The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4581 Curved Space

The dark sea on the huge mass of light and shadow in the hall is still swaying, stretching and contracting, never stationary, and seems to be declaring its power to the people in the hall. Even during this swaying process, the dark sea is still moving. Some interstellar matter further outside has also been swallowed in. This can be seen from the sudden loss of markings on some places on the picture that were originally marked with matter. It is inevitable that there are some creatures on the matter, but they must have fallen into the dark sea. , which makes the atmosphere in the palace a bit depressing. Everyone can imagine how tragic the situation in the dark sea must be!

It's a pity that no one can do anything. In front of the extremely powerful quasar and dark sea, nothing can be done...

Thinking about this makes people collapse. You must know that the people here are almost the top people in the Dayan world. They are still powerless, let alone other ordinary creatures...

"Xiao Shang, didn't you just say that the Dark Sea will shrink back after it erupts? Then if the Dark Sea can completely shrink to the core quasar, can our Dayan World take the opportunity to get rid of the quasar?" Yan Zun thought. .

"Senior, the dark sea will shrink to some extent, but it will not shrink completely, and its shrinking boundary should be further outward than the original boundary line!" Zhuge Shang said.

"Is that so? So even if the dark sea shrinks, it will be larger than before?"

"That's right! After all, after the quasar has accumulated energy for a period of time, the space force it generates will definitely be greater than before, so the volume of the dark sea it can maintain will also be greater than before!" Zhuge Shang explained.

"Well, it would be great if the Dark Sea could completely shrink back. Without the restraint of the Dark Sea, we might have other ways to solve this problem..." Yan Zun sighed.

"Senior is wrong!" Zhuge Shang said.

"Oh?!" Yan Zun and others were startled.

"But why?!" Yan Zun asked curiously.

Zhuge Shang pointed at the dark sea and said, "Senior, look here.

The volume currently covered by the Dark Sea has reached a very terrifying scale. If the Dark Sea completely shrinks back at this time, then this space will be in an absolutely empty state, and this will lead to terrible results! "

"A terrible result?" Yanzun shrank and asked urgently.

"Senior, have you forgotten the process I deduced for you before? If the dark sea suddenly disappears completely at this time, then the Great Evolution World will collapse from the inside step by step, and finally all will be swallowed up by the quasar! Therefore, we still have to Pray that the dark sea will not disappear immediately, and it is best to gradually disappear while maintaining the balance of space. This is what we most want to see!" Zhuge Shang said.

"Yes! I was so distracted by this incident that I completely forgot about your previous derivation process!"

Yan Zun stroked his forehead and sighed, and then said: "But if we want to make the dark sea gradually disappear as you just said, and then we in the Dayan world can take the opportunity to escape, how is it possible? I think this quasar is too It's scary, it seems like a cosmic monster, no matter how much power we concentrate, we can't defeat it..."

"The quasar is indeed a cosmic monster and a huge force. However, seniors don't have to think too highly of it. After all, in the universe, there are many, many more powerful interstellar forces than the quasar!" Zhuge Shang said with a smile. .


! "

"There are a lot more?!

! "

Everyone is confused... Is the universe really so dangerous?

Zhuge Shang nodded and said: "Of course it is true that quasars are powerful, but on the large scale of the universe, there are many more powerful interstellar forces than them. These super powerful forces are often restricted areas of life, and it is extremely dangerous to enter them. ! For example... there is a super power called the Giant Source!"

"Giant source of attraction?!"

"What is this?!" Yun Shouping was stunned and asked quickly.

"The Giant Attractor is the overlord of a starry sky area in the universe. It is filled with powerful forces and gathers countless interstellar matter. Its overall size is beyond imagination. Due to its existence, the starry sky area is Space is curved by it..."

"Bend?!" Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but gasp. He can even bend interstellar space. How terrifying must this guy be?

Zhuge Shang nodded and said: "Yes, it is curved! Of course, this is the result of observation on the large scale of the universe. If we are in it, we may not realize that interstellar space is curved, just like where we are now. This space in the universe is actually curved, but many of us are not aware of it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the palace burst into cheers. Even Xin Zun, who had always been taciturn, was shocked and asked: "Xiao Shang, are you saying that the interstellar space we are in is curved?!"


"But how is this possible? If space is curved, then we should feel a lot of pressure!" Xin Zunqi said.

