The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4301 Realm Suppression

"My armor—"

Wujia Taoist shouted wildly and chased out desperately, but was restrained by the confinement formation of Tianming Tower and fell directly. Looking at the armor pieces flying away, he almost wanted to cry without tears. He hammered his chest and stamped his feet. I hate that I didn’t start...

Hua Yinglou raised his hand and a flash of light closed the formation, fished Taoist Wujia out of the formation, and then led everyone to chase him out. His face was extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that someone was actually doing it in front of him on his own territory. This person snatched away Wujia Taoist's tortoise shell in front of him. This is no longer a personal matter for Wujia Taoist, but a matter of Tianminglou's face. This person is simply slapping Tianminglou's face and his own face naked. This is It was unbearable no matter what, so he had to catch this person, give an explanation to Taoist Wujia, and regain his lost face.

Wujia Taoist took the lead like he was going crazy. For him, that piece of turtle shell was almost his life. It was passed down to him from his ancestors in ancient times. If he lost it, how could he still be with them? Disciple's confession?

Moreover, this piece of turtle armor is something that he relies heavily on for divination. Without this piece of armor, the power of his divination will drop off a cliff, and a huge loss in strength is inevitable. When he thinks of this, he I'm so anxious that I can't wait to catch up with the armor right away...

However, his speed was limited, and he was quickly overtaken by Hua Yinglou and Hailun. The two sensed the aura left by the armor and chased all the way, and soon discovered something...

"Brother Hai, could this direction be the Changsheng Sect?!" Hua Yinglou said suspiciously.

"Yes, it's the Changsheng Sect!" Hai Lun affirmed.

"How is it possible? Destiny City and Eternal Life City are hundreds of thousands of miles apart, and this person can actually do it from a distance?!" Hua Yinglou said incredulously.

Hai Lun shook his head and said: "Perhaps some kind of formation is causing trouble! I heard that there are some summoning formations that can summon some special things. Brother Wu Jia's piece of armor is fine if it is hidden, but when it appears, it may be blocked by that formation. If the law is locked, it may be summoned..."

"But isn't summoning a huge price to pay? How can the other party make a decision so quickly? And sacrifice a large number of treasures in an instant?" Hua Yinglou objected.

"This...if it's not a summoning formation, is it the bloodline suppression and attraction that Brother Hua mentioned before? In other words, there is really a Xuanwu causing trouble?!" Hai Lun was a little unsure.

Because if it is really Xuanwu, and it can suppress and attract the piece of whirling turtle armor, it means that the blood level of this Xuanwu is extremely high. In addition, the news that I heard from the disciples of Wujia Taoist before, Lian Guizang and others A group of elders gathered next to Huanhuan Daze to communicate with him, indicating that this Xuanwu was probably an existence that people like them could not afford to offend.

Hua Yinglou thought for a while and said with certainty: "It shouldn't be wrong! Whether it is Xuanwu or other high-level turtles, their level should be extremely high. Only then can they be locked and attracted by the armor as soon as it appears. Knowing that Brother Wujia's piece of armor came from the Immortal Spin Turtle, and his own blood level is Immortal level, but he was led away by it, I'm afraid there is an Immortal hidden in the psychedelic swamp of the Changsheng Sect!

! "

"Oh my God...what should I do?" Hailun's face changed drastically and he exclaimed.

"No matter what, we have to go take a look, at least to see if our guess is accurate... Speaking of which, Guizang is quite insidious. There has always been an immortal hidden in the Changsheng Sect, but he has been showing weakness and forbearance to us. If not If this happened today, will we blame the Alliance for committing suicide?" Hua Yinglou sighed with a little fear.

"It's indeed insidious, but..."

"But what?"

Hai Lun thought: "The Changsheng Sect shows weakness and forbearance, maybe there is a hidden meaning in it!"

"Hidden secret? You mean..." Hua Yinglou's eyes lit up.

"Brother Hua, look, Tianji Pavilion does not have the quasi-immortal weapon Eternal Conjecture Tower and the Sky-Peeping Mirror? But they have no intention of hiding it, but they use it as a tool to control the pavilion and the whole world knows about it. Only then can they attract countless geniuses. Going to join them, the power has grown bigger and bigger. It can be seen that owning an immortal weapon or an immortal is a matter of pride.

There is no need to show weakness and forbearance. However, the Changsheng Sect's doing this has not brought any benefit to its own development. Instead, it has gradually fallen behind over the years and been left behind by our other three holy places. It is impossible to say that there is no hidden secret in it! "Hailun analyzed.

Hua Yinglou nodded and said: "Brother Hai is right! In Brother Hai's opinion, what is the hidden meaning in this?"

Hai Lun said: "It is very likely that the immortal does not want the outside world to know his existence! This person may be hiding in the Changsheng Sect to avoid certain threats in the immortal world, or he may come to this world to secretly search for some treasure or The chance, in short, is the kind that cannot be seen in the light, so the Changsheng Sect does not dare to say anything to the outside world, and there is an immortal in the sect, who may be nominally their guardian, which requires a lot of offerings, Changsheng The money Zong has earned over the years may have been fed to that immortal. No wonder their own development is getting slower and slower..."

