The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4567 Cooperation

"Ah?! Then what if Yun Shouping swallows me without you having time to rescue me?!" Zhong Xuanxin said with a change of color on his face.

"Of course we will not let you be swallowed directly so that Yun Shouping will not come out, so we will protect you in a small protective cover. This protective cover will keep you in the air. Yun Shouping will not be able to hide in the lotus platform. Devour you, and in the end he will definitely not be able to stand the temptation and will come out to see what is going on, and at that time it is time for us to take action!" Huang Jiuxiao said with a smile.

"There is such a protective cover? If there is an earthquake, can it be moved?" Zhong Xuanxin asked worriedly.

"Huh, even if you add the original Yun Shouping, you can't move it! Don't you know how powerful our Xinghai Sect is?" Huang Jiuxiao said.

"This... Xinghai Sect is powerful... but you..."

"How about just because I am the Supreme Elder of Xinghai Sect and a close disciple of the Great Immortal Lord Budian?" Huang Jiuxiao opened his mouth.

"What?! actually a close disciple of Budian Immortal Lord!!! No wonder..." Zhong Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked and looked at Huang Jiuxiao countless times...

Only now did he realize what a stupid thing he had done before. He actually dared to attack the disciple who was not a disciple of the Great Immortal. He was really hanging himself because he thought his life was too long!

"Feel it again. You are inside this protective shield now. Can you feel its strength?" Huang Jiuxiao said leisurely.

"This...I understand! No problem! This time I will definitely cooperate with you and take down both of them. I hope you will not break your promise and return the separated soul on Tu Zhen's body to me!" Zhong Xuanxin felt it carefully! After talking for a while, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and said loudly.

"If your soul is in his hands, we will return it to you if we get it! In addition, you don't have to worry about Tu Zhen pinching you, because in this protective shield, even if he pinches your soul If it explodes, it won't have any impact on you... The protective shield will isolate everything. The reason why you can communicate with us now is only because we are the masters of this protective shield and can control it. Otherwise, anything from the outside world can It’s impossible for anyone to communicate with you…”

"Oh my god... I wonder if you can release me when the matter is done?" Zhong Xuan was suddenly confused and asked quickly. He had become a prisoner unknowingly, which made him really panic.

"Of course it depends on your performance. If you stand firmly on our side, we can give you freedom after the matter is completed! Of course, the premise is that you are not allowed to have any ideas about the Dayan world anymore. It is best to return to the Immortal World on your own. go…"

"No problem! As long as I can be free, I can do anything! I am at odds with Tu Zhen and will never let his conspiracy succeed. When I return to the fairy world in the future, if I have the chance, I will seek revenge on him!!!" Zhong Xuanxin He said harshly.

"make a deal!"

"make a deal!!!"

At the Five Elements Lotus Formation, the Earth-shaking Golden Immortal is communicating with the flower spirit...

"What's going on with that kid? He hasn't arrived yet after so long?" Hua Ling snorted.

"Why are you in a hurry? It will arrive sooner or later!" Tu Zhen Jinxian replied.

"No, with his flying speed, he should have arrived here by now, but now...I don't even feel his breath!" Hua Ling said.

Tu Zhen Jinxian was startled and said, "Have you been staring at him?"

"Of course! He is my nourishment! Now he is one of the guarantees against the devil!"

"Don't you boast that the formation is within your surveillance range? Why did you lose his aura?" Tu Zhen Jinxian teased.

"This is why I feel vaguely uneasy! The formations in this space and the Five Elements Lotus Formation are all under my control, but Zhong Xuanxin suddenly lost his breath, which means that he may have encountered an accident. Maybe I encountered a demon!"

"Heavenly Demon?!" Tu Zhenjinxian was startled, and his expression became serious.

The existence of those Xuanyin Sect demons has become what he is most worried about now. If he cannot improve his strength to protect this space before their arrival,

Then all the previous efforts will be in vain and the fruits will be picked by Xuanyin Ancestor!

Thinking of this, he felt extremely heartbroken, so he would never let such a thing happen, and this was the reason why he was willing to exchange Zhong Xuanxin with Hua Ling. Otherwise, Zhong Xuanxin would still be of great use, and Hua Ling would It seems a little difficult to control. If it weren't for the devil, he would definitely choose Zhong Xuanxin. After all, he is his little slave, and he still has his soul to control. As for Hua Ling, so far, he has not There is no way to accept him as a slave, let alone control his soul...

Originally, his split soul was sent here this time, and one of the important tasks was to conquer the flower spirit. Tu Zhenjinxian also prepared a method. However, after communicating with the flower spirit, he felt that with the power of his split soul, he wanted to It was difficult to subdue the flower spirit, so he did not take action for a long time. Instead, he wanted to wait for the best opportunity before taking action. At this time, he planned to take action after the battle between the flower spirit and the demon was over, because that time must be the time when the flower spirit is at its weakest. …

His abacus was very good, and now of course he had to help Hua Ling become stronger in order to help him resist the demon, so he couldn't help but panic when he heard that the demon might have arrived!

