The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 513 Chance Encounter (2)

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Xuanfeng's face changed, and she looked at Li Yun blankly, as if she wanted to see a flower on his face.

From what Li Yun said just now, she can get countless information, and all this information can prove that the Li Yun in front of her is the great poet Li Yun she sneaked out of home to find this time!

"How is this possible?! How is this possible?!"

This fact completely shattered the imaginary image in her heart and scattered it all over the floor.

The person who wrote such a poem was actually a teenage human race boy, which she couldn't believe at all! I can’t believe it either!

"Are you...really that Li Yun?" Xuanfeng murmured.

"Humph, it would be more beneficial for me not to admit it, so as not to be caught by your passionate father!"

"Here... would you like to read a poem from those three calligraphy paintings?"

"Which one? Go on stage and sing solo"? "Gift Thunder"? Poppy"?"

"You?! Okay, I know you are that Li Yun! That's great!"

Xuanfeng suddenly rushed forward, grabbed Li Yun in her arms, and kissed him crazily.

She didn't expect that when she came to the lower world, the first person she met would be the person she was looking for on this trip. She almost got drunk thinking about such a thing!

"You?! Let go!" Li Yun exclaimed.

He didn't expect that Xuan Feng would do whatever he wanted, but he couldn't resist, which frightened him.

I can't believe that Xuanfeng's cultivation level has reached such an extent. I'm afraid it's not much worse than Lei Xiang!

If you attack with all your strength, you can naturally resist it, or you can escape into Tianyun. But he saw that Xuanfeng had no evil intentions, so he could only let her kiss her and take advantage of her.

Xuanfeng finally let go of her hand and said with a sweet smile: "Li Yun, can you give me an autograph?"


"Just write your name on my arm, and I can see it every day from now on!"

"you can not!"

Li Yun's heart beat secretly, he couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Hurry up and write, I know you must have a pen!"

Xuanfeng rolled up her sleeves, revealing her snow-white and pink arms.

"You can give a signature, but it can't be written on your arm."

Li Yun said helplessly. A flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a piece of silk appeared with his own signature on it.

Xuanfeng's eyes lit up. This kind of calligraphy was the same as one of the three pieces of calligraphy. Now she was absolutely sure that he was the real Li Yun.

She immediately took the signature, looked at it carefully and couldn't put it down. Suddenly, she had an idea and blew a breath of spiritual energy. The signature on the silk floated to her pink arm on the left, condensing into two small characters, shining dimly.

"Hehe, great! You will always be by my side from now on!" Xuanfeng said excitedly.


When Li Yun saw this scene, his heart beat wildly. The scene was so beautiful that he didn't dare to imagine any more!

"Li Yun, I sneaked out from the Purple Golden Phoenix Realm to find you. You won't let me stand here blowing the wind, right?"

"Now that you have found it, why don't you go back? Your parents must be worried to death now!"

"Hmph, they won't worry! My father wants to marry my sister to Ke Mo, the short, humble guy from Jianmu Fengjie, in order to covet their money and power from Jianmu Fengjie. Maybe in the future, He will also sell me out!"

"No way?" Li Yun was dumbfounded.

Didn't he expect that the beauty in Lei Xiang's heart, Fairy Tianfeng, would suffer such a fate?

"Really! She wanted to sneak out at first, but my mother was more careful, so in the end I was the only one who sneaked out!"

"Maybe your parents have their own considerations,

It's just that your sister doesn't understand..."

"No, they didn't care about my sister's thoughts at all. When they saw the generous betrothal gift from Ke Mo and his son, they immediately agreed!"

"Ke Mo and his son? Who are they from Jianmu Fengjie?"

"His father, Ke Feng, is the patriarch of the Jianmu Feng Realm, which has the largest sphere of influence in the Feng Realm. Ke Mo is his third son. To be honest, although this Ke Mo is very frustrated in appearance, he is very talented. Not bad, at such a young age, he is already at the level of Feng Shuai, and he is the number one candidate for the Master of Ziwei Star in the Jianmu Feng Realm."

"I see. That's no wonder! Your parents are here for your sister's good! What does it matter if you're not good-looking? You can't be used as food? It seems that Ke Mo is a proud son of heaven with a bright future. He might actually be able to become one in the future. Go to Ziwei Star Master. When the time comes, your sister will be the Star Master’s wife, how wonderful this is!”

"You?! Why do you speak in the same tone as my father?"

"Haha, this can only mean that what we men think is really different from what you women think! At your age, when you sisters are in love with fantasy, they think about unrealistic things. And the things your parents have experienced in the world If you have more, they will naturally make better choices for you! Of course they can’t push their daughters into the fire pit!”

"You...really think so?!"

