The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4393: Penetration

"Well, does senior know a young man from the human race named Dugu Chen? I got to know senior because I received his message..." Huang Jiuxiao said with a smile.

"What? Do you know Dugu Chen?! So, you really come from the same human race as him?!" Yan Zun suddenly became excited, thinking that this time he really came to the right place, and there were two amazing people from one human race. I wouldn’t be so happy if I could find one or two more bloodline geniuses...

Huang Jiuxiao smiled secretly in his heart and said, "We are indeed from the same human race."

"Great! Take me to your human race quickly. I want to find a few human race geniuses to be my disciples. Of course, you are one of them, and you will be my disciple from now on!" Yan Zun shouted loudly.

"Senior, wait!"

"Huh?" Yan Zun was startled.

Huang Jiuxiao said: "Thank you for your favor, senior, but I already have a master!"

"What?! You have a master?!" Yan Zun was stunned.

"Senior, this junior does have a master! Otherwise, will senior and juniors really burst out from the cracks in the rocks?"


Yan Zun's face froze, feeling a little bad. He looked at Huang Jiuxiao with wide eyes. After a while, he couldn't help but sigh: "Human race, less than a hundred years old, saint level, spiritual level swordsmanship, to create his own Sword Domain, there are more than 500 kinds of Taoist intentions in the Sword Domain, and he can subdue the evil spirit of the Star God Realm with one move... It is indeed impossible for such a genius to jump out of the cracks in the stone. He only has a super sect background and pours countless resources into it. It is possible to cultivate it! I just want to know, which super power do you come from? Who is your master? And how did you cultivate it?"

"This... junior comes from... the junior's master... In fact, the senior's cultivation level is much higher than that of the junior. The junior's meager cultivation level is really nothing to mention!" Huang Jiuxiao said with a smile, thinking in his heart whether he should reveal everything to Yan Zun...

"Not enough to mention?! If you can't even mention it, then I really don't know who else in the world is worth mentioning!"

"Senior is really over-praised! This junior's cultivation is really nothing. As far as I know, there are two super geniuses who are less than two thousand years old. They have already reached a height that ordinary people dare not reach. They will never be able to catch up with them. Target!" Huang Jiuxiao said sincerely.

"What? How is this possible? Where are the two super geniuses you mentioned?" Yan Zun asked in surprise.

"They're not here..."

"Not here? Are you talking about an immortal?"

"No! Immortals are far inferior to them!" Huang Jiuxiao said firmly.

"This...are you trying to divert my attention? The Immortal is not something we in the Great Evolution Realm can match, but is even more powerful than the Immortal. Who could that person be? I haven't heard of it yet..."

"Senior has never heard of it, but it doesn't mean that the facts don't exist. If senior has seen the two of them, he will naturally understand that what the junior said is indeed true! Also, senior also said just now, as long as any young immortal comes to compete The junior is very powerful, so the junior is not a genius at all. There is no need for the senior to accept me as a disciple..." Huang Jiuxiao continued to talk to Yan Zun, but he also basically thought about one problem in his mind, that is, it is actually not enough to reveal the truth to Yan Zun. It’s nothing, because Yan Zun will not participate in the battle of the realm, so it will not affect the experience content of these ten stars. In addition, I got the information about the dozen low-level demon species from the system earlier. These demons Seed Realm Lord Li Yun doesn't want to take care of it, and Xiao Ling doesn't say he wants to take care of it, so he can only rely on Yan Zun and other star realms to deal with it. If not dealt with, they may become variables in the Dayan Realm, and even affect the The fate of countless lives!

"Haha, although what you said makes sense, we are in the Dayan Realm now. I have been in this interface for a long time, but I have never seen such a genius like you. In my opinion, even if you are a young immortal, , I'm afraid it's far behind you. The difference between you is just the transformation of the immortal essence. Once you go to the immortal world and possess the immortal essence, you will definitely be able to defeat a large number of immortals!" Yan Zun said with bright eyes. said.

Huang Jiuxiao felt secretly happy when he heard it. After all, he was praised by a super-powerful person like Yan Zun, but he still shook his head and said: "Senior, do you want to praise me and kill me? The universe is huge, civilizations are like fabrics, and geniuses are like sand. I A small sword cultivator is still far away from the main road, and the road is long. I will search up and down..."

Yan Zun hesitated, his face changed slightly, and he said: "Very good! You really don't want to join me? Are you sure you want to explore your own way?"

"Senior, this junior is indeed thinking like this! For a sword cultivator, only by overcoming obstacles, marching forward bravely, and cutting through three thousand avenues with the sword in his hand can he possibly wash away the lead, reach the other side, and return to his true nature!"

"You...want to kill all three thousand avenues?!" Yan Zun said in disbelief.

"Yes! Now this junior has initially understood more than five hundred ways. If all three thousand avenues can be integrated into this junior's way, then this junior will have achieved his small goal..."

"Are you sure this is just a small goal?"