"Are you sure?!" Tu Zhenjinxian asked urgently.

"It's not certain yet! Because I didn't sense the Demon's aura, neither inside nor outside the formation. Of course, it's possible that the Demon had hidden himself and sneaked in, but this situation doesn't seem to be the Demon's style..." Hua Ling was a little confused. Said uncertainly.

"Pay close attention and activate the formation as soon as there is any movement! I will use the split soul to summon Zhong Xuanxin to see where he is..."

As Tu Zhen Jinxian spoke, he waved his hand, and a faint light and shadow appeared in the sky in front of him. Its shape was that of Zhong Xuanxin!

However, this is the split soul of Zhong Xuanxin controlled by him, so it is still somewhat different from the current Zhong Xuanxin. In terms of spiritual power, it is obviously much weaker, and it is not as condensed and thick as the main body...

Tu Zhen Jinxian made the secrets on his hands and muttered words, and saw Zhong Xuanxin's spirit body gradually solidified, and finally even opened his eyes!

"Quickly find where your body is and ask him to come over immediately!" Tu Zhen Jinxian ordered.

"Yes! Master!" Zhong Xuanxin responded and began to sense with his mind...

After a while, Tu Zhen Jinxian became a little impatient and hummed: "Why haven't you sensed it yet?"

"Master, it is indeed strange! I have carefully sensed it, and there is no trace of him within a hundred miles!" said the split soul.

"If it's not a hundred miles away, then expand it further!" Tu Zhenjinxian Bo said angrily.

"This...Master, my little slave's spiritual power is limited right now. He can still sense things clearly within a hundred miles, but beyond this range it will be blurry. I'm afraid he will miss many details..."

"Damn it! What a waste!!!" Tu Zhenjinxian cursed.

"Little slave..." Zhong Xuanxin's face showed panic, mixed with helplessness, but deeper in his eyes, there was a glimmer of light, which was his deeply hidden hatred...

"Keep watching and report any movement immediately!"

"Yes! Master!!!"

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Huang Jiuxiao, Dugu Chen, Zhong Xuanxin and others, and a lot of things could be heard from their conversations. Zhong Xuanxin's face looked extremely excited, and his hatred was even greater. He never expected that His split soul was treated like this by Tu Zhen. If he still had some reservations in his heart before, now after seeing this scene, he has completely made up his mind!

In addition, the appearance of the split soul also gave him reassurance. As long as he fulfilled his promise, he would have the opportunity to take back the split soul. Once the split soul was withdrawn, his soul would be complete, and he would be able to achieve his goal of independence!

Of course, all this still depends on whether Huang Jiuxiao and the others can surrender the soul of the Earth Shock Golden Immortal and the Ancient Immortal Yun Shouping. Once they fail, they may also suffer disaster and be swallowed up by Yun Shouping!

Success and failure, gains and losses, stirred in Zhong Xuanxin's heart, making him unable to calm down for a long time...

"Have you thought about it?" Huang Jiuxiao asked.

"This..." Zhong Xuan was stunned.

"No rush! Once you are completely calm and can control your mentality, it won't be too late for us to take action!" Huang Jiuxiao said.

"Well...if we don't act soon, Yun Shouping may become suspicious!" Zhong Xuanxin said.

"At most, he just doubts whether the devil has sneaked in, and he will never think that it was us!"

"That's true...but I'm afraid my separated soul will still be scolded by Tu Zhen..."

"What's the point of being a little wronged? Compared to you being able to take it back later, even if you are scolded, it's worth it! On your side, if you are entangled in the matter of soul separation and earth earthquake, if the pattern is so small, your performance will be It's impossible to do it right. If you don't do it right, it's impossible to attract Yun Shouping out. When the time comes, you will not only harm yourself, but also harm your split soul! Therefore, you must calm down your mentality as soon as possible and allow yourself to enter better. As for the characters, if we win the trust of Tu Zhen and Yun Shouping, our chances of success will be greatly increased!" Huang Jiuxiao said.

Zhong Xuanxin's complexion changed slightly when he heard this, and he remained silent for a while at the end, then nodded and said, "Don't worry! No matter how bad I am, I won't make fun of my split soul!"

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and began to regulate his breathing...

At the Five Elements Lotus Formation, Hua Ling seemed to be getting more and more uneasy. He began to mobilize the power of the formation, strengthened patrols and monitoring, and also focused on several target locations, including the Main Hall of the Xiu Alliance, the Tianji Star Region, and Misty Swamp and other places…

Tu Zhen Jinxian looked at the pictures of light and shadow produced by Hua Ling and talked with them. He soon learned the location of the Wanshi Guessing Tower and the Xuanwu in the Immortal World, and these two places were also the key targets of his plan, because they must Only by capturing these two immortal figures can we have the capital to fight against those demons...

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