The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 521 Ling Yunxuan

Ling Yunxuan never expected that he would be moved to tears by Li Yun's three calligraphy works, and he was extremely horrified!

With his Fengzun status and cultivation level, it would be unbelievable to say this. Bayi? Chinese? Net? ?㈧?㈧㈧??㈠?

Of course, he wouldn't say it himself. However, from the photo stone, he found that this secret had been leaked by his little daughter Xuanfeng.

Now, Feng Han and his men knew about this matter, and Feng Bing's team was also informed by Feng Han that it was impossible for him to silence so many people. It could be said that this secret had been made public.

The speed at which the news spread was extremely astonishing. People in the Purple Golden Phoenix Realm were secretly discussing the matter. Even Fairy Huanrou knew about it, which made him feel extremely troubled.

If you want to kidnap Li Yun secretly, you must first pass the level of Fairy Huanrou, otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable.

He naturally knew that if Li Yun was nourished by him, it would not affect the loss of his boyhood. However, it was impossible to do this without anyone noticing.

In addition, the most difficult thing for him to deal with was Xuanfeng, because she also shed tears for Li Yun. What kind of rhythm is this?

Do you want your father and daughter to compete with each other?

Although the Feng Clan’s bottom line is so deep that there is almost no bottom line, it will definitely take a lot of effort to pass this level. In short, there is no need to rush!

Therefore, he can only rely on watching this video to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

While he was looking at it in awe, a figure came in from outside the hall, it was Feng Bing.

"Greetings to Mr. Xuan Zun!" Feng Bing saluted.

"Did you kill the little brontosaurus?"

"Sir! He has been killed! However, it was not me who killed him!"

"Oh? But who killed him? Huh?! You?!" Ling Yunxuan suddenly screamed.

"Sir, the egg thief is Lei Tianba. This person has been killed by people from the Thunder Dragon Clan!" Feng Bing responded. He knew in his heart that Ling Yunxuan would definitely be able to detect his changes.

Sure enough, Ling Yunxuan stared at Feng Bing carefully and said in shock: "Have you... shed tears?!!!"


"Oh my god! You...can actually cry? You really surprised me! When?"

Ling Yunxuan felt a little excited,

Feng Bing finally shed tears, and his cultivation qualifications must have improved greatly. This is definitely a good thing for the Purple-Gold Phoenix Clan, as there will most likely be another Phoenix King in the future.

"Sir...this is when I go to the lower world..."

"Oh? The lower world? Who in the lower world can make you move to tears?" Ling Yunxuan asked urgently, the curiosity in his heart was really great.

"This... subordinate, can you not tell me?" Feng Bing whispered.

"No! You must say it! I am very interested in such people." Ling Yunxuan insisted.

"You will definitely regret it if you find out... It's better not to know." Feng Bing sighed.

"Oh? Why is this? If you say this, I want to know even more. Tell me now!"

"This...he is..."

"who is it?!"

Ling Yunxuan suddenly felt something bad in his heart. He held the shadow stone tightly in his hand and stared at Feng Bing tightly, his heart trembling slightly.

"He is...Li Yun!"


Ling Yunxuan's heart was beating wildly. Unexpectedly, Feng Bing actually moved Phoenix Tears for Li as he had expected. What was going on? !

What kind of magical power does Li Yun have that makes him, Feng Bing and Xuan Feng all fall into his hands? !

From the photo stone, he found that Xuanfeng had shed tears for Li Yun several times, including the first one.

Moreover, what he didn't tell others was that both Feng Bing and Xuan Feng were crying for the first time, and Ling Yunxuan himself was also crying for the first time, which was even more terrifying!

He has excellent qualifications and has cultivated all the way to the lower level Phoenix Master. However, once he got here, he could no longer go up. He had been stagnant for countless years because he had never shed tears and his body had not been cleansed.

He protected this secret very well. No one in Feng Realm knew about it. Otherwise, others would know that Ling Yunxuan’s cultivation potential was actually huge!

This will inevitably arouse the vigilance of other Phoenix Lords.

Because every time he sheds tears, the qualifications of the people of the Phoenix Clan can reach a higher level. He believes that he will definitely be able to make a breakthrough in the future.

First tears are countless times more precious than first blood. Ling Yunxuan carefully treasures his first tears and watches them all the time.

Thinking of this, he stared at Feng Bing and asked, "Where are your first tears?"

" you want to see it, sir?"

"That's right! From your first tears, I can see how far you can achieve in the future."

"I see. But..."

"But what?"

"I... gave it to Li Yun!" Feng Bing gritted his teeth.


Ling Yunxuan suddenly stood up and stared at Feng Bing, his heart beating wildly.

It was impossible for Feng Bing not to know the preciousness of his first tears, but he actually gave them to Li Yun. This surprised him and even made him feel a little ashamed!

"If it were me...would I give my first tears to Li Yun?" Ling Yunxuan asked himself.

"Sir, I know that you have also shed tears for Li Yun, so I didn't dare to be sentimental about him anymore, but after reading his calligraphy, I was deeply moved and couldn't help but shed tears... Please punish me, sir!" Feng Bing knelt down! Please forgive me.

"Oh? Li Yun's calligraphy? Take it out and look at it!" Ling Yunxuan's eyes lit up and he said anxiously.

