The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4404 Huang Xiaoyi realizes

The only thing to blame is my own selfishness, coveting the spiritual power in the Empress' body, and wanting to use it to quickly improve my own realm...

Therefore, the teachings of our ancestors are absolutely correct. As a doctor, you must not have any selfish thoughts, otherwise problems will easily arise!

After all, when a patient comes to a doctor for treatment, he must come to the doctor with an attitude of absolute trust. He is putting his family, life and future in the hands of the doctor. The patient can be trusted by the doctor. They can take off their clothes in front of the doctor and assume various embarrassing postures according to the doctor's requirements, allowing the doctor to examine all parts of the body, even exposing their private parts. They can let the doctor anesthetize their brains and perform operations on their bodies, whether it is cutting open their stomachs for treatment. They would cut off the internal organs, saw off the bones and put nails in, or even open the head, no matter what, no matter what...

Such patients have regarded the doctor as a ray of light, and their hearts are extremely devoted to the doctor. They have actively lowered their identity and status to the most humble level, praying for the doctor to give them a little bit of hope and light. …

Such patients are respectable, lovely, and most in need of mercy and love. They are simply angels sent by God to the doctors!

And if a doctor shows the slightest selfish thoughts during this process, such a respectable and lovely patient, such a holy and pure patient will be shamefully tainted!

Ancestor Huang Yimiao once told Huang Xiaoyi a story:

In a certain ancient era of the human race, there was a period of rampant plague that lasted for more than fifty years. It was not the age of cultivation at that time. It was difficult for ordinary people to survive in such circumstances, so that the entire human race was completely non-existent for more than fifty years. One, endangered!

But it was also at that time that the light of medical science appeared, and it was at that time that the so-called miracle doctor emerged from the great epidemic was verified.

At that time, there was a doctor named Dong Feng. During the plague-ridden years, he determined to study medicine and worked hard to improve his medical skills. In the process of treating a high-ranking patient, he successfully cured his serious illness and received He was rewarded heavily and got his own piece of land.

After he became famous, countless people came to see him for medical treatment. Dong Feng always treated all comers and treated them carefully. Moreover, he did not charge any money for the treatment of poor patients. He only asked the patients to plant apricot trees on the spot after they recovered. Those who recovered from serious illness planted five trees. , a person who recovered from a mild illness planted one, and soon there were more than 100,000 apricot trees on his land, becoming an apricot forest!

At that time, there were continuous wars, and the people were short of food and clothing. In order to help the poor people survive the difficulties, Dong Feng asked people to sell the apricots produced in the apricot forest and buy food to relieve the poor, allowing a large number of people to survive in that famine era. Come down.

Later humans praised Dong Feng's apricot forest as the "Dong Xian Apricot Forest", and even collectively referred to the medical community as the "Xinglin", and praised doctors like Dong Feng with noble medical ethics and superb medical skills as the "Sages of the Apricot Grove"!

It was with the persistence and efforts of Xinglin Saints like Dong Feng that the entire human race finally defeated the plague, gradually recovered its vitality, and began to embark on the road to revival...

At this moment, Huang Xiaoyi's head seemed to be opened by something, and he suddenly understood!

Yes, no matter how good a doctor's medical skills are or how high his level of cultivation is, if he has selfish thoughts, then it means nothing!

Even if a doctor harbors selfish thoughts, the more skilled he is and the higher his level, the greater the harm he will do!

Therefore, medical ethics must be based on medical ethics. Those without medical ethics are not worthy to talk about medical ethics!

If a doctor does not have the original intention to pity the patients, the benevolence to save the world, and the confidence and determination to fight the disease to the end, then he is not qualified to let the patients take off their clothes in front of you. You are not qualified to let your base hands touch the patient, and you are not qualified to be condescending to the patient, and you are not qualified to ask the patient to spend all his money to satisfy your selfish desires!

A huge amount of spiritual power poured out from Huang Xiaoyi's body with a bang.

Scattered into the ground, this was the part of the spiritual power that he had worked so hard to channel out of the Empress into his own, although he did use it with the attitude of not wanting it for free, and it was a shameful waste. , but now he resolutely doesn't want it, because he didn't get the empress's consent when he used this part of the spiritual power. At that time, he still had some selfish intentions and wanted to use it to quickly improve his cultivation level. Now it seems that this is definitely Behavior that violates one's own medical ethics...

"You? What are you doing?!!!" The empress asked in shock, her eyes widening.

