The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 493: Finding the loophole

Qinghong's expression was very solemn, he nodded slightly and said: "After hearing what you just said, I am filled with righteous indignation. This person is greedy and behaves so perversely and viciously. It is really disgusting! If caught, he will be severely punished! "

"Thank you, sir!" Fairy Deng Qian's eyes lit up and she said loudly.

"But" Qinghong pondered slightly.

"But what?" Fairy Deng Qian's heart tightened.

"Judging from the information, this Kong Kong Pirate is not the real Kong Kong Pirate, but one of the counterfeiters. I wonder if you can provide his whereabouts so that I, Lord Xiangzun, and Lord Shizun can catch him together?"

"This" Deng Qian, Yang Wenqing and others were suddenly stunned.

Even Xia Kurong, the ancestor of the Xia Yang Clan, was hanged and beaten. With their cultivation, they were unable to figure out who the missing person was, let alone grasp his whereabouts.

These people looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

"Everyone can put your heads together and think more about where this person might be hiding, and report it to the three of us in a timely manner." Qinghong said with a smile.

"Sir, if we find out, how should we report it to you?" Yang Wenqing asked quickly.

"During this period, we will be checking for traces of Gui Daozi nearby, and we may also go to Qingyuan Gate to find Li Yun, so we won't be far away. You can send me the talisman."

Qinghong took out three talismans and handed them to Yang Wenqing.

"Thank you, sir!"

Yang Wenqing took the letter and left first with Deng Qian, Gu Tiancheng and others.

When Li Yun saw this scene, he secretly laughed in his heart. Qinghong and the others had no intention of helping them vent their anger. It was just a perfunctory approach.

With the brains and cultivation of these people, how could they analyze the whereabouts of Ming Kongzi? Let them pursue the information, and the result will naturally be nothing.

In fact, it is understandable for Qinghong and others to do this.

Judging from what happened, this Kong Kong Pirate's cultivation is very likely to have reached the level of a god. Even if the three of them are dispatched together, it will be difficult to catch him.

Even if they catch him, they can't do anything to him, because a human god is too precious to Dazhou. One more god will bring more real power. It's not too late for them to be happy. Why? Possibly severe penalties?

Yang Wenqing and others could vaguely guess the thoughts of Qinghong and other transformed gods, but they had no choice but to lament their own misfortune.

Seeing Yang Wenqing and others leaving, everyone in the palace had a knowing smile on their faces.

"This Kong Kong pirate is really getting more and more playful as he gets more and more active. He never tires of it and becomes more and more arrogant!" Qinghong laughed.

Fairy Xiangyun smiled slightly and said: "This person is quite a match for Qi Shi. One is in the west and the other is in the east. He has made Da Xia very confused and has no peace!"

"Exactly! I didn't expect that two god-level figures would appear in this small Daxia. It's really unbelievable!" Shi Rui on the side agreed.

"Brother Shi, the feng shui of Daxia has been good recently. Many characters have appeared. In addition to these two gods, there are also Mu Yun and Li Yun. Now they have become famous in Daxia. Many people want to come to Daxia to see what happens. !" Qinghong laughed.

"Haha, isn't that what little brother is like?" Shi Rui laughed.

"Several adults have traveled thousands of miles to come to Daxia. How about staying here with us for a few days?" Feng Qingyuan asked at the right time.

"What my nephew said is true. I want to go to Leshan to have a look and feel the charm of music that Brother Qing said!" Shi Rui nodded.

Le Feng said quickly: "Your Excellency, you are here just in time. Our Tianlai Garden has recently renovated Leshan, so it is just in time for you to visit."

"Come! Have a banquet! Wash the dust for the adults!" Feng Qingyuan waved his hand and shouted.

Soon, there was a sumptuous banquet, singing and dancing, and a harmonious atmosphere.

Fairy Xiangyun looked at Hua Ping and asked: "Hua Ping, last time you said that Mu Yun was the Kong Kong Pirate, then could the Kong Kong Pirate in eastern Daxia be Mu Yun?"

"This is not certain!" Hua Ping thought for a moment and said.

"There can't be too many such powerful people, let alone in small Daxia, so,

I intuitively think there must be a connection between these people! "Fairy Xiangyun analyzed.

"Master Xiangzun is right! In fact, our Tianji Palace has already done some analysis on this person."

"Oh? What's the result? Why don't you tell me? Don't worry, I will definitely pay the full cost!"

Fairy Xiangyun's eyes lit up, and three top-grade spiritual stones appeared in her hand, which she placed in front of Huaping.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiangzun! In that case, I will tell you all the analysis results of our Tianji Palace here!" Hua Ping accepted the spirit stone and said respectfully.

"Hehe, tell me quickly!" Xiangyun said with a smile.

Qinghong, Shi Rui, Feng Qingyuan and Le Feng all looked at Hua Ping with strange expressions in their eyes.

"This person's modus operandi is consistent with the Kongkong robbers who have been active in central Daxia some time ago. Every time he robs, he carries a bright big knife, and in the end he hangs the person naked and beats him up. This person has also been He participated in the robbery of the bloodline of the South Vietnamese royal family, and cut the Imperial City's Royal River back to flow with one sword, his cultivation level is extremely high!"

