The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 733 Two people compete for good luck

Yan Shi stroked his beard and smiled: "Master Juezun, if you want to support the younger generation, there is no need to lay out such a big picture..."

"Xiaoyan, do you talk like this? I don't know Li Yun at all!" Ouyang Jue shouted.

Huang Yimiao touched his big belly, popped out a jade bottle, and said with a smile: "Master Juezun doesn't look good, so let's tone it up first!"

"Well, I like what you say!" Ouyang Jue took the jade bottle and said happily.

Although he swallowed the life-extending pill given by Xing Zun, he still felt that it was slightly insufficient. With Huang Yimiao's high-grade life-extending pill, which can extend his life for a thousand years, he made up for it.

He was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that these two games of chess actually consumed nearly two thousand years of his energy. This was really terrible!

When he glanced around, he saw that the image of Li Yun on the light screen looked extremely relaxed and lively, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!" Ouyang Jue shouted.

"Brother Ouyang is saying..." Xingzun said in a daze.

"Li could it be so easy?!"

"This... is the message sent before he played chess..." Xing Zun said, but he sighed secretly in his heart.

"That's it!" Ouyang Jue put down a big stone in his heart and let out a sigh of relief.

If this was what Li Yun would look like after the chess game, he would be ready to die.

Wang Huaixu said with a smile: "Master Juezun, look at this situation, Li Yun's chess skills are extremely high, and it may be difficult for a chess master to subdue him. How about gathering all the masters of chess in the spirit world to unite to deal with him?"

"How can that be done?!" Yan Shi said.

"Oh? Brother Yan, what do you think is wrong?" Wang Huaixu was startled.

"This...isn't fair!"

"Unfair? With Brother Ouyang's chess skills like this, other chess masters may not be much better. If we don't unite to deal with him, won't he underestimate the spirit world?!" Wang Huaixu snorted.

"Even if he can win like this, if he comes to the spirit world in the future and learns that so many people from the spirit world are united to deal with him, won't it make him underestimate the spirit world even more?!" Yan Shi retorted.

"You?! Are you on the side of the spirit world or Li Yun?!" Wang Huaixu said suspiciously.

"I..." Yan Shi's face changed and he was speechless.

Seeing this, Sima Kong intervened: "Brother Wang, although I haven't studied chess in depth, I know that everyone has their own chess skills. If you insist on mixing the chess skills of these masters to play against Li Yun, you will only I’m afraid the ending will be worse than Brother Ouyang!”

Huang Yimiao smiled and said: "Yes, Brother Sima is right. If you want to play against my luck like this, the ending will not be the worst, only worse!"

"Your little luck?! That's my little luck, do you know?!" Sima Kong said loudly.

"You?! When did Li Yun become yours?! Don't you know that he is my little luck? I even have his calligraphy!" Huang Yimiao said proudly.

"His calligraphy? As we all know, it's just a life-extending pill that someone else gave you in exchange for it! You haven't even seen his face, how dare you say so shamelessly that he is your little luck!" Sima Kong teased.

"This...I haven't seen it, have you seen it?!" Huang Yimiao said.

"Of course! Li Yun grew up under my eyes! Did you see that? What is this?!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Sima Kong's hand, and a Qingyuan ship appeared.

"This is…"

The powerful eyes in the palace suddenly focused on this ship.

"Haha, this is the flying boat that Li Yun personally refined a few years ago and was given to me as a gift!" Sima Kong laughed.

Injecting spiritual power and throwing it into the air, a golden giant ship shimmered, revealing endless charm...

Ning You, the domain lord of the Treasure God Realm, and Kate, the domain lord of the Treasure Armor God Realm, swept away their consciousness, their huge eyes widened, and they were a little uneasy!

With their spiritual awareness, they could naturally discover all the extraordinary features of this ship without entering, especially the shining golden God-concentrating stone on the bridge, which immediately caught their attention.

After looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but show excitement on his face, and at the same time he exclaimed: "God-gathering stone?!!!"

"Haha! You can see clearly,

Is this really the gathering stone? "Sima Kong laughed.

Ning You ducked in, caressed and stroked, touched again and again, his eyes flashed wildly, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Did he refine this God-concentrating stone?!!!"

"That's right! This is what he refined based on the original Starry Sky Beast's God-Gathering Stone. Not only does it have the same God-Gathering Effect, but it's also easier to use than the Starry Sky Beast's God-Gathering Stone!" Sima Kong said proudly.

Others couldn't wait to follow. They were all attracted by this God-gathering Stone, but temporarily ignored the other amazing designs in this ship.

This was the first time for Xingzun to see this ship. If Sima Kong hadn't brought it out, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known about it.

With his incomparably powerful power of consciousness, it didn't take long to inspect the ship, and he couldn't help but be filled with shock!

Looking at Ning You and Kate, the three of them looked at each other with shock evident in their expressions.

All of these people are super powerful, almost all of them are immortals. From their perspective, naturally they will not be limited to the power displayed by this flying boat, but will focus on its design ideas.