Huang Xiaoyi sat cross-legged on the ground, enduring the discomfort in his body and the pain caused by his gradual decline in realm, and said: "This part of the spiritual power is guided from you. The spiritual power in your body is too explosive, so I I adopted a treatment method based on dredging to gradually draw them out, and used this power to open up the main meridians in your body. However, I thought that it would be a waste if some of the pure spiritual power was channeled out. It would be better to I use them myself, so I make them my own... Now that I think about it, what I did was against my original intention of medicine, so now I just expel them..."

"Is that so? No, you don't have to do this. I was joking with you just now. They are not only useless to me, but also harmful. I have no objection at all if you absorb them! I have to thank you very much! "The empress said anxiously.

"No, this is not your problem, but my problem! Only by doing this will my true nature of medicine not be lost. Otherwise, even if I rush to a higher level immediately, it will be nothing more than a beautiful dream!" Huang Xiaoyi said firmly.

"This..." The empress looked at Huang Xiaoyi with some confusion on her face at first, but then her face became more and more serious, and her eyes towards Huang Xiaoyi became a little different!

From the original condescension, joking, and teasing to the current seriousness and respect...

So young!

The empress could no longer find any suitable words to describe the little fat man in front of her. She thought about it carefully, and among the people she could think of, no one could compare to him!

Not even she can!

Just imagine, a young man who is less than a hundred years old can actually heal the fatal injuries of an emperor. What kind of medical genius is this...

If Shi Wuya, the great master of alchemy in Tiandan Star Region, learns of this, I'm afraid he will kill him with a piece of tofu...

What makes the empress even more emotional is that such a talented young man possesses such a valuable medical kindness and holy and noble medical ethics. In comparison, the latter is extremely difficult to obtain!

The empress suddenly felt ashamed of her previous attitude and actions. Yes, after she was saved by him, she did not feel deeply grateful. Instead, she wanted to tease the young man, so that he would have a hard time. All the spiritual energy absorbed was dissipated. In this case, how could I express my gratitude to him?

People don’t want their spiritual power as a thank you, but as a great emperor, I can’t just walk away, right?

His nobility is his own business, and he must not express any favors he receives, otherwise he will definitely leave his inner demons behind...

In other words, what Huang Xiaoyi did just now was to throw his own demons and burdens on the empress. After the empress figured this out, she couldn't help but regret it!

Why are you so mean-mouthed? Why is it made this way?

At this time, Huang Xiaoyi finally dissipated all the spiritual power from the Empress, and his cultivation level dropped to the late Xingchuan level of the Starry Sky Realm. He dropped a big level. He was exhausted, sweating profusely, and lay on the ground tiredly. Breathing heavily...

He struggled to take out a pill from his body, but in the end he took out a pastry he bought from nowhere and swallowed it...

The empress looked at all this blankly, with a look of pity on her face...

She waved her hand, and countless elixirs appeared in front of Huang Xiaoyi, and said: "These are high-level elixirs, they should be good for you, you can use them as you like!"

"No! I will never charge a cent for treating poor patients!" Huang Xiaoyi said quickly.

He calmed down, finally found the pill he wanted from the spiritual ring, swallowed it tremblingly, and then adjusted his breathing...

Seeing this, the empress also had a look of helplessness on her face. What should I do? Do I look like a poor person?

This little fat man is so stubborn in protecting his medical aspirations. Do you want to fulfill his wish? Or fulfill him? !

After hesitating for a while, she decided to sort out the world inside her body first, so she put away the pills and silently adjusted her breath...

Of course, before adjusting her breath, she put a spiritual shield on Huang Xiaoyi to protect him within it. This protective shield soon showed its powerful effect, and a spiritual tide formed around the empress. The waves of spiritual power became higher and higher, and the scope became wider and wider, completely covering this polar area...

All the beings on the Frost Star felt this astonishing spiritual power fluctuation. The cultivators of several third-level sects such as the Ice Sect, Ice Evil Sect, and Tianshuang Sect were so horrified that they flew to high altitudes to observe, checking all the way. I felt it was getting colder and colder. When I arrived near the polar region, I didn't dare to go any closer because the wind here was strong and the cold was so cold that many polar creatures were frozen into ice. No one dared to venture further...

"What the hell is going on here?"

"It seems like all the ice spirit energy is rushing here, and our sect doesn't have any left at all!"

"Yes, if this continues, we will no longer have ice spiritual energy to practice..."

"No! It seems to be getting colder and colder. Isn't there some terrible change happening to this planet?"

"Didn't the higher-level sect recently send a message that a group of true demon clones came to our cultivation world to cause trouble? They also asked us to report any news as soon as possible. I guess it might be them this time!"

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