The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4345 Terrifying Similar Kinds

Black Eagle, Thornback, Chifeng and others were stunned when they heard Huang Jiuxiao's words!

Huang Jiuxiao said with a cold face: "You heard me right! Earlier you wanted to trick me into joining the team, and then you were tricked by Yin Bi. Yin Bi has investigated you, and not only eight but one thousand monks died in your hands." Bai, even after I entered the mountain, you still let the flying eagle stare at my movements, so I don’t have any psychological burden at all to kill you!"

"Ah, stop! Stop, stop, stop! My little friend, you are mistaken. Yin Bi just deliberately provoked the relationship between us, and it is a normal operation for us to recruit you into the team, and we did not let Fei Ying keep an eye on you. You, didn't you see it fighting here?" Black Eagle quickly argued.

"Yes, recruiting new people in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains is a basic practice for many hunting teams. The purpose is to enhance the team's strength so that they can hunt higher-level monsters. We definitely have no ill intentions in recruiting you..." stabbed aside. echoed.

"Really? Do you need me to arrest the boy in the tavern and your little slut here to confront him?" Huang Jiuxiao teased.

"What...what?! Which tavern boy? Which little slut?" Thornback looked stunned.

Huang Jiuxiao sneered and said: "Don't pretend to be stupid. The boy in the tavern revealed my consumption to your little slut. The little slut learned from others about my big purchases a few days ago. You know After that, you decided that I was a little fat sheep, and you only recruited me into the team to trap me and kill me to take away my belongings. Otherwise, with my exposed cultivation as a low-level monk, you would recruit me into the team to deal with high-level monsters. ?”

"This... no, no, what happened to the little slut you were talking about? Why did I hear it so confused?" Thornback pretended to be incredulous. Of course, he would never admit it even to his death. , otherwise he is really going to die. This kid can even kill sixth-order monsters. How can he kill people like himself with their old arms and legs?

And he remembered that when he revealed the news to Black Eagle, Chifeng and others, Huang Jiuxiao had already left, and it was impossible to hear what he and these people were talking about.

Huang Jiuxiao raised his hand to create a light curtain, and the scene played on it was exactly what these people were talking about after he left them. He could even hear those words clearly, and now Thornback, Black Eagle and others were all looking at the devil. Startled...

what happened?

What method is this?

This person could record his own activities so clearly without him noticing at all. If he wanted to kill him, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes?

Thinking of this, these people couldn't help but tremble. Suddenly they shouted, turned around and fled in all directions. Even the flying eagle felt that something was wrong and flew into the air with a roar...

A chill flashed across Huang Jiuxiao's face. It was a waste to use sword-drawing skills to deal with these people. With a thought in his mind, he had a pair of recurve bows in his hands. This was a top-notch powerful bow made by the Xingyun world. Its arms did not have a hundred thousand It is impossible to pull the bow with more than 100 kilograms of strength, but after the initial awakening of Huang Jiuxiao's Wanzhuan bloodline, the strength of his arms has exceeded 100,000 kilograms, and he can easily pull this strong bow!

He held the bow in his left hand, and condensed his spiritual power in his right hand to form eight spiritual arrows, which were shot out with a "pop". Black Eagle and others were hit by the spiritual arrows, and their spiritual energy exploded, turning them all into clouds of blood mist. !

Holding the bow and activating it upwards, the spiritual arrow was like a bolt of lightning. The next second it hit the flying eagle that was flying wildly at high speed regardless of the distance in space. It screamed and fell down, and it was obvious that it would not survive.

With this arrow, Huang Jiuxiao used the space power he had comprehended, so that the spiritual arrow could achieve instantaneous effect, making it extremely powerful!

However, the distance he can currently control is not large, mainly within the core range of his spiritual consciousness and the control range of space power. As his cultivation grows, the control distance will naturally expand accordingly.

This inspiration came from the news he heard about Li Yun killing the devil. At that time, Li Yun killed a devil in the super sun from tens of millions of miles away. This of course shows that Li Yun's cultivation is so high that it is unimaginable. ability,

It is almost a myth to the current Huang Jiuxiao, but he also realized one thing from this incident, that is, if he integrates the way of space into his sword and arrow, the power will be greatly increased!

Moreover, what I have understood is not only the prototype of the avenue of space, but also the prototype of time, life and death, destiny, yin and yang, five elements, etc., and my creation sword is actually closely related to these avenues, but I am only the beginning of it now. I have just entered the creation swordsmanship, but I have not yet truly understood its true meaning.

Now it seems that if you want to improve your swordsmanship, in addition to the swordsmanship itself, it is more important to understand and integrate the Taoism contained in it. Only in this way can you reach the height of creation!