Zhuge Shang shook his head and said: "Senior, this kind of space curvature is invisible to us who are in it. As I said just now, this is looking at this problem from the large scale of the universe! Just like now The Dayan Realm has actually been captured by the cosmic monster, the quasar, and is falling towards its core!

! "

“What?! Dropped?!

! "When Xin Zun and others heard this, they couldn't help but stood up in shock, their faces were livid, and their whole bodies were trembling...

"Xiao Shang, what should we do? The Dayan Realm is falling, so aren't we going to be doomed?" Yan Zun said in a trembling voice.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Zhuge Shang felt that his previous words might have misunderstood them, so he said: "Senior, please don't worry! Things are not what you think. Although Dayan Realm is indeed falling, this falling route It is not the kind of straight fall we see, but a circular rotation around the quasar, slowly moving towards the center. This process may take a long, long time, so we can wait until our spacecraft comes to rescue the Dayan World! "


! "

"It's really puzzling to move in this way..."

"It's just, I can't understand it at all..."

Everyone looked at each other and talked a lot...

Zhuge Shang also had a slight headache when he saw this scene, but he still said patiently: "Actually, the reason why Dayan World is moving closer to quasars in this way is mainly because the interstellar space around us is actually curved, and this curve is actually It is caused by the huge mass of the quasar! In other words, the cosmic space we are in now is actually centered on this quasar, and the surrounding interstellar matter, including our Dayan realm, is Rotating around the quasar!"

"..." Everyone was confused after hearing this...

Zhuge Shang felt more and more headache, but he also knew very well that it would not be a matter of time for these people to understand these things, so he simply chose the most direct and key elements to talk about, pointing to the center of the dark sea space in the light and shadow. Said: "Look, everyone, this is a quasar. Don't think it is very small. In fact, it just looks small. If we get close to it, we will see a large area of ​​brilliant starlight gathering together. Its body is The magnitude is by no means comparable to that of the Dayan Realm. It can be said that the size of the Dayan Realm is at most only a small corner of it!"

"That's so?!" Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this...

Zhuge Shang nodded fiercely and said: "Yes, now you should be able to understand what I just said. The Dayan world is very small compared to quasars. It is just like the galaxies we usually see, and the outer planets They are all rotating around the sun in the center. The current Dayan world is like a planet, being forced to rotate under the powerful force field of the quasar. Moreover, since the Dayan world is already within its capture range, in the future Will slowly approach it and eventually be devoured by it!”

"Oh my god..." Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed again when they heard this...

Yan Zun's face was as dark as water and he asked: "Then how will that spaceship rescue our Dayan Realm?"

"Senior, that's a good question! This is exactly what I want to say next. Regarding this spaceship, please stop imagining it in terms of the spaceship of the Dayan Realm, but just think of it as another quasar. !" Zhuge Shang laughed.

"Another quasar?!"

"That's right! Our spaceship is extremely capable. It's not the ordinary spaceship you imagine. When this spacecraft activates a certain function, its mass and force field can become extremely large, thus transforming the surrounding interstellar space. Also bend it!" Zhuge Shang said.


! "Everyone was in an uproar when they heard this. They didn't expect that a spaceship could do this. Can it still be called a spaceship?

Besides, if its mass is so large, how is it driven? I'm afraid the energy consumption of such a drive would be extremely terrifying, right?

Just like the quasar in front of us, it doesn't move at all. Instead, it uses its powerful force field to pull in the surrounding interstellar matter and devour it...

When Yun Shouping heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: "Xiao Shang, if your spaceship can bend the interstellar space, does that mean that the Dayan world can be freed from the constraints of the quasar and instead move out with the spacecraft?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Shang couldn't help but praise: "Senior, your reaction is so fast! Yes, our spaceship only needs to apply a certain force field to the Dayan World to draw it away, thereby getting rid of the quasar's constraints and heading towards us. The set target position moves. Of course, such an operation must be done very carefully to avoid the dark sea suddenly disappearing in a short period of time, otherwise it may cause the Dayan world to collapse from the inside before it can get rid of its shackles! You must know What's more, when our spaceship joins the battle, the Dayan Realm is between two powerful traction forces, and any mistake may cause it to suffer heavy losses! After all, the Dayan Realm is too fragile..."



Listening to Zhuge Shang's words, everyone felt that their palms and soles were all covered in sweat, and bursts of cold sweat broke out on their bodies. Just listening to it was so worrying, and when it came time to actually operate it, they might not be able to withstand it...

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