Even they can't fully understand the mystery. It seems that all the designs have magical functions and are integrated into one, making people puzzled.

Being able to do this to such an extent even masters of weapon refining like Ning You and Kate were shocked!

Moreover, just this man-made God-concentrating stone made them feel a little intoxicated. When their consciousness reached, they saw layers of lines, like a sea of ​​complicated and messy runes, and there was no way to analyze it.

"Brother Sima, I'll give you this flying boat in exchange for the price, but I'm willing to pay it all!" Ning You said loudly.

"Brother Sima, I want this flying boat, no one can steal it from me!" Kate said immediately.

Huang Yimiao's face changed and he shouted: "Stop fighting! This is a lucky thing, so of course it belongs to me! Brother Sima, how much do you want? Tell me quickly!"

With a thought in his mind, Sima Kong put away the Qingyuan ship and laughed: "Even if you take out the best life-extending pill, you can't exchange it for my flying boat! But, because you like good luck, I will give it to you again." What a piece of luck! This is the Dahongpao tea he cultivated himself, the only one in the world!"

A jade bottle popped out of his hand, filled with spiritual tea.

Huang Yimiao quickly took it, felt it for a moment, and felt happy in his heart. He found that this tea contained a strong vitality, which almost made him feel hot.

He immediately put it away, popped out a box in his hand, and said, "It's not rude to come back without reciprocating! I'll give this elixir to you!"

Sima Kong took a look and saw that it was really the best life-extending pill. He said happily: "It seems that you, a fat man, still have some discernment! This time I will give you an advantage!"

Everyone was a little shocked when they saw the actions of these two people. They didn't expect that these two people had been so fascinated by Li Yun.

After being stunned for a long time, Wang Huaixu came to his senses and said: "Let's not mention the flying boat thing for now. Speaking of the chess world uniting to deal with Li Yun, I have a good idea..."

"Brother Wang, please tell me!" Ouyang Jue said anxiously.

"To deal with jointly, it is not that everyone comes together to play a game of chess with him, but that many people play chess with him at the same time. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot win so many masters at the same time. As long as he loses a game, our spiritual world will naturally You can save some face!"

"Yes, what Brother Wang said is true! In this way, we can also find out the details of Li Yun and see where his limits are!" Ouyang Jue praised.

"You are shameless!!!" Sima Kong shouted.

"Haha, Brother Sima is wrong!" Wang Huaixu laughed.

"Humph, I didn't expect that your dignified scholar would come up with such a bad idea!" Sima Kong said loudly.

"Brother Sima cares so much about Li Yun, can't he see that this is also a good opportunity for Li Yun to become famous?"

"good chance?!"

"Of course! If we can attract the four great chess masters in the spirit world to play at the same time, plus their disciples, this duel will be a rare chess event in the spirit world. Even if Li Yun fails to win a game, his reputation will be enough It sung throughout the spiritual world! Isn't this a good opportunity for him?" Wang Huaixu said.

"This...even so, he is still young and his cultivation level is still low. Even if his Tao power is good, it is impossible for him to cope with so many people playing chess at the same time. I am afraid that after this battle, he will be disabled even if he is not dead! Look at what Brother Ouyang just said You know the miserable situation, I don't want my luck to be like that!" Sima Kong snorted.

Ouyang Jue's face changed, and then he realized that the image of him in the chess room had also been played. His face suddenly turned red, and his whole body was shaking with excitement...

"Haha, don't always think about the worst. In my opinion, you will be confused if you care. With Li Yun's performance just now, I'm afraid he is still far from the ceiling! Have you forgotten the original intention of Mr. Xingzun to invite us to come? ?" Wang Huaixu laughed.

"Original intention? What original intention?!" Sima Kong asked curiously.

Xing Zun intervened: "Brother Wang, my original intention is just to let you watch a chess game, don't make random guesses about other meanings! As for Brother Wang's proposal, I think it is up to Brother Ouyang to make the decision, based on the spirit world chess rules. Someone will organize it, if it really needs to be held, I, Tianji Palace, will definitely help!"

"Thank you so much, Brother Xing!" Ouyang Jue said immediately.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say! You all come from afar to watch chess, and we don't have much to offer you in this palace, so I will give you these two chess records! Thank you for your compliments!" Xing Zun said, popping out pieces of jade slips in his hand.

Everyone was overjoyed and quickly took it.

The value of such a chess record is immeasurable. Giving this as a gift is better than giving anything else.

Since Xingzun's chess skills are even higher than Ouyang Jue's, it is not surprising that he can produce this chess record.

Many powerful officials took their leave after taking the jade slips, but Sima Kong was in trouble. He was surrounded by Wang Huaixu, Yan Shi, Ning You, Kate and Huang Yimiao, making it difficult to escape.

He secretly regretted that if he had known this, he should not have shown off the Qingyuan ship. Now, not only would he be in trouble, but he would also cause trouble for Li Yun.

After all, it was all this fat man who caused the trouble. He actually dared to fight with me...

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