The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4503 Tianyao Meteor Hammer

People watching outside the field were talking a lot, and the target of the attack was gradually pointed at Duan Shengong, because they saw that he did not forge the materials himself, but instead walked around the field, stopping at various refining places from time to time, and even picked up the elders. They pointed at the forged finished product, which aroused their dissatisfaction...

In the eyes of many people, Duan Shengong was either being lazy or stealing from his master. Of course, the latter was more likely. After all, these elders were the elders of the Yaoqi Sect, and everyone could do their own thing, especially People like Elder Blackstone would not go out to refine weapons in front of all the disciples easily, and this is especially true for the sect leader Sha Chongyuan. How can we usually see senior figures like them refining weapons in person? Moreover, it is an extremely basic task such as forging materials.

However, the elder is the elder, and the disciples have benefited a lot from their process of forging mineral materials. The most basic tasks like this are actually the most important. A magic weapon is very advanced, but the composition of a magic weapon These are also the most basic materials. If you fail to pass this level, it will be impossible to create a magic weapon.

Therefore, the disciples judged others by themselves, and naturally thought that Duan Shengong, like them, was learning the techniques of forging materials from the senior weapon refiners. You must know that at such a young age, even if he is a genius, if he does not go through a long period of time, It is very difficult to master the basic skills of forging materials with very systematic practice and training...

"Hey, why did I see that the material that the Great Elder forged himself was put back into the furnace again?" Someone suddenly said in surprise.

"Yeah, I saw it too!"

"What did Duan Shengong and the Great Elder say?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Could it be..."

The disciples suddenly thought of a question, but they didn't dare to think about it any more, let alone say it, because they were afraid that they would be ridiculed if they said it...

The question that comes to their mind is, could it be the opposite? Duan Shengong was not stealing from the elders, but giving guidance to those elders?

This question is too bold to speak out. They really don't have the courage. They are even more worried that they will lose the Yaoqi Sect's face if they speak out. If a child about a hundred years old can teach his elders how to cultivate Taoism, then people like themselves will Wouldn’t he feel ashamed in front of him?

At this moment, the disciples suddenly screamed again. It turned out that Duan Shengong was finally starting to work. After he communicated with Elder Heishi and saw the materials forged by Elder Heishi, he seemed to be shaken. He shook his head and said something, but Elder Heishi gave up his position and Duan Shengong came in instead!

Wo wo wo wo!


The atmosphere outside the field suddenly became tense. The disciples held their breaths and stared at Duan Shengong closely...

Sha Mingwei and Tian You were also outside the court at this time. Seeing this scene, they quickly sent a message and asked: "Uncle Tian, ​​what do you think happened just now?"

Tian You said: "Duan Shengong seems to think that the material is not refined enough..."

"Since he felt it wasn't refined enough and wanted to forge it himself, why didn't he put the piece of material on the smelting table?" Shamingwei asked curiously.

Tian You thought while watching Duan Shengong's operation: "I read Duan Shengong's mouth shape, and he seemed to say that the material was going to be scrapped!"

“What?! Void?!

! "Sha Mingwei said in shock.

He never expected that the refined materials forged by Elder Blackstone would be deemed invalid by Duan Shengong!

If this were known to other disciples, I wonder what kind of ripples would be caused on the scene?

If that piece of material was obtained by any disciple outside, it would be regarded as a treasure. It might be spread to the black market and fetch a sky-high price, but Duan Shengong didn't take a fancy to it and scrapped it?

Tian You said with certainty: "What he said is indeed invalid! But the Great Elder was obviously not convinced, so Duan Shengong himself said that he would go up and demonstrate..."

"Then why didn't he continue to refine the Great Elder's material? Could it be that he wanted to create a new one and then compare it with the Great Elder's material?" Sha Mingwei asked emphatically.

In fact, many people think about this problem like this, because this is a normal thinking direction. Since the materials are not pure enough, then continue to forge...

"That's not what Duan Shengong said just now..." Tian You suddenly said.

"Oh? What did he say?!" Sha Mingwei asked urgently.

A strange color flashed across Tian You's face, and he said: "Duan Shengong said that the material has reached a certain level based on the great elder's weapon refining skills. If it is continued to be refined and forged, it is likely to be damaged. Therefore, it It’s not that it’s useless, it’s that it’s not useful, that is, the great elder’s method of forging cannot meet the requirements of the new helmet, and if you want to meet the requirements, you must start to change it from the basic forging!”

"This..." Shamingwei was dumbfounded and found it a bit difficult to understand.