"You mean he is the one who snatched Xianxian and Wuqinzi from Qingyuan Gate?" Fairy Xiangyun said with an angry look on her face.

"Yes! It must be this person!"

"Hmph, it seems that we need to look for this person!" Fairy Xiangyun said angrily.

"My dear nephew, have you ever analyzed this person's whereabouts? Where is he hiding?" Qinghong asked quickly.

"Sir, this person's whereabouts are very erratic and extremely difficult to find! But"

"But what?" Qinghong asked urgently.

"However, Shen Hui, one of the guard captains of our Tianji Palace, obtained an analysis method by studying Li Yun's information, which is quite suitable for this person!" Hua Ping said proudly.

"Oh? Li Yun's method? What method?" Fairy Xiangyun asked with interest.

"When Li Yun was in the mortal world, he once solved a missing person case. At that time, the perpetrator was robbing people in Tingchao City. The location was erratic and it was impossible to determine where he ended up."

"What happened next?"

"Later, he proposed an analysis method of 'intersection central area', which connects and intersects various crime locations in space, calculates the average distance between them, and finally finds the central divergence point!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but exclaimed. This method was really unheard of and extremely imaginative.

"Did this method of 'crossing the central area' really find the murderer?" Xiangyun asked urgently.

"We have really found it! The murderer's hiding place is at the Tide Tide in the central area. This place seems to have nothing to do with the various crime locations, but in fact it is the center of all locations. The murderer sets out from here every day to different places. He went to the location to commit the crime and then came back, thus leaving clues that can be followed," Hua Ping said carefully.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone shouted in shock, feeling a little uneasy.

This kind of analysis method has never been seen before, but it comes from a young man. It sounds unbelievable!

"Then have you analyzed the hiding place of this Kong Kong thief?" Qinghong asked.

"Sir, after Captain Shen comprehensively analyzed all the crime locations of this air thief, he found that this person's hiding place is at"

"Where?!!!" Qinghong, Xiangyun and Shirui asked at the same time.


"What?!" Everyone screamed and looked at each other.

"It is indeed a bit unexpected! However, I have read his analysis data and the entire analysis process, and I think his analysis is very reasonable and impeccable. This person must be in the Qingyuan Sect!" Hua Ping said seriously.

"It can't be Li Yun, right? How is this possible?!" Xiangyun said in shock.

"Sir, it is not Li Yun. This can be confirmed. Because when this person committed the crime, Li Yun was discussing Taoism with Lord Zezun, Lord Hao Zun, Lord Dai Zun and Lord Xizun." Hua Ping said.

"Then how could the Qingyuan Sect be so powerful?" Xiangyun asked suspiciously.

"Sir, the Qingyuan Sect has produced powerful figures in its history. Among them, their founding patriarch Zhao Qian is now in the spiritual world. His cultivation level is extremely high. I heard that he is about to reach the Nirvana state!" Hua Ping said. Shockingly.

"Really?!" Several people were shocked again.

"Indeed. This is the news we just received not long ago." Hua Ping nodded.

"So, there should be some great power remaining in its door?"

"Yes, that's what we guessed too! Judging from the information on Qingyuan Sect, the most likely person is Ming Kongzi, the fifth-generation head of the Qingyuan Sect. This person's cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Transformation of Gods, but he has not been alive since he was seriously injured. Entering the country, it is very likely that you will still be stranded in this lower realm."

"Ming Kongzi?!"

Qinghong and the other three looked at each other and shook their heads slightly, as if they had no impression.

These three people are all newly promoted gods. They are not very familiar with the established gods of Da Zhou, and it is normal for them not to know Ming Kongzi.

If Liang Ze, Shen Youxi, Ma Hao, Fairy Andai and others were here, of course they would know each other.

"Impossible! If it was really him, how could he rob Xianxian and Wuqinzi?!" Qinghong suddenly reacted and said.

"What Brother Qing said makes sense! Isn't it contradictory!" Xiangyun agreed.

"This incident is indeed a bit strange, but if you consider the difficulties faced by the Qingyuan Sect at that time, it is not difficult to understand that this incident happened!" Hua Ping said.

"What?! How can you understand this? It's simply ridiculous to steal someone from your own sect in an empty space!" Xiangyun said angrily.

"Haha, my lord, as far as I know, your lord and Lord Qingzun were also in the Qingyuan Sect at that time, and they seemed to have some intentions of getting involved with Xianxian and Wuqinzi!" Hua Ping said with a smile.

"This" the two of them were startled and immediately speechless.

"Moreover, Qi Shi was also in the Qingyuan Sect at that time, intending to rob Xianxian who had the blood of the South Vietnamese royal family. It can be seen that the pressure faced by the Qingyuan Sect was extremely huge!"

Feng Qingyuan nodded in praise and said: "Brother Hua's words are very reasonable! Ming Kongzi was able to come up with this wonderful trick in this situation. He is truly a god. He transformed into a Kongkong thief and snatched out Xianxian and Without Qinzi, all other people's attention turned to Kong Kong Pirates, making the Qingyuan Sect become a victim all of a sudden, and no one would suspect that there was fraud!"


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