The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4454 Smuggling Passage

For fortune tellers, the more life-extending medicines, the better, because many of them require a large amount of longevity yuan to cooperate with their divination methods. It is certain that without longevity yuan, most of these people will lose their divination. The power of calculation.

In fact, what the diviner does is to capture the part of the information he needs from heaven. This part of the information may be in the past, present, or future. He wants to capture what he wants in the river of time. Naturally, this river of time must be compensated for things, otherwise there will definitely be problems with the operation of the heavenly machine. When this dimension is seriously damaged, the impact will be unimaginable, and it is very likely that the world will completely collapse!

Therefore, without longevity, it is basically impossible to have fun in divination. This is one of the reasons why life-extending drugs are so popular and valuable. At the same time, it is also why it is discovered that there is a longevity system. The existence of these great powers is one of the reasons why they are almost going crazy with excitement.

In the Tianji Star Territory, the fastest-consuming product is life-extending medicine. Whenever a good life-extending medicine appears, a large number of powerful people will make crazy bids and rush to buy it.

Sure enough, the empress took out a jade box and gently opened the lid. Suddenly, a charming medicinal fragrance hit her face, and a crystal-clear pill appeared in front of everyone's eyes...

"Jade Clear Pill?!"

"It's still top quality?!"


! "

There was an uproar in the palace. Everyone knew that the high-grade Jade Clear Pill in the hands of the Empress was a high-end product among life-extending medicines. Such a pill was enough to make a small or medium-sized sect spend all their money to buy it. And taking this If this is the first time you take such a high-level elixir, it will have a very good effect in extending your life, enough to give a star god realm expert a life span of more than a thousand years!

Everyone in the hall had a look of envy on their faces, and some people were even salivating, wishing they could get this top-grade Jade Clear Pill right away.

The empress smiled and said: "If everyone here joins this divination operation, everyone will have a chance to get the Jade Clear Pill. Of course, the quality of the Jade Clear Pill you can get depends on your performance in this operation! "

"Oh my god..."

"Thank you, Emperor!"

"We will do our best to participate in the divination!"

"I wonder when the operation will start?"

"Yeah, how about we start now?"

"That's right..."

Many people couldn't wait any longer and were urging.

After discussing with Tianyi, Hua Yinglou and Guizang Venerable, the empress found that this action was not something that could be started just from the beginning.

This is because, although the people present are all powerful in divination, each of them has their own way of divination. Some of them may have similar ways, but there will also be subtle differences that differ from their own understanding and practice. In this sense, almost everyone’s Tao is different.

In addition, they also have their own requirements in divination, which are closely related to environmental conditions. Generally speaking, divination in a place they are familiar with should have the best effect.

Therefore, the empress's initial idea of ​​gathering these people together for divination was actually problematic.

So she had to change this approach and let some people who could perform divination in Tianji Pavilion stay, while others returned to their respective sect caves to perform divination, and finally compiled the results...

This arrangement will also help these sect controllers to go back and arrange matters related to the experience of entering the sky space world, especially to find those who have been released from the subtle body of spiritual consciousness by Zhong Xuanxin, so as to strengthen surveillance...

Since they are unable to imprison these subtle bodies of spiritual consciousness, they can only monitor them first and cannot capture them. Judging from the current situation, the Xiu Alliance has discovered that the secret of Zhong Xuanxin's subtle spiritual consciousness must not be leaked. Once leaked, it may This caused Zhong Xuanxin to take action in advance, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

So I can only take my time and think of a way...

At this time, in the main hall of Xiu Alliance, many senior officials gathered in the isolation formation.

There are three great emperors, Empress Glacier, Emperor Haoran, and Emperor Xuanqing, as well as senior elders such as Erqiuzi, Heshenbei, Dakan, and Munro. However, they all look serious and the atmosphere is quite heavy.

The most important thing that weighs on their heads is naturally the betrayal of Xing Xuan Zhong. This immortal treasure has dug such a big hole for the cultivation world. It is not difficult to imagine its ambition. As Huang Jiuxiao said to Taoist Wuhen before, The purpose of Xing Xuan Zhong is the same as that of Xuanyin Patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Realm, which is to enslave and plunder the Dayan Realm. Controlling the Xiu Realm is only the first step of its plan. If it controls the Xiu Realm, what will happen next? It must control the demon world, the demon world, the barbarian world... and finally put the entire Dayan world under its control, and eventually become a colony of Earth Shock Golden Immortal!

After Emperor Haoran and Emperor Xuanqing learned this information, they were so shocked that they could not even imagine it. After all, this was the first time for them to encounter such a terrifying incident!

They have no idea how to solve the problem, and they are still in a state of confusion...

The empress snorted: "You two, tell me what to do?! You can't just sit there and say nothing. Everyone is counting on you to give some instructions!"

