The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 453: God-killing Consciousness


Boom boom!


The sky thunder struck down one after another, and the black light was like a beam, pouring on Li Yun. His skin color did not turn black, but became lighter.

The original bronze skin gradually became lighter, not so dark, and when exposed to a small fire, it seemed to turn into a wheat color.

This kind of skin color is a bit like returning to basics, more natural and beautiful.

Li Yun thought a little narcissistically. It seemed that although he did not have the amazing looks like Yang Qian, Yingji, Gu Buyi, Boqiu, and Heishan, his complexion was definitely the healthiest and best-looking. In this Tianlei Being hit by thunder in space, the effect is much better than going to Hammer to sunbathe on any celestial body.

"It's time to refine the puppet clone!"

Li Yun completed his power, jumped out of the thunder space, and came to Lingxian Peak.

The refining field is filled with astrological gold pieces, which are made from sky molybdenum gold as the main material, supplemented by nearly two hundred other materials.

Compared with the original Xingyunjin, the quality has been improved somewhat. This is an extremely natural process for Xiaoxing.

Xuan Dongmu has already designed fifty images, each of which was shaped into a statue and placed aside.

Li Yun looked up and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. Each of these statues looked very rough in appearance, with thick hair and thick beards, and some were even ugly. However, they had one thing in common: they were strong and muscular, and they were quite mysterious. Dongmu himself.

"Master, it seems that Xuan Dongmu doesn't want them to look better than him," Xiaoxing teased.

"Haha, that makes sense! Then he can rest assured."

The two of them started to refine the doll parts according to the design while making fun of Xuan Dongmu.

The same parts can basically be refined in batches, so the time required to refine fifty is actually almost the same as the time required to refine one.

Large parts are easier to refine, but it is a bit troublesome to refine the hair-like spiritual veins and blood vessels inside.

This is a great test for spiritual consciousness. No wonder Xuan Dongmu felt that Li Yun's action was too hasty when he first heard about it.

However, Li Yun had already been mentally prepared for this and worked slowly and carefully, so he was not in a hurry anyway. This task has become part of his daily practice and will be completed sooner or later.

"Master, today I have to cut off a part of my consciousness to cultivate it!" Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun responded with a look of pain on his face.

This step is the most critical.

Cut out some of the light spots of consciousness from your own main consciousness, and then place them in the spirit gathering array and blood pool for cultivation. At the same time, you must also train the skills responsible for this consciousness, which requires great patience and skill.

Fortunately, the skills required for these products are already at a lower level for Li Yun, so the difficulty of training has been reduced.

He sat upright and looked into his brain with his consciousness. He saw that there seemed to be a river flowing in it, sparkling like the Milky Way in the sky.

He condensed part of his consciousness like a knife, aimed at a spot of light by the river and slashed it hard. He let out a cry of pain, resisted the severe pain, netted and lifted out this part of the spot of light, and put it in Juling In the formation.

Looking up, there are fifty small clusters of spiritual consciousness floating slowly here, like twinkling stars, emitting charming light.

Recently, he had cut out a ball of consciousness every day, and today was the last one, and he felt relieved.

"It's finally over! It's not easy!"

"Congratulations, master! In fact, it will be beneficial to you to gain consciousness!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"These small groups of spiritual consciousness have no impact on your river of spiritual consciousness. On the contrary, the process of cutting off your spiritual consciousness can stimulate the growth rate of your spiritual consciousness. With a little practice, it will not only replenish it, but also grow even more. Much spiritual consciousness comes out!”

"Are you sure?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Sure! This was called conditioned stimulation in the previous life! As long as you do it regularly, you can achieve better results. If you do the same thing at the same time every day for fifty days, it is an obvious method of conditioned stimulation." Xiaoxing said.


Makes sense! Next, let’s see what the result is and you can verify this! "Li Yun thought.

"Master, we discovered an important situation!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Oh? Say it quickly!"

"Lei Dong, his daughter, Lei Xiang, and a woman entered Daxia. It seems that the direction they are coming towards is the original site of the Qiulong Mountains!"

"What?!" Li Yun stood up in surprise.

Lei Dong and these people are a big rock that has always been on his mind, and they might fall down at some point. What he didn't expect was that these people would return to Daxia so quickly and come straight here.

Immediately pull out the light curtain and take a closer look.

"Looking at their expressions, they seem quite strange," Li Yun murmured.

"The master is right. If they came to ask for the Sky Thunder Tree, they would be furious, but now they are more calm, and they are still talking and laughing."

"Indifferent? No, I think there seems to be a sense of urgency between Lei Dong and Lei Xiang's brows. I don't know who the woman is, but she seems to be getting along well with Lei Ruolan."

"Can't she be Lei Dong's wife?"

"It's hard to say, but although she is from the dragon clan, she doesn't seem to be from the thunder dragon clan!"

Li Yun asked Xuan Dongmu, but he heard him say: "Master, this girl belongs to the Yanlong clan!"

