace network, it would be impossible to achieve it in the spiritual world. Let Ouyang Jue compete with the adults!" Xiaoxing said.

"Indeed, the Tianji Palace's network is incomparable to the Jieye Formation. The functions of the two are completely different. The game at that time was played in the Boundary Tree Space, so the information must have been sent out from the Boundary Tree Space. "Li Yun nodded.

He suddenly remembered that when he was listening to Chaocheng Beikunshan, the aura of Chaos Palace was only exposed for about two hours before it was detected by Xingzun. This also explains the problem.

I once thought that the divination secrets were so mysterious. However, I later discovered that although the secrets are magical, they also require many conditions to cooperate. If Xingzun does not have the Tianji Palace network and does not use the Jieye Formation, no matter how powerful he is, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to make such magical predictions about the secrets of heaven.

Moreover, the emergence of the Chaos Palace at that time was not only detected by Xingzun, but also by many other great powers from all walks of life. What methods did they use?

Especially those powers from outside the realm, such as those from the demon world and the demon world, how did they detect the aura of the Chaos Palace in a short period of time?

If you can figure this out, you can also use these methods to do things.

Li Yun couldn't help but become very interested in this.

"Sir, no matter which realm you are in, monitoring the Chaos Palace is inseparable from the Jie Ye Formation. Since the Star Lord can use it, others can also use it. And how to send the information back to the demon world or the demon world after getting it, should be It has to do with star power." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Star power?" Li Yun was slightly startled.

He thought again of his close contact with the sun in the sky.

Indeed, star power is everywhere. If it can be used, it will not be a problem to at least send a message.

Moreover, for the Palace of Chaos, the great powers from all walks of life must be closely monitoring it. If there are any clues, they can be discovered and transmitted in a short time.

"Sir, judging from the information we have obtained about the demon world and the demon world, there are also boundary leaf formations in these worlds, but these boundary trees are of demonic and demonic nature. Information is transmitted within the boundary leaf formation, and Between worlds, it may be transmitted through star power. You must know that such a huge Xuanling Continent and Demon World Continent are actually a star in the interstellar space, and a faint star will be generated between the stars. The forces restrain each other, so it’s not surprising that there are powerful people who make good use of this!" Xiaoxing said.

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