"This is it!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Feng Bing's hand, and a jade box appeared.

Ling Yunxuan pointed his finger, and the jade box popped open. The calligraphy in the box made a "swipe" sound and settled in the air, emitting a dim spiritual light.


He let out a soft cry in his heart, his eyes widened, and he immediately realized that the power contained in this piece of calligraphy was much stronger than the three pieces in his hand, and he was involuntarily attracted to it.

After being stunned for a long time, his eyes flashed brightly, and hot tears rolled down his face. Feng Bing was stunned!

I don't know how long it took, Ling Yunxuan suddenly woke up, put away his calligraphy with a swipe, popped out a jade bottle, put away his phoenix tears, sighed, and sat down slowly.

"Sir..." Feng Bing called carefully.

"I don't blame you... Such calligraphy makes me shed tears even when I read it. How could you resist it?" Ling Yunxuan sighed.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Don't tell anyone about this anymore! Just keep this calligraphy here with me."



"No problem! However, I wonder if my subordinates can come and see this calligraphy often?"

"You?! Are you so affectionate?" Ling Yunxuan muttered.

"Sir...this is the calligraphy that made me shed tears for the first time..."

"Forget it, in that case, I allow you to come to my place to view. There are three other pieces of Li Yun's calligraphy here."

"Thank you, sir!" Feng Bing said happily.

"Haha! It seems that our relationship is a bit unclear. How about you just live in my palace?" Ling Yunxuan said, his eyes flashing slightly.

"Sir, you are saying...let your subordinates be your slaves in the palace?!" Feng Bing had a look of surprise on his face.


"Thank you so much, sir!" Feng Bing shouted excitedly.

"Okay, get up! Fast for a few days first!"

"Yes! Sir! Resign, little slave!"

Feng Bing was so excited that he never expected that he would be selected by Ling Yunxuan to enter the palace because of Li Yun's incident. This was an extremely honorable thing among the Feng clan.

To be nourished by Feng Zun is the dream in the hearts of countless Phoenix people, and Feng Bing is certainly no exception. Although this is simply a bottomless thing in the eyes of the human race, in the eyes of the high-level bloodline beings in the Xuanling Continent, this is It's extremely normal.

Ling Yunxuan watched Feng Bing withdraw and slowly shook his head.

Naturally, he had deep meaning in what he did. By bringing Feng Bing into the palace, he could closely protect his tears for Li Jian, so as not to cause bigger rumors in the Zijinfeng world. Secondly, it prevents Feng Bing from running away to rob Li Yun. If something unexpected happens in his life, wouldn't it cause problems?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but murmured: "It seems that we have to send someone to protect Xiao Yun Yun... Who should we send?"

With Feng Bing's lesson in mind, he thought about it and couldn't think of anyone to send so that he wouldn't be infected by Li Yun's calligraphy. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if someone shed tears for Li Yun's emotion again.

"Either send those who have no tears to shed, but with the power of Xiao Luck, they might be made to burst into tears... Just send a clone! However, the clone's cultivation is limited, but it can't do anything to him Moisturize it, otherwise it will affect its childishness, and the gain will outweigh the loss."

Ling Yunxuan quickly made up his mind and sent a clone with a cultivation level of Feng Jiang towards the interface where Li Yun was.

When Li Yun returned to Worry-Free Peak, he found that the atmosphere in the sect was very different from the past. The lower-level disciples all enthusiastically went to Qingyuan Garden to discuss Taoism, while all the high-level disciples disappeared and hid in their own caves.

Being hung up in the market by Xiao Qiang and tortured naked in front of the disciples, this thing makes people collapse when they think about it!

These high-level core members have lost all face, and this matter will most likely affect their future cultivation progress.

Li Yun secretly sighed, Xiaoxing's performance was too much!

However, these senior executives have been extremely impetuous recently, and it would be a good idea to kill their arrogance.

Due to the possession of the Qingyuan fleet, as well as a steady stream of new products and huge income, these people's ambitions have already expanded to an extremely high level, and they can no longer distinguish between east, west, north and south.

This time Xiaoxing's big stick swing was just right.

Seeing Li Yun return, Wuyouzi, Ren Yu, Zhu Rui and others immediately gathered over and talked about Xiaoqiang.

"Junior brother, this Xiaoqiang is really amazing! It's hard to estimate the strength of his chess skills. Within eighty moves, he could play the real chess master to the point of vomiting blood, and within a hundred moves, he could play another fake Xiaoqiang to the point of vomiting blood!" Ren Yu said excitedly.

"Yun'er! I don't know why, but our Qingyuan fleet was pinned to Wuyou Peak by him and couldn't even break out of the Four Elephants Formation!" Wuyouzi said in shock.

"Junior brother, Xiaoqiang is so powerful! Several ancestors were knocked to the ground by him with a wave of his hand, and all the senior officials were stripped naked by him and hung in the market for torture. That scene was really..." Zhu Rui sighed.

"Junior brother..."

Everyone was talking to each other, and Li Yun didn't know how to respond, so he could only listen with a smile.

"Junior brother, who do you think this Xiaoqiang is?!" Ren Yu finally asked a question that everyone wanted to ask.

…(To be continued.)

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