Tian You continued: "Everyone has their own way of forging, just like you. Your way is different from others in the sect. However, everyone's way is divided into major and minor ways. There are very few major ways. There are countless small ways, and the Tao that many people may understand throughout their lives is all small ways, and even if they practice to the top level, the small ways cannot be compared with the great way! Do you understand?"

Sha Mingwei understood this time and thought: "So, what Duan Shengong means is that although the new material created by the great elder using his own Tao forging has reached the top level of this Tao, it cannot reach the level of the new helmet." If you want to force it to be forged again, it may damage it, so why not start over and forge a new piece of material?"

"That's right! That's what Duan Shengong means!" Tian You nodded.

"Oh my god, aren't you too brave to talk about this magical work? By saying this, isn't he bragging that his way is superior to the great elder's?" Sha Mingwei exclaimed.

"Is it better? Maybe there will be results soon... Look!" Tian You suddenly shouted.

Sha Mingwei looked over quickly and found that Duan Shengong had a dark hammer in his hand. It didn't look too big, but it gave people a heavy metal texture. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that this hammer was extraordinary!

With just one move of Duan Shengong's hand, a pile of half-processed ore appeared on the forging table. At this time, the impurities in the outer layer of the ore have been smelted out by the high temperature. The remaining steps are to take advantage of the opportunity of the ore to soften. The impurities are removed again by hammering to obtain a refined new material. This step is the most demanding of the refiner's tempering method, and it is also the focus of many people's training...

"Hugh" "Hugh" "Hugh" "Hugh" "Hugh"...

Before anyone could react, Duan Shengong had already swung his hammer!

The black hammer seemed to turn into a meteor in his hand, hitting the ore pile at an extremely high speed and frequency. Pieces of ore were being beaten by the black hammer at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually showing new shapes. His appearance began to shine with brilliance...

What shocked everyone even more was, what about the impurities? Where have you gone?

When every craftsman is forging materials, the most common sight is sparks flying and impurities flying out. However, Duan Shengong's forging table is so clean that it is jaw-dropping. There are no impurities flying out, and even the light spots with sparks are very few, almost none!

But those materials have become refined visibly to the naked eye...

Someone with a quick mind suddenly thought of a reason, that is, have all the impurities in the ore been absorbed by something?

That hammer? !


Because the only thing in contact with the material is the hammer. If the impurities are missing, then the only way is the hammer...

A hammer that absorbs impurities!


At the thought of this, everyone's hearts suddenly became extremely hot...

"What kind of hammer is this?!"

"What kind of hammer can absorb impurities in materials?"

"I seem to have read it in a book somewhere, but I have long forgotten it..."

"Where, there is no record at all! If there is, I will definitely remember it!"

"That's right, Senior Brother Tantai Bo Wenqiang remembered that if he said no, he didn't!"

"So, this is a new hammer?!"

"It should be so..."

The onlookers outside were already quarreling over this hammer, and the experts who were forging materials in the venue also stopped what they were talking about, and locked their eyes and consciousness on Duan Shengong's black hammer. The more I look at it, the more I think it is extraordinary, its appearance is really awesome...

It can be said that a good hammer is the standard equipment for a weapon refiner. If you don't have a magic weapon-level hammer by your side, how can you tell others that you are a high-level weapon refiner?

Everyone looked at the scene forged by Duan Shengong with great envy. They felt that the hammer and Duan Shengong were made for each other. Duan Shengong's skin color was also an extremely healthy bronze color, and his muscles were strong and waving. When holding the hammer, it seems to be one piece. The movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, smooth and flawless, giving people a sense of ingenuity and natural perfection...

In the blink of an eye, Duan Shengong stopped moving and put away his celestial meteor hammer. He saw a small pile of shiny materials appearing on the forging table, but the viewers around him seemed to have a feeling that they were still unfinished and wished they could have more. Look how he swings the hammer...

Elder Heishi, who was watching from a close distance, also felt the same. He was immersed in the scene of Duan Shengong forging the materials. It took him a while to react. He rushed forward, grabbed the materials and examined them carefully. He was shocked when he saw it. My mouth opened wide and I couldn't speak for a long time...

In his opinion, this small pile of materials forged by Duan Shengong has definitely reached the level of heaven-level materials!

If it is brought to the market, it can definitely be regarded as the finale treasure of every large-scale auction. The sky-high price is undisputed!

Materials like this generally cannot come from the hands of refiners, but are accidentally discovered by people in nature. In other words, such heaven-level materials can only be naturally generated and are the work of nature. Only then can such a divine object be created...

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