A kendo that can create the world has infinite possibilities. In this world of kendo, everything is based on the great avenues and small paths that you have understood. I am the master of my world. Anyone who comes to this world, All will be affected by the rules of this world of swordsmanship and controlled by it...

At this moment, Huang Jiuxiao's sword spirit has reached the height of the sword world!

Of course, this is just his understanding of the sword. In reality, he is still unable to truly create his own sword world. With his current swordsmanship, he has already condensed his own sword domain, which is the prototype of the sword world.

Generally speaking, if a sword cultivator wants to condense his own sword domain, he must at least reach the Star God realm, because condensing a sword domain requires extremely high spiritual consciousness. If he cannot meet the requirements in terms of mental strength, he will not be able to do it. It may be condensed into a sword realm.

The previous Kimura Yuta was able to form his own sword power at the peak of the Star Saint Realm. This was already an extremely talented performance, because it was difficult for most swordsmen to understand the sword power. It would be good to be able to understand the sword intention. Most people You may never be able to touch the threshold of sword power in your lifetime.

But Huang Jiuxiao not only understood the sword intention and sword power at the Xingchuan level, but also condensed his own sword domain. Although the scope of this sword domain is not too large, currently only about a hundred meters, it is a A true sword domain. In this sword domain, his combat power can be greatly improved. This is also the main reason why he was able to kill the sixth-order Vajra giant ape before. However, this sword domain only has people trapped in it. Only the King Kong Giant Ape could feel it, but Chengfeng, Yiyu and others who were watching from a distance could not feel it, so they were completely unable to estimate Huang Jiuxiao's true combat power.

Now, Huang Jiuxiao intends to create his own sword world based on the sword realm. If he can succeed, his swordsmanship will directly lead to the emperor realm, because in the outside world, only the star emperor realm can create A world of swords of their own, and among the four existing sword emperors in the cultivation world, only the Qingtian Sword Emperor and the Falling Star Sword Emperor truly have their own sword world. The other two, namely the Aoki Sword Emperor and the Ice River The empress is still groping...

However, Huang Jiuxiao is very clear that this creation process cannot be accomplished overnight. The most realistic thing at the moment is to solidly expand his sword domain. The sword domain is the prototype of the sword world. Only by laying this foundation, Only in this way can we provide better nutrients for the subsequent creation of the World of Swords.

At present, his sword domain is about one hundred meters, which is just a beginning level. There are nine levels of sword domain. The first level must be at least one kilometer. Each subsequent level will be twice as wide as the previous level. Only after reaching the ninth level of 256 kilometers and the consummation stage of about 300 kilometers can it be possible to reach the level of creating a sword world...

In other words, a world of swords starts at three hundred kilometers, and the requirements for spiritual consciousness and Taoism are extremely stringent...

Of course, for top geniuses like Li Yun and Xiao Xing, it is just a piece of cake. There are also those powerful people in the fairy world and the demon world. Many people can have their own world. This world is not necessarily the sword world, it may be the sword world. They specially created a world of a certain treasure. This world can even support many people, and these people will become their believers, providing them with a steady stream of faith...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing had previously discovered a belief space similar to this world in the Yunhe Secret Realm, but these belief spaces were different from the fairy space world created by the super immortals. They were just mustard seeds created using special space stones. The world has a limited capacity, and its function is only to support people and provide some power of faith, but it cannot achieve the super powerful ability to trap and kill enemies that the fairy world has, and it is of little help in combat.

Huang Jiuxiao put away the recurve bow and first "featured the corpses" of these people who had been killed. After a lot of efforts, they found a large amount of property, as well as direct evidence that they had killed other hunting teams and casual cultivators. See Only after seeing this evidence did he realize that Black Eagle, Yin Bi and the others had killed more than a thousand people, almost tens of thousands of them!

This is just the record of two black-hearted teams. In the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, Huang Jiuxiao believes that there must be many other black-hearted teams like them. These people are simply doing evil and not dealing with monsters and beasts. , but pointed the butcher knife at others. Many normal teams may never have imagined that the real enemies they face may not be those monsters and beasts, but more terrifying similar species...

In fact, these two teams can be classified into the ranks of evil cultivators, but they do it more covertly. They do not practice obvious evil skills, but normal skills, and their actions appear to be normal, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Even more difficult to guard against.

Therefore, people like Kimura Yuta who are blatantly practicing evil cultivators are easier to deal with, but people like Black Eagle, Thornback and Yinbi are frightening. Their evil deeds are hidden under the sanctimonious appearance, but behind their backs The evil they did is very likely to be far beyond people's imagination. Many people may have been tricked by them to death and still count their money for them. I have to say that this is a very sad "normal phenomenon" in the world of cultivation...

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