"Senior, three thousand avenues is not the limit. The two super geniuses that the junior mentioned just now have already surpassed this level. That's why the junior said that they are big goals that the junior may never be able to achieve..."

"Hiss...Beyond the Three Thousand Avenues? Have you seen them?"


"Can you bring me to meet you too?"

"Senior, you can see it if you have the chance!"

"So, you are from the same place as them? Are you also on the Sky Sword Star?" A ray of light flashed in Yan Zun's eyes.

"They and I do come from the same place, but we are not from Heavenly Sword Star..."

"What? You are not from the Heavenly Sword Star? Then you come here..."

"Juniors are just here to gain experience! In fact, we are from the astral world!"

"Xingyun Realm? Why don't I have any impression? Where is it in Dayan Realm?"

Huang Jiuxiao shook his head and said: "Senior, this is exactly what the junior wants to say to the senior! Whether it's Dugu Chen, me, or the two super geniuses, we all come from the astral world, and the astral world is not In the Dayan Realm, it is an independent small universe!"

fertile! ! !

When Yan Zun heard this, there was an incredible look in his eyes, and he exclaimed, "Little universe?!!!"

Huang Jiuxiao solemnly nodded and said: "Yes, it is the small universe! Its level is even higher than the fairy world, the heavenly demon world, the heavenly demon world and other upper interfaces. Of course, this is what we think, and we make such a judgment. Based on some facts, in our star world, we have countless civilizations, and each civilization is at an extremely high level. In terms of plane strength, our ordinary civilization is much more powerful than the Dayan world. Our advanced civilization is comparable to Compared with higher-level interfaces such as the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm, the comprehensive strength of our entire domain has reached an unimaginable level. And the most important point is that the operating rules of our entire interface are very different from this universe. There are independent laws of heaven and earth. If senior When you go there, you will be able to feel the difference..."

" mean, I can also go over and have a look?" Yan Zun became excited because he suddenly thought of something. Now that the immortal road is blocked and a large number of super powers are stranded in this world, many people are likely to be greatly suppressed. He died in the Dayan Realm, but what if he could go to the Xingyun Realm?

If what Yun Niang said is true, then there is no doubt that the Xingyun Realm will be a high-level interface, and then he will have the opportunity to go further there, improve his cultivation level, and thereby extend his lifespan...

"No problem! Senior can not only go see it, but also choose to stay there! Junior knows that the ascension passage between Dayan Realm and Immortal Realm is blocked. Super powers like Senior cannot ascend to the Immortal Realm, and they don't want to go to the Demonic Realm and Heavenly Realm. There are different interfaces such as the Demon Realm, so the junior suggested that the seniors can go to our Xingyun Realm, where the seniors can not only have a better cultivation environment, but also get better elixirs, and there is no problem in extending life span, and..."

"What else?!" Yan Zun asked anxiously.

"The most critical point is that the seniors must know that no matter whether they ascend to the fairy world, the heavenly demon world, or the heavenly demon world, they may face the process of climbing back from the bottom, and this process is extremely dangerous. It is not difficult to know from the experience of the seniors that a person who does not If you are careful, you may encounter danger, or even die! However, if you go to the astral world, you can rest assured, because one of the laws of heaven and earth in our astral world is that no one is allowed to kill, and no one will risk killing. Everyone focuses on their own cultivation and life, so no matter who they are, they have a chance to rise from the bottom. As long as you work hard enough, the future will be bright..." Huang Jiuxiao said.

Yan Zun's heartbeat increased as he heard this. With his consciousness and spiritual awareness, he was absolutely sure that there was no lie at all when Yun Duan said these words just now. It was definitely a fact!

And this fact is so tempting!

Could it be that the immortal fate that I am pursuing this time should actually be here in the astrological world? !

"So, when can I come over?" Yan Zun asked urgently.

"Actually, if senior wants to go there, he can do it now! It's just that junior happened to get a piece of information here, which is related to the safety of Dayan World. Senior may need to bring someone to deal with it!"

“What information is so important?”

Huang Jiuxiao said: "There are people in the Heavenly Demon Realm who have hidden powerful Heavenly Demon Seeds in the six super suns in this world. They have successfully hatched them and successfully entered the upper echelons of the Sun Clan..."

"Is this happening?!" Yan Zun's expression changed dramatically upon hearing this.

"Senior, don't worry, those six powerful high-level demons have been killed by one of the super geniuses that I just mentioned!"

"Oh my god...I would like to express my gratitude to him on behalf of everyone in Dayan Realm!!!" Yan Zun said sincerely.

"But there are still more than a dozen low-level demon species scattered in this world. Senior should have encountered one of them not long ago. Our super genius didn't bother to deal with these low-level demon species, so he did not continue to take action. The junior wants to remind the senior. Yes, although they cannot really threaten the security of the Dayan Realm, if they are not dealt with, they may also cause a lot of destruction to living beings, because the growth of these demon species requires a large amount of energy and blood food..."

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