The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4583 Star Luck No. 9

Latest website: Listening to the conversation between Yun Shouping and Zhuge Shang, the people in the Dayan Realm in the palace were filled with great envy. From the conversation, they seemed to see the prosperous age of the Immortal Realm, so many super sects, Such a high-end and expensive Yunlan Immortal Boat shuttles back and forth in the starry sky of the fairy world, roaring in the wind. What a yearning scene it is...

No matter what, you should go to the immortal world to have a look, walk around, broaden your horizons, and adjust your mood. It would be better if you can pursue your own path to immortality...

Just as everyone was immersed in their beautiful dreams of the fairy world, they suddenly heard Zhuge Shang say: "Here they come! They are here!"

Everyone was startled and looked around quickly, but didn't find anything...

"Xiao Shang, who is here?" Yan Zun asked.

"Our Xinghai Sect's Xingyun No. 9! Oh, by the way..." Zhuge Shang suddenly understood and quickly locked on a position on the light and shadow, and continued to expand it. After a while, a spherical object appeared on the light and shadow screen...

The object was round in appearance and shone with a thick metallic luster. It looked vaguely invisible against the background of the starry sky. If Zhuge Shang hadn't displayed it, no one in the palace would have been able to see it.

However, such a tiny sphere is larger than even an ordinary spaceship. Can it really save the Great Evolution from collapse?

Everyone stared at the ball with a skeptical attitude, wanting to see if it could show a unique style...

Yun Shouping's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face. He never expected that Zhuge Shang had been blowing for a long time, and that's it? !

It is not that there are no spherical spaceships in the fairy world, but there are very few spaceships with this shape. Yun Shouping can't remember when he has seen a spherical spaceship before, because the spherical spaceship is too far away from the mainstream design. People are more inclined to, or prefer, the shuttle-shaped and streamlined appearance. Ordinary people can also find that this appearance looks more like a spaceship, and the speed is definitely faster.

In addition, the mainstream appearance of the spaceship has more advantages in terms of momentum, decoration, and practicality. In fact, it is also the best design preserved in the long-term development of the world of cultivation and immortality.

Therefore, when Yun Shouping saw this somewhat unorthodox spherical spaceship, he simply couldn't believe that it was a product of the Xinghai Sect!

With a product like this, how could it possibly surpass Yunlan Xianzhou?

But he still resisted saying it, just wanted to see what this ball spacecraft could do...

Zhuge Shang didn’t say much.

Just adjust the angle of the screen to better observe what the spacecraft is doing...

Everyone stared like this for a long time, and found that the spherical spacecraft seemed to be doing nothing. It was just slowly spinning on the spot. The reason why it could be seen that it was spinning was mainly because there was a light layer of mist around it. This light mist It seems to be driven to rotate under its rotation. Of course, this may be just an illusion. Maybe the ball is not rotating at all, but the force field it emits makes the nebulae move...

Yun Shouping looked at it for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Xiao Shang, what is this spaceship waiting for? Why don't you see any movement from it?"

Zhuge Shang glanced at him and said, "Senior, there is movement in it!"

"How can you see it?" Yun Shouping asked curiously.

"Senior, please pay attention to the background..." Zhuge Shang reminded.

After hearing this, everyone quickly changed their perspectives and found something different. They saw that the ball spacecraft was really moving because there was a colorful nebula behind it. From the position between it and the nebula, it can be seen clearly. The ground discovered that the ball was moving slowly forward...

"It's flying!"

"That's true... Are you looking for a more suitable location to move our Dayan Realm?"

"It's very possible! But does such a small spaceship really have such huge power to pull our Dayan world?"

"After all, it is a fairy boat. Things in the fairy world are certainly not what we can imagine now..."

"But didn't Senior Yun say that even the Yunlan Immortal Boat cannot move the interface of a lower realm?"

"Didn't Xiaoshang also say that the quality of their Xinghai Sect's spaceships has long surpassed that of the Yunlan Sect?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's wait and see..."

Everyone was having a lively discussion, but everyone's heart was almost in their throats, because they knew that if there was even the slightest deviation in this step, the world of Dayan might encounter a terrible crisis...

"Eh?!" Yun Shouping suddenly exclaimed softly.

Zhong Xuan wondered: "What did Brother Yun discover?"

"Look at the nebula behind it!"

Everyone looked over quickly, but found nothing unusual. They couldn't help but look at Yun Shouping...

Zhuge Shang smiled and said, "Senior, have you noticed?"

Yun Shouping nodded slightly and said: "There are some discoveries, but I don't know if they were caused by your spaceship..."

"Senior, it's okay to say it..."