Hua Yinglou nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and praised: "Brother Hai is indeed resourceful. It seems that this matter is just as you said. This immortal is like a vampire and has sucked up all the Changsheng Sect. However, if the Changsheng Sect does this Is it for the immortal body?"

"Immortal body?!" Hai Lun was stunned.

"Yes! If this immortal is hiding in the Changsheng Sect in order to cultivate an immortal body, then the Changsheng Sect's willingness to provide him with massive resources for so many years can be reasonably explained!" Hua Yinglou said fiercely.

"Is this... is it really what Brother Hua said? This is incredible. Can a god-level physique like the Immortal Body really be cultivated and created by human beings? Shouldn't it be innate?" Hai Lun didn't dare. Confidence.

"Humph, Brother Hai is talking about human power, but the immortals use immortal power! The immortal magic possessed by the immortal world is unimaginable in a lower interface like our Dayan world. If people in the immortal world create a god-level physique, It’s not impossible!”

"Okay, the Changsheng Sect is right in front, let's go take a look quickly..." Hai Lun sighed.

"It's best to rush directly to the Psychedelic Daze. I feel that the piece of armor is flying there!"

"That makes sense!"

The two of them increased their speed, breaking through the speed of sound instantly like two bolts of lightning. Waves of sonic booms were left behind, so that people on the ground could see the sudden appearance of sparkling light groups in the sky, and thought there was something strange. When the treasure appeared, everyone went to the sky to search for it...

The patrol guards of the Changsheng Sect also quickly discovered the abnormality and rushed to the sky to check the situation...

"Huh? Someone is coming over there!"

"No, enemy attack!

! "

"Start the formation immediately!"

"Report to the elders!

! "

The members of the guard started shouting...

The people who came were naturally the leaders of the Guilty Alliance, and the one who rushed at the front was Taoist Wujia. He was going crazy. He was holding a silver sword in his hand and came menacingly. No wonder he was recognized by the patrol guards. Attack for the enemy…

The reaction of the Changsheng Sect was extremely fast, and the sect-protecting formations in the core area were quickly activated, and cities like the Changsheng City also activated the city-protecting formations one by one. For a time, the entire Changsheng Holy Land felt like it was facing a formidable enemy, including Guizang Taoist priests and Xuanwu The clone and others were alarmed!

Taoist Guizang received the alarm, frowned and said to Taoist Bujie: "Brother Bujie, go out quickly and see what's going on? A group of strong men are attacking brazenly. Don't you really want to put our Changsheng Sect on the spot?" Do you see it in your eyes?"

"Yes! Sect Master!

! "Bujie Taoist stepped out.

The Xuanwu clone squinted his eyes and seemed to notice something, and said, "Two ants actually ran to my place!"

"What?!" Taoist Guizang was shocked.

"It doesn't matter. If they really dare to enter Daze, let them stay there..." Xuanwu clone snorted.

"I wonder who they are? The True Immortal's true form should be able to deal with them, right?" Taoist Guizang asked cautiously.

"This is natural! One of them is Huaying Tower of Tianming Tower, and the other is Hailun of Rebirth Tower."

"It's them?!

! Master True Immortal, these two people are half-emperors in cultivation, and they have many treasures, so they must not be underestimated! "Taoist Guizang said in shock.

"Haha, they are just two half-emperors. If the realm of this immortal is not suppressed in this world, I can only exert half of the strength of the star realm. I can suppress them with just a few hands! But even so, we have to deal with them. It’s easy to do two things!” the Xuanwu clone said proudly.

Taoist Guizang was secretly shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Xuanwu to still have the strength of the star realm in this world. It was a realm that only existed in legends. He didn't expect it to actually exist. Although Xuanwu's clone said that it was only half as strong as the star realm. However, with the terrifying power of the Star Realm, it would be easy to deal with the Half-Emperor...

In fact, the star realm that the two people think of is the star source realm defined by Li Yun and Xiaoxing, which is the realm between the star emperor realm and the earthly immortal. It is the ceiling of the strength of the Dayan realm. Even if Even if a person from the immortal world comes down, he will be suppressed by the power of the interface to this realm. Otherwise, if the immortal uses his immortal power in this world, or explodes with power equivalent to the immortal power, he will be squeezed out by the Dayan Realm and will not be sent away. To enter the void is to be sent to the fairy world.

Elder Xue Ye on the side couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words of the Xuanwu clone. The real existence of the star realm gave him a glimmer of hope. He had been trapped in the half-emperor realm for many years, although he had made countless attempts to break through to the star realm. Emperor Realm, but every time they return without success, sometimes causing terrible damage, their confidence has been hit hard over the years, but now it seems that Star Emperor Realm is far from reaching the ceiling of this world, because the above There is also the Star Realm. I must break through the Star Emperor Realm and reach the Star Realm...

In addition, he also thought of a question and said anxiously: "Master Zhenxian, Hua Yinglou and Hailun, as the sect masters of Tianming Tower and Rebirth Platform, have been aggressive towards our Changsheng Sect and suppressed them very severely. If we can keep these two people in In the great swamp, our Immortal Holy Land will definitely be able to take advantage of the situation and rise! In that way, we can also provide more offerings to you, the True Immortal..."

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