Emperor Haoran was shocked and finally woke up from his meditation. He looked at each other with Emperor Xuanqing. Both of them could see the shock and disbelief in the other's eyes, as well as a look of confusion...

"Binghe, I didn't hear about this until I came in. You have to give me some time to think about it, right?" Emperor Haoran sighed.

"Hmph, it's been a long time. With your great wisdom, can't you still think of a way to deal with it?"

"You think too highly of me! Who would have thought of such a thing? You must know that what we want to deal with now is an immortal treasure, and there is an immortal behind him!" Emperor Haoran sighed.

"What should we do? We can't just sit back and be tied up, right?"

"Of course! It is impossible for even immortal treasures and immortals to control the entire Dayan world! However, I want to know one thing, why are you so sure that the goal of Xingxuan Zhong is to control the entire Dayan world?" Emperor Haoran said curiously.

"I didn't say that!"

"Who said that? Could it be him?" Emperor Haoran was startled.

Erqiuzi on the side took out a letter and said: "Great Emperor, this is from Taoist Wuhen of Tianjian Sect. As for this sentence, it actually comes from the mouth of Young Master Huang Jiuxiao."

"Oh? It's Xiaohuang?! How did he know?!" Emperor Haoran asked while checking the letter talisman.

Erqiuzi was not busy answering. He actually understood it after Emperor Haoran read the letter, because it was detailed in the letter.

Sure enough, after reading the letter, Emperor Haoran took a deep breath and handed the letter to Emperor Xuanqing beside him, saying: "Although Xiaohuang's words are speculation, they are probably not far from the truth, because from his inference process Look, I can hardly refute his conclusion!"

Emperor Xuanqing quickly read the letter and said solemnly: "That's right! There is almost no difference between the Earth Shock Golden Immortal and the Xuanyin Patriarch of the Xuanyin Sect in the Heavenly Demon Realm. What they want is the resources and luck of our Dayan Realm. , for them, if they can own the Dayan Realm, then they will have a profound foundation for their development in the Demon Realm and the Immortal Realm. In other words, they are thinking of turning our Dayan Realm into a trump card in their hands, and we are almost unable to Resistance, even, I guess..."

"What did you think of?!" Emperor Haoran asked urgently.

"Shortly after Tu Zhen Jinxian returned to the immortal world, the road to ascend to the immortal world in our Dayan world began to be unsmooth. Could it be his fault? Also, the same is true for the road to ascension in the demon world. Since the appearance of the heavenly demon Since the attack on the Dayan Realm, fewer and fewer people have ascended from the Demon Realm. According to one of our seniors, the Demon Realm gets information from those who ascended in the past, and those who ascend later are controlled by others as soon as they arrive in the Demon Realm. , and forced them to explain various situations in the Dayan Realm. Their final fate was unknown. After receiving that message, the demons did not dare to ascend again. Instead, they were interested in joining the battlefield outside the territory to participate in the fight against the demons. He is becoming more and more active, and it can be said that both sides have similar approaches..." Emperor Xuanqing thought.

"That's so?" Everyone was stunned after hearing this. It turns out that the reason why the demons have been actively participating in foreign battlefields recently is this. Could it be that they want to avenge those predecessors?

Erqiuzi asked from the side: "Since they want to control the Great Evolution Realm, why don't they come down directly from the ascension passage?"

Emperor Xuanqing shook his head and said: "The ascension passage is one-way. Only people from the lower realm can go to the upper realm. If people from the upper realm want to go to the lower realm, there will be a special passage, which will cost a lot and must be It must be passed through strict review. If there is no good reason, the upper realm generally does not allow immortals to go down to the realm casually..."

"What about Xuanwu from the Immortal Realm? It doesn't look like he has the money to pay the boundary fee and still pass the review..."

"Good question! There is a secret involved here, that is, there may be more than one passage to the lower world. Except for the formal one, the others are smuggling passages. If you want to get down from the smuggling passage, you will have to spend a lot of money. , and may encounter all kinds of unpredictable dangers. I guess that Xuanwu from the Immortal Realm should have smuggled down. From the information revealed in his words earlier, we can guess that he came to the Dayan Realm to avoid disaster, like In such a situation, it is impossible to go through a formal channel after formal review..."

"I see…"

"Where is the devil that day? If there is such a passage over there, wouldn't it be enough for Xuanyin Patriarch to send someone down from there?" Erqiuzi asked curiously.

"Haha, then you think it's easy! Such a passage must be in the hands of the huge forces in the Demon Realm. In order to protect the normal operation of the lower realm, each upper realm will generally not allow people to go down to the lower realm. Even if they want to go down to the lower realm, It must go through strict examination, and once a problem is discovered in the lower realm, the suspicious object can be found by just checking the records. If it is verified, the punishment will be unimaginable. Ancestor Xuanyin and Tuzhen Jinxian do not dare to take this risk …”

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