"Of course. If it wasn't because you loved fantasy, how could you imagine the calligrapher Li Yun as a completely different image from me? If it wasn't because you loved fantasy, how could you have traveled thousands of miles, regardless of the dangers of the world, to secretly travel from Sneaked out of the house to find me?"

"This..." Xuanfeng was stunned for a moment.

Li Yun's words were so reasonable that she began to doubt herself. Was she really wrong?

"Well, what you said is very good! However, if I have an idea, but treat it as an unrealistic fantasy and don't pursue it, wouldn't it be too boring?! If I didn't sneak out firmly this time, and How is it possible that I can meet Li Yun, the person I want to meet, here? Moreover, he is the first person to meet him? Such a thing may be a fantasy and unrealistic in the eyes of others, but it has become a reality for me?!" Xuanfeng said.

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this.

To be fair, what Xuan Feng said makes sense!

If everyone was so realistic and snobbish, then the world would be really boring!

Living for the sake of living, isn’t it similar to The Walking Dead?

Everyone, or every life form, should have something spiritual in order to add some color to their life and bring more touch!

Maybe when you are old, you can still have wonderful memories!

It is not wrong to love fantasy, nor is it wrong to pursue dreams. It is this romantic feeling that makes people more vibrant and hopeful!


Li Yun exclaimed softly in his heart, as if he opened a window and saw the bright sunshine pouring in!

Suddenly, the breath in my body seemed to be much more active, and I felt that life was so beautiful at this moment.

The vitality rhyme fluctuated violently, and the whole body shone with crystal light, which was indescribably wonderful...

"Oh my God! What's going on?!"

Xiaoxing was a little surprised, because he found that Li Yun's cultivation level had directly risen to another level, reaching the peak of the sixth level of foundation building!

What Li Yun didn't know was that the power of vitality and Tao Yun in his body was so rich that his whole body seemed to be glowing, full of infinite charm.

"Li Yun? You..." Xuanfeng was stunned and so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

"I...what's wrong?" Li Yunqi asked.

"You seem to be glowing!"

"Glowing? Impossible! Why don't I feel it?"

"Can't you feel it yourself? Why do I see that your whole body is enveloped in light?"


Li Yun sensed it quickly and was secretly shocked when he found that the entire Taoist platform was glowing, making his body bright. No wonder Xuan Feng said that he was simply a person of light.

However, this situation is extremely rare, so I have to use my breath silently, step up adjustments, and gradually recover.

The power of Tao Yun pervading Li Yun made Xuan Feng extremely intoxicated. She looked at Li Yun a little obsessed, and it took a while to react.

"How could this happen? Did I really fall in love with him?! Oh my God, he's only a teenager!" Xuan Feng screamed in her heart, her heart beating wildly, and her hands covered with sweat.

Li Yun came back to his senses and said: "Fairy Xuanfeng, what you just said makes sense! It cannot be denied that people should have some dreams, and pursuing dreams is also a very wonderful thing! Here, I congratulate you Dreams come true! However, I hope you return to the Purple Phoenix Realm as soon as possible, because your parents must be very anxious and will send people to look for you! If they still come to catch me, then I will be miserable!"

"They came to invite you to see my father. How could you be miserable?"

"Why won't I be miserable? Your father is moved and arrests me. What good end will happen to me?"

"This... my father will treat you as his little lover at most. Your life will not be in danger, but you will live a comfortable life... My father treats lovers much better than he treats my mother..." Xuanfeng said with a smile.

"Oh my god! Then I'm not miserable?! You go back quickly, so as not to implicate me!"

"I won't go back! I will stay with you, watching you write calligraphy and reading your poems every day..."

"No, no! Go back quickly!" Li Yun was really anxious.

It is very obvious that the arrival of this Xuanfeng will definitely bring a disaster to himself, and it may also affect the human race in this world.

Because it is okay to hide in Tianyun, but those who come to look for Xuanfeng may search everywhere and take action at will. The human world here is afraid that there will no longer be peace.

Even if he can capture them, if he catches the younger ones, he will definitely provoke the older ones. When Xuanfeng's father arrives, even Tianyun will be helpless.

"You really want to drive me away?" Xuanfeng asked in surprise, her heart trembling slightly.

"Oh, of course I won't drive you away! However, you have to think about this human world. Your arrival will definitely attract people who are looking for you. Not only will they take you back, but they will also come to arrest me. I Of course there are ways to evade their pursuit, but if these people can't find me, they will get angry at others, and the human world here will suffer!" Li Yun explained.


Xuanfeng suddenly realized that it seemed that the consequences of pursuing dreams were also extremely serious.

"What should I do? Even if I go back, they will still come to arrest you. This is certain, because my father is the patriarch of the Zijinfeng Realm, and he can't change it with just one word. Those people must be on the way now .Why don't you...come back with me?" Xuanfeng asked.

...To be continued.

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