"That nebula... seems to have extremely intense turmoil inside... I'm afraid something will change!" Yun Shouping said.

"Senior's observation was extremely careful! The changes in the nebula were indeed caused by the spherical spacecraft, but this was only temporary. Calmness should return to normal after that, because it only happened for a moment. It was just our spacecraft being debugged... "Zhuge Shang said.

"Debugging? You mean the spacecraft hasn't officially taken action yet?" Yun Shouping said in surprise.

"No! It's already in action. It's just that debugging is also part of the action. This process can be longer or shorter, depending on the extent of data collection. And with the ability of our spacecraft, we can capture the surrounding environment in just an instant. After all the information is collected, the official action begins, so the nebula is affected by the force field of the spacecraft at that moment, and there is no more after that!"

"Just a moment?! But I can see that the inside of the nebula is already turbulent, and even the eye of the storm has appeared!" Yun Shouping said in shock.

When everyone heard this and looked at the nebula behind them, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "There really is an eye of the storm!!!"

They couldn't help but admire Yun Shouping. After all, he was a veteran immortal. His eyesight was unmatched by others like themselves. He could even see the eye of the storm behind him, but he didn't even notice any changes in the nebula...

Zhuge Shang nodded and said: "Of course! Seniors may not know that the force field at that moment can easily destroy countless planets. Although the nebula is huge, its internal operations are also affected by the force field. It has a huge impact. This power can even accelerate the eye of the storm in front of us to grow into a very large storm, and change the movement pattern of the entire nebula. According to my estimation, this eye of the storm may last for thousands of years before it can slow down. Slow down and take a rest..."


"Thousands of years?!"

The people in the palace were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it...

Yun Shouping was also stunned and asked in surprise: "Are you telling the truth? How powerful is this force field?"

"I have to see the data to confirm how powerful it is, but in my estimation, this force field can easily destroy our cultivation world!" Zhuge Shang said with a smile.

Wo wo wo wo! ! !

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat and stared blankly at the nebula that was undergoing drastic changes. Their whole bodies were trembling involuntarily...

"What about now? Since the ball spacecraft is in action, its force field should still be affecting the nebula, right?" Yun Shouping asked.

"No! After debugging, the force field of the ball spacecraft only acts on the Great Evolution World and will not affect other things around it... In fact, its debugging would not affect the nebula, but in order to let you You can see it more clearly, so the impact on the nebula just now was actually done intentionally! You know, if this force field acts on other stars, I'm afraid this interstellar area will be in chaos now!" Zhuge Shang laughed. .

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized that it seemed that Xinghai Sect wanted to let people like them see how powerful it was...

Yun Shouping was stunned when he heard this, and thought: "If that's the case, then why don't we feel anything if it now applies its force field to the Great Evolution Realm?"

Zhuge Shang couldn't help but praise after hearing this: "Senior, you really hit the mark! In fact, this is the most difficult part of rescuing the Dayan World this time! Such a force field is comparable to a quasar, and the quasar we know is far away from us In fact, it is extremely far away, but the ball spacecraft is very close to us. It is actually extremely dangerous to release such a large force field at such a close distance. If one mistake is not made, the entire Dayan world will be in chaos, and it is possible for all star fields. An exception occurs, or even crashes!"

"Then now..."

"Of course we don't have to worry now. The force field released by Xingyun No. 9 has been carefully calculated and will release different force fields according to different distances. Ultimately, the Dayan World will maintain its due balance, especially the first step. , we want to get rid of the shackles of the dark sea, we must be extremely careful and maintain the balance within the circle during the process of getting rid of it, otherwise it may trigger a series of bad chain reactions..."

"Oh my god..." Everyone was extremely nervous when they heard this, and felt like their hearts were about to jump out!

Zhuge Shang pulled the light and shadow of the dark sea next to the light and shadow of the spherical spaceship, and made some marks on the light and shadow of the dark sea. These marks were shining...

When everyone was confused, it was Yun Shouping who shouted first: "Look! The dark sea is shrinking!"

fertile! ! !

Everyone cheered up and stared closely at the cursors on the light and shadow of the dark sea. Sure enough, they found that the dark sea was retreating little by little...

However, although it was retreating, the speed was extremely slow. Moreover, what shocked everyone was that as the dark sea shrank, the nearby star field seemed to be affected by some kind of force and was slowly moving forward. , the reason for such a discovery is that after the dark sea contracted, the interstellar matter in some star fields also crossed those cursors and successfully occupied the corresponding starry sky positions!

Seeing these uninvited guests, everyone fell into confusion again...

Could it be that the Xingyun No. 9 also did this?

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