"Fire Dragon?"

"Yes. The dragon lin on her forehead is fiery red, which is the symbol of the Flame Dragon."

"Strange, how come the Flame Dragon and the Thunder Dragon are mixed together?"

"Haha, Master, they are all from the Dragon Clan. Just like our human race, there are many races. It is normal for them to stay together. They may even intermarry."

"That makes sense! However, if this woman is Lei Dong's wife, it is impossible for her to give birth to a baby thunder dragon like Lei Ruolan, right?"

"Lei Ruolan is a very pure thunder dragon. It cannot be the result of an intermarriage between Lei Dong and this woman." Xuan Dongmu affirmed.

"If this is the case, why is this woman hanging out with these people? She can't be here to find Tianleimu, right?" Li Yun thought.

The current situation seems to be extremely bad. If these people come to Qingyuan Sect to cause trouble, they will definitely not be able to stop them with the current strength of Qingyuan Sect.

"It seems that he is the only one to take action in person! With the power of Tianyun, Xuandongmu, and Xingyun's flagship, plus strategies, he might be able to stop it," Li Yun thought to himself.

"Don't worry, Master! Lei Dong is seriously injured and has yet to recover. Lei Ruolan is only in the early stages of becoming a god. Only Lei Xiang and that woman are in a little trouble, but they can't exert their power beyond the peak of god transformation for a long time. We also have Xiaohuo, Xiao Lei, Xiaofu, and me, Xiaoxing, haha, any one of them can stop them!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

When Li Yun heard that it made sense, he didn't expect that he had gathered so many super powers around him. You know, even Xiaoxing's ability was stronger than his own. Besides, even if you can't defeat him in the end, you can quickly escape without seeing him by using Shuchichi Technique.

"It seems that there is indeed no need to be afraid of them. However, they cannot be allowed to find their way here. They must be intercepted halfway." He suddenly calmed down and continued to observe.

I saw Lei Dong and the four people heading straight to the Mirror Sea, arriving at the original location of the Qiulong Mountain Range, and sinking into the sea.

The display of the light curtain was only a certain distance from the sea surface, so their shadows were not visible.

"Do they think Tianlei Mu is still there?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"It's indeed a bit strange." Xiaoxing was also quite puzzled by the actions of these people.

After a while, four people emerged from the sea of ​​​​mirrors, with a look of surprise on their faces. While talking, they went straight to the direction of Qingyuan Gate!


When Li Yun saw this, he didn't dare to stay in Wuyou Peak anymore, and immediately controlled Tianyun and rushed out of Qingyuan Gate.

After using the Shuchi Technique, it didn't take long to reach the ruins of the original Tianlong Imperial Capital and duck out.

When Lei Dong and the others came to Daxia, the first thing they did was to go to the Qiulong Mountains to check the whereabouts of the Tianlei Cauldron.

It doesn't matter at this glance, I found that the cauldron was gone!

To collect this cauldron, one must possess the treasure technique created by the Heavenly Thunder Wood, and also must have a profound understanding of the way of the Heavenly Thunder. In Daxia, apart from Li Yun, Lei Dong and Lei Xiang couldn't think of anyone else who could do this.

Needless to say, this tripod was also taken away by Li Yun. If this is true, it can prove countless facts.

Huo Meier didn't know what those three people were thinking, but she knew that Li Yun might be the one who should be robbed by the Dragon Clan.

As she was flying, she thought that she would soon meet the long-famous poet Li Yun, and for some reason she felt a little excited.

"Isn't Li Yun more beautiful than Boqiu and more beautiful than Heishan? How else could he be able to confuse Lei Xiang?! What if he really looks like that? What will I do? I can't kill him. , according to the requirements of the spell, we have to be his master, slave and maid, can't we really let him take away the thunderous heart? The problem is that maybe I will be fascinated by him and worship him. What! What kind of relationship will this become?!"

Huo Meier was extremely tangled in her heart. She felt that the relationship was too complicated and she couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Lei Ruolan asked curiously.

"I'm wondering what Li Yun looks like?" Huo Meier said with a slightly red face.

"Haha, it turns out you are thinking about my brother Yun! I'm afraid your soul will be taken away by him when you see him!" Lei Xiang laughed.

"Hmph, I won't be like you, just getting in touch with each other as soon as we meet!" Huo Meier raised her eyebrows.

"That's possible! Although my Yun brother is not very handsome, his temperament and demeanor are outstanding."

"It turns out he doesn't look like Boqiu and Heishan, so I'm relieved! Cluck, cluck!" Huo Meier said with a sharp laugh.

"Sister, who are Boqiu and Heishan? Are they beautiful?" Lei Ruolan asked.

"Of course! They are many times more handsome than your Uncle Xiang!"

"Then why don't you go after them, but you go after me, Uncle Xiang?"

"You? Who said I want to chase this nigger? Even Li Yun is many times stronger than him!"

"What? You want to chase Li Yun?!" Lei Ruolan was stunned.


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